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FoundationStereo: Zero-Shot Stereo Matching

  • Authors: Bowen Wen, Matthew Trepte, Joseph Aribido, Jan Kautz, Orazio Gallo, Stan Birchfield


Tremendous progress has been made in deep stereo matching to excel on benchmark datasets through per-domain fine-tuning. However, achieving strong zero-shot generalization - a hallmark of foundation models in other computer vision tasks - remains challenging for stereo matching. We introduce FoundationStereo, a foundation model for stereo depth estimation designed to achieve strong zero-shot generalization. To this end, we first construct a large-scale (1M stereo pairs) synthetic training dataset featuring large diversity and high photorealism, followed by an automatic self-curation pipeline to remove ambiguous samples. We then design a number of network architecture components to enhance scalability, including a side-tuning feature backbone that adapts rich monocular priors from vision foundation models to mitigate the sim-to-real gap, and long-range context reasoning for effective cost volume filtering. Together, these components lead to strong robustness and accuracy across domains, establishing a new standard in zero-shot stereo depth estimation.

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SLIM: Sim-to-Real Legged Instructive Manipulation via Long-Horizon Visuomotor Learning

  • Authors: Haichao Zhang, Haonan Yu, Le Zhao, Andrew Choi, Qinxun Bai, Yiqing Yang, Wei Xu


We present a low-cost quadruped manipulation system that solves long-horizon real-world tasks, trained by reinforcement learning purely in simulation. The system comprises 1) a hierarchical design of a high-level policy for visual-mobile manipulation following instructions, and a low-level policy for quadruped movement and limb-control, 2) a progressive policy expansion approach for solving the long-horizon task together with a teacher-student framework for efficient high-level training of the high-level visuomotor policy, and 3) a suite of techniques for minimizing sim-to-real gaps. With budget-friendly but limited reliability and performance hardware, and just one wrist-mounted RGB camera, the entire system fully trained in simulation achieves high success rates for long horizon tasks involving search, move, grasp, and drop-into, with fluid sim-to-real transfer in a wide variety of indoor and outdoor scenes and lighting conditions.Extensive real-world evaluations show that on the long horizon mobile manipulation tasks, our system achieves good performance when transferred to real both in terms of task success rate and execution efficiency. Finally, we discuss the necessity of our sim-to-real techniques for legged mobile manipulation, and show their ablation performance.

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Robotic World Model: A Neural Network Simulator for Robust Policy Optimization in Robotics

  • Authors: Chenhao Li, Andreas Krause, Marco Hutter


Learning robust and generalizable world models is crucial for enabling efficient and scalable robotic control in real-world environments. In this work, we introduce a novel framework for learning world models that accurately capture complex, partially observable, and stochastic dynamics. The proposed method employs a dual-autoregressive mechanism and self-supervised training to achieve reliable long-horizon predictions without relying on domain-specific inductive biases, ensuring adaptability across diverse robotic tasks. We further propose a policy optimization framework that leverages world models for efficient training in imagined environments and seamless deployment in real-world systems. Through extensive experiments, our approach consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods, demonstrating superior autoregressive prediction accuracy, robustness to noise, and generalization across manipulation and locomotion tasks. Notably, policies trained with our method are successfully deployed on ANYmal D hardware in a zero-shot transfer, achieving robust performance with minimal sim-to-real performance loss. This work advances model-based reinforcement learning by addressing the challenges of long-horizon prediction, error accumulation, and sim-to-real transfer. By providing a scalable and robust framework, the introduced methods pave the way for adaptive and efficient robotic systems in real-world applications.

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DexForce: Extracting Force-informed Actions from Kinesthetic Demonstrations for Dexterous Manipulation

  • Authors: Claire Chen, Zhongchun Yu, Hojung Choi, Mark Cutkosky, Jeannette Bohg


Imitation learning requires high-quality demonstrations consisting of sequences of state-action pairs. For contact-rich dexterous manipulation tasks that require fine-grained dexterity, the actions in these state-action pairs must produce the right forces. Current widely-used methods for collecting dexterous manipulation demonstrations are difficult to use for demonstrating contact-rich tasks due to unintuitive human-to-robot motion retargeting and the lack of direct haptic feedback. Motivated by this, we propose DexForce, a method for collecting demonstrations of contact-rich dexterous manipulation. DexForce leverages contact forces, measured during kinesthetic demonstrations, to compute force-informed actions for policy learning. We use DexForce to collect demonstrations for six tasks and show that policies trained on our force-informed actions achieve an average success rate of 76% across all tasks. In contrast, policies trained directly on actions that do not account for contact forces have near-zero success rates. We also conduct a study ablating the inclusion of force data in policy observations. We find that while using force data never hurts policy performance, it helps the most for tasks that require an advanced level of precision and coordination, like opening an AirPods case and unscrewing a nut.

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ThinTact:Thin Vision-Based Tactile Sensor by Lensless Imaging

  • Authors: Jing Xu, Weihang Chen, Hongyu Qian, Dan Wu, Rui Chen


Vision-based tactile sensors have drawn increasing interest in the robotics community. However, traditional lens-based designs impose minimum thickness constraints on these sensors, limiting their applicability in space-restricted settings. In this paper, we propose ThinTact, a novel lensless vision-based tactile sensor with a sensing field of over 200 mm2 and a thickness of less than 10 mm.ThinTact utilizes the mask-based lensless imaging technique to map the contact information to CMOS signals. To ensure real-time tactile sensing, we propose a real-time lensless reconstruction algorithm that leverages a frequency-spatial-domain joint filter based on discrete cosine transform (DCT). This algorithm achieves computation significantly faster than existing optimization-based methods. Additionally, to improve the sensing quality, we develop a mask optimization method based on the generic algorithm and the corresponding system matrix calibration algorithm.We evaluate the performance of our proposed lensless reconstruction and tactile sensing through qualitative and quantitative experiments. Furthermore, we demonstrate ThinTact's practical applicability in diverse applications, including texture recognition and contact-rich object manipulation. The paper will appear in the IEEE Transactions on Robotics: Video:

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Sensorimotor Control Strategies for Tactile Robotics

  • Authors: Enrico Donato, Matteo Lo Preti, Lucia Beccai, Egidio Falotico


How are robots becoming smarter at interacting with their surroundings? Recent advances have reshaped how robots use tactile sensing to perceive and engage with the world. Tactile sensing is a game-changer, allowing robots to embed sensorimotor control strategies to interact with complex environments and skillfully handle heterogeneous objects. Such control frameworks plan contact-driven motions while staying responsive to sudden changes. We review the latest methods for building perception and control systems in tactile robotics while offering practical guidelines for their design and implementation. We also address key challenges to shape the future of intelligent robots.

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FAST: Efficient Action Tokenization for Vision-Language-Action Models

  • Authors: Karl Pertsch, Kyle Stachowicz, Brian Ichter, Danny Driess, Suraj Nair, Quan Vuong, Oier Mees, Chelsea Finn, Sergey Levine


Autoregressive sequence models, such as Transformer-based vision-language action (VLA) policies, can be tremendously effective for capturing complex and generalizable robotic behaviors. However, such models require us to choose a tokenization of our continuous action signals, which determines how the discrete symbols predicted by the model map to continuous robot actions. We find that current approaches for robot action tokenization, based on simple per-dimension, per-timestep binning schemes, typically perform poorly when learning dexterous skills from high-frequency robot data. To address this challenge, we propose a new compression-based tokenization scheme for robot actions, based on the discrete cosine transform. Our tokenization approach, Frequency-space Action Sequence Tokenization (FAST), enables us to train autoregressive VLAs for highly dexterous and high-frequency tasks where standard discretization methods fail completely. Based on FAST, we release FAST+, a universal robot action tokenizer, trained on 1M real robot action trajectories. It can be used as a black-box tokenizer for a wide range of robot action sequences, with diverse action spaces and control frequencies. Finally, we show that, when combined with the pi0 VLA, our method can scale to training on 10k hours of robot data and match the performance of diffusion VLAs, while reducing training time by up to 5x.

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FDPP: Fine-tune Diffusion Policy with Human Preference

  • Authors: Yuxin Chen, Devesh K. Jha, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Diego Romeres


Imitation learning from human demonstrations enables robots to perform complex manipulation tasks and has recently witnessed huge success. However, these techniques often struggle to adapt behavior to new preferences or changes in the environment. To address these limitations, we propose Fine-tuning Diffusion Policy with Human Preference (FDPP). FDPP learns a reward function through preference-based learning. This reward is then used to fine-tune the pre-trained policy with reinforcement learning (RL), resulting in alignment of pre-trained policy with new human preferences while still solving the original task. Our experiments across various robotic tasks and preferences demonstrate that FDPP effectively customizes policy behavior without compromising performance. Additionally, we show that incorporating Kullback-Leibler (KL) regularization during fine-tuning prevents over-fitting and helps maintain the competencies of the initial policy.

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VINGS-Mono: Visual-Inertial Gaussian Splatting Monocular SLAM in Large Scenes

  • Authors: Ke Wu, Zicheng Zhang, Muer Tie, Ziqing Ai, Zhongxue Gan, Wenchao Ding


VINGS-Mono is a monocular (inertial) Gaussian Splatting (GS) SLAM framework designed for large scenes. The framework comprises four main components: VIO Front End, 2D Gaussian Map, NVS Loop Closure, and Dynamic Eraser. In the VIO Front End, RGB frames are processed through dense bundle adjustment and uncertainty estimation to extract scene geometry and poses. Based on this output, the mapping module incrementally constructs and maintains a 2D Gaussian map. Key components of the 2D Gaussian Map include a Sample-based Rasterizer, Score Manager, and Pose Refinement, which collectively improve mapping speed and localization accuracy. This enables the SLAM system to handle large-scale urban environments with up to 50 million Gaussian ellipsoids. To ensure global consistency in large-scale scenes, we design a Loop Closure module, which innovatively leverages the Novel View Synthesis (NVS) capabilities of Gaussian Splatting for loop closure detection and correction of the Gaussian map. Additionally, we propose a Dynamic Eraser to address the inevitable presence of dynamic objects in real-world outdoor scenes. Extensive evaluations in indoor and outdoor environments demonstrate that our approach achieves localization performance on par with Visual-Inertial Odometry while surpassing recent GS/NeRF SLAM methods. It also significantly outperforms all existing methods in terms of mapping and rendering quality. Furthermore, we developed a mobile app and verified that our framework can generate high-quality Gaussian maps in real time using only a smartphone camera and a low-frequency IMU sensor. To the best of our knowledge, VINGS-Mono is the first monocular Gaussian SLAM method capable of operating in outdoor environments and supporting kilometer-scale large scenes.

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Vid2Sim: Realistic and Interactive Simulation from Video for Urban Navigation

  • Authors: Ziyang Xie, Zhizheng Liu, Zhenghao Peng, Wayne Wu, Bolei Zhou


Sim-to-real gap has long posed a significant challenge for robot learning in simulation, preventing the deployment of learned models in the real world. Previous work has primarily focused on domain randomization and system identification to mitigate this gap. However, these methods are often limited by the inherent constraints of the simulation and graphics engines. In this work, we propose Vid2Sim, a novel framework that effectively bridges the sim2real gap through a scalable and cost-efficient real2sim pipeline for neural 3D scene reconstruction and simulation. Given a monocular video as input, Vid2Sim can generate photorealistic and physically interactable 3D simulation environments to enable the reinforcement learning of visual navigation agents in complex urban environments. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Vid2Sim significantly improves the performance of urban navigation in the digital twins and real world by 31.2% and 68.3% in success rate compared with agents trained with prior simulation methods.

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Whole-Body Integrated Motion Planning for Aerial Manipulators

  • Authors: Weiliang Deng, Hongming Chen, Biyu Ye, Haoran Chen, Ximin Lyu


Efficient motion planning for Aerial Manipulators (AMs) is essential for tackling complex manipulation tasks, yet achieving coupled trajectory planning remains challenging. In this work, we propose, to the best of our knowledge, the first whole-body integrated motion planning framework for aerial manipulators, which is facilitated by an improved Safe Flight Corridor (SFC) generation strategy and high-dimensional collision-free trajectory planning. In particular, we formulate an optimization problem to generate feasible trajectories for both the quadrotor and manipulator while ensuring collision avoidance, dynamic feasibility, kinematic feasibility, and waypoint constraints. To achieve collision avoidance, we introduce a variable geometry approximation method, which dynamically models the changing collision volume induced by different manipulator configurations. Moreover, waypoint constraints in our framework are defined in $\mathrm{SE(3)\times\mathbb{R}^3}$, allowing the aerial manipulator to traverse specified positions while maintaining desired attitudes and end-effector states. The effectiveness of our framework is validated through comprehensive simulations and real-world experiments across various environments.

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RoboHorizon: An LLM-Assisted Multi-View World Model for Long-Horizon Robotic Manipulation

  • Authors: Zixuan Chen, Jing Huo, Yangtao Chen, Yang Gao


Efficient control in long-horizon robotic manipulation is challenging due to complex representation and policy learning requirements. Model-based visual reinforcement learning (RL) has shown great potential in addressing these challenges but still faces notable limitations, particularly in handling sparse rewards and complex visual features in long-horizon environments. To address these limitations, we propose the Recognize-Sense-Plan-Act (RSPA) pipeline for long-horizon tasks and further introduce RoboHorizon, an LLM-assisted multi-view world model tailored for long-horizon robotic manipulation. In RoboHorizon, pre-trained LLMs generate dense reward structures for multi-stage sub-tasks based on task language instructions, enabling robots to better recognize long-horizon tasks. Keyframe discovery is then integrated into the multi-view masked autoencoder (MAE) architecture to enhance the robot's ability to sense critical task sequences, strengthening its multi-stage perception of long-horizon processes. Leveraging these dense rewards and multi-view representations, a robotic world model is constructed to efficiently plan long-horizon tasks, enabling the robot to reliably act through RL algorithms. Experiments on two representative benchmarks, RLBench and FurnitureBench, show that RoboHorizon outperforms state-of-the-art visual model-based RL methods, achieving a 23.35% improvement in task success rates on RLBench's 4 short-horizon tasks and a 29.23% improvement on 6 long-horizon tasks from RLBench and 3 furniture assembly tasks from FurnitureBench.

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Learning Implicit Social Navigation Behavior using Deep Inverse Reinforcement Learning

  • Authors: Tribhi Kathuria, Ke Liu, Junwoo Jang, X. Jessie Yang, Maani Ghaffari


This paper reports on learning a reward map for social navigation in dynamic environments where the robot can reason about its path at any time, given agents' trajectories and scene geometry. Humans navigating in dense and dynamic indoor environments often work with several implied social rules. A rule-based approach fails to model all possible interactions between humans, robots, and scenes. We propose a novel Smooth Maximum Entropy Deep Inverse Reinforcement Learning (S-MEDIRL) algorithm that can extrapolate beyond expert demos to better encode scene navigability from few-shot demonstrations. The agent learns to predict the cost maps reasoning on trajectory data and scene geometry. The agent samples a trajectory that is then executed using a local crowd navigation controller. We present results in a photo-realistic simulation environment, with a robot and a human navigating a narrow crossing scenario. The robot implicitly learns to exhibit social behaviors such as yielding to oncoming traffic and avoiding deadlocks. We compare the proposed approach to the popular model-based crowd navigation algorithm ORCA and a rule-based agent that exhibits yielding.

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Motion Tracks: A Unified Representation for Human-Robot Transfer in Few-Shot Imitation Learning

  • Authors: Juntao Ren, Priya Sundaresan, Dorsa Sadigh, Sanjiban Choudhury, Jeannette Bohg


Teaching robots to autonomously complete everyday tasks remains a challenge. Imitation Learning (IL) is a powerful approach that imbues robots with skills via demonstrations, but is limited by the labor-intensive process of collecting teleoperated robot data. Human videos offer a scalable alternative, but it remains difficult to directly train IL policies from them due to the lack of robot action labels. To address this, we propose to represent actions as short-horizon 2D trajectories on an image. These actions, or motion tracks, capture the predicted direction of motion for either human hands or robot end-effectors. We instantiate an IL policy called Motion Track Policy (MT-pi) which receives image observations and outputs motion tracks as actions. By leveraging this unified, cross-embodiment action space, MT-pi completes tasks with high success given just minutes of human video and limited additional robot demonstrations. At test time, we predict motion tracks from two camera views, recovering 6DoF trajectories via multi-view synthesis. MT-pi achieves an average success rate of 86.5% across 4 real-world tasks, outperforming state-of-the-art IL baselines which do not leverage human data or our action space by 40%, and generalizes to scenarios seen only in human videos. Code and videos are available on our website

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ECBench: Can Multi-modal Foundation Models Understand the Egocentric World? A Holistic Embodied Cognition Benchmark

  • Authors: Ronghao Dang, Yuqian Yuan, Wenqi Zhang, Yifei Xin, Boqiang Zhang, Long Li, Liuyi Wang, Qinyang Zeng, Xin Li, Lidong Bing


The enhancement of generalization in robots by large vision-language models (LVLMs) is increasingly evident. Therefore, the embodied cognitive abilities of LVLMs based on egocentric videos are of great interest. However, current datasets for embodied video question answering lack comprehensive and systematic evaluation frameworks. Critical embodied cognitive issues, such as robotic self-cognition, dynamic scene perception, and hallucination, are rarely addressed. To tackle these challenges, we propose ECBench, a high-quality benchmark designed to systematically evaluate the embodied cognitive abilities of LVLMs. ECBench features a diverse range of scene video sources, open and varied question formats, and 30 dimensions of embodied cognition. To ensure quality, balance, and high visual dependence, ECBench uses class-independent meticulous human annotation and multi-round question screening strategies. Additionally, we introduce ECEval, a comprehensive evaluation system that ensures the fairness and rationality of the indicators. Utilizing ECBench, we conduct extensive evaluations of proprietary, open-source, and task-specific LVLMs. ECBench is pivotal in advancing the embodied cognitive capabilities of LVLMs, laying a solid foundation for developing reliable core models for embodied agents. All data and code are available at

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RoboPanoptes: The All-seeing Robot with Whole-body Dexterity

  • Authors: Xiaomeng Xu, Dominik Bauer, Shuran Song


We present RoboPanoptes, a capable yet practical robot system that achieves whole-body dexterity through whole-body vision. Its whole-body dexterity allows the robot to utilize its entire body surface for manipulation, such as leveraging multiple contact points or navigating constrained spaces. Meanwhile, whole-body vision uses a camera system distributed over the robot's surface to provide comprehensive, multi-perspective visual feedback of its own and the environment's state. At its core, RoboPanoptes uses a whole-body visuomotor policy that learns complex manipulation skills directly from human demonstrations, efficiently aggregating information from the distributed cameras while maintaining resilience to sensor failures. Together, these design aspects unlock new capabilities and tasks, allowing RoboPanoptes to unbox in narrow spaces, sweep multiple or oversized objects, and succeed in multi-step stowing in cluttered environments, outperforming baselines in adaptability and efficiency. Results are best viewed on

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From Simple to Complex Skills: The Case of In-Hand Object Reorientation

  • Authors: Haozhi Qi, Brent Yi, Mike Lambeta, Yi Ma, Roberto Calandra, Jitendra Malik


Learning policies in simulation and transferring them to the real world has become a promising approach in dexterous manipulation. However, bridging the sim-to-real gap for each new task requires substantial human effort, such as careful reward engineering, hyperparameter tuning, and system identification. In this work, we present a system that leverages low-level skills to address these challenges for more complex tasks. Specifically, we introduce a hierarchical policy for in-hand object reorientation based on previously acquired rotation skills. This hierarchical policy learns to select which low-level skill to execute based on feedback from both the environment and the low-level skill policies themselves. Compared to learning from scratch, the hierarchical policy is more robust to out-of-distribution changes and transfers easily from simulation to real-world environments. Additionally, we propose a generalizable object pose estimator that uses proprioceptive information, low-level skill predictions, and control errors as inputs to estimate the object pose over time. We demonstrate that our system can reorient objects, including symmetrical and textureless ones, to a desired pose.

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Learning to Transfer Human Hand Skills for Robot Manipulations

  • Authors: Sungjae Park, Seungho Lee, Mingi Choi, Jiye Lee, Jeonghwan Kim, Jisoo Kim, Hanbyul Joo


We present a method for teaching dexterous manipulation tasks to robots from human hand motion demonstrations. Unlike existing approaches that solely rely on kinematics information without taking into account the plausibility of robot and object interaction, our method directly infers plausible robot manipulation actions from human motion demonstrations. To address the embodiment gap between the human hand and the robot system, our approach learns a joint motion manifold that maps human hand movements, robot hand actions, and object movements in 3D, enabling us to infer one motion component from others. Our key idea is the generation of pseudo-supervision triplets, which pair human, object, and robot motion trajectories synthetically. Through real-world experiments with robot hand manipulation, we demonstrate that our data-driven retargeting method significantly outperforms conventional retargeting techniques, effectively bridging the embodiment gap between human and robotic hands. Website at

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Bridging Adaptivity and Safety: Learning Agile Collision-Free Locomotion Across Varied Physics

  • Authors: Yichao Zhong, Chong Zhang, Tairan He, Guanya Shi


Real-world legged locomotion systems often need to reconcile agility and safety for different scenarios. Moreover, the underlying dynamics are often unknown and time-variant (e.g., payload, friction). In this paper, we introduce BAS (Bridging Adaptivity and Safety), which builds upon the pipeline of prior work Agile But Safe (ABS)(He et al.) and is designed to provide adaptive safety even in dynamic environments with uncertainties. BAS involves an agile policy to avoid obstacles rapidly and a recovery policy to prevent collisions, a physical parameter estimator that is concurrently trained with agile policy, and a learned control-theoretic RA (reach-avoid) value network that governs the policy switch. Also, the agile policy and RA network are both conditioned on physical parameters to make them adaptive. To mitigate the distribution shift issue, we further introduce an on-policy fine-tuning phase for the estimator to enhance its robustness and accuracy. The simulation results show that BAS achieves 50% better safety than baselines in dynamic environments while maintaining a higher speed on average. In real-world experiments, BAS shows its capability in complex environments with unknown physics (e.g., slippery floors with unknown frictions, unknown payloads up to 8kg), while baselines lack adaptivity, leading to collisions or. degraded agility. As a result, BAS achieves a 19.8% increase in speed and gets a 2.36 times lower collision rate than ABS in the real world. Videos:

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MobileH2R: Learning Generalizable Human to Mobile Robot Handover Exclusively from Scalable and Diverse Synthetic Data

  • Authors: Zifan Wang, Ziqing Chen, Junyu Chen, Jilong Wang, Yuxin Yang, Yunze Liu, Xueyi Liu, He Wang, Li Yi


This paper introduces MobileH2R, a framework for learning generalizable vision-based human-to-mobile-robot (H2MR) handover skills. Unlike traditional fixed-base handovers, this task requires a mobile robot to reliably receive objects in a large workspace enabled by its mobility. Our key insight is that generalizable handover skills can be developed in simulators using high-quality synthetic data, without the need for real-world demonstrations. To achieve this, we propose a scalable pipeline for generating diverse synthetic full-body human motion data, an automated method for creating safe and imitation-friendly demonstrations, and an efficient 4D imitation learning method for distilling large-scale demonstrations into closed-loop policies with base-arm coordination. Experimental evaluations in both simulators and the real world show significant improvements (at least +15% success rate) over baseline methods in all cases. Experiments also validate that large-scale and diverse synthetic data greatly enhances robot learning, highlighting our scalable framework.

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FrontierNet: Learning Visual Cues to Explore

  • Authors: Boyang Sun, Hanzhi Chen, Stefan Leutenegger, Cesar Cadena, Marc Pollefeys, Hermann Blum


Exploration of unknown environments is crucial for autonomous robots; it allows them to actively reason and decide on what new data to acquire for tasks such as mapping, object discovery, and environmental assessment. Existing methods, such as frontier-based methods, rely heavily on 3D map operations, which are limited by map quality and often overlook valuable context from visual cues. This work aims at leveraging 2D visual cues for efficient autonomous exploration, addressing the limitations of extracting goal poses from a 3D map. We propose a image-only frontier-based exploration system, with FrontierNet as a core component developed in this work. FrontierNet is a learning-based model that (i) detects frontiers, and (ii) predicts their information gain, from posed RGB images enhanced by monocular depth priors. Our approach provides an alternative to existing 3D-dependent exploration systems, achieving a 16% improvement in early-stage exploration efficiency, as validated through extensive simulations and real-world experiments.

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Beyond Sight: Finetuning Generalist Robot Policies with Heterogeneous Sensors via Language Grounding

  • Authors: Joshua Jones, Oier Mees, Carmelo Sferrazza, Kyle Stachowicz, Pieter Abbeel, Sergey Levine


Interacting with the world is a multi-sensory experience: achieving effective general-purpose interaction requires making use of all available modalities -- including vision, touch, and audio -- to fill in gaps from partial observation. For example, when vision is occluded reaching into a bag, a robot should rely on its senses of touch and sound. However, state-of-the-art generalist robot policies are typically trained on large datasets to predict robot actions solely from visual and proprioceptive observations. In this work, we propose FuSe, a novel approach that enables finetuning visuomotor generalist policies on heterogeneous sensor modalities for which large datasets are not readily available by leveraging natural language as a common cross-modal grounding. We combine a multimodal contrastive loss with a sensory-grounded language generation loss to encode high-level semantics. In the context of robot manipulation, we show that FuSe enables performing challenging tasks that require reasoning jointly over modalities such as vision, touch, and sound in a zero-shot setting, such as multimodal prompting, compositional cross-modal prompting, and descriptions of objects it interacts with. We show that the same recipe is applicable to widely different generalist policies, including both diffusion-based generalist policies and large vision-language-action (VLA) models. Extensive experiments in the real world show that FuSeis able to increase success rates by over 20% compared to all considered baselines.

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Cosmos World Foundation Model Platform for Physical AI

  • Authors: NVIDIA, :, Niket Agarwal, Arslan Ali, Maciej Bala, Yogesh Balaji, Erik Barker, Tiffany Cai, Prithvijit Chattopadhyay, Yongxin Chen, Yin Cui, Yifan Ding, Daniel Dworakowski, Jiaojiao Fan, Michele Fenzi, Francesco Ferroni, Sanja Fidler, Dieter Fox, Songwei Ge, Yunhao Ge, Jinwei Gu, Siddharth Gururani, Ethan He, Jiahui Huang, Jacob Huffman, Pooya Jannaty, Jingyi Jin, Seung Wook Kim, Gergely Klár, Grace Lam, Shiyi Lan, Laura Leal-Taixe, Anqi Li, Zhaoshuo Li, Chen-Hsuan Lin, Tsung-Yi Lin, Huan Ling, Ming-Yu Liu, Xian Liu, Alice Luo, Qianli Ma, Hanzi Mao, Kaichun Mo, Arsalan Mousavian, Seungjun Nah, Sriharsha Niverty, David Page, Despoina Paschalidou, Zeeshan Patel, Lindsey Pavao, Morteza Ramezanali, Fitsum Reda, Xiaowei Ren, Vasanth Rao Naik Sabavat, Ed Schmerling, Stella Shi, Bartosz Stefaniak, Shitao Tang, Lyne Tchapmi, Przemek Tredak, Wei-Cheng Tseng, Jibin Varghese, Hao Wang, Haoxiang Wang, Heng Wang, Ting-Chun Wang, Fangyin Wei, Xinyue Wei, Jay Zhangjie Wu, Jiashu Xu, Wei Yang, Lin Yen-Chen, Xiaohui Zeng, Yu Zeng, Jing Zhang, Qinsheng Zhang, Yuxuan Zhang, Qingqing Zhao, Artur Zolkowski


Physical AI needs to be trained digitally first. It needs a digital twin of itself, the policy model, and a digital twin of the world, the world model. In this paper, we present the Cosmos World Foundation Model Platform to help developers build customized world models for their Physical AI setups. We position a world foundation model as a general-purpose world model that can be fine-tuned into customized world models for downstream applications. Our platform covers a video curation pipeline, pre-trained world foundation models, examples of post-training of pre-trained world foundation models, and video tokenizers. To help Physical AI builders solve the most critical problems of our society, we make our platform open-source and our models open-weight with permissive licenses available via

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Are VLMs Ready for Autonomous Driving? An Empirical Study from the Reliability, Data, and Metric Perspectives

  • Authors: Shaoyuan Xie, Lingdong Kong, Yuhao Dong, Chonghao Sima, Wenwei Zhang, Qi Alfred Chen, Ziwei Liu, Liang Pan


Recent advancements in Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have sparked interest in their use for autonomous driving, particularly in generating interpretable driving decisions through natural language. However, the assumption that VLMs inherently provide visually grounded, reliable, and interpretable explanations for driving remains largely unexamined. To address this gap, we introduce DriveBench, a benchmark dataset designed to evaluate VLM reliability across 17 settings (clean, corrupted, and text-only inputs), encompassing 19,200 frames, 20,498 question-answer pairs, three question types, four mainstream driving tasks, and a total of 12 popular VLMs. Our findings reveal that VLMs often generate plausible responses derived from general knowledge or textual cues rather than true visual grounding, especially under degraded or missing visual inputs. This behavior, concealed by dataset imbalances and insufficient evaluation metrics, poses significant risks in safety-critical scenarios like autonomous driving. We further observe that VLMs struggle with multi-modal reasoning and display heightened sensitivity to input corruptions, leading to inconsistencies in performance. To address these challenges, we propose refined evaluation metrics that prioritize robust visual grounding and multi-modal understanding. Additionally, we highlight the potential of leveraging VLMs' awareness of corruptions to enhance their reliability, offering a roadmap for developing more trustworthy and interpretable decision-making systems in real-world autonomous driving contexts. The benchmark toolkit is publicly accessible.

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LiLMaps: Learnable Implicit Language Maps

  • Authors: Evgenii Kruzhkov, Sven Behnke


One of the current trends in robotics is to employ large language models (LLMs) to provide non-predefined command execution and natural human-robot interaction. It is useful to have an environment map together with its language representation, which can be further utilized by LLMs. Such a comprehensive scene representation enables numerous ways of interaction with the map for autonomously operating robots. In this work, we present an approach that enhances incremental implicit mapping through the integration of vision-language features. Specifically, we (i) propose a decoder optimization technique for implicit language maps which can be used when new objects appear on the scene, and (ii) address the problem of inconsistent vision-language predictions between different viewing positions. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of LiLMaps and solid improvements in performance.

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VTAO-BiManip: Masked Visual-Tactile-Action Pre-training with Object Understanding for Bimanual Dexterous Manipulation

  • Authors: Zhengnan Sun, Zhaotai Shi, Jiayin Chen, Qingtao Liu, Yu Cui, Qi Ye, Jiming Chen


Bimanual dexterous manipulation remains significant challenges in robotics due to the high DoFs of each hand and their coordination. Existing single-hand manipulation techniques often leverage human demonstrations to guide RL methods but fail to generalize to complex bimanual tasks involving multiple sub-skills. In this paper, we introduce VTAO-BiManip, a novel framework that combines visual-tactile-action pretraining with object understanding to facilitate curriculum RL to enable human-like bimanual manipulation. We improve prior learning by incorporating hand motion data, providing more effective guidance for dual-hand coordination than binary tactile feedback. Our pretraining model predicts future actions as well as object pose and size using masked multimodal inputs, facilitating cross-modal regularization. To address the multi-skill learning challenge, we introduce a two-stage curriculum RL approach to stabilize training. We evaluate our method on a bottle-cap unscrewing task, demonstrating its effectiveness in both simulated and real-world environments. Our approach achieves a success rate that surpasses existing visual-tactile pretraining methods by over 20%.

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OmniManip: Towards General Robotic Manipulation via Object-Centric Interaction Primitives as Spatial Constraints

  • Authors: Mingjie Pan, Jiyao Zhang, Tianshu Wu, Yinghao Zhao, Wenlong Gao, Hao Dong


The development of general robotic systems capable of manipulating in unstructured environments is a significant challenge. While Vision-Language Models(VLM) excel in high-level commonsense reasoning, they lack the fine-grained 3D spatial understanding required for precise manipulation tasks. Fine-tuning VLM on robotic datasets to create Vision-Language-Action Models(VLA) is a potential solution, but it is hindered by high data collection costs and generalization issues. To address these challenges, we propose a novel object-centric representation that bridges the gap between VLM's high-level reasoning and the low-level precision required for manipulation. Our key insight is that an object's canonical space, defined by its functional affordances, provides a structured and semantically meaningful way to describe interaction primitives, such as points and directions. These primitives act as a bridge, translating VLM's commonsense reasoning into actionable 3D spatial constraints. In this context, we introduce a dual closed-loop, open-vocabulary robotic manipulation system: one loop for high-level planning through primitive resampling, interaction rendering and VLM checking, and another for low-level execution via 6D pose tracking. This design ensures robust, real-time control without requiring VLM fine-tuning. Extensive experiments demonstrate strong zero-shot generalization across diverse robotic manipulation tasks, highlighting the potential of this approach for automating large-scale simulation data generation.

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Depth Any Camera: Zero-Shot Metric Depth Estimation from Any Camera

  • Authors: Yuliang Guo, Sparsh Garg, S. Mahdi H. Miangoleh, Xinyu Huang, Liu Ren


While recent depth estimation methods exhibit strong zero-shot generalization, achieving accurate metric depth across diverse camera types-particularly those with large fields of view (FoV) such as fisheye and 360-degree cameras-remains a significant challenge. This paper presents Depth Any Camera (DAC), a powerful zero-shot metric depth estimation framework that extends a perspective-trained model to effectively handle cameras with varying FoVs. The framework is designed to ensure that all existing 3D data can be leveraged, regardless of the specific camera types used in new applications. Remarkably, DAC is trained exclusively on perspective images but generalizes seamlessly to fisheye and 360-degree cameras without the need for specialized training data. DAC employs Equi-Rectangular Projection (ERP) as a unified image representation, enabling consistent processing of images with diverse FoVs. Its key components include a pitch-aware Image-to-ERP conversion for efficient online augmentation in ERP space, a FoV alignment operation to support effective training across a wide range of FoVs, and multi-resolution data augmentation to address resolution disparities between training and testing. DAC achieves state-of-the-art zero-shot metric depth estimation, improving delta-1 ($\delta_1$) accuracy by up to 50% on multiple fisheye and 360-degree datasets compared to prior metric depth foundation models, demonstrating robust generalization across camera types.

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Humanoid Locomotion and Manipulation: Current Progress and Challenges in Control, Planning, and Learning

  • Authors: Zhaoyuan Gu, Junheng Li, Wenlan Shen, Wenhao Yu, Zhaoming Xie, Stephen McCrory, Xianyi Cheng, Abdulaziz Shamsah, Robert Griffin, C. Karen Liu, Abderrahmane Kheddar, Xue Bin Peng, Yuke Zhu, Guanya Shi, Quan Nguyen, Gordon Cheng, Huijun Gao, Ye Zhao


Humanoid robots have great potential to perform various human-level skills. These skills involve locomotion, manipulation, and cognitive capabilities. Driven by advances in machine learning and the strength of existing model-based approaches, these capabilities have progressed rapidly, but often separately. Therefore, a timely overview of current progress and future trends in this fast-evolving field is essential. This survey first summarizes the model-based planning and control that have been the backbone of humanoid robotics for the past three decades. We then explore emerging learning-based methods, with a focus on reinforcement learning and imitation learning that enhance the versatility of loco-manipulation skills. We examine the potential of integrating foundation models with humanoid embodiments, assessing the prospects for developing generalist humanoid agents. In addition, this survey covers emerging research for whole-body tactile sensing that unlocks new humanoid skills that involve physical interactions. The survey concludes with a discussion of the challenges and future trends.

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TRG-planner: Traversal Risk Graph-Based Path Planning in Unstructured Environments for Safe and Efficient Navigation

  • Authors: Dongkyu Lee, I Made Aswin Nahrendra, Minho Oh, Byeongho Yu, Hyun Myung


Unstructured environments such as mountains, caves, construction sites, or disaster areas are challenging for autonomous navigation because of terrain irregularities. In particular, it is crucial to plan a path to avoid risky terrain and reach the goal quickly and safely. In this paper, we propose a method for safe and distance-efficient path planning, leveraging Traversal Risk Graph (TRG), a novel graph representation that takes into account geometric traversability of the terrain. TRG nodes represent stability and reachability of the terrain, while edges represent relative traversal risk-weighted path candidates. Additionally, TRG is constructed in a wavefront propagation manner and managed hierarchically, enabling real-time planning even in large-scale environments. Lastly, we formulate a graph optimization problem on TRG that leads the robot to navigate by prioritizing both safe and short paths. Our approach demonstrated superior safety, distance efficiency, and fast processing time compared to the conventional methods. It was also validated in several real-world experiments using a quadrupedal robot. Notably, TRG-planner contributed as the global path planner of an autonomous navigation framework for the DreamSTEP team, which won the Quadruped Robot Challenge at ICRA 2023. The project page is available at .

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EnerVerse: Envisioning Embodied Future Space for Robotics Manipulation

  • Authors: Siyuan Huang, Liliang Chen, Pengfei Zhou, Shengcong Chen, Zhengkai Jiang, Yue Hu, Peng Gao, Hongsheng Li, Maoqing Yao, Guanghui Ren


We introduce EnerVerse, a comprehensive framework for embodied future space generation specifically designed for robotic manipulation tasks. EnerVerse seamlessly integrates convolutional and bidirectional attention mechanisms for inner-chunk space modeling, ensuring low-level consistency and continuity. Recognizing the inherent redundancy in video data, we propose a sparse memory context combined with a chunkwise unidirectional generative paradigm to enable the generation of infinitely long sequences. To further augment robotic capabilities, we introduce the Free Anchor View (FAV) space, which provides flexible perspectives to enhance observation and analysis. The FAV space mitigates motion modeling ambiguity, removes physical constraints in confined environments, and significantly improves the robot's generalization and adaptability across various tasks and settings. To address the prohibitive costs and labor intensity of acquiring multi-camera observations, we present a data engine pipeline that integrates a generative model with 4D Gaussian Splatting (4DGS). This pipeline leverages the generative model's robust generalization capabilities and the spatial constraints provided by 4DGS, enabling an iterative enhancement of data quality and diversity, thus creating a data flywheel effect that effectively narrows the sim-to-real gap. Finally, our experiments demonstrate that the embodied future space generation prior substantially enhances policy predictive capabilities, resulting in improved overall performance, particularly in long-range robotic manipulation tasks.

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Leverage Cross-Attention for End-to-End Open-Vocabulary Panoptic Reconstruction

  • Authors: Xuan Yu, Yuxuan Xie, Yili Liu, Haojian Lu, Rong Xiong, Yiyi Liao, Yue Wang


Open-vocabulary panoptic reconstruction offers comprehensive scene understanding, enabling advances in embodied robotics and photorealistic simulation. In this paper, we propose PanopticRecon++, an end-to-end method that formulates panoptic reconstruction through a novel cross-attention perspective. This perspective models the relationship between 3D instances (as queries) and the scene's 3D embedding field (as keys) through their attention map. Unlike existing methods that separate the optimization of queries and keys or overlook spatial proximity, PanopticRecon++ introduces learnable 3D Gaussians as instance queries. This formulation injects 3D spatial priors to preserve proximity while maintaining end-to-end optimizability. Moreover, this query formulation facilitates the alignment of 2D open-vocabulary instance IDs across frames by leveraging optimal linear assignment with instance masks rendered from the queries. Additionally, we ensure semantic-instance segmentation consistency by fusing query-based instance segmentation probabilities with semantic probabilities in a novel panoptic head supervised by a panoptic loss. During training, the number of instance query tokens dynamically adapts to match the number of objects. PanopticRecon++ shows competitive performance in terms of 3D and 2D segmentation and reconstruction performance on both simulation and real-world datasets, and demonstrates a user case as a robot simulator. Our project website is at:

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VinT-6D: A Large-Scale Object-in-hand Dataset from Vision, Touch and Proprioception

  • Authors: Zhaoliang Wan, Yonggen Ling, Senlin Yi, Lu Qi, Wangwei Lee, Minglei Lu, Sicheng Yang, Xiao Teng, Peng Lu, Xu Yang, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Hui Cheng


This paper addresses the scarcity of large-scale datasets for accurate object-in-hand pose estimation, which is crucial for robotic in-hand manipulation within the ``Perception-Planning-Control" paradigm. Specifically, we introduce VinT-6D, the first extensive multi-modal dataset integrating vision, touch, and proprioception, to enhance robotic manipulation. VinT-6D comprises 2 million VinT-Sim and 0.1 million VinT-Real splits, collected via simulations in MuJoCo and Blender and a custom-designed real-world platform. This dataset is tailored for robotic hands, offering models with whole-hand tactile perception and high-quality, well-aligned data. To the best of our knowledge, the VinT-Real is the largest considering the collection difficulties in the real-world environment so that it can bridge the gap of simulation to real compared to the previous works. Built upon VinT-6D, we present a benchmark method that shows significant improvements in performance by fusing multi-modal information. The project is available at

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SyncDiff: Synchronized Motion Diffusion for Multi-Body Human-Object Interaction Synthesis

  • Authors: Wenkun He, Yun Liu, Ruitao Liu, Li Yi


Synthesizing realistic human-object interaction motions is a critical problem in VR/AR and human animation. Unlike the commonly studied scenarios involving a single human or hand interacting with one object, we address a more generic multi-body setting with arbitrary numbers of humans, hands, and objects. This complexity introduces significant challenges in synchronizing motions due to the high correlations and mutual influences among bodies. To address these challenges, we introduce SyncDiff, a novel method for multi-body interaction synthesis using a synchronized motion diffusion strategy. SyncDiff employs a single diffusion model to capture the joint distribution of multi-body motions. To enhance motion fidelity, we propose a frequency-domain motion decomposition scheme. Additionally, we introduce a new set of alignment scores to emphasize the synchronization of different body motions. SyncDiff jointly optimizes both data sample likelihood and alignment likelihood through an explicit synchronization strategy. Extensive experiments across four datasets with various multi-body configurations demonstrate the superiority of SyncDiff over existing state-of-the-art motion synthesis methods.

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UnrealZoo: Enriching Photo-realistic Virtual Worlds for Embodied AI

  • Authors: Fangwei Zhong, Kui Wu, Churan Wang, Hao Chen, Hai Ci, Zhoujun Li, Yizhou Wang


We introduce UnrealZoo, a rich collection of photo-realistic 3D virtual worlds built on Unreal Engine, designed to reflect the complexity and variability of the open worlds. Additionally, we offer a variety of playable entities for embodied AI agents. Based on UnrealCV, we provide a suite of easy-to-use Python APIs and tools for various potential applications, such as data collection, environment augmentation, distributed training, and benchmarking. We optimize the rendering and communication efficiency of UnrealCV to support advanced applications, such as multi-agent interaction. Our experiments benchmark agents in various complex scenes, focusing on visual navigation and tracking, which are fundamental capabilities for embodied visual intelligence. The results yield valuable insights into the advantages of diverse training environments for reinforcement learning (RL) agents and the challenges faced by current embodied vision agents, including those based on RL and large vision-language models (VLMs), in open worlds. These challenges involve latency in closed-loop control in dynamic scenes and reasoning about 3D spatial structures in unstructured terrain.

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VLABench: A Large-Scale Benchmark for Language-Conditioned Robotics Manipulation with Long-Horizon Reasoning Tasks

  • Authors: Shiduo Zhang, Zhe Xu, Peiju Liu, Xiaopeng Yu, Yuan Li, Qinghui Gao, Zhaoye Fei, Zhangyue Yin, Zuxuan Wu, Yu-Gang Jiang, Xipeng Qiu


General-purposed embodied agents are designed to understand the users' natural instructions or intentions and act precisely to complete universal tasks. Recently, methods based on foundation models especially Vision-Language-Action models (VLAs) have shown a substantial potential to solve language-conditioned manipulation (LCM) tasks well. However, existing benchmarks do not adequately meet the needs of VLAs and relative algorithms. To better define such general-purpose tasks in the context of LLMs and advance the research in VLAs, we present VLABench, an open-source benchmark for evaluating universal LCM task learning. VLABench provides 100 carefully designed categories of tasks, with strong randomization in each category of task and a total of 2000+ objects. VLABench stands out from previous benchmarks in four key aspects: 1) tasks requiring world knowledge and common sense transfer, 2) natural language instructions with implicit human intentions rather than templates, 3) long-horizon tasks demanding multi-step reasoning, and 4) evaluation of both action policies and language model capabilities. The benchmark assesses multiple competencies including understanding of mesh\&texture, spatial relationship, semantic instruction, physical laws, knowledge transfer and reasoning, etc. To support the downstream finetuning, we provide high-quality training data collected via an automated framework incorporating heuristic skills and prior information. The experimental results indicate that both the current state-of-the-art pretrained VLAs and the workflow based on VLMs face challenges in our tasks.

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Learning an Adaptive Fall Recovery Controller for Quadrupeds on Complex Terrains

  • Authors: Yidan Lu, Yinzhao Dong, Ji Ma, Jiahui Zhang, Peng Lu


Legged robots have shown promise in locomotion complex environments, but recovery from falls on challenging terrains remains a significant hurdle. This paper presents an Adaptive Fall Recovery (AFR) controller for quadrupedal robots on challenging terrains such as rocky, breams, steep slopes, and irregular stones. We leverage deep reinforcement learning to train the AFR, which can adapt to a wide range of terrain geometries and physical properties. Our method demonstrates improvements over existing approaches, showing promising results in recovery scenarios on challenging terrains. We trained our method in Isaac Gym using the Go1 and directly transferred it to several mainstream quadrupedal platforms, such as Spot and ANYmal. Additionally, we validated the controller's effectiveness in Gazebo. Our results indicate that the AFR controller generalizes well to complex terrains and outperforms baseline methods in terms of success rate and recovery speed.

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Mimicking-Bench: A Benchmark for Generalizable Humanoid-Scene Interaction Learning via Human Mimicking

  • Authors: Yun Liu, Bowen Yang, Licheng Zhong, He Wang, Li Yi


Learning generic skills for humanoid robots interacting with 3D scenes by mimicking human data is a key research challenge with significant implications for robotics and real-world applications. However, existing methodologies and benchmarks are constrained by the use of small-scale, manually collected demonstrations, lacking the general dataset and benchmark support necessary to explore scene geometry generalization effectively. To address this gap, we introduce Mimicking-Bench, the first comprehensive benchmark designed for generalizable humanoid-scene interaction learning through mimicking large-scale human animation references. Mimicking-Bench includes six household full-body humanoid-scene interaction tasks, covering 11K diverse object shapes, along with 20K synthetic and 3K real-world human interaction skill references. We construct a complete humanoid skill learning pipeline and benchmark approaches for motion retargeting, motion tracking, imitation learning, and their various combinations. Extensive experiments highlight the value of human mimicking for skill learning, revealing key challenges and research directions.

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FORCE: Physics-aware Human-object Interaction

  • Authors: Xiaohan Zhang, Bharat Lal Bhatnagar, Sebastian Starke, Ilya Petrov, Vladimir Guzov, Helisa Dhamo, Eduardo Pérez-Pellitero, Gerard Pons-Moll


Interactions between human and objects are influenced not only by the object's pose and shape, but also by physical attributes such as object mass and surface friction. They introduce important motion nuances that are essential for diversity and realism. Despite advancements in recent human-object interaction methods, this aspect has been overlooked. Generating nuanced human motion presents two challenges. First, it is non-trivial to learn from multi-modal human and object information derived from both the physical and non-physical attributes. Second, there exists no dataset capturing nuanced human interactions with objects of varying physical properties, hampering model development. This work addresses the gap by introducing the FORCE model, an approach for synthesizing diverse, nuanced human-object interactions by modeling physical attributes. Our key insight is that human motion is dictated by the interrelation between the force exerted by the human and the perceived resistance. Guided by a novel intuitive physics encoding, the model captures the interplay between human force and resistance. Experiments also demonstrate incorporating human force facilitates learning multi-class motion. Accompanying our model, we contribute a dataset, which features diverse, different-styled motion through interactions with varying resistances.

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Dexterous Manipulation Based on Prior Dexterous Grasp Pose Knowledge

  • Authors: Hengxu Yan, Haoshu Fang, Cewu Lu


Dexterous manipulation has received considerable attention in recent research. Predominantly, existing studies have concentrated on reinforcement learning methods to address the substantial degrees of freedom in hand movements. Nonetheless, these methods typically suffer from low efficiency and accuracy. In this work, we introduce a novel reinforcement learning approach that leverages prior dexterous grasp pose knowledge to enhance both efficiency and accuracy. Unlike previous work, they always make the robotic hand go with a fixed dexterous grasp pose, We decouple the manipulation process into two distinct phases: initially, we generate a dexterous grasp pose targeting the functional part of the object; after that, we employ reinforcement learning to comprehensively explore the environment. Our findings suggest that the majority of learning time is expended in identifying the appropriate initial position and selecting the optimal manipulation viewpoint. Experimental results demonstrate significant improvements in learning efficiency and success rates across four distinct tasks.

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The One RING: a Robotic Indoor Navigation Generalist

  • Authors: Ainaz Eftekhar, Luca Weihs, Rose Hendrix, Ege Caglar, Jordi Salvador, Alvaro Herrasti, Winson Han, Eli VanderBil, Aniruddha Kembhavi, Ali Farhadi, Ranjay Krishna, Kiana Ehsani, Kuo-Hao Zeng


Modern robots vary significantly in shape, size, and sensor configurations used to perceive and interact with their environments. However, most navigation policies are embodiment-specific; a policy learned using one robot's configuration does not typically gracefully generalize to another. Even small changes in the body size or camera viewpoint may cause failures. With the recent surge in custom hardware developments, it is necessary to learn a single policy that can be transferred to other embodiments, eliminating the need to (re)train for each specific robot. In this paper, we introduce RING (Robotic Indoor Navigation Generalist), an embodiment-agnostic policy, trained solely in simulation with diverse randomly initialized embodiments at scale. Specifically, we augment the AI2-THOR simulator with the ability to instantiate robot embodiments with controllable configurations, varying across body size, rotation pivot point, and camera configurations. In the visual object-goal navigation task, RING achieves robust performance on real unseen robot platforms (Stretch RE-1, LoCoBot, Unitree's Go1), achieving an average of 72.1% and 78.9% success rate across 5 embodiments in simulation and 4 robot platforms in the real world. (project website:

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Embedding high-resolution touch across robotic hands enables adaptive human-like grasping

  • Authors: Zihang Zhao, Wanlin Li, Yuyang Li, Tengyu Liu, Boren Li, Meng Wang, Kai Du, Hangxin Liu, Yixin Zhu, Qining Wang, Kaspar Althoefer, Song-Chun Zhu


Developing robotic hands that adapt to real-world dynamics remains a fundamental challenge in robotics and machine intelligence. Despite significant advances in replicating human hand kinematics and control algorithms, robotic systems still struggle to match human capabilities in dynamic environments, primarily due to inadequate tactile feedback. To bridge this gap, we present F-TAC Hand, a biomimetic hand featuring high-resolution tactile sensing (0.1mm spatial resolution) across 70% of its surface area. Through optimized hand design, we overcome traditional challenges in integrating high-resolution tactile sensors while preserving the full range of motion. The hand, powered by our generative algorithm that synthesizes human-like hand configurations, demonstrates robust grasping capabilities in dynamic real-world conditions. Extensive evaluation across 600 real-world trials demonstrates that this tactile-embodied system significantly outperforms non-tactile alternatives in complex manipulation tasks (p<0.0001). These results provide empirical evidence for the critical role of rich tactile embodiment in developing advanced robotic intelligence, offering new perspectives on the relationship between physical sensing capabilities and intelligent behavior.

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Predictive Inverse Dynamics Models are Scalable Learners for Robotic Manipulation

  • Authors: Yang Tian, Sizhe Yang, Jia Zeng, Ping Wang, Dahua Lin, Hao Dong, Jiangmiao Pang


Current efforts to learn scalable policies in robotic manipulation primarily fall into two categories: one focuses on "action," which involves behavior cloning from extensive collections of robotic data, while the other emphasizes "vision," enhancing model generalization by pre-training representations or generative models, also referred to as world models, using large-scale visual datasets. This paper presents an end-to-end paradigm that predicts actions using inverse dynamics models conditioned on the robot's forecasted visual states, named Predictive Inverse Dynamics Models (PIDM). By closing the loop between vision and action, the end-to-end PIDM can be a better scalable action learner. In practice, we use Transformers to process both visual states and actions, naming the model Seer. It is initially pre-trained on large-scale robotic datasets, such as DROID, and can be adapted to realworld scenarios with a little fine-tuning data. Thanks to large-scale, end-to-end training and the synergy between vision and action, Seer significantly outperforms previous methods across both simulation and real-world experiments. It achieves improvements of 13% on the LIBERO-LONG benchmark, 21% on CALVIN ABC-D, and 43% in real-world tasks. Notably, Seer sets a new state-of-the-art on CALVIN ABC-D benchmark, achieving an average length of 4.28, and exhibits superior generalization for novel objects, lighting conditions, and environments under high-intensity disturbances on real-world scenarios. Code and models are publicly available at

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Human-Humanoid Robots Cross-Embodiment Behavior-Skill Transfer Using Decomposed Adversarial Learning from Demonstration

  • Authors: Junjia Liu, Zhuo Li, Minghao Yu, Zhipeng Dong, Sylvain Calinon, Darwin Caldwell, Fei Chen


Humanoid robots are envisioned as embodied intelligent agents capable of performing a wide range of human-level loco-manipulation tasks, particularly in scenarios requiring strenuous and repetitive labor. However, learning these skills is challenging due to the high degrees of freedom of humanoid robots, and collecting sufficient training data for humanoid is a laborious process. Given the rapid introduction of new humanoid platforms, a cross-embodiment framework that allows generalizable skill transfer is becoming increasingly critical. To address this, we propose a transferable framework that reduces the data bottleneck by using a unified digital human model as a common prototype and bypassing the need for re-training on every new robot platform. The model learns behavior primitives from human demonstrations through adversarial imitation, and the complex robot structures are decomposed into functional components, each trained independently and dynamically coordinated. Task generalization is achieved through a human-object interaction graph, and skills are transferred to different robots via embodiment-specific kinematic motion retargeting and dynamic fine-tuning. Our framework is validated on five humanoid robots with diverse configurations, demonstrating stable loco-manipulation and highlighting its effectiveness in reducing data requirements and increasing the efficiency of skill transfer across platforms.

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STRAP: Robot Sub-Trajectory Retrieval for Augmented Policy Learning

  • Authors: Marius Memmel, Jacob Berg, Bingqing Chen, Abhishek Gupta, Jonathan Francis


Robot learning is witnessing a significant increase in the size, diversity, and complexity of pre-collected datasets, mirroring trends in domains such as natural language processing and computer vision. Many robot learning methods treat such datasets as multi-task expert data and learn a multi-task, generalist policy by training broadly across them. Notably, while these generalist policies can improve the average performance across many tasks, the performance of generalist policies on any one task is often suboptimal due to negative transfer between partitions of the data, compared to task-specific specialist policies. In this work, we argue for the paradigm of training policies during deployment given the scenarios they encounter: rather than deploying pre-trained policies to unseen problems in a zero-shot manner, we non-parametrically retrieve and train models directly on relevant data at test time. Furthermore, we show that many robotics tasks share considerable amounts of low-level behaviors and that retrieval at the "sub"-trajectory granularity enables significantly improved data utilization, generalization, and robustness in adapting policies to novel problems. In contrast, existing full-trajectory retrieval methods tend to underutilize the data and miss out on shared cross-task content. This work proposes STRAP, a technique for leveraging pre-trained vision foundation models and dynamic time warping to retrieve sub-sequences of trajectories from large training corpora in a robust fashion. STRAP outperforms both prior retrieval algorithms and multi-task learning methods in simulated and real experiments, showing the ability to scale to much larger offline datasets in the real world as well as the ability to learn robust control policies with just a handful of real-world demonstrations.

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When Should We Prefer State-to-Visual DAgger Over Visual Reinforcement Learning?

  • Authors: Tongzhou Mu, Zhaoyang Li, Stanisław Wiktor Strzelecki, Xiu Yuan, Yunchao Yao, Litian Liang, Hao Su


Learning policies from high-dimensional visual inputs, such as pixels and point clouds, is crucial in various applications. Visual reinforcement learning is a promising approach that directly trains policies from visual observations, although it faces challenges in sample efficiency and computational costs. This study conducts an empirical comparison of State-to-Visual DAgger, a two-stage framework that initially trains a state policy before adopting online imitation to learn a visual policy, and Visual RL across a diverse set of tasks. We evaluate both methods across 16 tasks from three benchmarks, focusing on their asymptotic performance, sample efficiency, and computational costs. Surprisingly, our findings reveal that State-to-Visual DAgger does not universally outperform Visual RL but shows significant advantages in challenging tasks, offering more consistent performance. In contrast, its benefits in sample efficiency are less pronounced, although it often reduces the overall wall-clock time required for training. Based on our findings, we provide recommendations for practitioners and hope that our results contribute valuable perspectives for future research in visual policy learning.

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Efficient Language-instructed Skill Acquisition via Reward-Policy Co-Evolution

  • Authors: Changxin Huang, Yanbin Chang, Junfan Lin, Junyang Liang, Runhao Zeng, Jianqiang Li


The ability to autonomously explore and resolve tasks with minimal human guidance is crucial for the self-development of embodied intelligence. Although reinforcement learning methods can largely ease human effort, it's challenging to design reward functions for real-world tasks, especially for high-dimensional robotic control, due to complex relationships among joints and tasks. Recent advancements large language models (LLMs) enable automatic reward function design. However, approaches evaluate reward functions by re-training policies from scratch placing an undue burden on the reward function, expecting it to be effective throughout the whole policy improvement process. We argue for a more practical strategy in robotic autonomy, focusing on refining existing policies with policy-dependent reward functions rather than a universal one. To this end, we propose a novel reward-policy co-evolution framework where the reward function and the learned policy benefit from each other's progressive on-the-fly improvements, resulting in more efficient and higher-performing skill acquisition. Specifically, the reward evolution process translates the robot's previous best reward function, descriptions of tasks and environment into text inputs. These inputs are used to query LLMs to generate a dynamic amount of reward function candidates, ensuring continuous improvement at each round of evolution. For policy evolution, our method generates new policy populations by hybridizing historically optimal and random policies. Through an improved Bayesian optimization, our approach efficiently and robustly identifies the most capable and plastic reward-policy combination, which then proceeds to the next round of co-evolution. Despite using less data, our approach demonstrates an average normalized improvement of 95.3% across various high-dimensional robotic skill learning tasks.

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TelePhantom: A User-Friendly Teleoperation System with Virtual Assistance for Enhanced Effectiveness

  • Authors: Jingxiang Guo, Jiayu Luo, Zhenyu Wei, Yiwen Hou, Zhixuan Xu, Xiaoyi Lin, Chongkai Gao, Lin Shao


Dexterous manipulation is a critical area of robotics. In this field, teleoperation faces three key challenges: user-friendliness for novices, safety assurance, and transferability across different platforms. While collecting real robot dexterous manipulation data by teleoperation to train robots has shown impressive results on diverse tasks, due to the morphological differences between human and robot hands, it is not only hard for new users to understand the action mapping but also raises potential safety concerns during operation. To address these limitations, we introduce TelePhantom. This teleoperation system offers real-time visual feedback on robot actions based on human user inputs, with a total hardware cost of less than $1,000. TelePhantom allows the user to see a virtual robot that represents the outcome of the user's next movement. By enabling flexible switching between command visualization and actual execution, this system helps new users learn how to demonstrate quickly and safely. We demonstrate its superiority over other teleoperation systems across five tasks, emphasize its ease of use, and highlight its ease of deployment across diverse input sensors and robotic platforms. We will release our code and a deployment document on our website:

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RoboMIND: Benchmark on Multi-embodiment Intelligence Normative Data for Robot Manipulation

  • Authors: Kun Wu, Chengkai Hou, Jiaming Liu, Zhengping Che, Xiaozhu Ju, Zhuqin Yang, Meng Li, Yinuo Zhao, Zhiyuan Xu, Guang Yang, Zhen Zhao, Guangyu Li, Zhao Jin, Lecheng Wang, Jilei Mao, Xinhua Wang, Shichao Fan, Ning Liu, Pei Ren, Qiang Zhang, Yaoxu Lyu, Mengzhen Liu, Jingyang He, Yulin Luo, Zeyu Gao, Chenxuan Li, Chenyang Gu, Yankai Fu, Di Wu, Xingyu Wang, Sixiang Chen, Zhenyu Wang, Pengju An, Siyuan Qian, Shanghang Zhang, Jian Tang


Developing robust and general-purpose robotic manipulation policies is a key goal in the field of robotics. To achieve effective generalization, it is essential to construct comprehensive datasets that encompass a large number of demonstration trajectories and diverse tasks. Unlike vision or language data that can be collected from the Internet, robotic datasets require detailed observations and manipulation actions, necessitating significant investment in hardware-software infrastructure and human labor. While existing works have focused on assembling various individual robot datasets, there remains a lack of a unified data collection standard and insufficient diversity in tasks, scenarios, and robot types. In this paper, we introduce RoboMIND (Multi-embodiment Intelligence Normative Data for Robot manipulation), featuring 55k real-world demonstration trajectories across 279 diverse tasks involving 61 different object classes. RoboMIND is collected through human teleoperation and encompasses comprehensive robotic-related information, including multi-view RGB-D images, proprioceptive robot state information, end effector details, and linguistic task descriptions. To ensure dataset consistency and reliability during policy learning, RoboMIND is built on a unified data collection platform and standardized protocol, covering four distinct robotic embodiments. We provide a thorough quantitative and qualitative analysis of RoboMIND across multiple dimensions, offering detailed insights into the diversity of our datasets. In our experiments, we conduct extensive real-world testing with four state-of-the-art imitation learning methods, demonstrating that training with RoboMIND data results in a high manipulation success rate and strong generalization. Our project is at

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Learning from Massive Human Videos for Universal Humanoid Pose Control

  • Authors: Jiageng Mao, Siheng Zhao, Siqi Song, Tianheng Shi, Junjie Ye, Mingtong Zhang, Haoran Geng, Jitendra Malik, Vitor Guizilini, Yue Wang


Scalable learning of humanoid robots is crucial for their deployment in real-world applications. While traditional approaches primarily rely on reinforcement learning or teleoperation to achieve whole-body control, they are often limited by the diversity of simulated environments and the high costs of demonstration collection. In contrast, human videos are ubiquitous and present an untapped source of semantic and motion information that could significantly enhance the generalization capabilities of humanoid robots. This paper introduces Humanoid-X, a large-scale dataset of over 20 million humanoid robot poses with corresponding text-based motion descriptions, designed to leverage this abundant data. Humanoid-X is curated through a comprehensive pipeline: data mining from the Internet, video caption generation, motion retargeting of humans to humanoid robots, and policy learning for real-world deployment. With Humanoid-X, we further train a large humanoid model, UH-1, which takes text instructions as input and outputs corresponding actions to control a humanoid robot. Extensive simulated and real-world experiments validate that our scalable training approach leads to superior generalization in text-based humanoid control, marking a significant step toward adaptable, real-world-ready humanoid robots.

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Towards Generalist Robot Policies: What Matters in Building Vision-Language-Action Models

  • Authors: Xinghang Li, Peiyan Li, Minghuan Liu, Dong Wang, Jirong Liu, Bingyi Kang, Xiao Ma, Tao Kong, Hanbo Zhang, Huaping Liu


Foundation Vision Language Models (VLMs) exhibit strong capabilities in multi-modal representation learning, comprehension, and reasoning. By injecting action components into the VLMs, Vision-Language-Action Models (VLAs) can be naturally formed and also show promising performance. Existing work has demonstrated the effectiveness and generalization of VLAs in multiple scenarios and tasks. Nevertheless, the transfer from VLMs to VLAs is not trivial since existing VLAs differ in their backbones, action-prediction formulations, data distributions, and training recipes. This leads to a missing piece for a systematic understanding of the design choices of VLAs. In this work, we disclose the key factors that significantly influence the performance of VLA and focus on answering three essential design choices: which backbone to select, how to formulate the VLA architectures, and when to add cross-embodiment data. The obtained results convince us firmly to explain why we need VLA and develop a new family of VLAs, RoboVLMs, which require very few manual designs and achieve a new state-of-the-art performance in three simulation tasks and real-world experiments. Through our extensive experiments, which include over 8 VLM backbones, 4 policy architectures, and over 600 distinct designed experiments, we provide a detailed guidebook for the future design of VLAs. In addition to the study, the highly flexible RoboVLMs framework, which supports easy integrations of new VLMs and free combinations of various design choices, is made public to facilitate future research. We open-source all details, including codes, models, datasets, and toolkits, along with detailed training and evaluation recipes at:

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GROOT-2: Weakly Supervised Multi-Modal Instruction Following Agents

  • Authors: Shaofei Cai, Bowei Zhang, Zihao Wang, Haowei Lin, Xiaojian Ma, Anji Liu, Yitao Liang


Developing agents that can follow multimodal instructions remains a fundamental challenge in robotics and AI. Although large-scale pre-training on unlabeled datasets (no language instruction) has enabled agents to learn diverse behaviors, these agents often struggle with following instructions. While augmenting the dataset with instruction labels can mitigate this issue, acquiring such high-quality annotations at scale is impractical. To address this issue, we frame the problem as a semi-supervised learning task and introduce GROOT-2, a multimodal instructable agent trained using a novel approach that combines weak supervision with latent variable models. Our method consists of two key components: constrained self-imitating, which utilizes large amounts of unlabeled demonstrations to enable the policy to learn diverse behaviors, and human intention alignment, which uses a smaller set of labeled demonstrations to ensure the latent space reflects human intentions. GROOT-2's effectiveness is validated across four diverse environments, ranging from video games to robotic manipulation, demonstrating its robust multimodal instruction-following capabilities.

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Stabilizing Reinforcement Learning in Differentiable Multiphysics Simulation

  • Authors: Eliot Xing, Vernon Luk, Jean Oh


Recent advances in GPU-based parallel simulation have enabled practitioners to collect large amounts of data and train complex control policies using deep reinforcement learning (RL), on commodity GPUs. However, such successes for RL in robotics have been limited to tasks sufficiently simulated by fast rigid-body dynamics. Simulation techniques for soft bodies are comparatively several orders of magnitude slower, thereby limiting the use of RL due to sample complexity requirements. To address this challenge, this paper presents both a novel RL algorithm and a simulation platform to enable scaling RL on tasks involving rigid bodies and deformables. We introduce Soft Analytic Policy Optimization (SAPO), a maximum entropy first-order model-based actor-critic RL algorithm, which uses first-order analytic gradients from differentiable simulation to train a stochastic actor to maximize expected return and entropy. Alongside our approach, we develop Rewarped, a parallel differentiable multiphysics simulation platform that supports simulating various materials beyond rigid bodies. We re-implement challenging manipulation and locomotion tasks in Rewarped, and show that SAPO outperforms baselines over a range of tasks that involve interaction between rigid bodies, articulations, and deformables.

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TidyBot++: An Open-Source Holonomic Mobile Manipulator for Robot Learning

  • Authors: Jimmy Wu, William Chong, Robert Holmberg, Aaditya Prasad, Yihuai Gao, Oussama Khatib, Shuran Song, Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Jeannette Bohg


Exploiting the promise of recent advances in imitation learning for mobile manipulation will require the collection of large numbers of human-guided demonstrations. This paper proposes an open-source design for an inexpensive, robust, and flexible mobile manipulator that can support arbitrary arms, enabling a wide range of real-world household mobile manipulation tasks. Crucially, our design uses powered casters to enable the mobile base to be fully holonomic, able to control all planar degrees of freedom independently and simultaneously. This feature makes the base more maneuverable and simplifies many mobile manipulation tasks, eliminating the kinematic constraints that create complex and time-consuming motions in nonholonomic bases. We equip our robot with an intuitive mobile phone teleoperation interface to enable easy data acquisition for imitation learning. In our experiments, we use this interface to collect data and show that the resulting learned policies can successfully perform a variety of common household mobile manipulation tasks.

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Should We Learn Contact-Rich Manipulation Policies from Sampling-Based Planners?

  • Authors: Huaijiang Zhu, Tong Zhao, Xinpei Ni, Jiuguang Wang, Kuan Fang, Ludovic Righetti, Tao Pang


The tremendous success of behavior cloning (BC) in robotic manipulation has been largely confined to tasks where demonstrations can be effectively collected through human teleoperation. However, demonstrations for contact-rich manipulation tasks that require complex coordination of multiple contacts are difficult to collect due to the limitations of current teleoperation interfaces. We investigate how to leverage model-based planning and optimization to generate training data for contact-rich dexterous manipulation tasks. Our analysis reveals that popular sampling-based planners like rapidly exploring random tree (RRT), while efficient for motion planning, produce demonstrations with unfavorably high entropy. This motivates modifications to our data generation pipeline that prioritizes demonstration consistency while maintaining solution diversity. Combined with a diffusion-based goal-conditioned BC approach, our method enables effective policy learning and zero-shot transfer to hardware for two challenging contact-rich manipulation tasks.

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RLDG: Robotic Generalist Policy Distillation via Reinforcement Learning

  • Authors: Charles Xu, Qiyang Li, Jianlan Luo, Sergey Levine


Recent advances in robotic foundation models have enabled the development of generalist policies that can adapt to diverse tasks. While these models show impressive flexibility, their performance heavily depends on the quality of their training data. In this work, we propose Reinforcement Learning Distilled Generalists (RLDG), a method that leverages reinforcement learning to generate high-quality training data for finetuning generalist policies. Through extensive real-world experiments on precise manipulation tasks like connector insertion and assembly, we demonstrate that generalist policies trained with RL-generated data consistently outperform those trained with human demonstrations, achieving up to 40% higher success rates while generalizing better to new tasks. We also provide a detailed analysis that reveals this performance gain stems from both optimized action distributions and improved state coverage. Our results suggest that combining task-specific RL with generalist policy distillation offers a promising approach for developing more capable and efficient robotic manipulation systems that maintain the flexibility of foundation models while achieving the performance of specialized controllers. Videos and code can be found on our project website

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One Filter to Deploy Them All: Robust Safety for Quadrupedal Navigation in Unknown Environments

  • Authors: Albert Lin, Shuang Peng, Somil Bansal


As learning-based methods for legged robots rapidly grow in popularity, it is important that we can provide safety assurances efficiently across different controllers and environments. Existing works either rely on a priori knowledge of the environment and safety constraints to ensure system safety or provide assurances for a specific locomotion policy. To address these limitations, we propose an observation-conditioned reachability-based (OCR) safety-filter framework. Our key idea is to use an OCR value network (OCR-VN) that predicts the optimal control-theoretic safety value function for new failure regions and dynamic uncertainty during deployment time. Specifically, the OCR-VN facilitates rapid safety adaptation through two key components: a LiDAR-based input that allows the dynamic construction of safe regions in light of new obstacles and a disturbance estimation module that accounts for dynamics uncertainty in the wild. The predicted safety value function is used to construct an adaptive safety filter that overrides the nominal quadruped controller when necessary to maintain safety. Through simulation studies and hardware experiments on a Unitree Go1 quadruped, we demonstrate that the proposed framework can automatically safeguard a wide range of hierarchical quadruped controllers, adapts to novel environments, and is robust to unmodeled dynamics without a priori access to the controllers or environments - hence, "One Filter to Deploy Them All". The experiment videos can be found on the project website.

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Learning Camera Movement Control from Real-World Drone Videos

  • Authors: Yunzhong Hou, Liang Zheng, Philip Torr


This study seeks to automate camera movement control for filming existing subjects into attractive videos, contrasting with the creation of non-existent content by directly generating the pixels. We select drone videos as our test case due to their rich and challenging motion patterns, distinctive viewing angles, and precise controls. Existing AI videography methods struggle with limited appearance diversity in simulation training, high costs of recording expert operations, and difficulties in designing heuristic-based goals to cover all scenarios. To avoid these issues, we propose a scalable method that involves collecting real-world training data to improve diversity, extracting camera trajectories automatically to minimize annotation costs, and training an effective architecture that does not rely on heuristics. Specifically, we collect 99k high-quality trajectories by running 3D reconstruction on online videos, connecting camera poses from consecutive frames to formulate 3D camera paths, and using Kalman filter to identify and remove low-quality data. Moreover, we introduce DVGFormer, an auto-regressive transformer that leverages the camera path and images from all past frames to predict camera movement in the next frame. We evaluate our system across 38 synthetic natural scenes and 7 real city 3D scans. We show that our system effectively learns to perform challenging camera movements such as navigating through obstacles, maintaining low altitude to increase perceived speed, and orbiting towers and buildings, which are very useful for recording high-quality videos. Data and code are available at

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GenEx: Generating an Explorable World

  • Authors: Taiming Lu, Tianmin Shu, Junfei Xiao, Luoxin Ye, Jiahao Wang, Cheng Peng, Chen Wei, Daniel Khashabi, Rama Chellappa, Alan Yuille, Jieneng Chen


Understanding, navigating, and exploring the 3D physical real world has long been a central challenge in the development of artificial intelligence. In this work, we take a step toward this goal by introducing GenEx, a system capable of planning complex embodied world exploration, guided by its generative imagination that forms priors (expectations) about the surrounding environments. GenEx generates an entire 3D-consistent imaginative environment from as little as a single RGB image, bringing it to life through panoramic video streams. Leveraging scalable 3D world data curated from Unreal Engine, our generative model is rounded in the physical world. It captures a continuous 360-degree environment with little effort, offering a boundless landscape for AI agents to explore and interact with. GenEx achieves high-quality world generation, robust loop consistency over long trajectories, and demonstrates strong 3D capabilities such as consistency and active 3D mapping. Powered by generative imagination of the world, GPT-assisted agents are equipped to perform complex embodied tasks, including both goal-agnostic exploration and goal-driven navigation. These agents utilize predictive expectation regarding unseen parts of the physical world to refine their beliefs, simulate different outcomes based on potential decisions, and make more informed choices. In summary, we demonstrate that GenEx provides a transformative platform for advancing embodied AI in imaginative spaces and brings potential for extending these capabilities to real-world exploration.

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GainAdaptor: Learning Quadrupedal Locomotion with Dual Actors for Adaptable and Energy-Efficient Walking on Various Terrains

  • Authors: Mincheol Kim, Nahyun Kwon, Jung-Yup Kim


Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has emerged as an innovative solution for controlling legged robots in challenging environments using minimalist architectures. Traditional control methods for legged robots, such as inverse dynamics, either directly manage joint torques or use proportional-derivative (PD) controllers to regulate joint positions at a higher level. In case of DRL, direct torque control presents significant challenges, leading to a preference for joint position control. However, this approach necessitates careful adjustment of joint PD gains, which can limit both adaptability and efficiency. In this paper, we propose GainAdaptor, an adaptive gain control framework that autonomously tunes joint PD gains to enhance terrain adaptability and energy efficiency. The framework employs a dual-actor algorithm to dynamically adjust the PD gains based on varying ground conditions. By utilizing a divided action space, GainAdaptor efficiently learns stable and energy-efficient locomotion. We validate the effectiveness of the proposed method through experiments conducted on a Unitree Go1 robot, demonstrating improved locomotion performance across diverse terrains.

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RoomTour3D: Geometry-Aware Video-Instruction Tuning for Embodied Navigation

  • Authors: Mingfei Han, Liang Ma, Kamila Zhumakhanova, Ekaterina Radionova, Jingyi Zhang, Xiaojun Chang, Xiaodan Liang, Ivan Laptev


Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) suffers from the limited diversity and scale of training data, primarily constrained by the manual curation of existing simulators. To address this, we introduce RoomTour3D, a video-instruction dataset derived from web-based room tour videos that capture real-world indoor spaces and human walking demonstrations. Unlike existing VLN datasets, RoomTour3D leverages the scale and diversity of online videos to generate open-ended human walking trajectories and open-world navigable instructions. To compensate for the lack of navigation data in online videos, we perform 3D reconstruction and obtain 3D trajectories of walking paths augmented with additional information on the room types, object locations and 3D shape of surrounding scenes. Our dataset includes $\sim$100K open-ended description-enriched trajectories with $\sim$200K instructions, and 17K action-enriched trajectories from 1847 room tour environments. We demonstrate experimentally that RoomTour3D enables significant improvements across multiple VLN tasks including CVDN, SOON, R2R, and REVERIE. Moreover, RoomTour3D facilitates the development of trainable zero-shot VLN agents, showcasing the potential and challenges of advancing towards open-world navigation.

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THUD++: Large-Scale Dynamic Indoor Scene Dataset and Benchmark for Mobile Robots

  • Authors: Zeshun Li, Fuhao Li, Wanting Zhang, Zijie Zheng, Xueping Liu, Yongjin Liu, Long Zeng


Most existing mobile robotic datasets primarily capture static scenes, limiting their utility for evaluating robotic performance in dynamic environments. To address this, we present a mobile robot oriented large-scale indoor dataset, denoted as THUD++ (TsingHua University Dynamic) robotic dataset, for dynamic scene understanding. Our current dataset includes 13 large-scale dynamic scenarios, combining both real-world and synthetic data collected with a real robot platform and a physical simulation platform, respectively. The RGB-D dataset comprises over 90K image frames, 20M 2D/3D bounding boxes of static and dynamic objects, camera poses, and IMU. The trajectory dataset covers over 6,000 pedestrian trajectories in indoor scenes. Additionally, the dataset is augmented with a Unity3D-based simulation platform, allowing researchers to create custom scenes and test algorithms in a controlled environment. We evaluate state-of-the-art methods on THUD++ across mainstream indoor scene understanding tasks, e.g., 3D object detection, semantic segmentation, relocalization, pedestrian trajectory prediction, and navigation. Our experiments highlight the challenges mobile robots encounter in indoor environments, especially when navigating in complex, crowded, and dynamic scenes. By sharing this dataset, we aim to accelerate the development and testing of mobile robot algorithms, contributing to real-world robotic applications.

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FLIP: Flow-Centric Generative Planning for General-Purpose Manipulation Tasks

  • Authors: Chongkai Gao, Haozhuo Zhang, Zhixuan Xu, Zhehao Cai, Lin Shao


We aim to develop a model-based planning framework for world models that can be scaled with increasing model and data budgets for general-purpose manipulation tasks with only language and vision inputs. To this end, we present FLow-centric generative Planning (FLIP), a model-based planning algorithm on visual space that features three key modules: 1. a multi-modal flow generation model as the general-purpose action proposal module; 2. a flow-conditioned video generation model as the dynamics module; and 3. a vision-language representation learning model as the value module. Given an initial image and language instruction as the goal, FLIP can progressively search for long-horizon flow and video plans that maximize the discounted return to accomplish the task. FLIP is able to synthesize long-horizon plans across objects, robots, and tasks with image flows as the general action representation, and the dense flow information also provides rich guidance for long-horizon video generation. In addition, the synthesized flow and video plans can guide the training of low-level control policies for robot execution. Experiments on diverse benchmarks demonstrate that FLIP can improve both the success rates and quality of long-horizon video plan synthesis and has the interactive world model property, opening up wider applications for future works.

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ArtFormer: Controllable Generation of Diverse 3D Articulated Objects

  • Authors: Jiayi Su, Youhe Feng, Zheng Li, Jinhua Song, Yangfan He, Botao Ren, Botian Xu


This paper presents a novel framework for modeling and conditional generation of 3D articulated objects. Troubled by flexibility-quality tradeoffs, existing methods are often limited to using predefined structures or retrieving shapes from static datasets. To address these challenges, we parameterize an articulated object as a tree of tokens and employ a transformer to generate both the object's high-level geometry code and its kinematic relations. Subsequently, each sub-part's geometry is further decoded using a signed-distance-function (SDF) shape prior, facilitating the synthesis of high-quality 3D shapes. Our approach enables the generation of diverse objects with high-quality geometry and varying number of parts. Comprehensive experiments on conditional generation from text descriptions demonstrate the effectiveness and flexibility of our method.

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SAT: Spatial Aptitude Training for Multimodal Language Models

  • Authors: Arijit Ray, Jiafei Duan, Reuben Tan, Dina Bashkirova, Rose Hendrix, Kiana Ehsani, Aniruddha Kembhavi, Bryan A. Plummer, Ranjay Krishna, Kuo-Hao Zeng, Kate Saenko


Spatial perception is a fundamental component of intelligence. While many studies highlight that large multimodal language models (MLMs) struggle to reason about space, they only test for static spatial reasoning, such as categorizing the relative positions of objects. Meanwhile, real-world deployment requires dynamic capabilities like perspective-taking and egocentric action recognition. As a roadmap to improving spatial intelligence, we introduce SAT, Spatial Aptitude Training, which goes beyond static relative object position questions to the more dynamic tasks. SAT contains 218K question-answer pairs for 22K synthetic scenes across a training and testing set. Generated using a photo-realistic physics engine, our dataset can be arbitrarily scaled and easily extended to new actions, scenes, and 3D assets. We find that even MLMs that perform relatively well on static questions struggle to accurately answer dynamic spatial questions. Further, we show that SAT instruction-tuning data improves not only dynamic spatial reasoning on SAT, but also zero-shot performance on existing real-image spatial benchmarks: $23\%$ on CVBench, $8\%$ on the harder BLINK benchmark, and $18\%$ on VSR. When instruction-tuned on SAT, our 13B model matches larger proprietary MLMs like GPT4-V and Gemini-3-1.0 in spatial reasoning. Our data/code is available at .

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Non-Prehensile Tool-Object Manipulation by Integrating LLM-Based Planning and Manoeuvrability-Driven Controls

  • Authors: Hoi-Yin Lee, Peng Zhou, Anqing Duan, Wanyu Ma, Chenguang Yang, David Navarro-Alarcon


The ability to wield tools was once considered exclusive to human intelligence, but it's now known that many other animals, like crows, possess this capability. Yet, robotic systems still fall short of matching biological dexterity. In this paper, we investigate the use of Large Language Models (LLMs), tool affordances, and object manoeuvrability for non-prehensile tool-based manipulation tasks. Our novel method leverages LLMs based on scene information and natural language instructions to enable symbolic task planning for tool-object manipulation. This approach allows the system to convert the human language sentence into a sequence of feasible motion functions. We have developed a novel manoeuvrability-driven controller using a new tool affordance model derived from visual feedback. This controller helps guide the robot's tool utilization and manipulation actions, even within confined areas, using a stepping incremental approach. The proposed methodology is evaluated with experiments to prove its effectiveness under various manipulation scenarios.

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Collision-inclusive Manipulation Planning for Occluded Object Grasping via Compliant Robot Motions

  • Authors: Kejia Ren, Gaotian Wang, Andrew S. Morgan, Kaiyu Hang


Traditional robotic manipulation mostly focuses on collision-free tasks. In practice, however, many manipulation tasks (e.g., occluded object grasping) require the robot to intentionally collide with the environment to reach a desired task configuration. By enabling compliant robot motions, collisions between the robot and the environment are allowed and can thus be exploited, but more physical uncertainties are introduced. To address collision-rich problems such as occluded object grasping while handling the involved uncertainties, we propose a collision-inclusive planning framework that can transition the robot to a desired task configuration via roughly modeled collisions absorbed by Cartesian impedance control. By strategically exploiting the environmental constraints and exploring inside a manipulation funnel formed by task repetitions, our framework can effectively reduce physical and perception uncertainties. With real-world evaluations on both single-arm and dual-arm setups, we show that our framework is able to efficiently address various realistic occluded grasping problems where a feasible grasp does not initially exist.

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RoboMM: All-in-One Multimodal Large Model for Robotic Manipulation

  • Authors: Feng Yan, Fanfan Liu, Liming Zheng, Yufeng Zhong, Yiyang Huang, Zechao Guan, Chengjian Feng, Lin Ma


In recent years, robotics has advanced significantly through the integration of larger models and large-scale datasets. However, challenges remain in applying these models to 3D spatial interactions and managing data collection costs. To address these issues, we propose the multimodal robotic manipulation model, RoboMM, along with the comprehensive dataset, RoboData. RoboMM enhances 3D perception through camera parameters and occupancy supervision. Building on OpenFlamingo, it incorporates Modality-Isolation-Mask and multimodal decoder blocks, improving modality fusion and fine-grained perception. RoboData offers the complete evaluation system by integrating several well-known datasets, achieving the first fusion of multi-view images, camera parameters, depth maps, and actions, and the space alignment facilitates comprehensive learning from diverse robotic datasets. Equipped with RoboData and the unified physical space, RoboMM is the generalist policy that enables simultaneous evaluation across all tasks within multiple datasets, rather than focusing on limited selection of data or tasks. Its design significantly enhances robotic manipulation performance, increasing the average sequence length on the CALVIN from 1.7 to 3.3 and ensuring cross-embodiment capabilities, achieving state-of-the-art results across multiple datasets.

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Stereo Hand-Object Reconstruction for Human-to-Robot Handover

  • Authors: Yik Lung Pang, Alessio Xompero, Changjae Oh, Andrea Cavallaro


Jointly estimating hand and object shape ensures the success of the robot grasp in human-to-robot handovers. However, relying on hand-crafted prior knowledge about the geometric structure of the object fails when generalising to unseen objects, and depth sensors fail to detect transparent objects such as drinking glasses. In this work, we propose a stereo-based method for hand-object reconstruction that combines single-view reconstructions probabilistically to form a coherent stereo reconstruction. We learn 3D shape priors from a large synthetic hand-object dataset to ensure that our method is generalisable, and use RGB inputs instead of depth as RGB can better capture transparent objects. We show that our method achieves a lower object Chamfer distance compared to existing RGB based hand-object reconstruction methods on single view and stereo settings. We process the reconstructed hand-object shape with a projection-based outlier removal step and use the output to guide a human-to-robot handover pipeline with wide-baseline stereo RGB cameras. Our hand-object reconstruction enables a robot to successfully receive a diverse range of household objects from the human.

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Mobile-TeleVision: Predictive Motion Priors for Humanoid Whole-Body Control

  • Authors: Chenhao Lu, Xuxin Cheng, Jialong Li, Shiqi Yang, Mazeyu Ji, Chengjing Yuan, Ge Yang, Sha Yi, Xiaolong Wang


Humanoid robots require both robust lower-body locomotion and precise upper-body manipulation. While recent Reinforcement Learning (RL) approaches provide whole-body loco-manipulation policies, they lack precise manipulation with high DoF arms. In this paper, we propose decoupling upper-body control from locomotion, using inverse kinematics (IK) and motion retargeting for precise manipulation, while RL focuses on robust lower-body locomotion. We introduce PMP (Predictive Motion Priors), trained with Conditional Variational Autoencoder (CVAE) to effectively represent upper-body motions. The locomotion policy is trained conditioned on this upper-body motion representation, ensuring that the system remains robust with both manipulation and locomotion. We show that CVAE features are crucial for stability and robustness, and significantly outperforms RL-based whole-body control in precise manipulation. With precise upper-body motion and robust lower-body locomotion control, operators can remotely control the humanoid to walk around and explore different environments, while performing diverse manipulation tasks.

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M$^3$PC: Test-time Model Predictive Control for Pretrained Masked Trajectory Model

  • Authors: Kehan Wen, Yutong Hu, Yao Mu, Lei Ke


Recent work in Offline Reinforcement Learning (RL) has shown that a unified Transformer trained under a masked auto-encoding objective can effectively capture the relationships between different modalities (e.g., states, actions, rewards) within given trajectory datasets. However, this information has not been fully exploited during the inference phase, where the agent needs to generate an optimal policy instead of just reconstructing masked components from unmasked ones. Given that a pretrained trajectory model can act as both a Policy Model and a World Model with appropriate mask patterns, we propose using Model Predictive Control (MPC) at test time to leverage the model's own predictive capability to guide its action selection. Empirical results on D4RL and RoboMimic show that our inference-phase MPC significantly improves the decision-making performance of a pretrained trajectory model without any additional parameter training. Furthermore, our framework can be adapted to Offline to Online (O2O) RL and Goal Reaching RL, resulting in more substantial performance gains when an additional online interaction budget is provided, and better generalization capabilities when different task targets are specified. Code is available:

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RL Zero: Zero-Shot Language to Behaviors without any Supervision

  • Authors: Harshit Sikchi, Siddhant Agarwal, Pranaya Jajoo, Samyak Parajuli, Caleb Chuck, Max Rudolph, Peter Stone, Amy Zhang, Scott Niekum


Rewards remain an uninterpretable way to specify tasks for Reinforcement Learning, as humans are often unable to predict the optimal behavior of any given reward function, leading to poor reward design and reward hacking. Language presents an appealing way to communicate intent to agents and bypass reward design, but prior efforts to do so have been limited by costly and unscalable labeling efforts. In this work, we propose a method for a completely unsupervised alternative to grounding language instructions in a zero-shot manner to obtain policies. We present a solution that takes the form of imagine, project, and imitate: The agent imagines the observation sequence corresponding to the language description of a task, projects the imagined sequence to our target domain, and grounds it to a policy. Video-language models allow us to imagine task descriptions that leverage knowledge of tasks learned from internet-scale video-text mappings. The challenge remains to ground these generations to a policy. In this work, we show that we can achieve a zero-shot language-to-behavior policy by first grounding the imagined sequences in real observations of an unsupervised RL agent and using a closed-form solution to imitation learning that allows the RL agent to mimic the grounded observations. Our method, RLZero, is the first to our knowledge to show zero-shot language to behavior generation abilities without any supervision on a variety of tasks on simulated domains. We further show that RLZero can also generate policies zero-shot from cross-embodied videos such as those scraped from YouTube.

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CHOICE: Coordinated Human-Object Interaction in Cluttered Environments for Pick-and-Place Actions

  • Authors: Jintao Lu, He Zhang, Yuting Ye, Takaaki Shiratori, Sebastian Starke, Taku Komura


Animating human-scene interactions such as pick-and-place tasks in cluttered, complex layouts is a challenging task, with objects of a wide variation of geometries and articulation under scenarios with various obstacles. The main difficulty lies in the sparsity of the motion data compared to the wide variation of the objects and environments as well as the poor availability of transition motions between different tasks, increasing the complexity of the generalization to arbitrary conditions. To cope with this issue, we develop a system that tackles the interaction synthesis problem as a hierarchical goal-driven task. Firstly, we develop a bimanual scheduler that plans a set of keyframes for simultaneously controlling the two hands to efficiently achieve the pick-and-place task from an abstract goal signal such as the target object selected by the user. Next, we develop a neural implicit planner that generates guidance hand trajectories under diverse object shape/types and obstacle layouts. Finally, we propose a linear dynamic model for our DeepPhase controller that incorporates a Kalman filter to enable smooth transitions in the frequency domain, resulting in a more realistic and effective multi-objective control of the character.Our system can produce a wide range of natural pick-and-place movements with respect to the geometry of objects, the articulation of containers and the layout of the objects in the scene.

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FlexEvent: Event Camera Object Detection at Arbitrary Frequencies

  • Authors: Dongyue Lu, Lingdong Kong, Gim Hee Lee, Camille Simon Chane, Wei Tsang Ooi


Event cameras offer unparalleled advantages for real-time perception in dynamic environments, thanks to their microsecond-level temporal resolution and asynchronous operation. Existing event-based object detection methods, however, are limited by fixed-frequency paradigms and fail to fully exploit the high-temporal resolution and adaptability of event cameras. To address these limitations, we propose FlexEvent, a novel event camera object detection framework that enables detection at arbitrary frequencies. Our approach consists of two key components: FlexFuser, an adaptive event-frame fusion module that integrates high-frequency event data with rich semantic information from RGB frames, and FAL, a frequency-adaptive learning mechanism that generates frequency-adjusted labels to enhance model generalization across varying operational frequencies. This combination allows our method to detect objects with high accuracy in both fast-moving and static scenarios, while adapting to dynamic environments. Extensive experiments on large-scale event camera datasets demonstrate that our approach surpasses state-of-the-art methods, achieving significant improvements in both standard and high-frequency settings. Notably, our method maintains robust performance when scaling from 20 Hz to 90 Hz and delivers accurate detection up to 180 Hz, proving its effectiveness in extreme conditions. Our framework sets a new benchmark for event-based object detection and paves the way for more adaptable, real-time vision systems.

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LaNMP: A Language-Conditioned Mobile Manipulation Benchmark for Autonomous Robots

  • Authors: Ahmed Jaafar, Shreyas Sundara Raman, Yichen Wei, Sofia Juliani, Anneke Wernerfelt, Benedict Quartey, Ifrah Idrees, Jason Xinyu Liu, Stefanie Tellex


As robots that follow natural language become more capable and prevalent, we need a benchmark to holistically develop and evaluate their ability to solve long-horizon mobile manipulation tasks in large, diverse environments. To tackle this challenge, robots must use visual and language understanding, navigation, and manipulation capabilities. Existing datasets do not integrate all these aspects, restricting their efficacy as benchmarks. To address this gap, we present the Language, Navigation, Manipulation, Perception (LaNMP, pronounced Lamp) dataset and demonstrate the benefits of integrating these four capabilities and various modalities. LaNMP comprises 574 trajectories across eight simulated and real-world environments for long-horizon room-to-room pick-and-place tasks specified by natural language. Every trajectory consists of over 20 attributes, including RGB-D images, segmentations, and the poses of the robot body, end-effector, and grasped objects. We fine-tuned and tested two models in simulation, and evaluated a third on a physical robot, to demonstrate the benchmark's applicability in development and evaluation, as well as making models more sample efficient. The models performed suboptimally compared to humans; however, showed promise in increasing model sample efficiency, indicating significant room for developing more sample efficient multimodal mobile manipulation models using our benchmark.

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What's the Move? Hybrid Imitation Learning via Salient Points

  • Authors: Priya Sundaresan, Hengyuan Hu, Quan Vuong, Jeannette Bohg, Dorsa Sadigh


While imitation learning (IL) offers a promising framework for teaching robots various behaviors, learning complex tasks remains challenging. Existing IL policies struggle to generalize effectively across visual and spatial variations even for simple tasks. In this work, we introduce SPHINX: Salient Point-based Hybrid ImitatioN and eXecution, a flexible IL policy that leverages multimodal observations (point clouds and wrist images), along with a hybrid action space of low-frequency, sparse waypoints and high-frequency, dense end effector movements. Given 3D point cloud observations, SPHINX learns to infer task-relevant points within a point cloud, or salient points, which support spatial generalization by focusing on semantically meaningful features. These salient points serve as anchor points to predict waypoints for long-range movement, such as reaching target poses in free-space. Once near a salient point, SPHINX learns to switch to predicting dense end-effector movements given close-up wrist images for precise phases of a task. By exploiting the strengths of different input modalities and action representations for different manipulation phases, SPHINX tackles complex tasks in a sample-efficient, generalizable manner. Our method achieves 86.7% success across 4 real-world and 2 simulated tasks, outperforming the next best state-of-the-art IL baseline by 41.1% on average across 440 real world trials. SPHINX additionally generalizes to novel viewpoints, visual distractors, spatial arrangements, and execution speeds with a 1.7x speedup over the most competitive baseline. Our website ( provides open-sourced code for data collection, training, and evaluation, along with supplementary videos.

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AutoURDF: Unsupervised Robot Modeling from Point Cloud Frames Using Cluster Registration

  • Authors: Jiong Lin, Lechen Zhang, Kwansoo Lee, Jialong Ning, Judah Goldfeder, Hod Lipson


Robot description models are essential for simulation and control, yet their creation often requires significant manual effort. To streamline this modeling process, we introduce AutoURDF, an unsupervised approach for constructing description files for unseen robots from point cloud frames. Our method leverages a cluster-based point cloud registration model that tracks the 6-DoF transformations of point clusters. Through analyzing cluster movements, we hierarchically address the following challenges: (1) moving part segmentation, (2) body topology inference, and (3) joint parameter estimation. The complete pipeline produces robot description files that are fully compatible with existing simulators. We validate our method across a variety of robots, using both synthetic and real-world scan data. Results indicate that our approach outperforms previous methods in registration and body topology estimation accuracy, offering a scalable solution for automated robot modeling.

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Video2Reward: Generating Reward Function from Videos for Legged Robot Behavior Learning

  • Authors: Runhao Zeng, Dingjie Zhou, Qiwei Liang, Junlin Liu, Hui Li, Changxin Huang, Jianqiang Li, Xiping Hu, Fuchun Sun


Learning behavior in legged robots presents a significant challenge due to its inherent instability and complex constraints. Recent research has proposed the use of a large language model (LLM) to generate reward functions in reinforcement learning, thereby replacing the need for manually designed rewards by experts. However, this approach, which relies on textual descriptions to define learning objectives, fails to achieve controllable and precise behavior learning with clear directionality. In this paper, we introduce a new video2reward method, which directly generates reward functions from videos depicting the behaviors to be mimicked and learned. Specifically, we first process videos containing the target behaviors, converting the motion information of individuals in the videos into keypoint trajectories represented as coordinates through a video2text transforming module. These trajectories are then fed into an LLM to generate the reward function, which in turn is used to train the policy. To enhance the quality of the reward function, we develop a video-assisted iterative reward refinement scheme that visually assesses the learned behaviors and provides textual feedback to the LLM. This feedback guides the LLM to continually refine the reward function, ultimately facilitating more efficient behavior learning. Experimental results on tasks involving bipedal and quadrupedal robot motion control demonstrate that our method surpasses the performance of state-of-the-art LLM-based reward generation methods by over 37.6% in terms of human normalized score. More importantly, by switching video inputs, we find our method can rapidly learn diverse motion behaviors such as walking and running.

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Uni-NaVid: A Video-based Vision-Language-Action Model for Unifying Embodied Navigation Tasks

  • Authors: Jiazhao Zhang, Kunyu Wang, Shaoan Wang, Minghan Li, Haoran Liu, Songlin Wei, Zhongyuan Wang, Zhizheng Zhang, He Wang


A practical navigation agent must be capable of handling a wide range of interaction demands, such as following instructions, searching objects, answering questions, tracking people, and more. Existing models for embodied navigation fall short of serving as practical generalists in the real world, as they are often constrained by specific task configurations or pre-defined maps with discretized waypoints. In this work, we present Uni-NaVid, the first video-based vision-language-action (VLA) model designed to unify diverse embodied navigation tasks and enable seamless navigation for mixed long-horizon tasks in unseen real-world environments. Uni-NaVid achieves this by harmonizing the input and output data configurations for all commonly used embodied navigation tasks and thereby integrating all tasks in one model. For training Uni-NaVid, we collect 3.6 million navigation data samples in total from four essential navigation sub-tasks and foster synergy in learning across them. Extensive experiments on comprehensive navigation benchmarks clearly demonstrate the advantages of unification modeling in Uni-NaVid and show it achieves state-of-the-art performance. Additionally, real-world experiments confirm the model's effectiveness and efficiency, shedding light on its strong generalizability.

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AnyBimanual: Transferring Unimanual Policy for General Bimanual Manipulation

  • Authors: Guanxing Lu, Tengbo Yu, Haoyuan Deng, Season Si Chen, Yansong Tang, Ziwei Wang


Performing general language-conditioned bimanual manipulation tasks is of great importance for many applications ranging from household service to industrial assembly. However, collecting bimanual manipulation data is expensive due to the high-dimensional action space, which poses challenges for conventional methods to handle general bimanual manipulation tasks. In contrast, unimanual policy has recently demonstrated impressive generalizability across a wide range of tasks because of scaled model parameters and training data, which can provide sharable manipulation knowledge for bimanual systems. To this end, we propose a plug-and-play method named AnyBimanual, which transfers pre-trained unimanual policy to general bimanual manipulation policy with few bimanual demonstrations. Specifically, we first introduce a skill manager to dynamically schedule the skill representations discovered from pre-trained unimanual policy for bimanual manipulation tasks, which linearly combines skill primitives with task-oriented compensation to represent the bimanual manipulation instruction. To mitigate the observation discrepancy between unimanual and bimanual systems, we present a visual aligner to generate soft masks for visual embedding of the workspace, which aims to align visual input of unimanual policy model for each arm with those during pretraining stage. AnyBimanual shows superiority on 12 simulated tasks from RLBench2 with a sizable 12.67% improvement in success rate over previous methods. Experiments on 9 real-world tasks further verify its practicality with an average success rate of 84.62%.

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BimArt: A Unified Approach for the Synthesis of 3D Bimanual Interaction with Articulated Objects

  • Authors: Wanyue Zhang, Rishabh Dabral, Vladislav Golyanik, Vasileios Choutas, Eduardo Alvarado, Thabo Beeler, Marc Habermann, Christian Theobalt


We present BimArt, a novel generative approach for synthesizing 3D bimanual hand interactions with articulated objects. Unlike prior works, we do not rely on a reference grasp, a coarse hand trajectory, or separate modes for grasping and articulating. To achieve this, we first generate distance-based contact maps conditioned on the object trajectory with an articulation-aware feature representation, revealing rich bimanual patterns for manipulation. The learned contact prior is then used to guide our hand motion generator, producing diverse and realistic bimanual motions for object movement and articulation. Our work offers key insights into feature representation and contact prior for articulated objects, demonstrating their effectiveness in taming the complex, high-dimensional space of bimanual hand-object interactions. Through comprehensive quantitative experiments, we demonstrate a clear step towards simplified and high-quality hand-object animations that excel over the state-of-the-art in motion quality and diversity.

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Maximizing Alignment with Minimal Feedback: Efficiently Learning Rewards for Visuomotor Robot Policy Alignment

  • Authors: Ran Tian, Yilin Wu, Chenfeng Xu, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Jitendra Malik, Andrea Bajcsy


Visuomotor robot policies, increasingly pre-trained on large-scale datasets, promise significant advancements across robotics domains. However, aligning these policies with end-user preferences remains a challenge, particularly when the preferences are hard to specify. While reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) has become the predominant mechanism for alignment in non-embodied domains like large language models, it has not seen the same success in aligning visuomotor policies due to the prohibitive amount of human feedback required to learn visual reward functions. To address this limitation, we propose Representation-Aligned Preference-based Learning (RAPL), an observation-only method for learning visual rewards from significantly less human preference feedback. Unlike traditional RLHF, RAPL focuses human feedback on fine-tuning pre-trained vision encoders to align with the end-user's visual representation and then constructs a dense visual reward via feature matching in this aligned representation space. We first validate RAPL through simulation experiments in the X-Magical benchmark and Franka Panda robotic manipulation, demonstrating that it can learn rewards aligned with human preferences, more efficiently uses preference data, and generalizes across robot embodiments. Finally, our hardware experiments align pre-trained Diffusion Policies for three object manipulation tasks. We find that RAPL can fine-tune these policies with 5x less real human preference data, taking the first step towards minimizing human feedback while maximizing visuomotor robot policy alignment.

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DenseMatcher: Learning 3D Semantic Correspondence for Category-Level Manipulation from a Single Demo

  • Authors: Junzhe Zhu, Yuanchen Ju, Junyi Zhang, Muhan Wang, Zhecheng Yuan, Kaizhe Hu, Huazhe Xu


Dense 3D correspondence can enhance robotic manipulation by enabling the generalization of spatial, functional, and dynamic information from one object to an unseen counterpart. Compared to shape correspondence, semantic correspondence is more effective in generalizing across different object categories. To this end, we present DenseMatcher, a method capable of computing 3D correspondences between in-the-wild objects that share similar structures. DenseMatcher first computes vertex features by projecting multiview 2D features onto meshes and refining them with a 3D network, and subsequently finds dense correspondences with the obtained features using functional map. In addition, we craft the first 3D matching dataset that contains colored object meshes across diverse categories. In our experiments, we show that DenseMatcher significantly outperforms prior 3D matching baselines by 43.5%. We demonstrate the downstream effectiveness of DenseMatcher in (i) robotic manipulation, where it achieves cross-instance and cross-category generalization on long-horizon complex manipulation tasks from observing only one demo; (ii) zero-shot color mapping between digital assets, where appearance can be transferred between different objects with relatable geometry.

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SeeGround: See and Ground for Zero-Shot Open-Vocabulary 3D Visual Grounding

  • Authors: Rong Li, Shijie Li, Lingdong Kong, Xulei Yang, Junwei Liang


3D Visual Grounding (3DVG) aims to locate objects in 3D scenes based on textual descriptions, which is essential for applications like augmented reality and robotics. Traditional 3DVG approaches rely on annotated 3D datasets and predefined object categories, limiting scalability and adaptability. To overcome these limitations, we introduce SeeGround, a zero-shot 3DVG framework leveraging 2D Vision-Language Models (VLMs) trained on large-scale 2D data. We propose to represent 3D scenes as a hybrid of query-aligned rendered images and spatially enriched text descriptions, bridging the gap between 3D data and 2D-VLMs input formats. We propose two modules: the Perspective Adaptation Module, which dynamically selects viewpoints for query-relevant image rendering, and the Fusion Alignment Module, which integrates 2D images with 3D spatial descriptions to enhance object localization. Extensive experiments on ScanRefer and Nr3D demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing zero-shot methods by large margins. Notably, we exceed weakly supervised methods and rival some fully supervised ones, outperforming previous SOTA by 7.7% on ScanRefer and 7.1% on Nr3D, showcasing its effectiveness.

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Reinforcement Learning from Wild Animal Videos

  • Authors: Elliot Chane-Sane, Constant Roux, Olivier Stasse, Nicolas Mansard


We propose to learn legged robot locomotion skills by watching thousands of wild animal videos from the internet, such as those featured in nature documentaries. Indeed, such videos offer a rich and diverse collection of plausible motion examples, which could inform how robots should move. To achieve this, we introduce Reinforcement Learning from Wild Animal Videos (RLWAV), a method to ground these motions into physical robots. We first train a video classifier on a large-scale animal video dataset to recognize actions from RGB clips of animals in their natural habitats. We then train a multi-skill policy to control a robot in a physics simulator, using the classification score of a third-person camera capturing videos of the robot's movements as a reward for reinforcement learning. Finally, we directly transfer the learned policy to a real quadruped Solo. Remarkably, despite the extreme gap in both domain and embodiment between animals in the wild and robots, our approach enables the policy to learn diverse skills such as walking, jumping, and keeping still, without relying on reference trajectories nor skill-specific rewards.

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Moto: Latent Motion Token as the Bridging Language for Robot Manipulation

  • Authors: Yi Chen, Yuying Ge, Yizhuo Li, Yixiao Ge, Mingyu Ding, Ying Shan, Xihui Liu


Recent developments in Large Language Models pre-trained on extensive corpora have shown significant success in various natural language processing tasks with minimal fine-tuning. This success offers new promise for robotics, which has long been constrained by the high cost of action-labeled data. We ask: given the abundant video data containing interaction-related knowledge available as a rich "corpus", can a similar generative pre-training approach be effectively applied to enhance robot learning? The key challenge is to identify an effective representation for autoregressive pre-training that benefits robot manipulation tasks. Inspired by the way humans learn new skills through observing dynamic environments, we propose that effective robotic learning should emphasize motion-related knowledge, which is closely tied to low-level actions and is hardware-agnostic, facilitating the transfer of learned motions to actual robot actions. To this end, we introduce Moto, which converts video content into latent Motion Token sequences by a Latent Motion Tokenizer, learning a bridging "language" of motion from videos in an unsupervised manner. We pre-train Moto-GPT through motion token autoregression, enabling it to capture diverse visual motion knowledge. After pre-training, Moto-GPT demonstrates the promising ability to produce semantically interpretable motion tokens, predict plausible motion trajectories, and assess trajectory rationality through output likelihood. To transfer learned motion priors to real robot actions, we implement a co-fine-tuning strategy that seamlessly bridges latent motion token prediction and real robot control. Extensive experiments show that the fine-tuned Moto-GPT exhibits superior robustness and efficiency on robot manipulation benchmarks, underscoring its effectiveness in transferring knowledge from video data to downstream visual manipulation tasks.

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  • Authors: An-Chieh Cheng, Yandong Ji, Zhaojing Yang, Xueyan Zou, Jan Kautz, Erdem Bıyık, Hongxu Yin, Sifei Liu, Xiaolong Wang


This paper proposes to solve the problem of Vision-and-Language Navigation with legged robots, which not only provides a flexible way for humans to command but also allows the robot to navigate through more challenging and cluttered scenes. However, it is non-trivial to translate human language instructions all the way to low-level leg joint actions. We propose NaVILA, a 2-level framework that unifies a Vision-Language-Action model (VLA) with locomotion skills. Instead of directly predicting low-level actions from VLA, NaVILA first generates mid-level actions with spatial information in the form of language, (e.g., "moving forward 75cm"), which serves as an input for a visual locomotion RL policy for execution. NaVILA substantially improves previous approaches on existing benchmarks. The same advantages are demonstrated in our newly developed benchmarks with IsaacLab, featuring more realistic scenes, low-level controls, and real-world robot experiments. We show more results at

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Code-as-Monitor: Constraint-aware Visual Programming for Reactive and Proactive Robotic Failure Detection

  • Authors: Enshen Zhou, Qi Su, Cheng Chi, Zhizheng Zhang, Zhongyuan Wang, Tiejun Huang, Lu Sheng, He Wang


Automatic detection and prevention of open-set failures are crucial in closed-loop robotic systems. Recent studies often struggle to simultaneously identify unexpected failures reactively after they occur and prevent foreseeable ones proactively. To this end, we propose Code-as-Monitor (CaM), a novel paradigm leveraging the vision-language model (VLM) for both open-set reactive and proactive failure detection. The core of our method is to formulate both tasks as a unified set of spatio-temporal constraint satisfaction problems and use VLM-generated code to evaluate them for real-time monitoring. To enhance the accuracy and efficiency of monitoring, we further introduce constraint elements that abstract constraint-related entities or their parts into compact geometric elements. This approach offers greater generality, simplifies tracking, and facilitates constraint-aware visual programming by leveraging these elements as visual prompts. Experiments show that CaM achieves a 28.7% higher success rate and reduces execution time by 31.8% under severe disturbances compared to baselines across three simulators and a real-world setting. Moreover, CaM can be integrated with open-loop control policies to form closed-loop systems, enabling long-horizon tasks in cluttered scenes with dynamic environments.

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  • Authors: Amir Bar, Gaoyue Zhou, Danny Tran, Trevor Darrell, Yann LeCun


Navigation is a fundamental skill of agents with visual-motor capabilities. We introduce a Navigation World Model (NWM), a controllable video generation model that predicts future visual observations based on past observations and navigation actions. To capture complex environment dynamics, NWM employs a Conditional Diffusion Transformer (CDiT), trained on a diverse collection of egocentric videos of both human and robotic agents, and scaled up to 1 billion parameters. In familiar environments, NWM can plan navigation trajectories by simulating them and evaluating whether they achieve the desired goal. Unlike supervised navigation policies with fixed behavior, NWM can dynamically incorporate constraints during planning. Experiments demonstrate its effectiveness in planning trajectories from scratch or by ranking trajectories sampled from an external policy. Furthermore, NWM leverages its learned visual priors to imagine trajectories in unfamiliar environments from a single input image, making it a flexible and powerful tool for next-generation navigation systems.

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Learning Whole-Body Loco-Manipulation for Omni-Directional Task Space Pose Tracking with a Wheeled-Quadrupedal-Manipulator

  • Authors: Kaiwen Jiang, Zhen Fu, Junde Guo, Wei Zhang, Hua Chen


In this paper, we study the whole-body loco-manipulation problem using reinforcement learning (RL). Specifically, we focus on the problem of how to coordinate the floating base and the robotic arm of a wheeled-quadrupedal manipulator robot to achieve direct six-dimensional (6D) end-effector (EE) pose tracking in task space. Different from conventional whole-body loco-manipulation problems that track both floating-base and end-effector commands, the direct EE pose tracking problem requires inherent balance among redundant degrees of freedom in the whole-body motion. We leverage RL to solve this challenging problem. To address the associated difficulties, we develop a novel reward fusion module (RFM) that systematically integrates reward terms corresponding to different tasks in a nonlinear manner. In such a way, the inherent multi-stage and hierarchical feature of the loco-manipulation problem can be carefully accommodated. By combining the proposed RFM with the a teacher-student RL training paradigm, we present a complete RL scheme to achieve 6D EE pose tracking for the wheeled-quadruped manipulator robot. Extensive simulation and hardware experiments demonstrate the significance of the RFM. In particular, we enable smooth and precise tracking performance, achieving state-of-the-art tracking position error of less than 5 cm, and rotation error of less than 0.1 rad. Please refer to for more experimental videos.

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AffordDP: Generalizable Diffusion Policy with Transferable Affordance

  • Authors: Shijie Wu, Yihang Zhu, Yunao Huang, Kaizhen Zhu, Jiayuan Gu, Jingyi Yu, Ye Shi, Jingya Wang


Diffusion-based policies have shown impressive performance in robotic manipulation tasks while struggling with out-of-domain distributions. Recent efforts attempted to enhance generalization by improving the visual feature encoding for diffusion policy. However, their generalization is typically limited to the same category with similar appearances. Our key insight is that leveraging affordances--manipulation priors that define "where" and "how" an agent interacts with an object--can substantially enhance generalization to entirely unseen object instances and categories. We introduce the Diffusion Policy with transferable Affordance (AffordDP), designed for generalizable manipulation across novel categories. AffordDP models affordances through 3D contact points and post-contact trajectories, capturing the essential static and dynamic information for complex tasks. The transferable affordance from in-domain data to unseen objects is achieved by estimating a 6D transformation matrix using foundational vision models and point cloud registration techniques. More importantly, we incorporate affordance guidance during diffusion sampling that can refine action sequence generation. This guidance directs the generated action to gradually move towards the desired manipulation for unseen objects while keeping the generated action within the manifold of action space. Experimental results from both simulated and real-world environments demonstrate that AffordDP consistently outperforms previous diffusion-based methods, successfully generalizing to unseen instances and categories where others fail.

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Rotograb: Combining Biomimetic Hands with Industrial Grippers using a Rotating Thumb

  • Authors: Arnaud Bersier, Matteo Leonforte, Alessio Vanetta, Sarah Lia Andrea Wotke, Andrea Nappi, Yifan Zhou, Sebastiano Oliani, Alexander M. Kübler, Robert K. Katzschmann


The development of robotic grippers and hands for automation aims to emulate human dexterity without sacrificing the efficiency of industrial grippers. This study introduces Rotograb, a tendon-actuated robotic hand featuring a novel rotating thumb. The aim is to combine the dexterity of human hands with the efficiency of industrial grippers. The rotating thumb enlarges the workspace and allows in-hand manipulation. A novel joint design minimizes movement interference and simplifies kinematics, using a cutout for tendon routing. We integrate teleoperation, using a depth camera for real-time tracking and autonomous manipulation powered by reinforcement learning with proximal policy optimization. Experimental evaluations demonstrate that Rotograb's rotating thumb greatly improves both operational versatility and workspace. It can handle various grasping and manipulation tasks with objects from the YCB dataset, with particularly good results when rotating objects within its grasp. Rotograb represents a notable step towards bridging the capability gap between human hands and industrial grippers. The tendon-routing and thumb-rotating mechanisms allow for a new level of control and dexterity. Integrating teleoperation and autonomous learning underscores Rotograb's adaptability and sophistication, promising substantial advancements in both robotics research and practical applications.

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SparseGrasp: Robotic Grasping via 3D Semantic Gaussian Splatting from Sparse Multi-View RGB Images

  • Authors: Junqiu Yu, Xinlin Ren, Yongchong Gu, Haitao Lin, Tianyu Wang, Yi Zhu, Hang Xu, Yu-Gang Jiang, Xiangyang Xue, Yanwei Fu


Language-guided robotic grasping is a rapidly advancing field where robots are instructed using human language to grasp specific objects. However, existing methods often depend on dense camera views and struggle to quickly update scenes, limiting their effectiveness in changeable environments. In contrast, we propose SparseGrasp, a novel open-vocabulary robotic grasping system that operates efficiently with sparse-view RGB images and handles scene updates fastly. Our system builds upon and significantly enhances existing computer vision modules in robotic learning. Specifically, SparseGrasp utilizes DUSt3R to generate a dense point cloud as the initialization for 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS), maintaining high fidelity even under sparse supervision. Importantly, SparseGrasp incorporates semantic awareness from recent vision foundation models. To further improve processing efficiency, we repurpose Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to compress features from 2D models. Additionally, we introduce a novel render-and-compare strategy that ensures rapid scene updates, enabling multi-turn grasping in changeable environments. Experimental results show that SparseGrasp significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of both speed and adaptability, providing a robust solution for multi-turn grasping in changeable environment.

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GSGTrack: Gaussian Splatting-Guided Object Pose Tracking from RGB Videos

  • Authors: Zhiyuan Chen, Fan Lu, Guo Yu, Bin Li, Sanqing Qu, Yuan Huang, Changhong Fu, Guang Chen


Tracking the 6DoF pose of unknown objects in monocular RGB video sequences is crucial for robotic manipulation. However, existing approaches typically rely on accurate depth information, which is non-trivial to obtain in real-world scenarios. Although depth estimation algorithms can be employed, geometric inaccuracy can lead to failures in RGBD-based pose tracking methods. To address this challenge, we introduce GSGTrack, a novel RGB-based pose tracking framework that jointly optimizes geometry and pose. Specifically, we adopt 3D Gaussian Splatting to create an optimizable 3D representation, which is learned simultaneously with a graph-based geometry optimization to capture the object's appearance features and refine its geometry. However, the joint optimization process is susceptible to perturbations from noisy pose and geometry data. Thus, we propose an object silhouette loss to address the issue of pixel-wise loss being overly sensitive to pose noise during tracking. To mitigate the geometric ambiguities caused by inaccurate depth information, we propose a geometry-consistent image pair selection strategy, which filters out low-confidence pairs and ensures robust geometric optimization. Extensive experiments on the OnePose and HO3D datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of GSGTrack in both 6DoF pose tracking and object reconstruction.

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Gaussian Object Carver: Object-Compositional Gaussian Splatting with surfaces completion

  • Authors: Liu Liu, Xinjie Wang, Jiaxiong Qiu, Tianwei Lin, Xiaolin Zhou, Zhizhong Su


3D scene reconstruction is a foundational problem in computer vision. Despite recent advancements in Neural Implicit Representations (NIR), existing methods often lack editability and compositional flexibility, limiting their use in scenarios requiring high interactivity and object-level manipulation. In this paper, we introduce the Gaussian Object Carver (GOC), a novel, efficient, and scalable framework for object-compositional 3D scene reconstruction. GOC leverages 3D Gaussian Splatting (GS), enriched with monocular geometry priors and multi-view geometry regularization, to achieve high-quality and flexible reconstruction. Furthermore, we propose a zero-shot Object Surface Completion (OSC) model, which uses 3D priors from 3d object data to reconstruct unobserved surfaces, ensuring object completeness even in occluded areas. Experimental results demonstrate that GOC improves reconstruction efficiency and geometric fidelity. It holds promise for advancing the practical application of digital twins in embodied AI, AR/VR, and interactive simulation environments.

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Planning-Guided Diffusion Policy Learning for Generalizable Contact-Rich Bimanual Manipulation

  • Authors: Xuanlin Li, Tong Zhao, Xinghao Zhu, Jiuguang Wang, Tao Pang, Kuan Fang


Contact-rich bimanual manipulation involves precise coordination of two arms to change object states through strategically selected contacts and motions. Due to the inherent complexity of these tasks, acquiring sufficient demonstration data and training policies that generalize to unseen scenarios remain a largely unresolved challenge. Building on recent advances in planning through contacts, we introduce Generalizable Planning-Guided Diffusion Policy Learning (GLIDE), an approach that effectively learns to solve contact-rich bimanual manipulation tasks by leveraging model-based motion planners to generate demonstration data in high-fidelity physics simulation. Through efficient planning in randomized environments, our approach generates large-scale and high-quality synthetic motion trajectories for tasks involving diverse objects and transformations. We then train a task-conditioned diffusion policy via behavior cloning using these demonstrations. To tackle the sim-to-real gap, we propose a set of essential design options in feature extraction, task representation, action prediction, and data augmentation that enable learning robust prediction of smooth action sequences and generalization to unseen scenarios. Through experiments in both simulation and the real world, we demonstrate that our approach can enable a bimanual robotic system to effectively manipulate objects of diverse geometries, dimensions, and physical properties. Website:

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UniGraspTransformer: Simplified Policy Distillation for Scalable Dexterous Robotic Grasping

  • Authors: Wenbo Wang, Fangyun Wei, Lei Zhou, Xi Chen, Lin Luo, Xiaohan Yi, Yizhong Zhang, Yaobo Liang, Chang Xu, Yan Lu, Jiaolong Yang, Baining Guo


We introduce UniGraspTransformer, a universal Transformer-based network for dexterous robotic grasping that simplifies training while enhancing scalability and performance. Unlike prior methods such as UniDexGrasp++, which require complex, multi-step training pipelines, UniGraspTransformer follows a streamlined process: first, dedicated policy networks are trained for individual objects using reinforcement learning to generate successful grasp trajectories; then, these trajectories are distilled into a single, universal network. Our approach enables UniGraspTransformer to scale effectively, incorporating up to 12 self-attention blocks for handling thousands of objects with diverse poses. Additionally, it generalizes well to both idealized and real-world inputs, evaluated in state-based and vision-based settings. Notably, UniGraspTransformer generates a broader range of grasping poses for objects in various shapes and orientations, resulting in more diverse grasp strategies. Experimental results demonstrate significant improvements over state-of-the-art, UniDexGrasp++, across various object categories, achieving success rate gains of 3.5%, 7.7%, and 10.1% on seen objects, unseen objects within seen categories, and completely unseen objects, respectively, in the vision-based setting. Project page:

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Holistic Understanding of 3D Scenes as Universal Scene Description

  • Authors: Anna-Maria Halacheva, Yang Miao, Jan-Nico Zaech, Xi Wang, Luc Van Gool, Danda Pani Paudel


3D scene understanding is a long-standing challenge in computer vision and a key component in enabling mixed reality, wearable computing, and embodied AI. Providing a solution to these applications requires a multifaceted approach that covers scene-centric, object-centric, as well as interaction-centric capabilities. While there exist numerous datasets approaching the former two problems, the task of understanding interactable and articulated objects is underrepresented and only partly covered by current works. In this work, we address this shortcoming and introduce (1) an expertly curated dataset in the Universal Scene Description (USD) format, featuring high-quality manual annotations, for instance, segmentation and articulation on 280 indoor scenes; (2) a learning-based model together with a novel baseline capable of predicting part segmentation along with a full specification of motion attributes, including motion type, articulated and interactable parts, and motion parameters; (3) a benchmark serving to compare upcoming methods for the task at hand. Overall, our dataset provides 8 types of annotations - object and part segmentations, motion types, movable and interactable parts, motion parameters, connectivity, and object mass annotations. With its broad and high-quality annotations, the data provides the basis for holistic 3D scene understanding models. All data is provided in the USD format, allowing interoperability and easy integration with downstream tasks. We provide open access to our dataset, benchmark, and method's source code.

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Unleashing the Power of Data Synthesis in Visual Localization

  • Authors: Sihang Li, Siqi Tan, Bowen Chang, Jing Zhang, Chen Feng, Yiming Li


Visual localization, which estimates a camera's pose within a known scene, is a long-standing challenge in vision and robotics. Recent end-to-end methods that directly regress camera poses from query images have gained attention for fast inference. However, existing methods often struggle to generalize to unseen views. In this work, we aim to unleash the power of data synthesis to promote the generalizability of pose regression. Specifically, we lift real 2D images into 3D Gaussian Splats with varying appearance and deblurring abilities, which are then used as a data engine to synthesize more posed images. To fully leverage the synthetic data, we build a two-branch joint training pipeline, with an adversarial discriminator to bridge the syn-to-real gap. Experiments on established benchmarks show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art end-to-end approaches, reducing translation and rotation errors by 50% and 21.6% on indoor datasets, and 35.56% and 38.7% on outdoor datasets. We also validate the effectiveness of our method in dynamic driving scenarios under varying weather conditions. Notably, as data synthesis scales up, our method exhibits a growing ability to interpolate and extrapolate training data for localizing unseen views. Project Page:

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Event-based Tracking of Any Point with Motion-Robust Correlation Features

  • Authors: Friedhelm Hamann, Daniel Gehrig, Filbert Febryanto, Kostas Daniilidis, Guillermo Gallego


Tracking any point (TAP) recently shifted the motion estimation paradigm from focusing on individual salient points with local templates to tracking arbitrary points with global image contexts. However, while research has mostly focused on driving the accuracy of models in nominal settings, addressing scenarios with difficult lighting conditions and high-speed motions remains out of reach due to the limitations of the sensor. This work addresses this challenge with the first event camera-based TAP method. It leverages the high temporal resolution and high dynamic range of event cameras for robust high-speed tracking, and the global contexts in TAP methods to handle asynchronous and sparse event measurements. We further extend the TAP framework to handle event feature variations induced by motion - thereby addressing an open challenge in purely event-based tracking - with a novel feature alignment loss which ensures the learning of motion-robust features. Our method is trained with data from a new data generation pipeline and systematically ablated across all design decisions. Our method shows strong cross-dataset generalization and performs 135% better on the average Jaccard metric than the baselines. Moreover, on an established feature tracking benchmark, it achieves a 19% improvement over the previous best event-only method and even surpasses the previous best events-and-frames method by 3.7%.

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ARMOR: Egocentric Perception for Humanoid Robot Collision Avoidance and Motion Planning

  • Authors: Daehwa Kim, Mario Srouji, Chen Chen, Jian Zhang


Humanoid robots have significant gaps in their sensing and perception, making it hard to perform motion planning in dense environments. To address this, we introduce ARMOR, a novel egocentric perception system that integrates both hardware and software, specifically incorporating wearable-like depth sensors for humanoid robots. Our distributed perception approach enhances the robot's spatial awareness, and facilitates more agile motion planning. We also train a transformer-based imitation learning (IL) policy in simulation to perform dynamic collision avoidance, by leveraging around 86 hours worth of human realistic motions from the AMASS dataset. We show that our ARMOR perception is superior against a setup with multiple dense head-mounted, and externally mounted depth cameras, with a 63.7% reduction in collisions, and 78.7% improvement on success rate. We also compare our IL policy against a sampling-based motion planning expert cuRobo, showing 31.6% less collisions, 16.9% higher success rate, and 26x reduction in computational latency. Lastly, we deploy our ARMOR perception on our real-world GR1 humanoid from Fourier Intelligence. We are going to update the link to the source code, HW description, and 3D CAD files in the arXiv version of this text.

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A Cross-Scene Benchmark for Open-World Drone Active Tracking

  • Authors: Haowei Sun, Jinwu Hu, Zhirui Zhang, Haoyuan Tian, Xinze Xie, Yufeng Wang, Zhuliang Yu, Xiaohua Xie, Mingkui Tan


Drone Visual Active Tracking aims to autonomously follow a target object by controlling the motion system based on visual observations, providing a more practical solution for effective tracking in dynamic environments. However, accurate Drone Visual Active Tracking using reinforcement learning remains challenging due to the absence of a unified benchmark, the complexity of open-world environments with frequent interference, and the diverse motion behavior of dynamic targets. To address these issues, we propose a unified cross-scene cross-domain benchmark for open-world drone active tracking called DAT. The DAT benchmark provides 24 visually complex environments to assess the algorithms' cross-scene and cross-domain generalization abilities, and high-fidelity modeling of realistic robot dynamics. Additionally, we propose a reinforcement learning-based drone tracking method called R-VAT, which aims to improve the performance of drone tracking targets in complex scenarios. Specifically, inspired by curriculum learning, we introduce a Curriculum-Based Training strategy that progressively enhances the agent tracking performance in vast environments with complex interference. We design a goal-centered reward function to provide precise feedback to the drone agent, preventing targets farther from the center of view from receiving higher rewards than closer ones. This allows the drone to adapt to the diverse motion behavior of open-world targets. Experiments demonstrate that the R-VAT has about 400% improvement over the SOTA method in terms of the cumulative reward metric.

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DaDu-E: Rethinking the Role of Large Language Model in Robotic Computing Pipeline

  • Authors: Wenhao Sun, Sai Hou, Zixuan Wang, Bo Yu, Shaoshan Liu, Xu Yang, Shuai Liang, Yiming Gan, Yinhe Han


Performing complex tasks in open environments remains challenging for robots, even when using large language models (LLMs) as the core planner. Many LLM-based planners are inefficient due to their large number of parameters and prone to inaccuracies because they operate in open-loop systems. We think the reason is that only applying LLMs as planners is insufficient. In this work, we propose DaDu-E, a robust closed-loop planning framework for embodied AI robots. Specifically, DaDu-E is equipped with a relatively lightweight LLM, a set of encapsulated robot skill instructions, a robust feedback system, and memory augmentation. Together, these components enable DaDu-E to (i) actively perceive and adapt to dynamic environments, (ii) optimize computational costs while maintaining high performance, and (iii) recover from execution failures using its memory and feedback mechanisms. Extensive experiments on real-world and simulated tasks show that DaDu-E achieves task success rates comparable to embodied AI robots with larger models as planners like COME-Robot, while reducing computational requirements by $6.6 \times$. Users are encouraged to explore our system at: \url{}.

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Robot Learning with Super-Linear Scaling

  • Authors: Marcel Torne, Arhan Jain, Jiayi Yuan, Vidaaranya Macha, Lars Ankile, Anthony Simeonov, Pulkit Agrawal, Abhishek Gupta


Scaling robot learning requires data collection pipelines that scale favorably with human effort. In this work, we propose Crowdsourcing and Amortizing Human Effort for Real-to-Sim-to-Real(CASHER), a pipeline for scaling up data collection and learning in simulation where the performance scales superlinearly with human effort. The key idea is to crowdsource digital twins of real-world scenes using 3D reconstruction and collect large-scale data in simulation, rather than the real-world. Data collection in simulation is initially driven by RL, bootstrapped with human demonstrations. As the training of a generalist policy progresses across environments, its generalization capabilities can be used to replace human effort with model generated demonstrations. This results in a pipeline where behavioral data is collected in simulation with continually reducing human effort. We show that CASHER demonstrates zero-shot and few-shot scaling laws on three real-world tasks across diverse scenarios. We show that CASHER enables fine-tuning of pre-trained policies to a target scenario using a video scan without any additional human effort. See our project website:

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HOT3D: Hand and Object Tracking in 3D from Egocentric Multi-View Videos

  • Authors: Prithviraj Banerjee, Sindi Shkodrani, Pierre Moulon, Shreyas Hampali, Shangchen Han, Fan Zhang, Linguang Zhang, Jade Fountain, Edward Miller, Selen Basol, Richard Newcombe, Robert Wang, Jakob Julian Engel, Tomas Hodan


We introduce HOT3D, a publicly available dataset for egocentric hand and object tracking in 3D. The dataset offers over 833 minutes (more than 3.7M images) of multi-view RGB/monochrome image streams showing 19 subjects interacting with 33 diverse rigid objects, multi-modal signals such as eye gaze or scene point clouds, as well as comprehensive ground-truth annotations including 3D poses of objects, hands, and cameras, and 3D models of hands and objects. In addition to simple pick-up/observe/put-down actions, HOT3D contains scenarios resembling typical actions in a kitchen, office, and living room environment. The dataset is recorded by two head-mounted devices from Meta: Project Aria, a research prototype of light-weight AR/AI glasses, and Quest 3, a production VR headset sold in millions of units. Ground-truth poses were obtained by a professional motion-capture system using small optical markers attached to hands and objects. Hand annotations are provided in the UmeTrack and MANO formats and objects are represented by 3D meshes with PBR materials obtained by an in-house scanner. In our experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of multi-view egocentric data for three popular tasks: 3D hand tracking, 6DoF object pose estimation, and 3D lifting of unknown in-hand objects. The evaluated multi-view methods, whose benchmarking is uniquely enabled by HOT3D, significantly outperform their single-view counterparts.

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Robust Bayesian Scene Reconstruction by Leveraging Retrieval-Augmented Priors

  • Authors: Herbert Wright, Weiming Zhi, Matthew Johnson-Roberson, Tucker Hermans


Constructing 3D representations of object geometry is critical for many downstream manipulation tasks. These representations must be built from potentially noisy partial observations. In this work we focus on the problem of reconstructing a multi-object scene from a single RGBD image. Current deep learning approaches to this problem can be brittle to noisy real world observations and out-of-distribution objects. Other approaches that do not rely on training data cannot accurately infer the backside of objects. We propose BRRP, a reconstruction method that can leverage preexisting mesh datasets to build an informative prior during robust probabilistic reconstruction. In order to make our method more efficient, we introduce the concept of retrieval-augmented prior, where we retrieve relevant components of our prior distribution during inference. Our method produces a distribution over object shape that can be used for reconstruction or measuring uncertainty. We evaluate our method in both procedurally generated scenes and in real world scenes. We show our method is more robust than a deep learning approach while being more accurate than a method with an uninformative prior.

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ELEMENTAL: Interactive Learning from Demonstrations and Vision-Language Models for Reward Design in Robotics

  • Authors: Letian Chen, Matthew Gombolay


Reinforcement learning (RL) has demonstrated compelling performance in robotic tasks, but its success often hinges on the design of complex, ad hoc reward functions. Researchers have explored how Large Language Models (LLMs) could enable non-expert users to specify reward functions more easily. However, LLMs struggle to balance the importance of different features, generalize poorly to out-of-distribution robotic tasks, and cannot represent the problem properly with only text-based descriptions. To address these challenges, we propose ELEMENTAL (intEractive LEarning froM dEmoNstraTion And Language), a novel framework that combines natural language guidance with visual user demonstrations to align robot behavior with user intentions better. By incorporating visual inputs, ELEMENTAL overcomes the limitations of text-only task specifications, while leveraging inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) to balance feature weights and match the demonstrated behaviors optimally. ELEMENTAL also introduces an iterative feedback-loop through self-reflection to improve feature, reward, and policy learning. Our experiment results demonstrate that ELEMENTAL outperforms prior work by 42.3% on task success, and achieves 41.3% better generalization in out-of-distribution tasks, highlighting its robustness in LfD.

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GelSight FlexiRay: Breaking Planar Limits by Harnessing Large Deformations for Flexible,Full-Coverage Multimodal Sensing

  • Authors: Yanzhe Wang, Hao Wu, Haotian Guo, Huixu Dong


The integration of tactile sensing into compliant soft robotic grippers offers a compelling pathway toward advanced robotic grasping and safer human-robot interactions. Visual-tactile sensors realize high-resolution, large-area tactile perception with affordable cameras. However, conventional visual-tactile sensors rely heavily on rigid forms, sacrificing finger compliance and sensing regions to achieve localized tactile feedback. Enabling seamless, large-area tactile sensing in soft grippers remains challenging, as deformations inherent to soft structures can obstruct the optical path and restrict the camera's field of view. To address these, we present Gelsight FlexiRay, a multimodal visual-tactile sensor designed for safe and compliant interactions with substantial structural deformation through integration with Finray Effect grippers. First, we adopt a multi-mirror configuration, which is systematically modeled and optimized based on the physical force-deformation characteristics of FRE grippers. Second, we enhanced Gelsight FlexiRay with human-like multimodal perception, including contact force and location, proprioception, temperature, texture, and slippage. Experiments demonstrate Gelsight FlexiRay's robust tactile performance across diverse deformation states, achieving a force measurement accuracy of 0.14 N and proprioceptive positioning accuracy of 0.19 mm. Compared with state of art compliant VTS, the FlexiRay demonstrates 5 times larger structural deformation under the same loads. Its expanded sensing area and ability to distinguish contact information and execute grasping and classification tasks highlights its potential for versatile, large-area multimodal tactile sensing integration within soft robotic systems. This work establishes a foundation for flexible, high-resolution tactile sensing in compliant robotic applications.

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Lost & Found: Updating Dynamic 3D Scene Graphs from Egocentric Observations

  • Authors: Tjark Behrens, René Zurbrügg, Marc Pollefeys, Zuria Bauer, Hermann Blum


Recent approaches have successfully focused on the segmentation of static reconstructions, thereby equipping downstream applications with semantic 3D understanding. However, the world in which we live is dynamic, characterized by numerous interactions between the environment and humans or robotic agents. Static semantic maps are unable to capture this information, and the naive solution of rescanning the environment after every change is both costly and ineffective in tracking e.g. objects being stored away in drawers. With Lost & Found we present an approach that addresses this limitation. Based solely on egocentric recordings with corresponding hand position and camera pose estimates, we are able to track the 6DoF poses of the moving object within the detected interaction interval. These changes are applied online to a transformable scene graph that captures object-level relations. Compared to state-of-the-art object pose trackers, our approach is more reliable in handling the challenging egocentric viewpoint and the lack of depth information. It outperforms the second-best approach by 34% and 56% for translational and orientational error, respectively, and produces visibly smoother 6DoF object trajectories. In addition, we illustrate how the acquired interaction information in the dynamic scene graph can be employed in the context of robotic applications that would otherwise be unfeasible: We show how our method allows to command a mobile manipulator through teach & repeat, and how information about prior interaction allows a mobile manipulator to retrieve an object hidden in a drawer. Code, videos and corresponding data are accessible at

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GRAPE: Generalizing Robot Policy via Preference Alignment

  • Authors: Zijian Zhang, Kaiyuan Zheng, Zhaorun Chen, Joel Jang, Yi Li, Chaoqi Wang, Mingyu Ding, Dieter Fox, Huaxiu Yao


Despite the recent advancements of vision-language-action (VLA) models on a variety of robotics tasks, they suffer from critical issues such as poor generalizability to unseen tasks, due to their reliance on behavior cloning exclusively from successful rollouts. Furthermore, they are typically fine-tuned to replicate demonstrations collected by experts under different settings, thus introducing distribution bias and limiting their adaptability to diverse manipulation objectives, such as efficiency, safety, and task completion. To bridge this gap, we introduce GRAPE: Generalizing Robot Policy via Preference Alignment. Specifically, GRAPE aligns VLAs on a trajectory level and implicitly models reward from both successful and failure trials to boost generalizability to diverse tasks. Moreover, GRAPE breaks down complex manipulation tasks to independent stages and automatically guides preference modeling through customized spatiotemporal constraints with keypoints proposed by a large vision-language model. Notably, these constraints are flexible and can be customized to align the model with varying objectives, such as safety, efficiency, or task success. We evaluate GRAPE across a diverse array of tasks in both real-world and simulated environments. Experimental results demonstrate that GRAPE enhances the performance of state-of-the-art VLA models, increasing success rates on in-domain and unseen manipulation tasks by 51.79% and 60.36%, respectively. Additionally, GRAPE can be aligned with various objectives, such as safety and efficiency, reducing collision rates by 44.31% and rollout step-length by 11.15%, respectively. All code, models, and data are available at

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CogACT: A Foundational Vision-Language-Action Model for Synergizing Cognition and Action in Robotic Manipulation

  • Authors: Qixiu Li, Yaobo Liang, Zeyu Wang, Lin Luo, Xi Chen, Mozheng Liao, Fangyun Wei, Yu Deng, Sicheng Xu, Yizhong Zhang, Xiaofan Wang, Bei Liu, Jianlong Fu, Jianmin Bao, Dong Chen, Yuanchun Shi, Jiaolong Yang, Baining Guo


The advancement of large Vision-Language-Action (VLA) models has significantly improved robotic manipulation in terms of language-guided task execution and generalization to unseen scenarios. While existing VLAs adapted from pretrained large Vision-Language-Models (VLM) have demonstrated promising generalizability, their task performance is still unsatisfactory as indicated by the low tasks success rates in different environments. In this paper, we present a new advanced VLA architecture derived from VLM. Unlike previous works that directly repurpose VLM for action prediction by simple action quantization, we propose a omponentized VLA architecture that has a specialized action module conditioned on VLM output. We systematically study the design of the action module and demonstrates the strong performance enhancement with diffusion action transformers for action sequence modeling, as well as their favorable scaling behaviors. We also conduct comprehensive experiments and ablation studies to evaluate the efficacy of our models with varied designs. The evaluation on 5 robot embodiments in simulation and real work shows that our model not only significantly surpasses existing VLAs in task performance and but also exhibits remarkable adaptation to new robots and generalization to unseen objects and backgrounds. It exceeds the average success rates of OpenVLA which has similar model size (7B) with ours by over 35% in simulated evaluation and 55% in real robot experiments. It also outperforms the large RT-2-X model (55B) by 18% absolute success rates in simulation. Code and models can be found on our project page (

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HI-SLAM2: Geometry-Aware Gaussian SLAM for Fast Monocular Scene Reconstruction

  • Authors: Wei Zhang, Qing Cheng, David Skuddis, Niclas Zeller, Daniel Cremers, Norbert Haala


We present HI-SLAM2, a geometry-aware Gaussian SLAM system that achieves fast and accurate monocular scene reconstruction using only RGB input. Existing Neural SLAM or 3DGS-based SLAM methods often trade off between rendering quality and geometry accuracy, our research demonstrates that both can be achieved simultaneously with RGB input alone. The key idea of our approach is to enhance the ability for geometry estimation by combining easy-to-obtain monocular priors with learning-based dense SLAM, and then using 3D Gaussian splatting as our core map representation to efficiently model the scene. Upon loop closure, our method ensures on-the-fly global consistency through efficient pose graph bundle adjustment and instant map updates by explicitly deforming the 3D Gaussian units based on anchored keyframe updates. Furthermore, we introduce a grid-based scale alignment strategy to maintain improved scale consistency in prior depths for finer depth details. Through extensive experiments on Replica, ScanNet, and ScanNet++, we demonstrate significant improvements over existing Neural SLAM methods and even surpass RGB-D-based methods in both reconstruction and rendering quality. The project page and source code will be made available at

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Prediction with Action: Visual Policy Learning via Joint Denoising Process

  • Authors: Yanjiang Guo, Yucheng Hu, Jianke Zhang, Yen-Jen Wang, Xiaoyu Chen, Chaochao Lu, Jianyu Chen


Diffusion models have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in image generation tasks, including image editing and video creation, representing a good understanding of the physical world. On the other line, diffusion models have also shown promise in robotic control tasks by denoising actions, known as diffusion policy. Although the diffusion generative model and diffusion policy exhibit distinct capabilities--image prediction and robotic action, respectively--they technically follow a similar denoising process. In robotic tasks, the ability to predict future images and generate actions is highly correlated since they share the same underlying dynamics of the physical world. Building on this insight, we introduce PAD, a novel visual policy learning framework that unifies image Prediction and robot Action within a joint Denoising process. Specifically, PAD utilizes Diffusion Transformers (DiT) to seamlessly integrate images and robot states, enabling the simultaneous prediction of future images and robot actions. Additionally, PAD supports co-training on both robotic demonstrations and large-scale video datasets and can be easily extended to other robotic modalities, such as depth images. PAD outperforms previous methods, achieving a significant 26.3% relative improvement on the full Metaworld benchmark, by utilizing a single text-conditioned visual policy within a data-efficient imitation learning setting. Furthermore, PAD demonstrates superior generalization to unseen tasks in real-world robot manipulation settings with 28.0% success rate increase compared to the strongest baseline. Project page at

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GAPartManip: A Large-scale Part-centric Dataset for Material-Agnostic Articulated Object Manipulation

  • Authors: Wenbo Cui, Chengyang Zhao, Songlin Wei, Jiazhao Zhang, Haoran Geng, Yaran Chen, He Wang


Effectively manipulating articulated objects in household scenarios is a crucial step toward achieving general embodied artificial intelligence. Mainstream research in 3D vision has primarily focused on manipulation through depth perception and pose detection. However, in real-world environments, these methods often face challenges due to imperfect depth perception, such as with transparent lids and reflective handles. Moreover, they generally lack the diversity in part-based interactions required for flexible and adaptable manipulation. To address these challenges, we introduced a large-scale part-centric dataset for articulated object manipulation that features both photo-realistic material randomizations and detailed annotations of part-oriented, scene-level actionable interaction poses. We evaluated the effectiveness of our dataset by integrating it with several state-of-the-art methods for depth estimation and interaction pose prediction. Additionally, we proposed a novel modular framework that delivers superior and robust performance for generalizable articulated object manipulation. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that our dataset significantly improves the performance of depth perception and actionable interaction pose prediction in both simulation and real-world scenarios.

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G3Flow: Generative 3D Semantic Flow for Pose-aware and Generalizable Object Manipulation

  • Authors: Tianxing Chen, Yao Mu, Zhixuan Liang, Zanxin Chen, Shijia Peng, Qiangyu Chen, Mingkun Xu, Ruizhen Hu, Hongyuan Zhang, Xuelong Li, Ping Luo


Recent advances in imitation learning for 3D robotic manipulation have shown promising results with diffusion-based policies. However, achieving human-level dexterity requires seamless integration of geometric precision and semantic understanding. We present G3Flow, a novel framework that constructs real-time semantic flow, a dynamic, object-centric 3D semantic representation by leveraging foundation models. Our approach uniquely combines 3D generative models for digital twin creation, vision foundation models for semantic feature extraction, and robust pose tracking for continuous semantic flow updates. This integration enables complete semantic understanding even under occlusions while eliminating manual annotation requirements. By incorporating semantic flow into diffusion policies, we demonstrate significant improvements in both terminal-constrained manipulation and cross-object generalization. Extensive experiments across five simulation tasks show that G3Flow consistently outperforms existing approaches, achieving up to 68.3% and 50.1% average success rates on terminal-constrained manipulation and cross-object generalization tasks respectively. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of G3Flow in enhancing real-time dynamic semantic feature understanding for robotic manipulation policies.

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g3D-LF: Generalizable 3D-Language Feature Fields for Embodied Tasks

  • Authors: Zihan Wang, Gim Hee Lee


We introduce Generalizable 3D-Language Feature Fields (g3D-LF), a 3D representation model pre-trained on large-scale 3D-language dataset for embodied tasks. Our g3D-LF processes posed RGB-D images from agents to encode feature fields for: 1) Novel view representation predictions from any position in the 3D scene; 2) Generations of BEV maps centered on the agent; 3) Querying targets using multi-granularity language within the above-mentioned representations. Our representation can be generalized to unseen environments, enabling real-time construction and dynamic updates. By volume rendering latent features along sampled rays and integrating semantic and spatial relationships through multiscale encoders, our g3D-LF produces representations at different scales and perspectives, aligned with multi-granularity language, via multi-level contrastive learning. Furthermore, we prepare a large-scale 3D-language dataset to align the representations of the feature fields with language. Extensive experiments on Vision-and-Language Navigation under both Panorama and Monocular settings, Zero-shot Object Navigation, and Situated Question Answering tasks highlight the significant advantages and effectiveness of our g3D-LF for embodied tasks.

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RoboSpatial: Teaching Spatial Understanding to 2D and 3D Vision-Language Models for Robotics

  • Authors: Chan Hee Song, Valts Blukis, Jonathan Tremblay, Stephen Tyree, Yu Su, Stan Birchfield


Spatial understanding is a crucial capability for robots to make grounded decisions based on their environment. This foundational skill enables robots not only to perceive their surroundings but also to reason about and interact meaningfully within the world. In modern robotics, these capabilities are taken on by visual language models, and they face significant challenges when applied to spatial reasoning context due to their training data sources. These sources utilize general-purpose image datasets, and they often lack sophisticated spatial scene understanding capabilities. For example, the datasets do not address reference frame comprehension - spatial relationships require clear contextual understanding, whether from an ego-centric, object-centric, or world-centric perspective, which allow for effective real-world interaction. To address this issue, we introduce RoboSpatial, a large-scale spatial understanding dataset consisting of real indoor and tabletop scenes captured as 3D scans and egocentric images, annotated with rich spatial information relevant to robotics. The dataset includes 1M images, 5K 3D scans, and 3M annotated spatial relationships, with paired 2D egocentric images and 3D scans to make it both 2D and 3D ready. Our experiments show that models trained with RoboSpatial outperform baselines on downstream tasks such as spatial affordance prediction, spatial relationship prediction, and robotics manipulation.

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FoAR: Force-Aware Reactive Policy for Contact-Rich Robotic Manipulation

  • Authors: Zihao He, Hongjie Fang, Jingjing Chen, Hao-Shu Fang, Cewu Lu


Contact-rich tasks present significant challenges for robotic manipulation policies due to the complex dynamics of contact and the need for precise control. Vision-based policies often struggle with the skill required for such tasks, as they typically lack critical contact feedback modalities like force/torque information. To address this issue, we propose FoAR, a force-aware reactive policy that combines high-frequency force/torque sensing with visual inputs to enhance the performance in contact-rich manipulation. Built upon the RISE policy, FoAR incorporates a multimodal feature fusion mechanism guided by a future contact predictor, enabling dynamic adjustment of force/torque data usage between non-contact and contact phases. Its reactive control strategy also allows FoAR to accomplish contact-rich tasks accurately through simple position control. Experimental results demonstrate that FoAR significantly outperforms all baselines across various challenging contact-rich tasks while maintaining robust performance under unexpected dynamic disturbances. Project website:

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Bimanual Grasp Synthesis for Dexterous Robot Hands

  • Authors: Yanming Shao, Chenxi Xiao


Humans naturally perform bimanual skills to handle large and heavy objects. To enhance robots' object manipulation capabilities, generating effective bimanual grasp poses is essential. Nevertheless, bimanual grasp synthesis for dexterous hand manipulators remains underexplored. To bridge this gap, we propose the BimanGrasp algorithm for synthesizing bimanual grasps on 3D objects. The BimanGrasp algorithm generates grasp poses by optimizing an energy function that considers grasp stability and feasibility. Furthermore, the synthesized grasps are verified using the Isaac Gym physics simulation engine. These verified grasp poses form the BimanGrasp-Dataset, the first large-scale synthesized bimanual dexterous hand grasp pose dataset to our knowledge. The dataset comprises over 150k verified grasps on 900 objects, facilitating the synthesis of bimanual grasps through a data-driven approach. Last, we propose BimanGrasp-DDPM, a diffusion model trained on the BimanGrasp-Dataset. This model achieved a grasp synthesis success rate of 69.87\% and significant acceleration in computational speed compared to BimanGrasp algorithm.

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FastGrasp: Efficient Grasp Synthesis with Diffusion

  • Authors: Xiaofei Wu, Tao Liu, Caoji Li, Yuexin Ma, Yujiao Shi, Xuming He


Effectively modeling the interaction between human hands and objects is challenging due to the complex physical constraints and the requirement for high generation efficiency in applications. Prior approaches often employ computationally intensive two-stage approaches, which first generate an intermediate representation, such as contact maps, followed by an iterative optimization procedure that updates hand meshes to capture the hand-object relation. However, due to the high computation complexity during the optimization stage, such strategies often suffer from low efficiency in inference. To address this limitation, this work introduces a novel diffusion-model-based approach that generates the grasping pose in a one-stage manner. This allows us to significantly improve generation speed and the diversity of generated hand poses. In particular, we develop a Latent Diffusion Model with an Adaptation Module for object-conditioned hand pose generation and a contact-aware loss to enforce the physical constraints between hands and objects. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves faster inference, higher diversity, and superior pose quality than state-of-the-art approaches. Code is available at \href{}{}

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Enhancing Exploration with Diffusion Policies in Hybrid Off-Policy RL: Application to Non-Prehensile Manipulation

  • Authors: Huy Le, Miroslav Gabriel, Tai Hoang, Gerhard Neumann, Ngo Anh Vien


Learning diverse policies for non-prehensile manipulation is essential for improving skill transfer and generalization to out-of-distribution scenarios. In this work, we enhance exploration through a two-fold approach within a hybrid framework that tackles both discrete and continuous action spaces. First, we model the continuous motion parameter policy as a diffusion model, and second, we incorporate this into a maximum entropy reinforcement learning framework that unifies both the discrete and continuous components. The discrete action space, such as contact point selection, is optimized through Q-value function maximization, while the continuous part is guided by a diffusion-based policy. This hybrid approach leads to a principled objective, where the maximum entropy term is derived as a lower bound using structured variational inference. We propose the Hybrid Diffusion Policy algorithm (HyDo) and evaluate its performance on both simulation and zero-shot sim2real tasks. Our results show that HyDo encourages more diverse behavior policies, leading to significantly improved success rates across tasks - for example, increasing from 53% to 72% on a real-world 6D pose alignment task. Project page:

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WildLMa: Long Horizon Loco-Manipulation in the Wild

  • Authors: Ri-Zhao Qiu, Yuchen Song, Xuanbin Peng, Sai Aneesh Suryadevara, Ge Yang, Minghuan Liu, Mazeyu Ji, Chengzhe Jia, Ruihan Yang, Xueyan Zou, Xiaolong Wang


`In-the-wild' mobile manipulation aims to deploy robots in diverse real-world environments, which requires the robot to (1) have skills that generalize across object configurations; (2) be capable of long-horizon task execution in diverse environments; and (3) perform complex manipulation beyond pick-and-place. Quadruped robots with manipulators hold promise for extending the workspace and enabling robust locomotion, but existing results do not investigate such a capability. This paper proposes WildLMa with three components to address these issues: (1) adaptation of learned low-level controller for VR-enabled whole-body teleoperation and traversability; (2) WildLMa-Skill -- a library of generalizable visuomotor skills acquired via imitation learning or heuristics and (3) WildLMa-Planner -- an interface of learned skills that allow LLM planners to coordinate skills for long-horizon tasks. We demonstrate the importance of high-quality training data by achieving higher grasping success rate over existing RL baselines using only tens of demonstrations. WildLMa exploits CLIP for language-conditioned imitation learning that empirically generalizes to objects unseen in training demonstrations. Besides extensive quantitative evaluation, we qualitatively demonstrate practical robot applications, such as cleaning up trash in university hallways or outdoor terrains, operating articulated objects, and rearranging items on a bookshelf.

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Exploring the Adversarial Vulnerabilities of Vision-Language-Action Models in Robotics

  • Authors: Taowen Wang, Dongfang Liu, James Chenhao Liang, Wenhao Yang, Qifan Wang, Cheng Han, Jiebo Luo, Ruixiang Tang


Recently in robotics, Vision-Language-Action (VLA) models have emerged as a transformative approach, enabling robots to execute complex tasks by integrating visual and linguistic inputs within an end-to-end learning framework. While VLA models offer significant capabilities, they also introduce new attack surfaces, making them vulnerable to adversarial attacks. With these vulnerabilities largely unexplored, this paper systematically quantifies the robustness of VLA-based robotic systems. Recognizing the unique demands of robotic execution, our attack objectives target the inherent spatial and functional characteristics of robotic systems. In particular, we introduce an untargeted position-aware attack objective that leverages spatial foundations to destabilize robotic actions, and a targeted attack objective that manipulates the robotic trajectory. Additionally, we design an adversarial patch generation approach that places a small, colorful patch within the camera's view, effectively executing the attack in both digital and physical environments. Our evaluation reveals a marked degradation in task success rates, with up to a 100\% reduction across a suite of simulated robotic tasks, highlighting critical security gaps in current VLA architectures. By unveiling these vulnerabilities and proposing actionable evaluation metrics, this work advances both the understanding and enhancement of safety for VLA-based robotic systems, underscoring the necessity for developing robust defense strategies prior to physical-world deployments.

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Bimanual Dexterity for Complex Tasks

  • Authors: Kenneth Shaw, Yulong Li, Jiahui Yang, Mohan Kumar Srirama, Ray Liu, Haoyu Xiong, Russell Mendonca, Deepak Pathak


To train generalist robot policies, machine learning methods often require a substantial amount of expert human teleoperation data. An ideal robot for humans collecting data is one that closely mimics them: bimanual arms and dexterous hands. However, creating such a bimanual teleoperation system with over 50 DoF is a significant challenge. To address this, we introduce Bidex, an extremely dexterous, low-cost, low-latency and portable bimanual dexterous teleoperation system which relies on motion capture gloves and teacher arms. We compare Bidex to a Vision Pro teleoperation system and a SteamVR system and find Bidex to produce better quality data for more complex tasks at a faster rate. Additionally, we show Bidex operating a mobile bimanual robot for in the wild tasks. The robot hands (5k USD) and teleoperation system (7k USD) is readily reproducible and can be used on many robot arms including two xArms (16k USD). Website at

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Arm Robot: AR-Enhanced Embodied Control and Visualization for Intuitive Robot Arm Manipulation

  • Authors: Siyou Pei, Alexander Chen, Ronak Kaoshik, Ruofei Du, Yang Zhang


Embodied interaction has been introduced to human-robot interaction (HRI) as a type of teleoperation, in which users control robot arms with bodily action via handheld controllers or haptic gloves. Embodied teleoperation has made robot control intuitive to non-technical users, but differences between humans' and robots' capabilities \eg ranges of motion and response time, remain challenging. In response, we present Arm Robot, an embodied robot arm teleoperation system that helps users tackle human-robot discrepancies. Specifically, Arm Robot (1) includes AR visualization as real-time feedback on temporal and spatial discrepancies, and (2) allows users to change observing perspectives and expand action space. We conducted a user study (N=18) to investigate the usability of the Arm Robot and learn how users perceive the embodiment. Our results show users could use Arm Robot's features to effectively control the robot arm, providing insights for continued work in embodied HRI.

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Cooperative Grasping and Transportation using Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning with Ternary Force Representation

  • Authors: Ing-Sheng Bernard-Tiong, Yoshihisa Tsurumine, Ryosuke Sota, Kazuki Shibata, Takamitsu Matsubara


Cooperative grasping and transportation require effective coordination to complete the task. This study focuses on the approach leveraging force-sensing feedback, where robots use sensors to detect forces applied by others on an object to achieve coordination. Unlike explicit communication, it avoids delays and interruptions; however, force-sensing is highly sensitive and prone to interference from variations in grasping environment, such as changes in grasping force, grasping pose, object size and geometry, which can interfere with force signals, subsequently undermining coordination. We propose multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) with ternary force representation, a force representation that maintains consistent representation against variations in grasping environment. The simulation and real-world experiments demonstrate the robustness of the proposed method to changes in grasping force, object size and geometry as well as inherent sim2real gap.

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Learning thin deformable object manipulation with a multi-sensory integrated soft hand

  • Authors: Chao Zhao, Chunli Jiang, Lifan Luo, Shuai Yuan, Qifeng Chen, Hongyu Yu


Robotic manipulation has made significant advancements, with systems demonstrating high precision and repeatability. However, this remarkable precision often fails to translate into efficient manipulation of thin deformable objects. Current robotic systems lack imprecise dexterity, the ability to perform dexterous manipulation through robust and adaptive behaviors that do not rely on precise control. This paper explores the singulation and grasping of thin, deformable objects. Here, we propose a novel solution that incorporates passive compliance, touch, and proprioception into thin, deformable object manipulation. Our system employs a soft, underactuated hand that provides passive compliance, facilitating adaptive and gentle interactions to dexterously manipulate deformable objects without requiring precise control. The tactile and force/torque sensors equipped on the hand, along with a depth camera, gather sensory data required for manipulation via the proposed slip module. The manipulation policies are learned directly from raw sensory data via model-free reinforcement learning, bypassing explicit environmental and object modeling. We implement a hierarchical double-loop learning process to enhance learning efficiency by decoupling the action space. Our method was deployed on real-world robots and trained in a self-supervised manner. The resulting policy was tested on a variety of challenging tasks that were beyond the capabilities of prior studies, ranging from displaying suit fabric like a salesperson to turning pages of sheet music for violinists.

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Continual Learning and Lifting of Koopman Dynamics for Linear Control of Legged Robots

  • Authors: Feihan Li, Abulikemu Abuduweili, Yifan Sun, Rui Chen, Weiye Zhao, Changliu Liu


The control of legged robots, particularly humanoid and quadruped robots, presents significant challenges due to their high-dimensional and nonlinear dynamics. While linear systems can be effectively controlled using methods like Model Predictive Control (MPC), the control of nonlinear systems remains complex. One promising solution is the Koopman Operator, which approximates nonlinear dynamics with a linear model, enabling the use of proven linear control techniques. However, achieving accurate linearization through data-driven methods is difficult due to issues like approximation error, domain shifts, and the limitations of fixed linear state-space representations. These challenges restrict the scalability of Koopman-based approaches. This paper addresses these challenges by proposing a continual learning algorithm designed to iteratively refine Koopman dynamics for high-dimensional legged robots. The key idea is to progressively expand the dataset and latent space dimension, enabling the learned Koopman dynamics to converge towards accurate approximations of the true system dynamics. Theoretical analysis shows that the linear approximation error of our method converges monotonically. Experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves high control performance on robots like Unitree G1/H1/A1/Go2 and ANYmal D, across various terrains using simple linear MPC controllers. This work is the first to successfully apply linearized Koopman dynamics for locomotion control of high-dimensional legged robots, enabling a scalable model-based control solution.

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SplatR : Experience Goal Visual Rearrangement with 3D Gaussian Splatting and Dense Feature Matching

  • Authors: Arjun P S, Andrew Melnik, Gora Chand Nandi


Experience Goal Visual Rearrangement task stands as a foundational challenge within Embodied AI, requiring an agent to construct a robust world model that accurately captures the goal state. The agent uses this world model to restore a shuffled scene to its original configuration, making an accurate representation of the world essential for successfully completing the task. In this work, we present a novel framework that leverages on 3D Gaussian Splatting as a 3D scene representation for experience goal visual rearrangement task. Recent advances in volumetric scene representation like 3D Gaussian Splatting, offer fast rendering of high quality and photo-realistic novel views. Our approach enables the agent to have consistent views of the current and the goal setting of the rearrangement task, which enables the agent to directly compare the goal state and the shuffled state of the world in image space. To compare these views, we propose to use a dense feature matching method with visual features extracted from a foundation model, leveraging its advantages of a more universal feature representation, which facilitates robustness, and generalization. We validate our approach on the AI2-THOR rearrangement challenge benchmark and demonstrate improvements over the current state of the art methods

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Learning Humanoid Locomotion with Perceptive Internal Model

  • Authors: Junfeng Long, Junli Ren, Moji Shi, Zirui Wang, Tao Huang, Ping Luo, Jiangmiao Pang


In contrast to quadruped robots that can navigate diverse terrains using a "blind" policy, humanoid robots require accurate perception for stable locomotion due to their high degrees of freedom and inherently unstable morphology. However, incorporating perceptual signals often introduces additional disturbances to the system, potentially reducing its robustness, generalizability, and efficiency. This paper presents the Perceptive Internal Model (PIM), which relies on onboard, continuously updated elevation maps centered around the robot to perceive its surroundings. We train the policy using ground-truth obstacle heights surrounding the robot in simulation, optimizing it based on the Hybrid Internal Model (HIM), and perform inference with heights sampled from the constructed elevation map. Unlike previous methods that directly encode depth maps or raw point clouds, our approach allows the robot to perceive the terrain beneath its feet clearly and is less affected by camera movement or noise. Furthermore, since depth map rendering is not required in simulation, our method introduces minimal additional computational costs and can train the policy in 3 hours on an RTX 4090 GPU. We verify the effectiveness of our method across various humanoid robots, various indoor and outdoor terrains, stairs, and various sensor configurations. Our method can enable a humanoid robot to continuously climb stairs and has the potential to serve as a foundational algorithm for the development of future humanoid control methods.

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23 DoF Grasping Policies from a Raw Point Cloud

  • Authors: Martin Matak, Karl Van Wyk, Tucker Hermans


Coordinating the motion of robots with high degrees of freedom (DoF) to grasp objects gives rise to many challenges. In this paper, we propose a novel imitation learning approach to learn a policy that directly predicts 23 DoF grasp trajectories from a partial point cloud provided by a single, fixed camera. At the core of the approach is a second-order geometric-based model of behavioral dynamics. This Neural Geometric Fabric (NGF) policy predicts accelerations directly in joint space. We show that our policy is capable of generalizing to novel objects, and combine our policy with a geometric fabric motion planner in a loop to generate stable grasping trajectories. We evaluate our approach on a set of three different objects, compare different policy structures, and run ablation studies to understand the importance of different object encodings for policy learning.

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Generative World Explorer

  • Authors: Taiming Lu, Tianmin Shu, Alan Yuille, Daniel Khashabi, Jieneng Chen


Planning with partial observation is a central challenge in embodied AI. A majority of prior works have tackled this challenge by developing agents that physically explore their environment to update their beliefs about the world state. In contrast, humans can $\textit{imagine}$ unseen parts of the world through a mental exploration and $\textit{revise}$ their beliefs with imagined observations. Such updated beliefs can allow them to make more informed decisions, without necessitating the physical exploration of the world at all times. To achieve this human-like ability, we introduce the $\textit{Generative World Explorer (Genex)}$, an egocentric world exploration framework that allows an agent to mentally explore a large-scale 3D world (e.g., urban scenes) and acquire imagined observations to update its belief. This updated belief will then help the agent to make a more informed decision at the current step. To train $\textit{Genex}$, we create a synthetic urban scene dataset, Genex-DB. Our experimental results demonstrate that (1) $\textit{Genex}$ can generate high-quality and consistent observations during long-horizon exploration of a large virtual physical world and (2) the beliefs updated with the generated observations can inform an existing decision-making model (e.g., an LLM agent) to make better plans.

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BelHouse3D: A Benchmark Dataset for Assessing Occlusion Robustness in 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation

  • Authors: Umamaheswaran Raman Kumar, Abdur Razzaq Fayjie, Jurgen Hannaert, Patrick Vandewalle


Large-scale 2D datasets have been instrumental in advancing machine learning; however, progress in 3D vision tasks has been relatively slow. This disparity is largely due to the limited availability of 3D benchmarking datasets. In particular, creating real-world point cloud datasets for indoor scene semantic segmentation presents considerable challenges, including data collection within confined spaces and the costly, often inaccurate process of per-point labeling to generate ground truths. While synthetic datasets address some of these challenges, they often fail to replicate real-world conditions, particularly the occlusions that occur in point clouds collected from real environments. Existing 3D benchmarking datasets typically evaluate deep learning models under the assumption that training and test data are independently and identically distributed (IID), which affects the models' usability for real-world point cloud segmentation. To address these challenges, we introduce the BelHouse3D dataset, a new synthetic point cloud dataset designed for 3D indoor scene semantic segmentation. This dataset is constructed using real-world references from 32 houses in Belgium, ensuring that the synthetic data closely aligns with real-world conditions. Additionally, we include a test set with data occlusion to simulate out-of-distribution (OOD) scenarios, reflecting the occlusions commonly encountered in real-world point clouds. We evaluate popular point-based semantic segmentation methods using our OOD setting and present a benchmark. We believe that BelHouse3D and its OOD setting will advance research in 3D point cloud semantic segmentation for indoor scenes, providing valuable insights for the development of more generalizable models.

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I Can Tell What I am Doing: Toward Real-World Natural Language Grounding of Robot Experiences

  • Authors: Zihan Wang, Brian Liang, Varad Dhat, Zander Brumbaugh, Nick Walker, Ranjay Krishna, Maya Cakmak


Understanding robot behaviors and experiences through natural language is crucial for developing intelligent and transparent robotic systems. Recent advancement in large language models (LLMs) makes it possible to translate complex, multi-modal robotic experiences into coherent, human-readable narratives. However, grounding real-world robot experiences into natural language is challenging due to many reasons, such as multi-modal nature of data, differing sample rates, and data volume. We introduce RONAR, an LLM-based system that generates natural language narrations from robot experiences, aiding in behavior announcement, failure analysis, and human interaction to recover failure. Evaluated across various scenarios, RONAR outperforms state-of-the-art methods and improves failure recovery efficiency. Our contributions include a multi-modal framework for robot experience narration, a comprehensive real-robot dataset, and empirical evidence of RONAR's effectiveness in enhancing user experience in system transparency and failure analysis.

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AsymDex: Leveraging Asymmetry and Relative Motion in Learning Bimanual Dexterity

  • Authors: Zhaodong Yang, Yunhai Han, Harish Ravichandar


We present Asymmetric Dexterity (AsymDex), a novel reinforcement learning (RL) framework that can efficiently learn asymmetric bimanual skills for multi-fingered hands without relying on demonstrations, which can be cumbersome to collect. Two crucial ingredients enable AsymDex to reduce the observation and action space dimensions and improve sample efficiency. First, AsymDex leverages the natural asymmetry found in human bimanual manipulation and assigns specific and interdependent roles to each hand: a facilitating hand that moves and reorients the object, and a dominant hand that performs complex manipulations on said object. Second, AsymDex defines and operates over relative observation and action spaces, facilitating responsive coordination between the two hands. Further, AsymDex can be easily integrated with recent advances in grasp learning to handle both the object acquisition phase and the interaction phase of bimanual dexterity. Unlike existing RL-based methods for bimanual dexterity, which are tailored to a specific task, AsymDex can be used to learn a wide variety of bimanual tasks that exhibit asymmetry. Detailed experiments on four simulated asymmetric bimanual dexterous manipulation tasks reveal that AsymDex consistently outperforms strong baselines that challenge its design choices, in terms of success rate and sample efficiency. The project website is at

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Reinforcement Learning with Action Sequence for Data-Efficient Robot Learning

  • Authors: Younggyo Seo, Pieter Abbeel


Training reinforcement learning (RL) agents on robotic tasks typically requires a large number of training samples. This is because training data often consists of noisy trajectories, whether from exploration or human-collected demonstrations, making it difficult to learn value functions that understand the effect of taking each action. On the other hand, recent behavior-cloning (BC) approaches have shown that predicting a sequence of actions enables policies to effectively approximate noisy, multi-modal distributions of expert demonstrations. Can we use a similar idea for improving RL on robotic tasks? In this paper, we introduce a novel RL algorithm that learns a critic network that outputs Q-values over a sequence of actions. By explicitly training the value functions to learn the consequence of executing a series of current and future actions, our algorithm allows for learning useful value functions from noisy trajectories. We study our algorithm across various setups with sparse and dense rewards, and with or without demonstrations, spanning mobile bi-manual manipulation, whole-body control, and tabletop manipulation tasks from BiGym, HumanoidBench, and RLBench. We find that, by learning the critic network with action sequences, our algorithm outperforms various RL and BC baselines, in particular on challenging humanoid control tasks.

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GLOVER: Generalizable Open-Vocabulary Affordance Reasoning for Task-Oriented Grasping

  • Authors: Teli Ma, Zifan Wang, Jiaming Zhou, Mengmeng Wang, Junwei Liang


Inferring affordable (i.e., graspable) parts of arbitrary objects based on human specifications is essential for robots advancing toward open-vocabulary manipulation. Current grasp planners, however, are hindered by limited vision-language comprehension and time-consuming 3D radiance modeling, restricting real-time, open-vocabulary interactions with objects. To address these limitations, we propose GLOVER, a unified Generalizable Open-Vocabulary Affordance Reasoning framework, which fine-tunes the Large Language Models (LLMs) to predict visual affordance of graspable object parts within RGB feature space. We compile a dataset of over 10,000 images from human-object interactions, annotated with unified visual and linguistic affordance labels, to enable multi-modal fine-tuning. GLOVER inherits world knowledge and common-sense reasoning from LLMs, facilitating more fine-grained object understanding and sophisticated tool-use reasoning. To enable effective real-world deployment, we present Affordance-Aware Grasping Estimation (AGE), a non-parametric grasp planner that aligns the gripper pose with a superquadric surface derived from affordance data. In evaluations across 30 real-world scenes, GLOVER achieves success rates of 86.0% in part identification and 76.3% in grasping, with speeds approximately 330 times faster in affordance reasoning and 40 times faster in grasping pose estimation than the previous state-of-the-art.

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Instant Policy: In-Context Imitation Learning via Graph Diffusion

  • Authors: Vitalis Vosylius, Edward Johns


Following the impressive capabilities of in-context learning with large transformers, In-Context Imitation Learning (ICIL) is a promising opportunity for robotics. We introduce Instant Policy, which learns new tasks instantly (without further training) from just one or two demonstrations, achieving ICIL through two key components. First, we introduce inductive biases through a graph representation and model ICIL as a graph generation problem with a learned diffusion process, enabling structured reasoning over demonstrations, observations, and actions. Second, we show that such a model can be trained using pseudo-demonstrations - arbitrary trajectories generated in simulation - as a virtually infinite pool of training data. Simulated and real experiments show that Instant Policy enables rapid learning of various everyday robot tasks. We also show how it can serve as a foundation for cross-embodiment and zero-shot transfer to language-defined tasks. Code and videos are available at

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UBSoft: A Simulation Platform for Robotic Skill Learning in Unbounded Soft Environments

  • Authors: Chunru Lin, Jugang Fan, Yian Wang, Zeyuan Yang, Zhehuan Chen, Lixing Fang, Tsun-Hsuan Wang, Zhou Xian, Chuang Gan


It is desired to equip robots with the capability of interacting with various soft materials as they are ubiquitous in the real world. While physics simulations are one of the predominant methods for data collection and robot training, simulating soft materials presents considerable challenges. Specifically, it is significantly more costly than simulating rigid objects in terms of simulation speed and storage requirements. These limitations typically restrict the scope of studies on soft materials to small and bounded areas, thereby hindering the learning of skills in broader spaces. To address this issue, we introduce UBSoft, a new simulation platform designed to support unbounded soft environments for robot skill acquisition. Our platform utilizes spatially adaptive resolution scales, where simulation resolution dynamically adjusts based on proximity to active robotic agents. Our framework markedly reduces the demand for extensive storage space and computation costs required for large-scale scenarios involving soft materials. We also establish a set of benchmark tasks in our platform, including both locomotion and manipulation tasks, and conduct experiments to evaluate the efficacy of various reinforcement learning algorithms and trajectory optimization techniques, both gradient-based and sampling-based. Preliminary results indicate that sampling-based trajectory optimization generally achieves better results for obtaining one trajectory to solve the task. Additionally, we conduct experiments in real-world environments to demonstrate that advancements made in our UBSoft simulator could translate to improved robot interactions with large-scale soft material. More videos can be found at

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Soft Robotic Dynamic In-Hand Pen Spinning

  • Authors: Yunchao Yao, Uksang Yoo, Jean Oh, Christopher G. Atkeson, Jeffrey Ichnowski


Dynamic in-hand manipulation remains a challenging task for soft robotic systems that have demonstrated advantages in safe compliant interactions but struggle with high-speed dynamic tasks. In this work, we present SWIFT, a system for learning dynamic tasks using a soft and compliant robotic hand. Unlike previous works that rely on simulation, quasi-static actions and precise object models, the proposed system learns to spin a pen through trial-and-error using only real-world data without requiring explicit prior knowledge of the pen's physical attributes. With self-labeled trials sampled from the real world, the system discovers the set of pen grasping and spinning primitive parameters that enables a soft hand to spin a pen robustly and reliably. After 130 sampled actions per object, SWIFT achieves 100% success rate across three pens with different weights and weight distributions, demonstrating the system's generalizability and robustness to changes in object properties. The results highlight the potential for soft robotic end-effectors to perform dynamic tasks including rapid in-hand manipulation. We also demonstrate that SWIFT generalizes to spinning items with different shapes and weights such as a brush and a screwdriver which we spin with 10/10 and 5/10 success rates respectively. Videos, data, and code are available at

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The Oxford Spires Dataset: Benchmarking Large-Scale LiDAR-Visual Localisation, Reconstruction and Radiance Field Methods

  • Authors: Yifu Tao, Miguel Ángel Muñoz-Bañón, Lintong Zhang, Jiahao Wang, Lanke Frank Tarimo Fu, Maurice Fallon


This paper introduces a large-scale multi-modal dataset captured in and around well-known landmarks in Oxford using a custom-built multi-sensor perception unit as well as a millimetre-accurate map from a Terrestrial LiDAR Scanner (TLS). The perception unit includes three synchronised global shutter colour cameras, an automotive 3D LiDAR scanner, and an inertial sensor - all precisely calibrated. We also establish benchmarks for tasks involving localisation, reconstruction, and novel-view synthesis, which enable the evaluation of Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) methods, Structure-from-Motion (SfM) and Multi-view Stereo (MVS) methods as well as radiance field methods such as Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) and 3D Gaussian Splatting. To evaluate 3D reconstruction the TLS 3D models are used as ground truth. Localisation ground truth is computed by registering the mobile LiDAR scans to the TLS 3D models. Radiance field methods are evaluated not only with poses sampled from the input trajectory, but also from viewpoints that are from trajectories which are distant from the training poses. Our evaluation demonstrates a key limitation of state-of-the-art radiance field methods: we show that they tend to overfit to the training poses/images and do not generalise well to out-of-sequence poses. They also underperform in 3D reconstruction compared to MVS systems using the same visual inputs. Our dataset and benchmarks are intended to facilitate better integration of radiance field methods and SLAM systems. The raw and processed data, along with software for parsing and evaluation, can be accessed at

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MetricGold: Leveraging Text-To-Image Latent Diffusion Models for Metric Depth Estimation

  • Authors: Ansh Shah, K Madhava Krishna


Recovering metric depth from a single image remains a fundamental challenge in computer vision, requiring both scene understanding and accurate scaling. While deep learning has advanced monocular depth estimation, current models often struggle with unfamiliar scenes and layouts, particularly in zero-shot scenarios and when predicting scale-ergodic metric depth. We present MetricGold, a novel approach that harnesses generative diffusion model's rich priors to improve metric depth estimation. Building upon recent advances in MariGold, DDVM and Depth Anything V2 respectively, our method combines latent diffusion, log-scaled metric depth representation, and synthetic data training. MetricGold achieves efficient training on a single RTX 3090 within two days using photo-realistic synthetic data from HyperSIM, VirtualKitti, and TartanAir. Our experiments demonstrate robust generalization across diverse datasets, producing sharper and higher quality metric depth estimates compared to existing approaches.

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Hierarchical Adaptive Motion Planning with Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Safety-Critical Collaborative Loco-Manipulation

  • Authors: Mohsen Sombolestan, Quan Nguyen


As legged robots take on roles in industrial and autonomous construction, collaborative loco-manipulation is crucial for handling large and heavy objects that exceed the capabilities of a single robot. However, ensuring the safety of these multi-robot tasks is essential to prevent accidents and guarantee reliable operation. This paper presents a hierarchical control system for object manipulation using a team of quadrupedal robots. The combination of the motion planner and the decentralized locomotion controller in a hierarchical structure enables safe, adaptive planning for teams in complex scenarios. A high-level nonlinear model predictive control planner generates collision-free paths by incorporating control barrier functions, accounting for static and dynamic obstacles. This process involves calculating contact points and forces while adapting to unknown objects and terrain properties. The decentralized loco-manipulation controller then ensures each robot maintains stable locomotion and manipulation based on the planner's guidance. The effectiveness of our method is carefully examined in simulations under various conditions and validated in real-life setups with robot hardware. By modifying the object's configuration, the robot team can maneuver unknown objects through an environment containing both static and dynamic obstacles. We have made our code publicly available in an open-source repository at \url{}.

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DrivingSphere: Building a High-fidelity 4D World for Closed-loop Simulation

  • Authors: Tianyi Yan, Dongming Wu, Wencheng Han, Junpeng Jiang, Xia Zhou, Kun Zhan, Cheng-zhong Xu, Jianbing Shen


Autonomous driving evaluation requires simulation environments that closely replicate actual road conditions, including real-world sensory data and responsive feedback loops. However, many existing simulations need to predict waypoints along fixed routes on public datasets or synthetic photorealistic data, \ie, open-loop simulation usually lacks the ability to assess dynamic decision-making. While the recent efforts of closed-loop simulation offer feedback-driven environments, they cannot process visual sensor inputs or produce outputs that differ from real-world data. To address these challenges, we propose DrivingSphere, a realistic and closed-loop simulation framework. Its core idea is to build 4D world representation and generate real-life and controllable driving scenarios. In specific, our framework includes a Dynamic Environment Composition module that constructs a detailed 4D driving world with a format of occupancy equipping with static backgrounds and dynamic objects, and a Visual Scene Synthesis module that transforms this data into high-fidelity, multi-view video outputs, ensuring spatial and temporal consistency. By providing a dynamic and realistic simulation environment, DrivingSphere enables comprehensive testing and validation of autonomous driving algorithms, ultimately advancing the development of more reliable autonomous cars. The benchmark will be publicly released.

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SayComply: Grounding Field Robotic Tasks in Operational Compliance through Retrieval-Based Language Models

  • Authors: Muhammad Fadhil Ginting, Dong-Ki Kim, Sung-Kyun Kim, Bandi Jai Krishna, Mykel J. Kochenderfer, Shayegan Omidshafiei, Ali-akbar Agha-mohammadi


This paper addresses the problem of task planning for robots that must comply with operational manuals in real-world settings. Task planning under these constraints is essential for enabling autonomous robot operation in domains that require adherence to domain-specific knowledge. Current methods for generating robot goals and plans rely on common sense knowledge encoded in large language models. However, these models lack grounding of robot plans to domain-specific knowledge and are not easily transferable between multiple sites or customers with different compliance needs. In this work, we present SayComply, which enables grounding robotic task planning with operational compliance using retrieval-based language models. We design a hierarchical database of operational, environment, and robot embodiment manuals and procedures to enable efficient retrieval of the relevant context under the limited context length of the LLMs. We then design a task planner using a tree-based retrieval augmented generation (RAG) technique to generate robot tasks that follow user instructions while simultaneously complying with the domain knowledge in the database. We demonstrate the benefits of our approach through simulations and hardware experiments in real-world scenarios that require precise context retrieval across various types of context, outperforming the standard RAG method. Our approach bridges the gap in deploying robots that consistently adhere to operational protocols, offering a scalable and edge-deployable solution for ensuring compliance across varied and complex real-world environments. Project website:

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Differentiable GPU-Parallelized Task and Motion Planning

  • Authors: William Shen, Caelan Garrett, Ankit Goyal, Tucker Hermans, Fabio Ramos


We present a differentiable optimization-based framework for Task and Motion Planning (TAMP) that is massively parallelizable on GPUs, enabling thousands of sampled seeds to be optimized simultaneously. Existing sampling-based approaches inherently disconnect the parameters by generating samples for each independently and combining them through composition and rejection, while optimization-based methods struggle with highly non-convex constraints and local optima. Our method treats TAMP constraint satisfaction as optimizing a batch of particles, each representing an assignment to a plan skeleton's continuous parameters. We represent the plan skeleton's constraints using differentiable cost functions, enabling us to compute the gradient of each particle and update it toward satisfying solutions. Our use of GPU parallelism better covers the parameter space through scale, increasing the likelihood of finding the global optima by exploring multiple basins through global sampling. We demonstrate that our algorithm can effectively solve a highly constrained Tetris packing problem using a Franka arm in simulation and deploy our planner on a real robot arm. Website:

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RoboGSim: A Real2Sim2Real Robotic Gaussian Splatting Simulator

  • Authors: Xinhai Li, Jialin Li, Ziheng Zhang, Rui Zhang, Fan Jia, Tiancai Wang, Haoqiang Fan, Kuo-Kun Tseng, Ruiping Wang


Efficient acquisition of real-world embodied data has been increasingly critical. However, large-scale demonstrations captured by remote operation tend to take extremely high costs and fail to scale up the data size in an efficient manner. Sampling the episodes under a simulated environment is a promising way for large-scale collection while existing simulators fail to high-fidelity modeling on texture and physics. To address these limitations, we introduce the RoboGSim, a real2sim2real robotic simulator, powered by 3D Gaussian Splatting and the physics engine. RoboGSim mainly includes four parts: Gaussian Reconstructor, Digital Twins Builder, Scene Composer, and Interactive Engine. It can synthesize the simulated data with novel views, objects, trajectories, and scenes. RoboGSim also provides an online, reproducible, and safe evaluation for different manipulation policies. The real2sim and sim2real transfer experiments show a high consistency in the texture and physics. Moreover, the effectiveness of synthetic data is validated under the real-world manipulated tasks. We hope RoboGSim serves as a closed-loop simulator for fair comparison on policy learning. More information can be found on our project page .

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Whole-Body Impedance Coordinative Control of Wheel-Legged Robot on Uncertain Terrain

  • Authors: Lei Shi, Xinghua Yu, Cheng Zhou, Wanxin Jin, Wanchao Chi, Shenghao Zhang, Dongsheng Zhang, Xiong Li, Zhengyou Zhang


This article propose a whole-body impedance coordinative control framework for a wheel-legged humanoid robot to achieve adaptability on complex terrains while maintaining robot upper body stability. The framework contains a bi-level control strategy. The outer level is a variable damping impedance controller, which optimizes the damping parameters to ensure the stability of the upper body while holding an object. The inner level employs Whole-Body Control (WBC) optimization that integrates real-time terrain estimation based on wheel-foot position and force data. It generates motor torques while accounting for dynamic constraints, joint limits,friction cones, real-time terrain updates, and a model-free friction compensation strategy. The proposed whole-body coordinative control method has been tested on a recently developed quadruped humanoid robot. The results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm effectively controls the robot, maintaining upper body stability to successfully complete a water-carrying task while adapting to varying terrains.

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ALPHA-$α$ and Bi-ACT Are All You Need: Importance of Position and Force Information/Control for Imitation Learning of Unimanual and Bimanual Robotic Manipulation with Low-Cost System

  • Authors: Masato Kobayashi, Thanpimon Buamanee, Takumi Kobayashi


Autonomous manipulation in everyday tasks requires flexible action generation to handle complex, diverse real-world environments, such as objects with varying hardness and softness. Imitation Learning (IL) enables robots to learn complex tasks from expert demonstrations. However, a lot of existing methods rely on position/unilateral control, leaving challenges in tasks that require force information/control, like carefully grasping fragile or varying-hardness objects. As the need for diverse controls increases, there are demand for low-cost bimanual robots that consider various motor inputs. To address these challenges, we introduce Bilateral Control-Based Imitation Learning via Action Chunking with Transformers(Bi-ACT) and"A" "L"ow-cost "P"hysical "Ha"rdware Considering Diverse Motor Control Modes for Research in Everyday Bimanual Robotic Manipulation (ALPHA-$\alpha$). Bi-ACT leverages bilateral control to utilize both position and force information, enhancing the robot's adaptability to object characteristics such as hardness, shape, and weight. The concept of ALPHA-$\alpha$ is affordability, ease of use, repairability, ease of assembly, and diverse control modes (position, velocity, torque), allowing researchers/developers to freely build control systems using ALPHA-$\alpha$. In our experiments, we conducted a detailed analysis of Bi-ACT in unimanual manipulation tasks, confirming its superior performance and adaptability compared to Bi-ACT without force control. Based on these results, we applied Bi-ACT to bimanual manipulation tasks. Experimental results demonstrated high success rates in coordinated bimanual operations across multiple tasks. The effectiveness of the Bi-ACT and ALPHA-$\alpha$ can be seen through comprehensive real-world experiments. Video available at:

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UniHOI: Learning Fast, Dense and Generalizable 4D Reconstruction for Egocentric Hand Object Interaction Videos

  • Authors: Chengbo Yuan, Geng Chen, Li Yi, Yang Gao


Egocentric Hand Object Interaction (HOI) videos provide valuable insights into human interactions with the physical world, attracting growing interest from the computer vision and robotics communities. A key task in fully understanding the geometry and dynamics of HOI scenes is dense pointclouds sequence reconstruction. However, the inherent motion of both hands and the camera makes this challenging. Current methods often rely on time-consuming test-time optimization, making them impractical for reconstructing internet-scale videos. To address this, we introduce UniHOI, a model that unifies the estimation of all variables necessary for dense 4D reconstruction, including camera intrinsic, camera poses, and video depth, for egocentric HOI scene in a fast feed-forward manner. We end-to-end optimize all these variables to improve their consistency in 3D space. Furthermore, our model could be trained solely on large-scale monocular video dataset, overcoming the limitation of scarce labeled HOI data. We evaluate UniHOI with both in-domain and zero-shot generalization setting, surpassing all baselines in pointclouds sequence reconstruction and long-term 3D scene flow recovery. UniHOI is the first approach to offer fast, dense, and generalizable monocular egocentric HOI scene reconstruction in the presence of motion. Code and trained model will be released in the future.

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VidMan: Exploiting Implicit Dynamics from Video Diffusion Model for Effective Robot Manipulation

  • Authors: Youpeng Wen, Junfan Lin, Yi Zhu, Jianhua Han, Hang Xu, Shen Zhao, Xiaodan Liang


Recent advancements utilizing large-scale video data for learning video generation models demonstrate significant potential in understanding complex physical dynamics. It suggests the feasibility of leveraging diverse robot trajectory data to develop a unified, dynamics-aware model to enhance robot manipulation. However, given the relatively small amount of available robot data, directly fitting data without considering the relationship between visual observations and actions could lead to suboptimal data utilization. To this end, we propose VidMan (Video Diffusion for Robot Manipulation), a novel framework that employs a two-stage training mechanism inspired by dual-process theory from neuroscience to enhance stability and improve data utilization efficiency. Specifically, in the first stage, VidMan is pre-trained on the Open X-Embodiment dataset (OXE) for predicting future visual trajectories in a video denoising diffusion manner, enabling the model to develop a long horizontal awareness of the environment's dynamics. In the second stage, a flexible yet effective layer-wise self-attention adapter is introduced to transform VidMan into an efficient inverse dynamics model that predicts action modulated by the implicit dynamics knowledge via parameter sharing. Our VidMan framework outperforms state-of-the-art baseline model GR-1 on the CALVIN benchmark, achieving a 11.7% relative improvement, and demonstrates over 9% precision gains on the OXE small-scale dataset. These results provide compelling evidence that world models can significantly enhance the precision of robot action prediction. Codes and models will be public.

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Predictive Visuo-Tactile Interactive Perception Framework for Object Properties Inference

  • Authors: Anirvan Dutta, Etienne Burdet, Mohsen Kaboli


Interactive exploration of the unknown physical properties of objects such as stiffness, mass, center of mass, friction coefficient, and shape is crucial for autonomous robotic systems operating continuously in unstructured environments. Precise identification of these properties is essential to manipulate objects in a stable and controlled way, and is also required to anticipate the outcomes of (prehensile or non-prehensile) manipulation actions such as pushing, pulling, lifting, etc. Our study focuses on autonomously inferring the physical properties of a diverse set of various homogeneous, heterogeneous, and articulated objects utilizing a robotic system equipped with vision and tactile sensors. We propose a novel predictive perception framework for identifying object properties of the diverse objects by leveraging versatile exploratory actions: non-prehensile pushing and prehensile pulling. As part of the framework, we propose a novel active shape perception to seamlessly initiate exploration. Our innovative dual differentiable filtering with Graph Neural Networks learns the object-robot interaction and performs consistent inference of indirectly observable time-invariant object properties. In addition, we formulate a $N$-step information gain approach to actively select the most informative actions for efficient learning and inference. Extensive real-robot experiments with planar objects show that our predictive perception framework results in better performance than the state-of-the-art baseline and demonstrate our framework in three major applications for i) object tracking, ii) goal-driven task, and iii) change in environment detection.

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ClevrSkills: Compositional Language and Visual Reasoning in Robotics

  • Authors: Sanjay Haresh, Daniel Dijkman, Apratim Bhattacharyya, Roland Memisevic


Robotics tasks are highly compositional by nature. For example, to perform a high-level task like cleaning the table a robot must employ low-level capabilities of moving the effectors to the objects on the table, pick them up and then move them off the table one-by-one, while re-evaluating the consequently dynamic scenario in the process. Given that large vision language models (VLMs) have shown progress on many tasks that require high level, human-like reasoning, we ask the question: if the models are taught the requisite low-level capabilities, can they compose them in novel ways to achieve interesting high-level tasks like cleaning the table without having to be explicitly taught so? To this end, we present ClevrSkills - a benchmark suite for compositional reasoning in robotics. ClevrSkills is an environment suite developed on top of the ManiSkill2 simulator and an accompanying dataset. The dataset contains trajectories generated on a range of robotics tasks with language and visual annotations as well as multi-modal prompts as task specification. The suite includes a curriculum of tasks with three levels of compositional understanding, starting with simple tasks requiring basic motor skills. We benchmark multiple different VLM baselines on ClevrSkills and show that even after being pre-trained on large numbers of tasks, these models fail on compositional reasoning in robotics tasks.

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One-Shot Manipulation Strategy Learning by Making Contact Analogies

  • Authors: Yuyao Liu, Jiayuan Mao, Joshua Tenenbaum, Tomás Lozano-Pérez, Leslie Pack Kaelbling


We present a novel approach, MAGIC (manipulation analogies for generalizable intelligent contacts), for one-shot learning of manipulation strategies with fast and extensive generalization to novel objects. By leveraging a reference action trajectory, MAGIC effectively identifies similar contact points and sequences of actions on novel objects to replicate a demonstrated strategy, such as using different hooks to retrieve distant objects of different shapes and sizes. Our method is based on a two-stage contact-point matching process that combines global shape matching using pretrained neural features with local curvature analysis to ensure precise and physically plausible contact points. We experiment with three tasks including scooping, hanging, and hooking objects. MAGIC demonstrates superior performance over existing methods, achieving significant improvements in runtime speed and generalization to different object categories. Website: .

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Motion Before Action: Diffusing Object Motion as Manipulation Condition

  • Authors: Yup Su, Xinyu Zhan, Hongjie Fang, Yong-Lu Li, Cewu Lu, Lixin Yang


Inferring object motion representations from observations enhances the performance of robotic manipulation tasks. This paper introduces a new paradigm for robot imitation learning that generates action sequences by reasoning about object motion from visual observations. We propose MBA (Motion Before Action), a novel module that employs two cascaded diffusion processes for object motion generation and robot action generation under object motion guidance. MBA first predicts the future pose sequence of the object based on observations, then uses this sequence as a condition to guide robot action generation. Designed as a plug-and-play component, MBA can be flexibly integrated into existing robotic manipulation policies with diffusion action heads. Extensive experiments in both simulated and real-world environments demonstrate that our approach substantially improves the performance of existing policies across a wide range of manipulation tasks.

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Open-World Task and Motion Planning via Vision-Language Model Inferred Constraints

  • Authors: Nishanth Kumar, Fabio Ramos, Dieter Fox, Caelan Reed Garrett


Foundation models trained on internet-scale data, such as Vision-Language Models (VLMs), excel at performing tasks involving common sense, such as visual question answering. Despite their impressive capabilities, these models cannot currently be directly applied to challenging robot manipulation problems that require complex and precise continuous reasoning. Task and Motion Planning (TAMP) systems can control high-dimensional continuous systems over long horizons through combining traditional primitive robot operations. However, these systems require detailed model of how the robot can impact its environment, preventing them from directly interpreting and addressing novel human objectives, for example, an arbitrary natural language goal. We propose deploying VLMs within TAMP systems by having them generate discrete and continuous language-parameterized constraints that enable TAMP to reason about open-world concepts. Specifically, we propose algorithms for VLM partial planning that constrain a TAMP system's discrete temporal search and VLM continuous constraints interpretation to augment the traditional manipulation constraints that TAMP systems seek to satisfy. We demonstrate our approach on two robot embodiments, including a real world robot, across several manipulation tasks, where the desired objectives are conveyed solely through language.

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Benchmarking Vision, Language, & Action Models on Robotic Learning Tasks

  • Authors: Pranav Guruprasad, Harshvardhan Sikka, Jaewoo Song, Yangyue Wang, Paul Pu Liang


Vision-language-action (VLA) models represent a promising direction for developing general-purpose robotic systems, demonstrating the ability to combine visual understanding, language comprehension, and action generation. However, systematic evaluation of these models across diverse robotic tasks remains limited. In this work, we present a comprehensive evaluation framework and benchmark suite for assessing VLA models. We profile three state-of-the-art VLM and VLAs - GPT-4o, OpenVLA, and JAT - across 20 diverse datasets from the Open-X-Embodiment collection, evaluating their performance on various manipulation tasks. Our analysis reveals several key insights: 1. current VLA models show significant variation in performance across different tasks and robot platforms, with GPT-4o demonstrating the most consistent performance through sophisticated prompt engineering, 2. all models struggle with complex manipulation tasks requiring multi-step planning, and 3. model performance is notably sensitive to action space characteristics and environmental factors. We release our evaluation framework and findings to facilitate systematic assessment of future VLA models and identify critical areas for improvement in the development of general purpose robotic systems.

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Learning Multi-Agent Collaborative Manipulation for Long-Horizon Quadrupedal Pushing

  • Authors: Chuye Hong, Yuming Feng, Yaru Niu, Shiqi Liu, Yuxiang Yang, Wenhao Yu, Tingnan Zhang, Jie Tan, Ding Zhao


Recently, quadrupedal locomotion has achieved significant success, but their manipulation capabilities, particularly in handling large objects, remain limited, restricting their usefulness in demanding real-world applications such as search and rescue, construction, industrial automation, and room organization. This paper tackles the task of obstacle-aware, long-horizon pushing by multiple quadrupedal robots. We propose a hierarchical multi-agent reinforcement learning framework with three levels of control. The high-level controller integrates an RRT planner and a centralized adaptive policy to generate subgoals, while the mid-level controller uses a decentralized goal-conditioned policy to guide the robots toward these sub-goals. A pre-trained low-level locomotion policy executes the movement commands. We evaluate our method against several baselines in simulation, demonstrating significant improvements over baseline approaches, with 36.0% higher success rates and 24.5% reduction in completion time than the best baseline. Our framework successfully enables long-horizon, obstacle-aware manipulation tasks like Push-Cuboid and Push-T on Go1 robots in the real world.

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Grounding Video Models to Actions through Goal Conditioned Exploration

  • Authors: Yunhao Luo, Yilun Du


Large video models, pretrained on massive amounts of Internet video, provide a rich source of physical knowledge about the dynamics and motions of objects and tasks. However, video models are not grounded in the embodiment of an agent, and do not describe how to actuate the world to reach the visual states depicted in a video. To tackle this problem, current methods use a separate vision-based inverse dynamic model trained on embodiment-specific data to map image states to actions. Gathering data to train such a model is often expensive and challenging, and this model is limited to visual settings similar to the ones in which data are available. In this paper, we investigate how to directly ground video models to continuous actions through self-exploration in the embodied environment -- using generated video states as visual goals for exploration. We propose a framework that uses trajectory level action generation in combination with video guidance to enable an agent to solve complex tasks without any external supervision, e.g., rewards, action labels, or segmentation masks. We validate the proposed approach on 8 tasks in Libero, 6 tasks in MetaWorld, 4 tasks in Calvin, and 12 tasks in iThor Visual Navigation. We show how our approach is on par with or even surpasses multiple behavior cloning baselines trained on expert demonstrations while without requiring any action annotations.

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Vision Language Models are In-Context Value Learners

  • Authors: Yecheng Jason Ma, Joey Hejna, Ayzaan Wahid, Chuyuan Fu, Dhruv Shah, Jacky Liang, Zhuo Xu, Sean Kirmani, Peng Xu, Danny Driess, Ted Xiao, Jonathan Tompson, Osbert Bastani, Dinesh Jayaraman, Wenhao Yu, Tingnan Zhang, Dorsa Sadigh, Fei Xia


Predicting temporal progress from visual trajectories is important for intelligent robots that can learn, adapt, and improve. However, learning such progress estimator, or temporal value function, across different tasks and domains requires both a large amount of diverse data and methods which can scale and generalize. To address these challenges, we present Generative Value Learning (\GVL), a universal value function estimator that leverages the world knowledge embedded in vision-language models (VLMs) to predict task progress. Naively asking a VLM to predict values for a video sequence performs poorly due to the strong temporal correlation between successive frames. Instead, GVL poses value estimation as a temporal ordering problem over shuffled video frames; this seemingly more challenging task encourages VLMs to more fully exploit their underlying semantic and temporal grounding capabilities to differentiate frames based on their perceived task progress, consequently producing significantly better value predictions. Without any robot or task specific training, GVL can in-context zero-shot and few-shot predict effective values for more than 300 distinct real-world tasks across diverse robot platforms, including challenging bimanual manipulation tasks. Furthermore, we demonstrate that GVL permits flexible multi-modal in-context learning via examples from heterogeneous tasks and embodiments, such as human videos. The generality of GVL enables various downstream applications pertinent to visuomotor policy learning, including dataset filtering, success detection, and advantage-weighted regression -- all without any model training or finetuning.

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TacEx: GelSight Tactile Simulation in Isaac Sim -- Combining Soft-Body and Visuotactile Simulators

  • Authors: Duc Huy Nguyen, Tim Schneider, Guillaume Duret, Alap Kshirsagar, Boris Belousov, Jan Peters


Training robot policies in simulation is becoming increasingly popular; nevertheless, a precise, reliable, and easy-to-use tactile simulator for contact-rich manipulation tasks is still missing. To close this gap, we develop TacEx -- a modular tactile simulation framework. We embed a state-of-the-art soft-body simulator for contacts named GIPC and vision-based tactile simulators Taxim and FOTS into Isaac Sim to achieve robust and plausible simulation of the visuotactile sensor GelSight Mini. We implement several Isaac Lab environments for Reinforcement Learning (RL) leveraging our TacEx simulation, including object pushing, lifting, and pole balancing. We validate that the simulation is stable and that the high-dimensional observations, such as the gel deformation and the RGB images from the GelSight camera, can be used for training. The code, videos, and additional results will be released online

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Stem-OB: Generalizable Visual Imitation Learning with Stem-Like Convergent Observation through Diffusion Inversion

  • Authors: Kaizhe Hu, Zihang Rui, Yao He, Yuyao Liu, Pu Hua, Huazhe Xu


Visual imitation learning methods demonstrate strong performance, yet they lack generalization when faced with visual input perturbations, including variations in lighting and textures, impeding their real-world application. We propose Stem-OB that utilizes pretrained image diffusion models to suppress low-level visual differences while maintaining high-level scene structures. This image inversion process is akin to transforming the observation into a shared representation, from which other observations stem, with extraneous details removed. Stem-OB contrasts with data-augmentation approaches as it is robust to various unspecified appearance changes without the need for additional training. Our method is a simple yet highly effective plug-and-play solution. Empirical results confirm the effectiveness of our approach in simulated tasks and show an exceptionally significant improvement in real-world applications, with an average increase of 22.2% in success rates compared to the best baseline. See for more info.

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DINO-WM: World Models on Pre-trained Visual Features enable Zero-shot Planning

  • Authors: Gaoyue Zhou, Hengkai Pan, Yann LeCun, Lerrel Pinto


The ability to predict future outcomes given control actions is fundamental for physical reasoning. However, such predictive models, often called world models, have proven challenging to learn and are typically developed for task-specific solutions with online policy learning. We argue that the true potential of world models lies in their ability to reason and plan across diverse problems using only passive data. Concretely, we require world models to have the following three properties: 1) be trainable on offline, pre-collected trajectories, 2) support test-time behavior optimization, and 3) facilitate task-agnostic reasoning. To realize this, we present DINO World Model (DINO-WM), a new method to model visual dynamics without reconstructing the visual world. DINO-WM leverages spatial patch features pre-trained with DINOv2, enabling it to learn from offline behavioral trajectories by predicting future patch features. This design allows DINO-WM to achieve observational goals through action sequence optimization, facilitating task-agnostic behavior planning by treating desired goal patch features as prediction targets. We evaluate DINO-WM across various domains, including maze navigation, tabletop pushing, and particle manipulation. Our experiments demonstrate that DINO-WM can generate zero-shot behavioral solutions at test time without relying on expert demonstrations, reward modeling, or pre-learned inverse models. Notably, DINO-WM exhibits strong generalization capabilities compared to prior state-of-the-art work, adapting to diverse task families such as arbitrarily configured mazes, push manipulation with varied object shapes, and multi-particle scenarios.

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DynaMem: Online Dynamic Spatio-Semantic Memory for Open World Mobile Manipulation

  • Authors: Peiqi Liu, Zhanqiu Guo, Mohit Warke, Soumith Chintala, Chris Paxton, Nur Muhammad Mahi Shafiullah, Lerrel Pinto


Significant progress has been made in open-vocabulary mobile manipulation, where the goal is for a robot to perform tasks in any environment given a natural language description. However, most current systems assume a static environment, which limits the system's applicability in real-world scenarios where environments frequently change due to human intervention or the robot's own actions. In this work, we present DynaMem, a new approach to open-world mobile manipulation that uses a dynamic spatio-semantic memory to represent a robot's environment. DynaMem constructs a 3D data structure to maintain a dynamic memory of point clouds, and answers open-vocabulary object localization queries using multimodal LLMs or open-vocabulary features generated by state-of-the-art vision-language models. Powered by DynaMem, our robots can explore novel environments, search for objects not found in memory, and continuously update the memory as objects move, appear, or disappear in the scene. We run extensive experiments on the Stretch SE3 robots in three real and nine offline scenes, and achieve an average pick-and-drop success rate of 70% on non-stationary objects, which is more than a 2x improvement over state-of-the-art static systems. Our code as well as our experiment and deployment videos are open sourced and can be found on our project website:

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STEER: Flexible Robotic Manipulation via Dense Language Grounding

  • Authors: Laura Smith, Alex Irpan, Montserrat Gonzalez Arenas, Sean Kirmani, Dmitry Kalashnikov, Dhruv Shah, Ted Xiao


The complexity of the real world demands robotic systems that can intelligently adapt to unseen situations. We present STEER, a robot learning framework that bridges high-level, commonsense reasoning with precise, flexible low-level control. Our approach translates complex situational awareness into actionable low-level behavior through training language-grounded policies with dense annotation. By structuring policy training around fundamental, modular manipulation skills expressed in natural language, STEER exposes an expressive interface for humans or Vision-Language Models (VLMs) to intelligently orchestrate the robot's behavior by reasoning about the task and context. Our experiments demonstrate the skills learned via STEER can be combined to synthesize novel behaviors to adapt to new situations or perform completely new tasks without additional data collection or training.

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VQ-ACE: Efficient Policy Search for Dexterous Robotic Manipulation via Action Chunking Embedding

  • Authors: Chenyu Yang, Davide Liconti, Robert K. Katzschmann


Dexterous robotic manipulation remains a significant challenge due to the high dimensionality and complexity of hand movements required for tasks like in-hand manipulation and object grasping. This paper addresses this issue by introducing Vector Quantized Action Chunking Embedding (VQ-ACE), a novel framework that compresses human hand motion into a quantized latent space, significantly reducing the action space's dimensionality while preserving key motion characteristics. By integrating VQ-ACE with both Model Predictive Control (MPC) and Reinforcement Learning (RL), we enable more efficient exploration and policy learning in dexterous manipulation tasks using a biomimetic robotic hand. Our results show that latent space sampling with MPC produces more human-like behavior in tasks such as Ball Rolling and Object Picking, leading to higher task success rates and reduced control costs. For RL, action chunking accelerates learning and improves exploration, demonstrated through faster convergence in tasks like cube stacking and in-hand cube reorientation. These findings suggest that VQ-ACE offers a scalable and effective solution for robotic manipulation tasks involving complex, high-dimensional state spaces, contributing to more natural and adaptable robotic systems.

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ET-SEED: Efficient Trajectory-Level SE(3) Equivariant Diffusion Policy

  • Authors: Chenrui Tie, Yue Chen, Ruihai Wu, Boxuan Dong, Zeyi Li, Chongkai Gao, Hao Dong


Imitation learning, e.g., diffusion policy, has been proven effective in various robotic manipulation tasks. However, extensive demonstrations are required for policy robustness and generalization. To reduce the demonstration reliance, we leverage spatial symmetry and propose ET-SEED, an efficient trajectory-level SE(3) equivariant diffusion model for generating action sequences in complex robot manipulation tasks. Further, previous equivariant diffusion models require the per-step equivariance in the Markov process, making it difficult to learn policy under such strong constraints. We theoretically extend equivariant Markov kernels and simplify the condition of equivariant diffusion process, thereby significantly improving training efficiency for trajectory-level SE(3) equivariant diffusion policy in an end-to-end manner. We evaluate ET-SEED on representative robotic manipulation tasks, involving rigid body, articulated and deformable object. Experiments demonstrate superior data efficiency and manipulation proficiency of our proposed method, as well as its ability to generalize to unseen configurations with only a few demonstrations. Website:

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Object-Centric Dexterous Manipulation from Human Motion Data

  • Authors: Yuanpei Chen, Chen Wang, Yaodong Yang, C. Karen Liu


Manipulating objects to achieve desired goal states is a basic but important skill for dexterous manipulation. Human hand motions demonstrate proficient manipulation capability, providing valuable data for training robots with multi-finger hands. Despite this potential, substantial challenges arise due to the embodiment gap between human and robot hands. In this work, we introduce a hierarchical policy learning framework that uses human hand motion data for training object-centric dexterous robot manipulation. At the core of our method is a high-level trajectory generative model, learned with a large-scale human hand motion capture dataset, to synthesize human-like wrist motions conditioned on the desired object goal states. Guided by the generated wrist motions, deep reinforcement learning is further used to train a low-level finger controller that is grounded in the robot's embodiment to physically interact with the object to achieve the goal. Through extensive evaluation across 10 household objects, our approach not only demonstrates superior performance but also showcases generalization capability to novel object geometries and goal states. Furthermore, we transfer the learned policies from simulation to a real-world bimanual dexterous robot system, further demonstrating its applicability in real-world scenarios. Project website:

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Digitizing Touch with an Artificial Multimodal Fingertip

  • Authors: Mike Lambeta, Tingfan Wu, Ali Sengul, Victoria Rose Most, Nolan Black, Kevin Sawyer, Romeo Mercado, Haozhi Qi, Alexander Sohn, Byron Taylor, Norb Tydingco, Gregg Kammerer, Dave Stroud, Jake Khatha, Kurt Jenkins, Kyle Most, Neal Stein, Ricardo Chavira, Thomas Craven-Bartle, Eric Sanchez, Yitian Ding, Jitendra Malik, Roberto Calandra


Touch is a crucial sensing modality that provides rich information about object properties and interactions with the physical environment. Humans and robots both benefit from using touch to perceive and interact with the surrounding environment (Johansson and Flanagan, 2009; Li et al., 2020; Calandra et al., 2017). However, no existing systems provide rich, multi-modal digital touch-sensing capabilities through a hemispherical compliant embodiment. Here, we describe several conceptual and technological innovations to improve the digitization of touch. These advances are embodied in an artificial finger-shaped sensor with advanced sensing capabilities. Significantly, this fingertip contains high-resolution sensors (~8.3 million taxels) that respond to omnidirectional touch, capture multi-modal signals, and use on-device artificial intelligence to process the data in real time. Evaluations show that the artificial fingertip can resolve spatial features as small as 7 um, sense normal and shear forces with a resolution of 1.01 mN and 1.27 mN, respectively, perceive vibrations up to 10 kHz, sense heat, and even sense odor. Furthermore, it embeds an on-device AI neural network accelerator that acts as a peripheral nervous system on a robot and mimics the reflex arc found in humans. These results demonstrate the possibility of digitizing touch with superhuman performance. The implications are profound, and we anticipate potential applications in robotics (industrial, medical, agricultural, and consumer-level), virtual reality and telepresence, prosthetics, and e-commerce. Toward digitizing touch at scale, we open-source a modular platform to facilitate future research on the nature of touch.

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Vocal Sandbox: Continual Learning and Adaptation for Situated Human-Robot Collaboration

  • Authors: Jennifer Grannen, Siddharth Karamcheti, Suvir Mirchandani, Percy Liang, Dorsa Sadigh


We introduce Vocal Sandbox, a framework for enabling seamless human-robot collaboration in situated environments. Systems in our framework are characterized by their ability to adapt and continually learn at multiple levels of abstraction from diverse teaching modalities such as spoken dialogue, object keypoints, and kinesthetic demonstrations. To enable such adaptation, we design lightweight and interpretable learning algorithms that allow users to build an understanding and co-adapt to a robot's capabilities in real-time, as they teach new behaviors. For example, after demonstrating a new low-level skill for "tracking around" an object, users are provided with trajectory visualizations of the robot's intended motion when asked to track a new object. Similarly, users teach high-level planning behaviors through spoken dialogue, using pretrained language models to synthesize behaviors such as "packing an object away" as compositions of low-level skills $-$ concepts that can be reused and built upon. We evaluate Vocal Sandbox in two settings: collaborative gift bag assembly and LEGO stop-motion animation. In the first setting, we run systematic ablations and user studies with 8 non-expert participants, highlighting the impact of multi-level teaching. Across 23 hours of total robot interaction time, users teach 17 new high-level behaviors with an average of 16 novel low-level skills, requiring 22.1% less active supervision compared to baselines and yielding more complex autonomous performance (+19.7%) with fewer failures (-67.1%). Qualitatively, users strongly prefer Vocal Sandbox systems due to their ease of use (+20.6%) and overall performance (+13.9%). Finally, we pair an experienced system-user with a robot to film a stop-motion animation; over two hours of continuous collaboration, the user teaches progressively more complex motion skills to shoot a 52 second (232 frame) movie.

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RT-Affordance: Affordances are Versatile Intermediate Representations for Robot Manipulation

  • Authors: Soroush Nasiriany, Sean Kirmani, Tianli Ding, Laura Smith, Yuke Zhu, Danny Driess, Dorsa Sadigh, Ted Xiao


We explore how intermediate policy representations can facilitate generalization by providing guidance on how to perform manipulation tasks. Existing representations such as language, goal images, and trajectory sketches have been shown to be helpful, but these representations either do not provide enough context or provide over-specified context that yields less robust policies. We propose conditioning policies on affordances, which capture the pose of the robot at key stages of the task. Affordances offer expressive yet lightweight abstractions, are easy for users to specify, and facilitate efficient learning by transferring knowledge from large internet datasets. Our method, RT-Affordance, is a hierarchical model that first proposes an affordance plan given the task language, and then conditions the policy on this affordance plan to perform manipulation. Our model can flexibly bridge heterogeneous sources of supervision including large web datasets and robot trajectories. We additionally train our model on cheap-to-collect in-domain affordance images, allowing us to learn new tasks without collecting any additional costly robot trajectories. We show on a diverse set of novel tasks how RT-Affordance exceeds the performance of existing methods by over 50%, and we empirically demonstrate that affordances are robust to novel settings. Videos available at

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ManiBox: Enhancing Spatial Grasping Generalization via Scalable Simulation Data Generation

  • Authors: Hengkai Tan, Xuezhou Xu, Chengyang Ying, Xinyi Mao, Songming Liu, Xingxing Zhang, Hang Su, Jun Zhu


Learning a precise robotic grasping policy is crucial for embodied agents operating in complex real-world manipulation tasks. Despite significant advancements, most models still struggle with accurate spatial positioning of objects to be grasped. We first show that this spatial generalization challenge stems primarily from the extensive data requirements for adequate spatial understanding. However, collecting such data with real robots is prohibitively expensive, and relying on simulation data often leads to visual generalization gaps upon deployment. To overcome these challenges, we then focus on state-based policy generalization and present \textbf{ManiBox}, a novel bounding-box-guided manipulation method built on a simulation-based teacher-student framework. The teacher policy efficiently generates scalable simulation data using bounding boxes, which are proven to uniquely determine the objects' spatial positions. The student policy then utilizes these low-dimensional spatial states to enable zero-shot transfer to real robots. Through comprehensive evaluations in simulated and real-world environments, ManiBox demonstrates a marked improvement in spatial grasping generalization and adaptability to diverse objects and backgrounds. Further, our empirical study into scaling laws for policy performance indicates that spatial volume generalization scales positively with data volume. For a certain level of spatial volume, the success rate of grasping empirically follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics relative to data volume, showing a saturation effect as data increases. Our videos and code are available in

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IGOR: Image-GOal Representations are the Atomic Control Units for Foundation Models in Embodied AI

  • Authors: Xiaoyu Chen, Junliang Guo, Tianyu He, Chuheng Zhang, Pushi Zhang, Derek Cathera Yang, Li Zhao, Jiang Bian


We introduce Image-GOal Representations (IGOR), aiming to learn a unified, semantically consistent action space across human and various robots. Through this unified latent action space, IGOR enables knowledge transfer among large-scale robot and human activity data. We achieve this by compressing visual changes between an initial image and its goal state into latent actions. IGOR allows us to generate latent action labels for internet-scale video data. This unified latent action space enables the training of foundation policy and world models across a wide variety of tasks performed by both robots and humans. We demonstrate that: (1) IGOR learns a semantically consistent action space for both human and robots, characterizing various possible motions of objects representing the physical interaction knowledge; (2) IGOR can "migrate" the movements of the object in the one video to other videos, even across human and robots, by jointly using the latent action model and world model; (3) IGOR can learn to align latent actions with natural language through the foundation policy model, and integrate latent actions with a low-level policy model to achieve effective robot control. We believe IGOR opens new possibilities for human-to-robot knowledge transfer and control.

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SPOT: SE(3) Pose Trajectory Diffusion for Object-Centric Manipulation

  • Authors: Cheng-Chun Hsu, Bowen Wen, Jie Xu, Yashraj Narang, Xiaolong Wang, Yuke Zhu, Joydeep Biswas, Stan Birchfield


We introduce SPOT, an object-centric imitation learning framework. The key idea is to capture each task by an object-centric representation, specifically the SE(3) object pose trajectory relative to the target. This approach decouples embodiment actions from sensory inputs, facilitating learning from various demonstration types, including both action-based and action-less human hand demonstrations, as well as cross-embodiment generalization. Additionally, object pose trajectories inherently capture planning constraints from demonstrations without the need for manually crafted rules. To guide the robot in executing the task, the object trajectory is used to condition a diffusion policy. We show improvement compared to prior work on RLBench simulated tasks. In real-world evaluation, using only eight demonstrations shot on an iPhone, our approach completed all tasks while fully complying with task constraints. Project page:

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GarmentLab: A Unified Simulation and Benchmark for Garment Manipulation

  • Authors: Haoran Lu, Ruihai Wu, Yitong Li, Sijie Li, Ziyu Zhu, Chuanruo Ning, Yan Shen, Longzan Luo, Yuanpei Chen, Hao Dong


Manipulating garments and fabrics has long been a critical endeavor in the development of home-assistant robots. However, due to complex dynamics and topological structures, garment manipulations pose significant challenges. Recent successes in reinforcement learning and vision-based methods offer promising avenues for learning garment manipulation. Nevertheless, these approaches are severely constrained by current benchmarks, which offer limited diversity of tasks and unrealistic simulation behavior. Therefore, we present GarmentLab, a content-rich benchmark and realistic simulation designed for deformable object and garment manipulation. Our benchmark encompasses a diverse range of garment types, robotic systems and manipulators. The abundant tasks in the benchmark further explores of the interactions between garments, deformable objects, rigid bodies, fluids, and human body. Moreover, by incorporating multiple simulation methods such as FEM and PBD, along with our proposed sim-to-real algorithms and real-world benchmark, we aim to significantly narrow the sim-to-real gap. We evaluate state-of-the-art vision methods, reinforcement learning, and imitation learning approaches on these tasks, highlighting the challenges faced by current algorithms, notably their limited generalization capabilities. Our proposed open-source environments and comprehensive analysis show promising boost to future research in garment manipulation by unlocking the full potential of these methods. We guarantee that we will open-source our code as soon as possible. You can watch the videos in supplementary files to learn more about the details of our work. Our project page is available at:

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The Role of Domain Randomization in Training Diffusion Policies for Whole-Body Humanoid Control

  • Authors: Oleg Kaidanov, Firas Al-Hafez, Yusuf Suvari, Boris Belousov, Jan Peters


Humanoids have the potential to be the ideal embodiment in environments designed for humans. Thanks to the structural similarity to the human body, they benefit from rich sources of demonstration data, e.g., collected via teleoperation, motion capture, or even using videos of humans performing tasks. However, distilling a policy from demonstrations is still a challenging problem. While Diffusion Policies (DPs) have shown impressive results in robotic manipulation, their applicability to locomotion and humanoid control remains underexplored. In this paper, we investigate how dataset diversity and size affect the performance of DPs for humanoid whole-body control. In a simulated IsaacGym environment, we generate synthetic demonstrations by training Adversarial Motion Prior (AMP) agents under various Domain Randomization (DR) conditions, and we compare DPs fitted to datasets of different size and diversity. Our findings show that, although DPs can achieve stable walking behavior, successful training of locomotion policies requires significantly larger and more diverse datasets compared to manipulation tasks, even in simple scenarios.

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Eurekaverse: Environment Curriculum Generation via Large Language Models

  • Authors: William Liang, Sam Wang, Hung-Ju Wang, Osbert Bastani, Dinesh Jayaraman, Yecheng Jason Ma


Recent work has demonstrated that a promising strategy for teaching robots a wide range of complex skills is by training them on a curriculum of progressively more challenging environments. However, developing an effective curriculum of environment distributions currently requires significant expertise, which must be repeated for every new domain. Our key insight is that environments are often naturally represented as code. Thus, we probe whether effective environment curriculum design can be achieved and automated via code generation by large language models (LLM). In this paper, we introduce Eurekaverse, an unsupervised environment design algorithm that uses LLMs to sample progressively more challenging, diverse, and learnable environments for skill training. We validate Eurekaverse's effectiveness in the domain of quadrupedal parkour learning, in which a quadruped robot must traverse through a variety of obstacle courses. The automatic curriculum designed by Eurekaverse enables gradual learning of complex parkour skills in simulation and can successfully transfer to the real-world, outperforming manual training courses designed by humans.

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So You Think You Can Scale Up Autonomous Robot Data Collection?

  • Authors: Suvir Mirchandani, Suneel Belkhale, Joey Hejna, Evelyn Choi, Md Sazzad Islam, Dorsa Sadigh


A long-standing goal in robot learning is to develop methods for robots to acquire new skills autonomously. While reinforcement learning (RL) comes with the promise of enabling autonomous data collection, it remains challenging to scale in the real-world partly due to the significant effort required for environment design and instrumentation, including the need for designing reset functions or accurate success detectors. On the other hand, imitation learning (IL) methods require little to no environment design effort, but instead require significant human supervision in the form of collected demonstrations. To address these shortcomings, recent works in autonomous IL start with an initial seed dataset of human demonstrations that an autonomous policy can bootstrap from. While autonomous IL approaches come with the promise of addressing the challenges of autonomous RL as well as pure IL strategies, in this work, we posit that such techniques do not deliver on this promise and are still unable to scale up autonomous data collection in the real world. Through a series of real-world experiments, we demonstrate that these approaches, when scaled up to realistic settings, face much of the same scaling challenges as prior attempts in RL in terms of environment design. Further, we perform a rigorous study of autonomous IL methods across different data scales and 7 simulation and real-world tasks, and demonstrate that while autonomous data collection can modestly improve performance, simply collecting more human data often provides significantly more improvement. Our work suggests a negative result: that scaling up autonomous data collection for learning robot policies for real-world tasks is more challenging and impractical than what is suggested in prior work. We hope these insights about the core challenges of scaling up data collection help inform future efforts in autonomous learning.

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RoboCrowd: Scaling Robot Data Collection through Crowdsourcing

  • Authors: Suvir Mirchandani, David D. Yuan, Kaylee Burns, Md Sazzad Islam, Tony Z. Zhao, Chelsea Finn, Dorsa Sadigh


In recent years, imitation learning from large-scale human demonstrations has emerged as a promising paradigm for training robot policies. However, the burden of collecting large quantities of human demonstrations is significant in terms of collection time and the need for access to expert operators. We introduce a new data collection paradigm, RoboCrowd, which distributes the workload by utilizing crowdsourcing principles and incentive design. RoboCrowd helps enable scalable data collection and facilitates more efficient learning of robot policies. We build RoboCrowd on top of ALOHA (Zhao et al. 2023) -- a bimanual platform that supports data collection via puppeteering -- to explore the design space for crowdsourcing in-person demonstrations in a public environment. We propose three classes of incentive mechanisms to appeal to users' varying sources of motivation for interacting with the system: material rewards, intrinsic interest, and social comparison. We instantiate these incentives through tasks that include physical rewards, engaging or challenging manipulations, as well as gamification elements such as a leaderboard. We conduct a large-scale, two-week field experiment in which the platform is situated in a university cafe. We observe significant engagement with the system -- over 200 individuals independently volunteered to provide a total of over 800 interaction episodes. Our findings validate the proposed incentives as mechanisms for shaping users' data quantity and quality. Further, we demonstrate that the crowdsourced data can serve as useful pre-training data for policies fine-tuned on expert demonstrations -- boosting performance up to 20% compared to when this data is not available. These results suggest the potential for RoboCrowd to reduce the burden of robot data collection by carefully implementing crowdsourcing and incentive design principles.

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Real-Time Polygonal Semantic Mapping for Humanoid Robot Stair Climbing

  • Authors: Teng Bin, Jianming Yao, Tin Lun Lam, Tianwei Zhang


We present a novel algorithm for real-time planar semantic mapping tailored for humanoid robots navigating complex terrains such as staircases. Our method is adaptable to any odometry input and leverages GPU-accelerated processes for planar extraction, enabling the rapid generation of globally consistent semantic maps. We utilize an anisotropic diffusion filter on depth images to effectively minimize noise from gradient jumps while preserving essential edge details, enhancing normal vector images' accuracy and smoothness. Both the anisotropic diffusion and the RANSAC-based plane extraction processes are optimized for parallel processing on GPUs, significantly enhancing computational efficiency. Our approach achieves real-time performance, processing single frames at rates exceeding $30~Hz$, which facilitates detailed plane extraction and map management swiftly and efficiently. Extensive testing underscores the algorithm's capabilities in real-time scenarios and demonstrates its practical application in humanoid robot gait planning, significantly improving its ability to navigate dynamic environments.

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DiffSim2Real: Deploying Quadrupedal Locomotion Policies Purely Trained in Differentiable Simulation

  • Authors: Joshua Bagajo, Clemens Schwarke, Victor Klemm, Ignat Georgiev, Jean-Pierre Sleiman, Jesus Tordesillas, Animesh Garg, Marco Hutter


Differentiable simulators provide analytic gradients, enabling more sample-efficient learning algorithms and paving the way for data intensive learning tasks such as learning from images. In this work, we demonstrate that locomotion policies trained with analytic gradients from a differentiable simulator can be successfully transferred to the real world. Typically, simulators that offer informative gradients lack the physical accuracy needed for sim-to-real transfer, and vice-versa. A key factor in our success is a smooth contact model that combines informative gradients with physical accuracy, ensuring effective transfer of learned behaviors. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time a real quadrupedal robot is able to locomote after training exclusively in a differentiable simulation.

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DexHub and DART: Towards Internet Scale Robot Data Collection

  • Authors: Younghyo Park, Jagdeep Singh Bhatia, Lars Ankile, Pulkit Agrawal


The quest to build a generalist robotic system is impeded by the scarcity of diverse and high-quality data. While real-world data collection effort exist, requirements for robot hardware, physical environment setups, and frequent resets significantly impede the scalability needed for modern learning frameworks. We introduce DART, a teleoperation platform designed for crowdsourcing that reimagines robotic data collection by leveraging cloud-based simulation and augmented reality (AR) to address many limitations of prior data collection efforts. Our user studies highlight that DART enables higher data collection throughput and lower physical fatigue compared to real-world teleoperation. We also demonstrate that policies trained using DART-collected datasets successfully transfer to reality and are robust to unseen visual disturbances. All data collected through DART is automatically stored in our cloud-hosted database, DexHub, which will be made publicly available upon curation, paving the path for DexHub to become an ever-growing data hub for robot learning. Videos are available at:

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DeeR-VLA: Dynamic Inference of Multimodal Large Language Models for Efficient Robot Execution

  • Authors: Yang Yue, Yulin Wang, Bingyi Kang, Yizeng Han, Shenzhi Wang, Shiji Song, Jiashi Feng, Gao Huang


MLLMs have demonstrated remarkable comprehension and reasoning capabilities with complex language and visual data. These advances have spurred the vision of establishing a generalist robotic MLLM proficient in understanding complex human instructions and accomplishing various embodied tasks. However, developing MLLMs for real-world robots is challenging due to the typically limited computation and memory capacities available on robotic platforms. In contrast, the inference of MLLMs involves storing billions of parameters and performing tremendous computation, imposing significant hardware demands. In our paper, we propose a Dynamic Early-Exit Framework for Robotic Vision-Language-Action Model (DeeR-VLA, or simply DeeR) that automatically adjusts the size of the activated MLLM based on each situation at hand. The approach leverages a multi-exit architecture in MLLMs, which allows the model to terminate processing once a proper size of the model has been activated for a specific situation, thus avoiding further redundant computation. Additionally, we develop novel algorithms that establish early-termination criteria for DeeR, conditioned on predefined demands such as average computational cost (i.e., power consumption), as well as peak computational consumption (i.e., latency) and GPU memory usage. These enhancements ensure that DeeR operates efficiently under varying resource constraints while maintaining competitive performance. On the CALVIN robot manipulation benchmark, DeeR demonstrates significant reductions in computational costs of LLM by 5.2-6.5x and GPU memory of LLM by 2-6x without compromising performance. Code and checkpoints are available at

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ConceptFactory: Facilitate 3D Object Knowledge Annotation with Object Conceptualization

  • Authors: Jianhua Sun, Yuxuan Li, Longfei Xu, Nange Wang, Jiude Wei, Yining Zhang, Cewu Lu


We present ConceptFactory, a novel scope to facilitate more efficient annotation of 3D object knowledge by recognizing 3D objects through generalized concepts (i.e. object conceptualization), aiming at promoting machine intelligence to learn comprehensive object knowledge from both vision and robotics aspects. This idea originates from the findings in human cognition research that the perceptual recognition of objects can be explained as a process of arranging generalized geometric components (e.g. cuboids and cylinders). ConceptFactory consists of two critical parts: i) ConceptFactory Suite, a unified toolbox that adopts Standard Concept Template Library (STL-C) to drive a web-based platform for object conceptualization, and ii) ConceptFactory Asset, a large collection of conceptualized objects acquired using ConceptFactory suite. Our approach enables researchers to effortlessly acquire or customize extensive varieties of object knowledge to comprehensively study different object understanding tasks. We validate our idea on a wide range of benchmark tasks from both vision and robotics aspects with state-of-the-art algorithms, demonstrating the high quality and versatility of annotations provided by our approach. Our website is available at

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PARTNR: A Benchmark for Planning and Reasoning in Embodied Multi-agent Tasks

  • Authors: Matthew Chang, Gunjan Chhablani, Alexander Clegg, Mikael Dallaire Cote, Ruta Desai, Michal Hlavac, Vladimir Karashchuk, Jacob Krantz, Roozbeh Mottaghi, Priyam Parashar, Siddharth Patki, Ishita Prasad, Xavier Puig, Akshara Rai, Ram Ramrakhya, Daniel Tran, Joanne Truong, John M. Turner, Eric Undersander, Tsung-Yen Yang


We present a benchmark for Planning And Reasoning Tasks in humaN-Robot collaboration (PARTNR) designed to study human-robot coordination in household activities. PARTNR tasks exhibit characteristics of everyday tasks, such as spatial, temporal, and heterogeneous agent capability constraints. We employ a semi-automated task generation pipeline using Large Language Models (LLMs), incorporating simulation in the loop for grounding and verification. PARTNR stands as the largest benchmark of its kind, comprising 100,000 natural language tasks, spanning 60 houses and 5,819 unique objects. We analyze state-of-the-art LLMs on PARTNR tasks, across the axes of planning, perception and skill execution. The analysis reveals significant limitations in SoTA models, such as poor coordination and failures in task tracking and recovery from errors. When LLMs are paired with real humans, they require 1.5x as many steps as two humans collaborating and 1.1x more steps than a single human, underscoring the potential for improvement in these models. We further show that fine-tuning smaller LLMs with planning data can achieve performance on par with models 9 times larger, while being 8.6x faster at inference. Overall, PARTNR highlights significant challenges facing collaborative embodied agents and aims to drive research in this direction.

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Learning Visual Parkour from Generated Images

  • Authors: Alan Yu, Ge Yang, Ran Choi, Yajvan Ravan, John Leonard, Phillip Isola


Fast and accurate physics simulation is an essential component of robot learning, where robots can explore failure scenarios that are difficult to produce in the real world and learn from unlimited on-policy data. Yet, it remains challenging to incorporate RGB-color perception into the sim-to-real pipeline that matches the real world in its richness and realism. In this work, we train a robot dog in simulation for visual parkour. We propose a way to use generative models to synthesize diverse and physically accurate image sequences of the scene from the robot's ego-centric perspective. We present demonstrations of zero-shot transfer to the RGB-only observations of the real world on a robot equipped with a low-cost, off-the-shelf color camera. website visit

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Learning to Look Around: Enhancing Teleoperation and Learning with a Human-like Actuated Neck

  • Authors: Bipasha Sen, Michelle Wang, Nandini Thakur, Aditya Agarwal, Pulkit Agrawal


We introduce a teleoperation system that integrates a 5 DOF actuated neck, designed to replicate natural human head movements and perception. By enabling behaviors like peeking or tilting, the system provides operators with a more intuitive and comprehensive view of the environment, improving task performance, reducing cognitive load, and facilitating complex whole-body manipulation. We demonstrate the benefits of natural perception across seven challenging teleoperation tasks, showing how the actuated neck enhances the scope and efficiency of remote operation. Furthermore, we investigate its role in training autonomous policies through imitation learning. In three distinct tasks, the actuated neck supports better spatial awareness, reduces distribution shift, and enables adaptive task-specific adjustments compared to a static wide-angle camera.

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Get a Grip: Multi-Finger Grasp Evaluation at Scale Enables Robust Sim-to-Real Transfer

  • Authors: Tyler Ga Wei Lum, Albert H. Li, Preston Culbertson, Krishnan Srinivasan, Aaron D. Ames, Mac Schwager, Jeannette Bohg


This work explores conditions under which multi-finger grasping algorithms can attain robust sim-to-real transfer. While numerous large datasets facilitate learning generative models for multi-finger grasping at scale, reliable real-world dexterous grasping remains challenging, with most methods degrading when deployed on hardware. An alternate strategy is to use discriminative grasp evaluation models for grasp selection and refinement, conditioned on real-world sensor measurements. This paradigm has produced state-of-the-art results for vision-based parallel-jaw grasping, but remains unproven in the multi-finger setting. In this work, we find that existing datasets and methods have been insufficient for training discriminitive models for multi-finger grasping. To train grasp evaluators at scale, datasets must provide on the order of millions of grasps, including both positive and negative examples, with corresponding visual data resembling measurements at inference time. To that end, we release a new, open-source dataset of 3.5M grasps on 4.3K objects annotated with RGB images, point clouds, and trained NeRFs. Leveraging this dataset, we train vision-based grasp evaluators that outperform both analytic and generative modeling-based baselines on extensive simulated and real-world trials across a diverse range of objects. We show via numerous ablations that the key factor for performance is indeed the evaluator, and that its quality degrades as the dataset shrinks, demonstrating the importance of our new dataset. Project website at:

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SceneComplete: Open-World 3D Scene Completion in Complex Real World Environments for Robot Manipulation

  • Authors: Aditya Agarwal, Gaurav Singh, Bipasha Sen, Tomás Lozano-Pérez, Leslie Pack Kaelbling


Careful robot manipulation in every-day cluttered environments requires an accurate understanding of the 3D scene, in order to grasp and place objects stably and reliably and to avoid mistakenly colliding with other objects. In general, we must construct such a 3D interpretation of a complex scene based on limited input, such as a single RGB-D image. We describe SceneComplete, a system for constructing a complete, segmented, 3D model of a scene from a single view. It provides a novel pipeline for composing general-purpose pretrained perception modules (vision-language, segmentation, image-inpainting, image-to-3D, and pose-estimation) to obtain high-accuracy results. We demonstrate its accuracy and effectiveness with respect to ground-truth models in a large benchmark dataset and show that its accurate whole-object reconstruction enables robust grasp proposal generation, including for a dexterous hand.

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$π_0$: A Vision-Language-Action Flow Model for General Robot Control

  • Authors: Kevin Black, Noah Brown, Danny Driess, Adnan Esmail, Michael Equi, Chelsea Finn, Niccolo Fusai, Lachy Groom, Karol Hausman, Brian Ichter, Szymon Jakubczak, Tim Jones, Liyiming Ke, Sergey Levine, Adrian Li-Bell, Mohith Mothukuri, Suraj Nair, Karl Pertsch, Lucy Xiaoyang Shi, James Tanner, Quan Vuong, Anna Walling, Haohuan Wang, Ury Zhilinsky


Robot learning holds tremendous promise to unlock the full potential of flexible, general, and dexterous robot systems, as well as to address some of the deepest questions in artificial intelligence. However, bringing robot learning to the level of generality required for effective real-world systems faces major obstacles in terms of data, generalization, and robustness. In this paper, we discuss how generalist robot policies (i.e., robot foundation models) can address these challenges, and how we can design effective generalist robot policies for complex and highly dexterous tasks. We propose a novel flow matching architecture built on top of a pre-trained vision-language model (VLM) to inherit Internet-scale semantic knowledge. We then discuss how this model can be trained on a large and diverse dataset from multiple dexterous robot platforms, including single-arm robots, dual-arm robots, and mobile manipulators. We evaluate our model in terms of its ability to perform tasks in zero shot after pre-training, follow language instructions from people and from a high-level VLM policy, and its ability to acquire new skills via fine-tuning. Our results cover a wide variety of tasks, such as laundry folding, table cleaning, and assembling boxes.

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Sparsh: Self-supervised touch representations for vision-based tactile sensing

  • Authors: Carolina Higuera, Akash Sharma, Chaithanya Krishna Bodduluri, Taosha Fan, Patrick Lancaster, Mrinal Kalakrishnan, Michael Kaess, Byron Boots, Mike Lambeta, Tingfan Wu, Mustafa Mukadam


In this work, we introduce general purpose touch representations for the increasingly accessible class of vision-based tactile sensors. Such sensors have led to many recent advances in robot manipulation as they markedly complement vision, yet solutions today often rely on task and sensor specific handcrafted perception models. Collecting real data at scale with task centric ground truth labels, like contact forces and slip, is a challenge further compounded by sensors of various form factor differing in aspects like lighting and gel markings. To tackle this we turn to self-supervised learning (SSL) that has demonstrated remarkable performance in computer vision. We present Sparsh, a family of SSL models that can support various vision-based tactile sensors, alleviating the need for custom labels through pre-training on 460k+ tactile images with masking and self-distillation in pixel and latent spaces. We also build TacBench, to facilitate standardized benchmarking across sensors and models, comprising of six tasks ranging from comprehending tactile properties to enabling physical perception and manipulation planning. In evaluations, we find that SSL pre-training for touch representation outperforms task and sensor-specific end-to-end training by 95.1% on average over TacBench, and Sparsh (DINO) and Sparsh (IJEPA) are the most competitive, indicating the merits of learning in latent space for tactile images. Project page:

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3D-ViTac: Learning Fine-Grained Manipulation with Visuo-Tactile Sensing

  • Authors: Binghao Huang, Yixuan Wang, Xinyi Yang, Yiyue Luo, Yunzhu Li


Tactile and visual perception are both crucial for humans to perform fine-grained interactions with their environment. Developing similar multi-modal sensing capabilities for robots can significantly enhance and expand their manipulation skills. This paper introduces \textbf{3D-ViTac}, a multi-modal sensing and learning system designed for dexterous bimanual manipulation. Our system features tactile sensors equipped with dense sensing units, each covering an area of 3$mm^2$. These sensors are low-cost and flexible, providing detailed and extensive coverage of physical contacts, effectively complementing visual information. To integrate tactile and visual data, we fuse them into a unified 3D representation space that preserves their 3D structures and spatial relationships. The multi-modal representation can then be coupled with diffusion policies for imitation learning. Through concrete hardware experiments, we demonstrate that even low-cost robots can perform precise manipulations and significantly outperform vision-only policies, particularly in safe interactions with fragile items and executing long-horizon tasks involving in-hand manipulation. Our project page is available at \url{}.

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DexMimicGen: Automated Data Generation for Bimanual Dexterous Manipulation via Imitation Learning

  • Authors: Zhenyu Jiang, Yuqi Xie, Kevin Lin, Zhenjia Xu, Weikang Wan, Ajay Mandlekar, Linxi Fan, Yuke Zhu


Imitation learning from human demonstrations is an effective means to teach robots manipulation skills. But data acquisition is a major bottleneck in applying this paradigm more broadly, due to the amount of cost and human effort involved. There has been significant interest in imitation learning for bimanual dexterous robots, like humanoids. Unfortunately, data collection is even more challenging here due to the challenges of simultaneously controlling multiple arms and multi-fingered hands. Automated data generation in simulation is a compelling, scalable alternative to fuel this need for data. To this end, we introduce DexMimicGen, a large-scale automated data generation system that synthesizes trajectories from a handful of human demonstrations for humanoid robots with dexterous hands. We present a collection of simulation environments in the setting of bimanual dexterous manipulation, spanning a range of manipulation behaviors and different requirements for coordination among the two arms. We generate 21K demos across these tasks from just 60 source human demos and study the effect of several data generation and policy learning decisions on agent performance. Finally, we present a real-to-sim-to-real pipeline and deploy it on a real-world humanoid can sorting task. Videos and more are at

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EgoMimic: Scaling Imitation Learning via Egocentric Video

  • Authors: Simar Kareer, Dhruv Patel, Ryan Punamiya, Pranay Mathur, Shuo Cheng, Chen Wang, Judy Hoffman, Danfei Xu


The scale and diversity of demonstration data required for imitation learning is a significant challenge. We present EgoMimic, a full-stack framework which scales manipulation via human embodiment data, specifically egocentric human videos paired with 3D hand tracking. EgoMimic achieves this through: (1) a system to capture human embodiment data using the ergonomic Project Aria glasses, (2) a low-cost bimanual manipulator that minimizes the kinematic gap to human data, (3) cross-domain data alignment techniques, and (4) an imitation learning architecture that co-trains on human and robot data. Compared to prior works that only extract high-level intent from human videos, our approach treats human and robot data equally as embodied demonstration data and learns a unified policy from both data sources. EgoMimic achieves significant improvement on a diverse set of long-horizon, single-arm and bimanual manipulation tasks over state-of-the-art imitation learning methods and enables generalization to entirely new scenes. Finally, we show a favorable scaling trend for EgoMimic, where adding 1 hour of additional hand data is significantly more valuable than 1 hour of additional robot data. Videos and additional information can be found at

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$\textbf{EMOS}$: $\textbf{E}$mbodiment-aware Heterogeneous $\textbf{M}$ulti-robot $\textbf{O}$perating $\textbf{S}$ystem with LLM Agents

  • Authors: Junting Chen, Checheng Yu, Xunzhe Zhou, Tianqi Xu, Yao Mu, Mengkang Hu, Wenqi Shao, Yikai Wang, Guohao Li, Lin Shao


Heterogeneous multi-robot systems (HMRS) have emerged as a powerful approach for tackling complex tasks that single robots cannot manage alone. Current large-language-model-based multi-agent systems (LLM-based MAS) have shown success in areas like software development and operating systems, but applying these systems to robot control presents unique challenges. In particular, the capabilities of each agent in a multi-robot system are inherently tied to the physical composition of the robots, rather than predefined roles. To address this issue, we introduce a novel multi-agent framework designed to enable effective collaboration among heterogeneous robots with varying embodiments and capabilities, along with a new benchmark named Habitat-MAS. One of our key designs is $\textit{Robot Resume}$: Instead of adopting human-designed role play, we propose a self-prompted approach, where agents comprehend robot URDF files and call robot kinematics tools to generate descriptions of their physics capabilities to guide their behavior in task planning and action execution. The Habitat-MAS benchmark is designed to assess how a multi-agent framework handles tasks that require embodiment-aware reasoning, which includes 1) manipulation, 2) perception, 3) navigation, and 4) comprehensive multi-floor object rearrangement. The experimental results indicate that the robot's resume and the hierarchical design of our multi-agent system are essential for the effective operation of the heterogeneous multi-robot system within this intricate problem context.

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Efficient End-to-End 6-Dof Grasp Detection Framework for Edge Devices with Hierarchical Heatmaps and Feature Propagation

  • Authors: Kaiqin Yang. Yixiang Dai, Guijin Wang, Siang Chen


6-DoF grasp detection is critically important for the advancement of intelligent embodied systems, as it provides feasible robot poses for object grasping. Various methods have been proposed to detect 6-DoF grasps through the extraction of 3D geometric features from RGBD or point cloud data. However, most of these approaches encounter challenges during real robot deployment due to their significant computational demands, which can be particularly problematic for mobile robot platforms, especially those reliant on edge computing devices. This paper presents an Efficient End-to-End Grasp Detection Network (E3GNet) for 6-DoF grasp detection utilizing hierarchical heatmap representations. E3GNet effectively identifies high-quality and diverse grasps in cluttered real-world environments. Benefiting from our end-to-end methodology and efficient network design, our approach surpasses previous methods in model inference efficiency and achieves real-time 6-Dof grasp detection on edge devices. Furthermore, real-world experiments validate the effectiveness of our method, achieving a satisfactory 94% object grasping success rate.

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DexGraspNet 2.0: Learning Generative Dexterous Grasping in Large-scale Synthetic Cluttered Scenes

  • Authors: Jialiang Zhang, Haoran Liu, Danshi Li, Xinqiang Yu, Haoran Geng, Yufei Ding, Jiayi Chen, He Wang


Grasping in cluttered scenes remains highly challenging for dexterous hands due to the scarcity of data. To address this problem, we present a large-scale synthetic benchmark, encompassing 1319 objects, 8270 scenes, and 427 million grasps. Beyond benchmarking, we also propose a novel two-stage grasping method that learns efficiently from data by using a diffusion model that conditions on local geometry. Our proposed generative method outperforms all baselines in simulation experiments. Furthermore, with the aid of test-time-depth restoration, our method demonstrates zero-shot sim-to-real transfer, attaining 90.7% real-world dexterous grasping success rate in cluttered scenes.

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Neural Attention Field: Emerging Point Relevance in 3D Scenes for One-Shot Dexterous Grasping

  • Authors: Qianxu Wang, Congyue Deng, Tyler Ga Wei Lum, Yuanpei Chen, Yaodong Yang, Jeannette Bohg, Yixin Zhu, Leonidas Guibas


One-shot transfer of dexterous grasps to novel scenes with object and context variations has been a challenging problem. While distilled feature fields from large vision models have enabled semantic correspondences across 3D scenes, their features are point-based and restricted to object surfaces, limiting their capability of modeling complex semantic feature distributions for hand-object interactions. In this work, we propose the \textit{neural attention field} for representing semantic-aware dense feature fields in the 3D space by modeling inter-point relevance instead of individual point features. Core to it is a transformer decoder that computes the cross-attention between any 3D query point with all the scene points, and provides the query point feature with an attention-based aggregation. We further propose a self-supervised framework for training the transformer decoder from only a few 3D pointclouds without hand demonstrations. Post-training, the attention field can be applied to novel scenes for semantics-aware dexterous grasping from one-shot demonstration. Experiments show that our method provides better optimization landscapes by encouraging the end-effector to focus on task-relevant scene regions, resulting in significant improvements in success rates on real robots compared with the feature-field-based methods.

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EMOTION: Expressive Motion Sequence Generation for Humanoid Robots with In-Context Learning

  • Authors: Peide Huang, Yuhan Hu, Nataliya Nechyporenko, Daehwa Kim, Walter Talbott, Jian Zhang


This paper introduces a framework, called EMOTION, for generating expressive motion sequences in humanoid robots, enhancing their ability to engage in humanlike non-verbal communication. Non-verbal cues such as facial expressions, gestures, and body movements play a crucial role in effective interpersonal interactions. Despite the advancements in robotic behaviors, existing methods often fall short in mimicking the diversity and subtlety of human non-verbal communication. To address this gap, our approach leverages the in-context learning capability of large language models (LLMs) to dynamically generate socially appropriate gesture motion sequences for human-robot interaction. We use this framework to generate 10 different expressive gestures and conduct online user studies comparing the naturalness and understandability of the motions generated by EMOTION and its human-feedback version, EMOTION++, against those by human operators. The results demonstrate that our approach either matches or surpasses human performance in generating understandable and natural robot motions under certain scenarios. We also provide design implications for future research to consider a set of variables when generating expressive robotic gestures.

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Keypoint Abstraction using Large Models for Object-Relative Imitation Learning

  • Authors: Xiaolin Fang, Bo-Ruei Huang, Jiayuan Mao, Jasmine Shone, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Tomás Lozano-Pérez, Leslie Pack Kaelbling


Generalization to novel object configurations and instances across diverse tasks and environments is a critical challenge in robotics. Keypoint-based representations have been proven effective as a succinct representation for capturing essential object features, and for establishing a reference frame in action prediction, enabling data-efficient learning of robot skills. However, their manual design nature and reliance on additional human labels limit their scalability. In this paper, we propose KALM, a framework that leverages large pre-trained vision-language models (LMs) to automatically generate task-relevant and cross-instance consistent keypoints. KALM distills robust and consistent keypoints across views and objects by generating proposals using LMs and verifies them against a small set of robot demonstration data. Based on the generated keypoints, we can train keypoint-conditioned policy models that predict actions in keypoint-centric frames, enabling robots to generalize effectively across varying object poses, camera views, and object instances with similar functional shapes. Our method demonstrates strong performance in the real world, adapting to different tasks and environments from only a handful of demonstrations while requiring no additional labels. Website:

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Bridging the Human to Robot Dexterity Gap through Object-Oriented Rewards

  • Authors: Irmak Guzey, Yinlong Dai, Georgy Savva, Raunaq Bhirangi, Lerrel Pinto


Training robots directly from human videos is an emerging area in robotics and computer vision. While there has been notable progress with two-fingered grippers, learning autonomous tasks for multi-fingered robot hands in this way remains challenging. A key reason for this difficulty is that a policy trained on human hands may not directly transfer to a robot hand due to morphology differences. In this work, we present HuDOR, a technique that enables online fine-tuning of policies by directly computing rewards from human videos. Importantly, this reward function is built using object-oriented trajectories derived from off-the-shelf point trackers, providing meaningful learning signals despite the morphology gap and visual differences between human and robot hands. Given a single video of a human solving a task, such as gently opening a music box, HuDOR enables our four-fingered Allegro hand to learn the task with just an hour of online interaction. Our experiments across four tasks show that HuDOR achieves a 4x improvement over baselines. Code and videos are available on our website,

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Senna: Bridging Large Vision-Language Models and End-to-End Autonomous Driving

  • Authors: Bo Jiang, Shaoyu Chen, Bencheng Liao, Xingyu Zhang, Wei Yin, Qian Zhang, Chang Huang, Wenyu Liu, Xinggang Wang


End-to-end autonomous driving demonstrates strong planning capabilities with large-scale data but still struggles in complex, rare scenarios due to limited commonsense. In contrast, Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) excel in scene understanding and reasoning. The path forward lies in merging the strengths of both approaches. Previous methods using LVLMs to predict trajectories or control signals yield suboptimal results, as LVLMs are not well-suited for precise numerical predictions. This paper presents Senna, an autonomous driving system combining an LVLM (Senna-VLM) with an end-to-end model (Senna-E2E). Senna decouples high-level planning from low-level trajectory prediction. Senna-VLM generates planning decisions in natural language, while Senna-E2E predicts precise trajectories. Senna-VLM utilizes a multi-image encoding approach and multi-view prompts for efficient scene understanding. Besides, we introduce planning-oriented QAs alongside a three-stage training strategy, which enhances Senna-VLM's planning performance while preserving commonsense. Extensive experiments on two datasets show that Senna achieves state-of-the-art planning performance. Notably, with pre-training on a large-scale dataset DriveX and fine-tuning on nuScenes, Senna significantly reduces average planning error by 27.12% and collision rate by 33.33% over model without pre-training. We believe Senna's cross-scenario generalization and transferability are essential for achieving fully autonomous driving. Code and models will be released at

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Precise and Dexterous Robotic Manipulation via Human-in-the-Loop Reinforcement Learning

  • Authors: Jianlan Luo, Charles Xu, Jeffrey Wu, Sergey Levine


Reinforcement learning (RL) holds great promise for enabling autonomous acquisition of complex robotic manipulation skills, but realizing this potential in real-world settings has been challenging. We present a human-in-the-loop vision-based RL system that demonstrates impressive performance on a diverse set of dexterous manipulation tasks, including dynamic manipulation, precision assembly, and dual-arm coordination. Our approach integrates demonstrations and human corrections, efficient RL algorithms, and other system-level design choices to learn policies that achieve near-perfect success rates and fast cycle times within just 1 to 2.5 hours of training. We show that our method significantly outperforms imitation learning baselines and prior RL approaches, with an average 2x improvement in success rate and 1.8x faster execution. Through extensive experiments and analysis, we provide insights into the effectiveness of our approach, demonstrating how it learns robust, adaptive policies for both reactive and predictive control strategies. Our results suggest that RL can indeed learn a wide range of complex vision-based manipulation policies directly in the real world within practical training times. We hope this work will inspire a new generation of learned robotic manipulation techniques, benefiting both industrial applications and research advancements. Videos and code are available at our project website

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Robots Pre-train Robots: Manipulation-Centric Robotic Representation from Large-Scale Robot Dataset

  • Authors: Guangqi Jiang, Yifei Sun, Tao Huang, Huanyu Li, Yongyuan Liang, Huazhe Xu


The pre-training of visual representations has enhanced the efficiency of robot learning. Due to the lack of large-scale in-domain robotic datasets, prior works utilize in-the-wild human videos to pre-train robotic visual representation. Despite their promising results, representations from human videos are inevitably subject to distribution shifts and lack the dynamics information crucial for task completion. We first evaluate various pre-trained representations in terms of their correlation to the downstream robotic manipulation tasks (i.e., manipulation centricity). Interestingly, we find that the "manipulation centricity" is a strong indicator of success rates when applied to downstream tasks. Drawing from these findings, we propose Manipulation Centric Representation (MCR), a foundation representation learning framework capturing both visual features and the dynamics information such as actions and proprioceptions of manipulation tasks to improve manipulation centricity. Specifically, we pre-train a visual encoder on the DROID robotic dataset and leverage motion-relevant data such as robot proprioceptive states and actions. We introduce a novel contrastive loss that aligns visual observations with the robot's proprioceptive state-action dynamics, combined with a behavior cloning (BC)-like actor loss to predict actions during pre-training, along with a time contrastive loss. Empirical results across 4 simulation domains with 20 tasks verify that MCR outperforms the strongest baseline method by 14.8%. Moreover, MCR boosts the performance of data-efficient learning with a UR5e arm on 3 real-world tasks by 76.9%. Project website:

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Local Policies Enable Zero-shot Long-horizon Manipulation

  • Authors: Murtaza Dalal, Min Liu, Walter Talbott, Chen Chen, Deepak Pathak, Jian Zhang, Ruslan Salakhutdinov


Sim2real for robotic manipulation is difficult due to the challenges of simulating complex contacts and generating realistic task distributions. To tackle the latter problem, we introduce ManipGen, which leverages a new class of policies for sim2real transfer: local policies. Locality enables a variety of appealing properties including invariances to absolute robot and object pose, skill ordering, and global scene configuration. We combine these policies with foundation models for vision, language and motion planning and demonstrate SOTA zero-shot performance of our method to Robosuite benchmark tasks in simulation (97%). We transfer our local policies from simulation to reality and observe they can solve unseen long-horizon manipulation tasks with up to 8 stages with significant pose, object and scene configuration variation. ManipGen outperforms SOTA approaches such as SayCan, OpenVLA, LLMTrajGen and VoxPoser across 50 real-world manipulation tasks by 36%, 76%, 62% and 60% respectively. Video results at

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HOVER: Versatile Neural Whole-Body Controller for Humanoid Robots

  • Authors: Tairan He, Wenli Xiao, Toru Lin, Zhengyi Luo, Zhenjia Xu, Zhenyu Jiang, Jan Kautz, Changliu Liu, Guanya Shi, Xiaolong Wang, Linxi Fan, Yuke Zhu


Humanoid whole-body control requires adapting to diverse tasks such as navigation, loco-manipulation, and tabletop manipulation, each demanding a different mode of control. For example, navigation relies on root velocity tracking, while tabletop manipulation prioritizes upper-body joint angle tracking. Existing approaches typically train individual policies tailored to a specific command space, limiting their transferability across modes. We present the key insight that full-body kinematic motion imitation can serve as a common abstraction for all these tasks and provide general-purpose motor skills for learning multiple modes of whole-body control. Building on this, we propose HOVER (Humanoid Versatile Controller), a multi-mode policy distillation framework that consolidates diverse control modes into a unified policy. HOVER enables seamless transitions between control modes while preserving the distinct advantages of each, offering a robust and scalable solution for humanoid control across a wide range of modes. By eliminating the need for policy retraining for each control mode, our approach improves efficiency and flexibility for future humanoid applications.

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One-Step Diffusion Policy: Fast Visuomotor Policies via Diffusion Distillation

  • Authors: Zhendong Wang, Zhaoshuo Li, Ajay Mandlekar, Zhenjia Xu, Jiaojiao Fan, Yashraj Narang, Linxi Fan, Yuke Zhu, Yogesh Balaji, Mingyuan Zhou, Ming-Yu Liu, Yu Zeng


Diffusion models, praised for their success in generative tasks, are increasingly being applied to robotics, demonstrating exceptional performance in behavior cloning. However, their slow generation process stemming from iterative denoising steps poses a challenge for real-time applications in resource-constrained robotics setups and dynamically changing environments. In this paper, we introduce the One-Step Diffusion Policy (OneDP), a novel approach that distills knowledge from pre-trained diffusion policies into a single-step action generator, significantly accelerating response times for robotic control tasks. We ensure the distilled generator closely aligns with the original policy distribution by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence along the diffusion chain, requiring only $2\%$-$10\%$ additional pre-training cost for convergence. We evaluated OneDP on 6 challenging simulation tasks as well as 4 self-designed real-world tasks using the Franka robot. The results demonstrate that OneDP not only achieves state-of-the-art success rates but also delivers an order-of-magnitude improvement in inference speed, boosting action prediction frequency from 1.5 Hz to 62 Hz, establishing its potential for dynamic and computationally constrained robotic applications. We share the project page at

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Versatile Demonstration Interface: Toward More Flexible Robot Demonstration Collection

  • Authors: Michael Hagenow, Dimosthenis Kontogiorgos, Yanwei Wang, Julie Shah


Previous methods for Learning from Demonstration leverage several approaches for a human to teach motions to a robot, including teleoperation, kinesthetic teaching, and natural demonstrations. However, little previous work has explored more general interfaces that allow for multiple demonstration types. Given the varied preferences of human demonstrators and task characteristics, a flexible tool that enables multiple demonstration types could be crucial for broader robot skill training. In this work, we propose Versatile Demonstration Interface (VDI), an attachment for collaborative robots that simplifies the collection of three common types of demonstrations. Designed for flexible deployment in industrial settings, our tool requires no additional instrumentation of the environment. Our prototype interface captures human demonstrations through a combination of vision, force sensing, and state tracking (e.g., through the robot proprioception or AprilTag tracking). Through a user study where we deployed our prototype VDI at a local manufacturing innovation center with manufacturing experts, we demonstrated the efficacy of our prototype in representative industrial tasks. Interactions from our study exposed a range of industrial use cases for VDI, clear relationships between demonstration preferences and task criteria, and insights for future tool design.

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Robotic Learning in your Backyard: A Neural Simulator from Open Source Components

  • Authors: Liyou Zhou, Oleg Sinavski, Athanasios Polydoros


The emergence of 3D Gaussian Splatting for fast and high-quality novel view synthesize has opened up the possibility to construct photo-realistic simulations from video for robotic reinforcement learning. While the approach has been demonstrated in several research papers, the software tools used to build such a simulator remain unavailable or proprietary. We present SplatGym, an open source neural simulator for training data-driven robotic control policies. The simulator creates a photorealistic virtual environment from a single video. It supports ego camera view generation, collision detection, and virtual object in-painting. We demonstrate training several visual navigation policies via reinforcement learning. SplatGym represents a notable first step towards an open-source general-purpose neural environment for robotic learning. It broadens the range of applications that can effectively utilise reinforcement learning by providing convenient and unrestricted tooling, and by eliminating the need for the manual development of conventional 3D environments.

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MILES: Making Imitation Learning Easy with Self-Supervision

  • Authors: Georgios Papagiannis, Edward Johns


Data collection in imitation learning often requires significant, laborious human supervision, such as numerous demonstrations, and/or frequent environment resets for methods that incorporate reinforcement learning. In this work, we propose an alternative approach, MILES: a fully autonomous, self-supervised data collection paradigm, and we show that this enables efficient policy learning from just a single demonstration and a single environment reset. MILES autonomously learns a policy for returning to and then following the single demonstration, whilst being self-guided during data collection, eliminating the need for additional human interventions. We evaluated MILES across several real-world tasks, including tasks that require precise contact-rich manipulation such as locking a lock with a key. We found that, under the constraints of a single demonstration and no repeated environment resetting, MILES significantly outperforms state-of-the-art alternatives like imitation learning methods that leverage reinforcement learning. Videos of our experiments and code can be found on our webpage:

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IPPON: Common Sense Guided Informative Path Planning for Object Goal Navigation

  • Authors: Kaixian Qu, Jie Tan, Tingnan Zhang, Fei Xia, Cesar Cadena, Marco Hutter


Navigating efficiently to an object in an unexplored environment is a critical skill for general-purpose intelligent robots. Recent approaches to this object goal navigation problem have embraced a modular strategy, integrating classical exploration algorithms-notably frontier exploration-with a learned semantic mapping/exploration module. This paper introduces a novel informative path planning and 3D object probability mapping approach. The mapping module computes the probability of the object of interest through semantic segmentation and a Bayes filter. Additionally, it stores probabilities for common objects, which semantically guides the exploration based on common sense priors from a large language model. The planner terminates when the current viewpoint captures enough voxels identified with high confidence as the object of interest. Although our planner follows a zero-shot approach, it achieves state-of-the-art performance as measured by the Success weighted by Path Length (SPL) and Soft SPL in the Habitat ObjectNav Challenge 2023, outperforming other works by more than 20%. Furthermore, we validate its effectiveness on real robots. Project webpage:

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DA-VIL: Adaptive Dual-Arm Manipulation with Reinforcement Learning and Variable Impedance Control

  • Authors: Md Faizal Karim, Shreya Bollimuntha, Mohammed Saad Hashmi, Autrio Das, Gaurav Singh, Srinath Sridhar, Arun Kumar Singh, Nagamanikandan Govindan, K Madhava Krishna


Dual-arm manipulation is an area of growing interest in the robotics community. Enabling robots to perform tasks that require the coordinated use of two arms, is essential for complex manipulation tasks such as handling large objects, assembling components, and performing human-like interactions. However, achieving effective dual-arm manipulation is challenging due to the need for precise coordination, dynamic adaptability, and the ability to manage interaction forces between the arms and the objects being manipulated. We propose a novel pipeline that combines the advantages of policy learning based on environment feedback and gradient-based optimization to learn controller gains required for the control outputs. This allows the robotic system to dynamically modulate its impedance in response to task demands, ensuring stability and dexterity in dual-arm operations. We evaluate our pipeline on a trajectory-tracking task involving a variety of large, complex objects with different masses and geometries. The performance is then compared to three other established methods for controlling dual-arm robots, demonstrating superior results.

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PointPatchRL -- Masked Reconstruction Improves Reinforcement Learning on Point Clouds

  • Authors: Balázs Gyenes, Nikolai Franke, Philipp Becker, Gerhard Neumann


Perceiving the environment via cameras is crucial for Reinforcement Learning (RL) in robotics. While images are a convenient form of representation, they often complicate extracting important geometric details, especially with varying geometries or deformable objects. In contrast, point clouds naturally represent this geometry and easily integrate color and positional data from multiple camera views. However, while deep learning on point clouds has seen many recent successes, RL on point clouds is under-researched, with only the simplest encoder architecture considered in the literature. We introduce PointPatchRL (PPRL), a method for RL on point clouds that builds on the common paradigm of dividing point clouds into overlapping patches, tokenizing them, and processing the tokens with transformers. PPRL provides significant improvements compared with other point-cloud processing architectures previously used for RL. We then complement PPRL with masked reconstruction for representation learning and show that our method outperforms strong model-free and model-based baselines on image observations in complex manipulation tasks containing deformable objects and variations in target object geometry. Videos and code are available at

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Ubiquitous Field Transportation Robots with Robust Wheel-Leg Transformable Modules

  • Authors: Haoran Wang, Cunxi Dai, Siyuan Wang, Ximan Zhang, Zheng Zhu, Xiaohan Liu, Jianxiang Zhou, Zhengtao Liu, Zhenzhong Jia


This paper introduces two field transportation robots. Both robots are equipped with transformable wheel-leg modules, which can smoothly switch between operation modes and can work in various challenging terrains. SWhegPro, with six S-shaped legs, enables transporting loads in challenging uneven outdoor terrains. SWhegPro3, featuring four three-impeller wheels, has surprising stair-climbing performance in indoor scenarios. Different from ordinary gear-driven transformable mechanisms, the modular wheels we designed driven by self-locking electric push rods can switch modes accurately and stably with high loads, significantly improving the load capacity of the robot in leg mode. This study analyzes the robot's wheel-leg module operation when the terrain parameters change. Through the derivation of mathematical models and calculations based on simplified kinematic models, a method for optimizing the robot parameters and wheel-leg structure parameters is finally proposed.The design and control strategy are then verified through simulations and field experiments in various complex terrains, and the working performance of the two field transportation robots is calculated and analyzed by recording sensor data and proposing evaluation methods.

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Embodied Manipulation with Past and Future Morphologies through an Open Parametric Hand Design

  • Authors: Kieran Gilday, Chapa Sirithunge, Fumiya Iida, Josie Hughes


A human-shaped robotic hand offers unparalleled versatility and fine motor skills, enabling it to perform a broad spectrum of tasks with precision, power and robustness. Across the paleontological record and animal kingdom we see a wide range of alternative hand and actuation designs. Understanding the morphological design space and the resulting emergent behaviors can not only aid our understanding of dexterous manipulation and its evolution, but also assist design optimization, achieving, and eventually surpassing human capabilities. Exploration of hand embodiment has to date been limited by inaccessibility of customizable hands in the real-world, and by the reality gap in simulation of complex interactions. We introduce an open parametric design which integrates techniques for simplified customization, fabrication, and control with design features to maximize behavioral diversity. Non-linear rolling joints, anatomical tendon routing, and a low degree-of-freedom, modulating, actuation system, enable rapid production of single-piece 3D printable hands without compromising dexterous behaviors. To demonstrate this, we evaluated the design's low-level behavior range and stability, showing variable stiffness over two orders of magnitude. Additionally, we fabricated three hand designs: human, mirrored human with two thumbs, and aye-aye hands. Manipulation tests evaluate the variation in each hand's proficiency at handling diverse objects, and demonstrate emergent behaviors unique to each design. Overall, we shed light on new possible designs for robotic hands, provide a design space to compare and contrast different hand morphologies and structures, and share a practical and open-source design for exploring embodied manipulation.

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Data Scaling Laws in Imitation Learning for Robotic Manipulation

  • Authors: Fanqi Lin, Yingdong Hu, Pingyue Sheng, Chuan Wen, Jiacheng You, Yang Gao


Data scaling has revolutionized fields like natural language processing and computer vision, providing models with remarkable generalization capabilities. In this paper, we investigate whether similar data scaling laws exist in robotics, particularly in robotic manipulation, and whether appropriate data scaling can yield single-task robot policies that can be deployed zero-shot for any object within the same category in any environment. To this end, we conduct a comprehensive empirical study on data scaling in imitation learning. By collecting data across numerous environments and objects, we study how a policy's generalization performance changes with the number of training environments, objects, and demonstrations. Throughout our research, we collect over 40,000 demonstrations and execute more than 15,000 real-world robot rollouts under a rigorous evaluation protocol. Our findings reveal several intriguing results: the generalization performance of the policy follows a roughly power-law relationship with the number of environments and objects. The diversity of environments and objects is far more important than the absolute number of demonstrations; once the number of demonstrations per environment or object reaches a certain threshold, additional demonstrations have minimal effect. Based on these insights, we propose an efficient data collection strategy. With four data collectors working for one afternoon, we collect sufficient data to enable the policies for two tasks to achieve approximately 90% success rates in novel environments with unseen objects.

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Diffusion for Multi-Embodiment Grasping

  • Authors: Roman Freiberg, Alexander Qualmann, Ngo Anh Vien, Gerhard Neumann


Grasping is a fundamental skill in robotics with diverse applications across medical, industrial, and domestic domains. However, current approaches for predicting valid grasps are often tailored to specific grippers, limiting their applicability when gripper designs change. To address this limitation, we explore the transfer of grasping strategies between various gripper designs, enabling the use of data from diverse sources. In this work, we present an approach based on equivariant diffusion that facilitates gripper-agnostic encoding of scenes containing graspable objects and gripper-aware decoding of grasp poses by integrating gripper geometry into the model. We also develop a dataset generation framework that produces cluttered scenes with variable-sized object heaps, improving the training of grasp synthesis methods. Experimental evaluation on diverse object datasets demonstrates the generalizability of our approach across gripper architectures, ranging from simple parallel-jaw grippers to humanoid hands, outperforming both single-gripper and multi-gripper state-of-the-art methods.

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SkillMimicGen: Automated Demonstration Generation for Efficient Skill Learning and Deployment

  • Authors: Caelan Garrett, Ajay Mandlekar, Bowen Wen, Dieter Fox


Imitation learning from human demonstrations is an effective paradigm for robot manipulation, but acquiring large datasets is costly and resource-intensive, especially for long-horizon tasks. To address this issue, we propose SkillMimicGen (SkillGen), an automated system for generating demonstration datasets from a few human demos. SkillGen segments human demos into manipulation skills, adapts these skills to new contexts, and stitches them together through free-space transit and transfer motion. We also propose a Hybrid Skill Policy (HSP) framework for learning skill initiation, control, and termination components from SkillGen datasets, enabling skills to be sequenced using motion planning at test-time. We demonstrate that SkillGen greatly improves data generation and policy learning performance over a state-of-the-art data generation framework, resulting in the capability to produce data for large scene variations, including clutter, and agents that are on average 24% more successful. We demonstrate the efficacy of SkillGen by generating over 24K demonstrations across 18 task variants in simulation from just 60 human demonstrations, and training proficient, often near-perfect, HSP agents. Finally, we apply SkillGen to 3 real-world manipulation tasks and also demonstrate zero-shot sim-to-real transfer on a long-horizon assembly task. Videos, and more at

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Dynamic 3D Gaussian Tracking for Graph-Based Neural Dynamics Modeling

  • Authors: Mingtong Zhang, Kaifeng Zhang, Yunzhu Li


Videos of robots interacting with objects encode rich information about the objects' dynamics. However, existing video prediction approaches typically do not explicitly account for the 3D information from videos, such as robot actions and objects' 3D states, limiting their use in real-world robotic applications. In this work, we introduce a framework to learn object dynamics directly from multi-view RGB videos by explicitly considering the robot's action trajectories and their effects on scene dynamics. We utilize the 3D Gaussian representation of 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) to train a particle-based dynamics model using Graph Neural Networks. This model operates on sparse control particles downsampled from the densely tracked 3D Gaussian reconstructions. By learning the neural dynamics model on offline robot interaction data, our method can predict object motions under varying initial configurations and unseen robot actions. The 3D transformations of Gaussians can be interpolated from the motions of control particles, enabling the rendering of predicted future object states and achieving action-conditioned video prediction. The dynamics model can also be applied to model-based planning frameworks for object manipulation tasks. We conduct experiments on various kinds of deformable materials, including ropes, clothes, and stuffed animals, demonstrating our framework's ability to model complex shapes and dynamics. Our project page is available at

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DynamicCity: Large-Scale LiDAR Generation from Dynamic Scenes

  • Authors: Hengwei Bian, Lingdong Kong, Haozhe Xie, Liang Pan, Yu Qiao, Ziwei Liu


LiDAR scene generation has been developing rapidly recently. However, existing methods primarily focus on generating static and single-frame scenes, overlooking the inherently dynamic nature of real-world driving environments. In this work, we introduce DynamicCity, a novel 4D LiDAR generation framework capable of generating large-scale, high-quality LiDAR scenes that capture the temporal evolution of dynamic environments. DynamicCity mainly consists of two key models. 1) A VAE model for learning HexPlane as the compact 4D representation. Instead of using naive averaging operations, DynamicCity employs a novel Projection Module to effectively compress 4D LiDAR features into six 2D feature maps for HexPlane construction, which significantly enhances HexPlane fitting quality (up to 12.56 mIoU gain). Furthermore, we utilize an Expansion & Squeeze Strategy to reconstruct 3D feature volumes in parallel, which improves both network training efficiency and reconstruction accuracy than naively querying each 3D point (up to 7.05 mIoU gain, 2.06x training speedup, and 70.84% memory reduction). 2) A DiT-based diffusion model for HexPlane generation. To make HexPlane feasible for DiT generation, a Padded Rollout Operation is proposed to reorganize all six feature planes of the HexPlane as a squared 2D feature map. In particular, various conditions could be introduced in the diffusion or sampling process, supporting versatile 4D generation applications, such as trajectory- and command-driven generation, inpainting, and layout-conditioned generation. Extensive experiments on the CarlaSC and Waymo datasets demonstrate that DynamicCity significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art 4D LiDAR generation methods across multiple metrics. The code will be released to facilitate future research.

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AG-SLAM: Active Gaussian Splatting SLAM

  • Authors: Wen Jiang, Boshu Lei, Katrina Ashton, Kostas Daniilidis


We present AG-SLAM, the first active SLAM system utilizing 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) for online scene reconstruction. In recent years, radiance field scene representations, including 3DGS have been widely used in SLAM and exploration, but actively planning trajectories for robotic exploration is still unvisited. In particular, many exploration methods assume precise localization and thus do not mitigate the significant risk of constructing a trajectory, which is difficult for a SLAM system to operate on. This can cause camera tracking failure and lead to failures in real-world robotic applications. Our method leverages Fisher Information to balance the dual objectives of maximizing the information gain for the environment while minimizing the cost of localization errors. Experiments conducted on the Gibson and Habitat-Matterport 3D datasets demonstrate state-of-the-art results of the proposed method.

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GenDP: 3D Semantic Fields for Category-Level Generalizable Diffusion Policy

  • Authors: Yixuan Wang, Guang Yin, Binghao Huang, Tarik Kelestemur, Jiuguang Wang, Yunzhu Li


Diffusion-based policies have shown remarkable capability in executing complex robotic manipulation tasks but lack explicit characterization of geometry and semantics, which often limits their ability to generalize to unseen objects and layouts. To enhance the generalization capabilities of Diffusion Policy, we introduce a novel framework that incorporates explicit spatial and semantic information via 3D semantic fields. We generate 3D descriptor fields from multi-view RGBD observations with large foundational vision models, then compare these descriptor fields against reference descriptors to obtain semantic fields. The proposed method explicitly considers geometry and semantics, enabling strong generalization capabilities in tasks requiring category-level generalization, resolving geometric ambiguities, and attention to subtle geometric details. We evaluate our method across eight tasks involving articulated objects and instances with varying shapes and textures from multiple object categories. Our method demonstrates its effectiveness by increasing Diffusion Policy's average success rate on unseen instances from 20% to 93%. Additionally, we provide a detailed analysis and visualization to interpret the sources of performance gain and explain how our method can generalize to novel instances.

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E-3DGS: Gaussian Splatting with Exposure and Motion Events

  • Authors: Xiaoting Yin, Hao Shi, Yuhan Bao, Zhenshan Bing, Yiyi Liao, Kailun Yang, Kaiwei Wang


Estimating Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) from images captured under optimal conditions has been extensively explored in the vision community. However, robotic applications often face challenges such as motion blur, insufficient illumination, and high computational overhead, which adversely affect downstream tasks like navigation, inspection, and scene visualization. To address these challenges, we propose E-3DGS, a novel event-based approach that partitions events into motion (from camera or object movement) and exposure (from camera exposure), using the former to handle fast-motion scenes and using the latter to reconstruct grayscale images for high-quality training and optimization of event-based 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS). We introduce a novel integration of 3DGS with exposure events for high-quality reconstruction of explicit scene representations. Our versatile framework can operate on motion events alone for 3D reconstruction, enhance quality using exposure events, or adopt a hybrid mode that balances quality and effectiveness by optimizing with initial exposure events followed by high-speed motion events. We also introduce EME-3D, a real-world 3D dataset with exposure events, motion events, camera calibration parameters, and sparse point clouds. Our method is faster and delivers better reconstruction quality than event-based NeRF while being more cost-effective than NeRF methods that combine event and RGB data by using a single event sensor. By combining motion and exposure events, E-3DGS sets a new benchmark for event-based 3D reconstruction with robust performance in challenging conditions and lower hardware demands. The source code and dataset will be available at

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Implicit Contact Diffuser: Sequential Contact Reasoning with Latent Point Cloud Diffusion

  • Authors: Zixuan Huang, Yinong He, Yating Lin, Dmitry Berenson


Long-horizon contact-rich manipulation has long been a challenging problem, as it requires reasoning over both discrete contact modes and continuous object motion. We introduce Implicit Contact Diffuser (ICD), a diffusion-based model that generates a sequence of neural descriptors that specify a series of contact relationships between the object and the environment. This sequence is then used as guidance for an MPC method to accomplish a given task. The key advantage of this approach is that the latent descriptors provide more task-relevant guidance to MPC, helping to avoid local minima for contact-rich manipulation tasks. Our experiments demonstrate that ICD outperforms baselines on complex, long-horizon, contact-rich manipulation tasks, such as cable routing and notebook folding. Additionally, our experiments also indicate that \methodshort can generalize a target contact relationship to a different environment. More visualizations can be found on our website $\href{}{}$

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DiffusionSeeder: Seeding Motion Optimization with Diffusion for Rapid Motion Planning

  • Authors: Huang Huang, Balakumar Sundaralingam, Arsalan Mousavian, Adithyavairavan Murali, Ken Goldberg, Dieter Fox


Running optimization across many parallel seeds leveraging GPU compute have relaxed the need for a good initialization, but this can fail if the problem is highly non-convex as all seeds could get stuck in local minima. One such setting is collision-free motion optimization for robot manipulation, where optimization converges quickly on easy problems but struggle in obstacle dense environments (e.g., a cluttered cabinet or table). In these situations, graph-based planning algorithms are used to obtain seeds, resulting in significant slowdowns. We propose DiffusionSeeder, a diffusion based approach that generates trajectories to seed motion optimization for rapid robot motion planning. DiffusionSeeder takes the initial depth image observation of the scene and generates high quality, multi-modal trajectories that are then fine-tuned with a few iterations of motion optimization. We integrate DiffusionSeeder to generate the seed trajectories for cuRobo, a GPU-accelerated motion optimization method, which results in 12x speed up on average, and 36x speed up for more complicated problems, while achieving 10% higher success rate in partially observed simulation environments. Our results show the effectiveness of using diverse solutions from a learned diffusion model. Physical experiments on a Franka robot demonstrate the sim2real transfer of DiffusionSeeder to the real robot, with an average success rate of 86% and planning time of 26ms, improving on cuRobo by 51% higher success rate while also being 2.5x faster.

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EnvBridge: Bridging Diverse Environments with Cross-Environment Knowledge Transfer for Embodied AI

  • Authors: Tomoyuki Kagaya, Yuxuan Lou, Thong Jing Yuan, Subramanian Lakshmi, Jayashree Karlekar, Sugiri Pranata, Natsuki Murakami, Akira Kinose, Koki Oguri, Felix Wick, Yang You


In recent years, Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated high reasoning capabilities, drawing attention for their applications as agents in various decision-making processes. One notably promising application of LLM agents is robotic manipulation. Recent research has shown that LLMs can generate text planning or control code for robots, providing substantial flexibility and interaction capabilities. However, these methods still face challenges in terms of flexibility and applicability across different environments, limiting their ability to adapt autonomously. Current approaches typically fall into two categories: those relying on environment-specific policy training, which restricts their transferability, and those generating code actions based on fixed prompts, which leads to diminished performance when confronted with new environments. These limitations significantly constrain the generalizability of agents in robotic manipulation. To address these limitations, we propose a novel method called EnvBridge. This approach involves the retention and transfer of successful robot control codes from source environments to target environments. EnvBridge enhances the agent's adaptability and performance across diverse settings by leveraging insights from multiple environments. Notably, our approach alleviates environmental constraints, offering a more flexible and generalizable solution for robotic manipulation tasks. We validated the effectiveness of our method using robotic manipulation benchmarks: RLBench, MetaWorld, and CALVIN. Our experiments demonstrate that LLM agents can successfully leverage diverse knowledge sources to solve complex tasks. Consequently, our approach significantly enhances the adaptability and robustness of robotic manipulation agents in planning across diverse environments.

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GS-LIVM: Real-Time Photo-Realistic LiDAR-Inertial-Visual Mapping with Gaussian Splatting

  • Authors: Yusen Xie, Zhenmin Huang, Jin Wu, Jun Ma


In this paper, we introduce GS-LIVM, a real-time photo-realistic LiDAR-Inertial-Visual mapping framework with Gaussian Splatting tailored for outdoor scenes. Compared to existing methods based on Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) and 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS), our approach enables real-time photo-realistic mapping while ensuring high-quality image rendering in large-scale unbounded outdoor environments. In this work, Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) is employed to mitigate the issues resulting from sparse and unevenly distributed LiDAR observations. The voxel-based 3D Gaussians map representation facilitates real-time dense mapping in large outdoor environments with acceleration governed by custom CUDA kernels. Moreover, the overall framework is designed in a covariance-centered manner, where the estimated covariance is used to initialize the scale and rotation of 3D Gaussians, as well as update the parameters of the GPR. We evaluate our algorithm on several outdoor datasets, and the results demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of mapping efficiency and rendering quality. The source code is available on GitHub.

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Learning Precise, Contact-Rich Manipulation through Uncalibrated Tactile Skins

  • Authors: Venkatesh Pattabiraman, Yifeng Cao, Siddhant Haldar, Lerrel Pinto, Raunaq Bhirangi


While visuomotor policy learning has advanced robotic manipulation, precisely executing contact-rich tasks remains challenging due to the limitations of vision in reasoning about physical interactions. To address this, recent work has sought to integrate tactile sensing into policy learning. However, many existing approaches rely on optical tactile sensors that are either restricted to recognition tasks or require complex dimensionality reduction steps for policy learning. In this work, we explore learning policies with magnetic skin sensors, which are inherently low-dimensional, highly sensitive, and inexpensive to integrate with robotic platforms. To leverage these sensors effectively, we present the Visuo-Skin (ViSk) framework, a simple approach that uses a transformer-based policy and treats skin sensor data as additional tokens alongside visual information. Evaluated on four complex real-world tasks involving credit card swiping, plug insertion, USB insertion, and bookshelf retrieval, ViSk significantly outperforms both vision-only and optical tactile sensing based policies. Further analysis reveals that combining tactile and visual modalities enhances policy performance and spatial generalization, achieving an average improvement of 27.5% across tasks.

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EVA: An Embodied World Model for Future Video Anticipation

  • Authors: Xiaowei Chi, Hengyuan Zhang, Chun-Kai Fan, Xingqun Qi, Rongyu Zhang, Anthony Chen, Chi-min Chan, Wei Xue, Wenhan Luo, Shanghang Zhang, Yike Guo


World models integrate raw data from various modalities, such as images and language to simulate comprehensive interactions in the world, thereby displaying crucial roles in fields like mixed reality and robotics. Yet, applying the world model for accurate video prediction is quite challenging due to the complex and dynamic intentions of the various scenes in practice. In this paper, inspired by the human rethinking process, we decompose the complex video prediction into four meta-tasks that enable the world model to handle this issue in a more fine-grained manner. Alongside these tasks, we introduce a new benchmark named Embodied Video Anticipation Benchmark (EVA-Bench) to provide a well-rounded evaluation. EVA-Bench focused on evaluating the video prediction ability of human and robot actions, presenting significant challenges for both the language model and the generation model. Targeting embodied video prediction, we propose the Embodied Video Anticipator (EVA), a unified framework aiming at video understanding and generation. EVA integrates a video generation model with a visual language model, effectively combining reasoning capabilities with high-quality generation. Moreover, to enhance the generalization of our framework, we tailor-designed a multi-stage pretraining paradigm that adaptatively ensembles LoRA to produce high-fidelity results. Extensive experiments on EVA-Bench highlight the potential of EVA to significantly improve performance in embodied scenes, paving the way for large-scale pre-trained models in real-world prediction tasks.

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Diff-DAgger: Uncertainty Estimation with Diffusion Policy for Robotic Manipulation

  • Authors: Sung-Wook Lee, Yen-Ling Kuo


Recently, diffusion policy has shown impressive results in handling multi-modal tasks in robotic manipulation. However, it has fundamental limitations in out-of-distribution failures that persist due to compounding errors and its limited capability to extrapolate. One way to address these limitations is robot-gated DAgger, an interactive imitation learning with a robot query system to actively seek expert help during policy rollout. While robot-gated DAgger has high potential for learning at scale, existing methods like Ensemble-DAgger struggle with highly expressive policies: They often misinterpret policy disagreements as uncertainty at multi-modal decision points. To address this problem, we introduce Diff-DAgger, an efficient robot-gated DAgger algorithm that leverages the training objective of diffusion policy. We evaluate Diff-DAgger across different robot tasks including stacking, pushing, and plugging, and show that Diff-DAgger improves the task failure prediction by 37%, the task completion rate by 14%, and reduces the wall-clock time by up to 540%. We hope that this work opens up a path for efficiently incorporating expressive yet data-hungry policies into interactive robot learning settings.

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A Novel Approach to Grasping Control of Soft Robotic Grippers based on Digital Twin

  • Authors: Tianyi Xiang, Borui Li, Quan Zhang, Mark Leach, Eng Gee Lim


This paper has proposed a Digital Twin (DT) framework for real-time motion and pose control of soft robotic grippers. The developed DT is based on an industrial robot workstation, integrated with our newly proposed approach for soft gripper control, primarily based on computer vision, for setting the driving pressure for desired gripper status in real-time. Knowing the gripper motion, the gripper parameters (e.g. curvatures and bending angles, etc.) are simulated by kinematics modelling in Unity 3D, which is based on four-piecewise constant curvature kinematics. The mapping in between the driving pressure and gripper parameters is achieved by implementing OpenCV based image processing algorithms and data fitting. Results show that our DT-based approach can achieve satisfactory performance in real-time control of soft gripper manipulation, which can satisfy a wide range of industrial applications.

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Development of a Simple and Novel Digital Twin Framework for Industrial Robots in Intelligent robotics manufacturing

  • Authors: Tianyi Xiang, Borui Li, Xin Pan, Quan Zhang


This paper has proposed an easily replicable and novel approach for developing a Digital Twin (DT) system for industrial robots in intelligent manufacturing applications. Our framework enables effective communication via Robot Web Service (RWS), while a real-time simulation is implemented in Unity 3D and Web-based Platform without any other 3rd party tools. The framework can do real-time visualization and control of the entire work process, as well as implement real-time path planning based on algorithms executed in MATLAB. Results verify the high communication efficiency with a refresh rate of only $17 ms$. Furthermore, our developed web-based platform and Graphical User Interface (GUI) enable easy accessibility and user-friendliness in real-time control.

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MENTOR: Mixture-of-Experts Network with Task-Oriented Perturbation for Visual Reinforcement Learning

  • Authors: Suning Huang, Zheyu Zhang, Tianhai Liang, Yihan Xu, Zhehao Kou, Chenhao Lu, Guowei Xu, Zhengrong Xue, Huazhe Xu


Visual deep reinforcement learning (RL) enables robots to acquire skills from visual input for unstructured tasks. However, current algorithms suffer from low sample efficiency, limiting their practical applicability. In this work, we present MENTOR, a method that improves both the architecture and optimization of RL agents. Specifically, MENTOR replaces the standard multi-layer perceptron (MLP) with a mixture-of-experts (MoE) backbone, enhancing the agent's ability to handle complex tasks by leveraging modular expert learning to avoid gradient conflicts. Furthermore, MENTOR introduces a task-oriented perturbation mechanism, which heuristically samples perturbation candidates containing task-relevant information, leading to more targeted and effective optimization. MENTOR outperforms state-of-the-art methods across three simulation domains -- DeepMind Control Suite, Meta-World, and Adroit. Additionally, MENTOR achieves an average of 83% success rate on three challenging real-world robotic manipulation tasks including peg insertion, cable routing, and tabletop golf, which significantly surpasses the success rate of 32% from the current strongest model-free visual RL algorithm. These results underscore the importance of sample efficiency in advancing visual RL for real-world robotics. Experimental videos are available at

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GRS: Generating Robotic Simulation Tasks from Real-World Images

  • Authors: Alex Zook, Fan-Yun Sun, Josef Spjut, Valts Blukis, Stan Birchfield, Jonathan Tremblay


We introduce GRS (Generating Robotic Simulation tasks), a novel system to address the challenge of real-to-sim in robotics, computer vision, and AR/VR. GRS enables the creation of digital twin simulations from single real-world RGB-D observations, complete with diverse, solvable tasks for virtual agent training. We use state-of-the-art vision-language models (VLMs) to achieve a comprehensive real-to-sim pipeline. GRS operates in three stages: 1) scene comprehension using SAM2 for object segmentation and VLMs for object description, 2) matching identified objects with simulation-ready assets, and 3) generating contextually appropriate robotic tasks. Our approach ensures simulations align with task specifications by generating test suites designed to verify adherence to the task specification. We introduce a router that iteratively refines the simulation and test code to ensure the simulation is solvable by a robot policy while remaining aligned to the task specification. Our experiments demonstrate the system's efficacy in accurately identifying object correspondence, which allows us to generate task environments that closely match input environments, and enhance automated simulation task generation through our novel router mechanism.

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MSGField: A Unified Scene Representation Integrating Motion, Semantics, and Geometry for Robotic Manipulation

  • Authors: Yu Sheng, Runfeng Lin, Lidian Wang, Quecheng Qiu, YanYong Zhang, Yu Zhang, Bei Hua, Jianmin Ji


Combining accurate geometry with rich semantics has been proven to be highly effective for language-guided robotic manipulation. Existing methods for dynamic scenes either fail to update in real-time or rely on additional depth sensors for simple scene editing, limiting their applicability in real-world. In this paper, we introduce MSGField, a representation that uses a collection of 2D Gaussians for high-quality reconstruction, further enhanced with attributes to encode semantic and motion information. Specially, we represent the motion field compactly by decomposing each primitive's motion into a combination of a limited set of motion bases. Leveraging the differentiable real-time rendering of Gaussian splatting, we can quickly optimize object motion, even for complex non-rigid motions, with image supervision from only two camera views. Additionally, we designed a pipeline that utilizes object priors to efficiently obtain well-defined semantics. In our challenging dataset, which includes flexible and extremely small objects, our method achieve a success rate of 79.2% in static and 63.3% in dynamic environments for language-guided manipulation. For specified object grasping, we achieve a success rate of 90%, on par with point cloud-based methods. Code and dataset will be released at:

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Diffusion Transformer Policy

  • Authors: Zhi Hou, Tianyi Zhang, Yuwen Xiong, Hengjun Pu, Chengyang Zhao, Ronglei Tong, Yu Qiao, Jifeng Dai, Yuntao Chen


Recent large visual-language action models pretrained on diverse robot datasets have demonstrated the potential for generalizing to new environments with a few in-domain data. However, those approaches usually predict discretized or continuous actions by a small action head, which limits the ability in handling diverse action spaces. In contrast, we model the continuous action with a large multi-modal diffusion transformer, dubbed as Diffusion Transformer Policy, in which we directly denoise action chunks by a large transformer model rather than a small action head. By leveraging the scaling capability of transformers, the proposed approach can effectively model continuous end-effector actions across large diverse robot datasets, and achieve better generalization performance. Extensive experiments demonstrate Diffusion Transformer Policy pretrained on diverse robot data can generalize to different embodiments, including simulation environments like Maniskill2 and Calvin, as well as the real-world Franka arm. Specifically, without bells and whistles, the proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art performance with only a single third-view camera stream in the Calvin novel task setting (ABC->D), improving the average number of tasks completed in a row of 5 to 3.6, and the pretraining stage significantly facilitates the success sequence length on the Calvin by over 1.2. The code will be publicly available.

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Graph Optimality-Aware Stochastic LiDAR Bundle Adjustment with Progressive Spatial Smoothing

  • Authors: Jianping Li, Thien-Minh Nguyen, Muqing Cao, Shenghai Yuan, Tzu-Yi Hung, Lihua Xie


Large-scale LiDAR Bundle Adjustment (LBA) for refining sensor orientation and point cloud accuracy simultaneously is a fundamental task in photogrammetry and robotics, particularly as low-cost 3D sensors are increasingly used for 3D mapping in complex scenes. Unlike pose-graph-based methods that rely solely on pairwise relationships between LiDAR frames, LBA leverages raw LiDAR correspondences to achieve more precise results, especially when initial pose estimates are unreliable for low-cost sensors. However, existing LBA methods face challenges such as simplistic planar correspondences, extensive observations, and dense normal matrices in the least-squares problem, which limit robustness, efficiency, and scalability. To address these issues, we propose a Graph Optimality-aware Stochastic Optimization scheme with Progressive Spatial Smoothing, namely PSS-GOSO, to achieve \textit{robust}, \textit{efficient}, and \textit{scalable} LBA. The Progressive Spatial Smoothing (PSS) module extracts \textit{robust} LiDAR feature association exploiting the prior structure information obtained by the polynomial smooth kernel. The Graph Optimality-aware Stochastic Optimization (GOSO) module first sparsifies the graph according to optimality for an \textit{efficient} optimization. GOSO then utilizes stochastic clustering and graph marginalization to solve the large-scale state estimation problem for a \textit{scalable} LBA. We validate PSS-GOSO across diverse scenes captured by various platforms, demonstrating its superior performance compared to existing methods.

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ALOHA Unleashed: A Simple Recipe for Robot Dexterity

  • Authors: Tony Z. Zhao, Jonathan Tompson, Danny Driess, Pete Florence, Kamyar Ghasemipour, Chelsea Finn, Ayzaan Wahid


Recent work has shown promising results for learning end-to-end robot policies using imitation learning. In this work we address the question of how far can we push imitation learning for challenging dexterous manipulation tasks. We show that a simple recipe of large scale data collection on the ALOHA 2 platform, combined with expressive models such as Diffusion Policies, can be effective in learning challenging bimanual manipulation tasks involving deformable objects and complex contact rich dynamics. We demonstrate our recipe on 5 challenging real-world and 3 simulated tasks and demonstrate improved performance over state-of-the-art baselines. The project website and videos can be found at

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Interactive Navigation with Adaptive Non-prehensile Mobile Manipulation

  • Authors: Cunxi Dai, Xiaohan Liu, Koushil Sreenath, Zhongyu Li, Ralph Hollis


This paper introduces a framework for interactive navigation through adaptive non-prehensile mobile manipulation. A key challenge in this process is handling objects with unknown dynamics, which are difficult to infer from visual observation. To address this, we propose an adaptive dynamics model for common movable indoor objects via learned SE(2) dynamics representations. This model is integrated into Model Predictive Path Integral (MPPI) control to guide the robot's interactions. Additionally, the learned dynamics help inform decision-making when navigating around objects that cannot be manipulated.Our approach is validated in both simulation and real-world scenarios, demonstrating its ability to accurately represent object dynamics and effectively manipulate various objects. We further highlight its success in the Navigation Among Movable Objects (NAMO) task by deploying the proposed framework on a dynamically balancing mobile robot, Shmoobot. Project website:

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State Estimation Transformers for Agile Legged Locomotion

  • Authors: Chen Yu, Yichu Yang, Tianlin Liu, Yangwei You, Mingliang Zhou, Diyun Xiang


We propose a state estimation method that can accurately predict the robot's privileged states to push the limits of quadruped robots in executing advanced skills such as jumping in the wild. In particular, we present the State Estimation Transformers (SET), an architecture that casts the state estimation problem as conditional sequence modeling. SET outputs the robot states that are hard to obtain directly in the real world, such as the body height and velocities, by leveraging a causally masked Transformer. By conditioning an autoregressive model on the robot's past states, our SET model can predict these privileged observations accurately even in highly dynamic locomotions. We evaluate our methods on three tasks -- running jumping, running backflipping, and running sideslipping -- on a low-cost quadruped robot, Cyberdog2. Results show that SET can outperform other methods in estimation accuracy and transferability in the simulation as well as success rates of jumping and triggering a recovery controller in the real world, suggesting the superiority of such a Transformer-based explicit state estimator in highly dynamic locomotion tasks.

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Preference Aligned Diffusion Planner for Quadrupedal Locomotion Control

  • Authors: Xinyi Yuan, Zhiwei Shang, Zifan Wang, Chenkai Wang, Zhao Shan, Zhenchao Qi, Meixin Zhu, Chenjia Bai, Xuelong Li


Diffusion models demonstrate superior performance in capturing complex distributions from large-scale datasets, providing a promising solution for quadrupedal locomotion control. However, offline policy is sensitive to Out-of-Distribution (OOD) states due to the limited state coverage in the datasets. In this work, we propose a two-stage learning framework combining offline learning and online preference alignment for legged locomotion control. Through the offline stage, the diffusion planner learns the joint distribution of state-action sequences from expert datasets without using reward labels. Subsequently, we perform the online interaction in the simulation environment based on the trained offline planer, which significantly addresses the OOD issues and improves the robustness. Specifically, we propose a novel weak preference labeling method without the ground-truth reward or human preferences. The proposed method exhibits superior stability and velocity tracking accuracy in pacing, trotting, and bounding gait under both slow- and high-speed scenarios and can perform zero-shot transfer to the real Unitree Go1 robots. The project website for this paper is at

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Jailbreaking LLM-Controlled Robots

  • Authors: Alexander Robey, Zachary Ravichandran, Vijay Kumar, Hamed Hassani, George J. Pappas


The recent introduction of large language models (LLMs) has revolutionized the field of robotics by enabling contextual reasoning and intuitive human-robot interaction in domains as varied as manipulation, locomotion, and self-driving vehicles. When viewed as a stand-alone technology, LLMs are known to be vulnerable to jailbreaking attacks, wherein malicious prompters elicit harmful text by bypassing LLM safety guardrails. To assess the risks of deploying LLMs in robotics, in this paper, we introduce RoboPAIR, the first algorithm designed to jailbreak LLM-controlled robots. Unlike existing, textual attacks on LLM chatbots, RoboPAIR elicits harmful physical actions from LLM-controlled robots, a phenomenon we experimentally demonstrate in three scenarios: (i) a white-box setting, wherein the attacker has full access to the NVIDIA Dolphins self-driving LLM, (ii) a gray-box setting, wherein the attacker has partial access to a Clearpath Robotics Jackal UGV robot equipped with a GPT-4o planner, and (iii) a black-box setting, wherein the attacker has only query access to the GPT-3.5-integrated Unitree Robotics Go2 robot dog. In each scenario and across three new datasets of harmful robotic actions, we demonstrate that RoboPAIR, as well as several static baselines, finds jailbreaks quickly and effectively, often achieving 100% attack success rates. Our results reveal, for the first time, that the risks of jailbroken LLMs extend far beyond text generation, given the distinct possibility that jailbroken robots could cause physical damage in the real world. Indeed, our results on the Unitree Go2 represent the first successful jailbreak of a deployed commercial robotic system. Addressing this emerging vulnerability is critical for ensuring the safe deployment of LLMs in robotics. Additional media is available at:

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Differentiable Robot Rendering

  • Authors: Ruoshi Liu, Alper Canberk, Shuran Song, Carl Vondrick


Vision foundation models trained on massive amounts of visual data have shown unprecedented reasoning and planning skills in open-world settings. A key challenge in applying them to robotic tasks is the modality gap between visual data and action data. We introduce differentiable robot rendering, a method allowing the visual appearance of a robot body to be directly differentiable with respect to its control parameters. Our model integrates a kinematics-aware deformable model and Gaussians Splatting and is compatible with any robot form factors and degrees of freedom. We demonstrate its capability and usage in applications including reconstruction of robot poses from images and controlling robots through vision language models. Quantitative and qualitative results show that our differentiable rendering model provides effective gradients for robotic control directly from pixels, setting the foundation for the future applications of vision foundation models in robotics.

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Dynamic Open-Vocabulary 3D Scene Graphs for Long-term Language-Guided Mobile Manipulation

  • Authors: Zhijie Yan, Shufei Li, Zuoxu Wang, Lixiu Wu, Han Wang, Jun Zhu, Lijiang Chen, Jihong Liu


Enabling mobile robots to perform long-term tasks in dynamic real-world environments is a formidable challenge, especially when the environment changes frequently due to human-robot interactions or the robot's own actions. Traditional methods typically assume static scenes, which limits their applicability in the continuously changing real world. To overcome these limitations, we present DovSG, a novel mobile manipulation framework that leverages dynamic open-vocabulary 3D scene graphs and a language-guided task planning module for long-term task execution. DovSG takes RGB-D sequences as input and utilizes vision-language models (VLMs) for object detection to obtain high-level object semantic features. Based on the segmented objects, a structured 3D scene graph is generated for low-level spatial relationships. Furthermore, an efficient mechanism for locally updating the scene graph, allows the robot to adjust parts of the graph dynamically during interactions without the need for full scene reconstruction. This mechanism is particularly valuable in dynamic environments, enabling the robot to continually adapt to scene changes and effectively support the execution of long-term tasks. We validated our system in real-world environments with varying degrees of manual modifications, demonstrating its effectiveness and superior performance in long-term tasks. Our project page is available at:

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In-Context Learning Enables Robot Action Prediction in LLMs

  • Authors: Yida Yin, Zekai Wang, Yuvan Sharma, Dantong Niu, Trevor Darrell, Roei Herzig


Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable success using in-context learning (ICL) in the language domain. However, leveraging the ICL capabilities within LLMs to directly predict robot actions remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we introduce RoboPrompt, a framework that enables off-the-shelf text-only LLMs to directly predict robot actions through ICL without training. Our approach first heuristically identifies keyframes that capture important moments from an episode. Next, we extract end-effector actions from these keyframes as well as the estimated initial object poses, and both are converted into textual descriptions. Finally, we construct a structured template to form ICL demonstrations from these textual descriptions and a task instruction. This enables an LLM to directly predict robot actions at test time. Through extensive experiments and analysis, RoboPrompt shows stronger performance over zero-shot and ICL baselines in simulated and real-world settings.

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Harmon: Whole-Body Motion Generation of Humanoid Robots from Language Descriptions

  • Authors: Zhenyu Jiang, Yuqi Xie, Jinhan Li, Ye Yuan, Yifeng Zhu, Yuke Zhu


Humanoid robots, with their human-like embodiment, have the potential to integrate seamlessly into human environments. Critical to their coexistence and cooperation with humans is the ability to understand natural language communications and exhibit human-like behaviors. This work focuses on generating diverse whole-body motions for humanoid robots from language descriptions. We leverage human motion priors from extensive human motion datasets to initialize humanoid motions and employ the commonsense reasoning capabilities of Vision Language Models (VLMs) to edit and refine these motions. Our approach demonstrates the capability to produce natural, expressive, and text-aligned humanoid motions, validated through both simulated and real-world experiments. More videos can be found at

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Visual Manipulation with Legs

  • Authors: Xialin He, Chengjing Yuan, Wenxuan Zhou, Ruihan Yang, David Held, Xiaolong Wang


Animals use limbs for both locomotion and manipulation. We aim to equip quadruped robots with similar versatility. This work introduces a system that enables quadruped robots to interact with objects using their legs, inspired by non-prehensile manipulation. The system has two main components: a visual manipulation policy module and a loco-manipulator module. The visual manipulation policy, trained with reinforcement learning (RL) using point cloud observations and object-centric actions, decides how the leg should interact with the object. The loco-manipulator controller manages leg movements and body pose adjustments, based on impedance control and Model Predictive Control (MPC). Besides manipulating objects with a single leg, the system can select from the left or right leg based on critic maps and move objects to distant goals through base adjustment. Experiments evaluate the system on object pose alignment tasks in both simulation and the real world, demonstrating more versatile object manipulation skills with legs than previous work. Videos can be found at

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GSORB-SLAM: Gaussian Splatting SLAM benefits from ORB features and Transmittance information

  • Authors: Wancai Zheng, Xinyi Yu, Jintao Rong, Linlin Ou, Yan Wei, Libo Zhou


The emergence of 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has recently sparked a renewed wave of dense visual SLAM research. However, current methods face challenges such as sensitivity to artifacts and noise, sub-optimal selection of training viewpoints, and a lack of light global optimization. In this paper, we propose a dense SLAM system that tightly couples 3DGS with ORB features. We design a joint optimization approach for robust tracking and effectively reducing the impact of noise and artifacts. This involves combining novel geometric observations, derived from accumulated transmittance, with ORB features extracted from pixel data. Furthermore, to improve mapping quality, we propose an adaptive Gaussian expansion and regularization method that enables Gaussian primitives to represent the scene compactly. This is coupled with a viewpoint selection strategy based on the hybrid graph to mitigate over-fitting effects and enhance convergence quality. Finally, our approach achieves compact and high-quality scene representations and accurate localization. GSORB-SLAM has been evaluated on different datasets, demonstrating outstanding performance. The code will be available.

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PAVLM: Advancing Point Cloud based Affordance Understanding Via Vision-Language Model

  • Authors: Shang-Ching Liu, Van Nhiem Tran, Wenkai Chen, Wei-Lun Cheng, Yen-Lin Huang, I-Bin Liao, Yung-Hui Li, Jianwei Zhang


Affordance understanding, the task of identifying actionable regions on 3D objects, plays a vital role in allowing robotic systems to engage with and operate within the physical world. Although Visual Language Models (VLMs) have excelled in high-level reasoning and long-horizon planning for robotic manipulation, they still fall short in grasping the nuanced physical properties required for effective human-robot interaction. In this paper, we introduce PAVLM (Point cloud Affordance Vision-Language Model), an innovative framework that utilizes the extensive multimodal knowledge embedded in pre-trained language models to enhance 3D affordance understanding of point cloud. PAVLM integrates a geometric-guided propagation module with hidden embeddings from large language models (LLMs) to enrich visual semantics. On the language side, we prompt Llama-3.1 models to generate refined context-aware text, augmenting the instructional input with deeper semantic cues. Experimental results on the 3D-AffordanceNet benchmark demonstrate that PAVLM outperforms baseline methods for both full and partial point clouds, particularly excelling in its generalization to novel open-world affordance tasks of 3D objects. For more information, visit our project site:

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SDS -- See it, Do it, Sorted: Quadruped Skill Synthesis from Single Video Demonstration

  • Authors: Jeffrey Li, Maria Stamatopoulou, Dimitrios Kanoulas


In this paper, we present SDS (``See it. Do it. Sorted.''), a novel pipeline for intuitive quadrupedal skill learning from a single demonstration video. Leveraging the Visual capabilities of GPT-4o, SDS processes input videos through our novel chain-of-thought promoting technique (SUS) and generates executable reward functions (RFs) that drive the imitation of locomotion skills, through learning a Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO)-based Reinforcement Learning (RL) policy, using environment information from the NVIDIA IsaacGym simulator. SDS autonomously evaluates the RFs by monitoring the individual reward components and supplying training footage and fitness metrics back into GPT-4o, which is then prompted to evolve the RFs to achieve higher task fitness at each iteration. We validate our method on the Unitree Go1 robot, demonstrating its ability to execute variable skills such as trotting, bounding, pacing and hopping, achieving high imitation fidelity and locomotion stability. SDS shows improvements over SOTA methods in task adaptability, reduced dependence on domain-specific knowledge, and bypassing the need for labor-intensive reward engineering and large-scale training datasets. Additional information and the open-sourced code can be found in:

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DeformPAM: Data-Efficient Learning for Long-horizon Deformable Object Manipulation via Preference-based Action Alignment

  • Authors: Wendi Chen, Han Xue, Fangyuan Zhou, Yuan Fang, Cewu Lu


In recent years, imitation learning has made progress in the field of robotic manipulation. However, it still faces challenges when dealing with complex long-horizon deformable object tasks, such as high-dimensional state spaces, complex dynamics, and multimodal action distributions. Traditional imitation learning methods often require a large amount of data and encounter distributional shifts and accumulative errors in these tasks. To address these issues, we propose a data-efficient general learning framework (DeformPAM) based on preference learning and reward-guided action selection. DeformPAM decomposes long-horizon tasks into multiple action primitives, utilizes 3D point cloud inputs and diffusion models to model action distributions, and trains an implicit reward model using human preference data. During the inference phase, the reward model scores multiple candidate actions, selecting the optimal action for execution, thereby reducing the occurrence of anomalous actions and improving task completion quality. Experiments conducted on three challenging real-world long-horizon deformable object manipulation tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of this method. Results show that DeformPAM improves both task completion quality and efficiency compared to baseline methods even with limited data. Code and data will be available at

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Robust Manipulation Primitive Learning via Domain Contraction

  • Authors: Teng Xue, Amirreza Razmjoo, Suhan Shetty, Sylvain Calinon


Contact-rich manipulation plays an important role in human daily activities, but uncertain parameters pose significant challenges for robots to achieve comparable performance through planning and control. To address this issue, domain adaptation and domain randomization have been proposed for robust policy learning. However, they either lose the generalization ability across diverse instances or perform conservatively due to neglecting instance-specific information. In this paper, we propose a bi-level approach to learn robust manipulation primitives, including parameter-augmented policy learning using multiple models, and parameter-conditioned policy retrieval through domain contraction. This approach unifies domain randomization and domain adaptation, providing optimal behaviors while keeping generalization ability. We validate the proposed method on three contact-rich manipulation primitives: hitting, pushing, and reorientation. The experimental results showcase the superior performance of our approach in generating robust policies for instances with diverse physical parameters.

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Latent Action Pretraining from Videos

  • Authors: Seonghyeon Ye, Joel Jang, Byeongguk Jeon, Sejune Joo, Jianwei Yang, Baolin Peng, Ajay Mandlekar, Reuben Tan, Yu-Wei Chao, Bill Yuchen Lin, Lars Liden, Kimin Lee, Jianfeng Gao, Luke Zettlemoyer, Dieter Fox, Minjoon Seo


We introduce Latent Action Pretraining for general Action models (LAPA), an unsupervised method for pretraining Vision-Language-Action (VLA) models without ground-truth robot action labels. Existing Vision-Language-Action models require action labels typically collected by human teleoperators during pretraining, which significantly limits possible data sources and scale. In this work, we propose a method to learn from internet-scale videos that do not have robot action labels. We first train an action quantization model leveraging VQ-VAE-based objective to learn discrete latent actions between image frames, then pretrain a latent VLA model to predict these latent actions from observations and task descriptions, and finally finetune the VLA on small-scale robot manipulation data to map from latent to robot actions. Experimental results demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms existing techniques that train robot manipulation policies from large-scale videos. Furthermore, it outperforms the state-of-the-art VLA model trained with robotic action labels on real-world manipulation tasks that require language conditioning, generalization to unseen objects, and semantic generalization to unseen instructions. Training only on human manipulation videos also shows positive transfer, opening up the potential for leveraging web-scale data for robotics foundation model.

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OKAMI: Teaching Humanoid Robots Manipulation Skills through Single Video Imitation

  • Authors: Jinhan Li, Yifeng Zhu, Yuqi Xie, Zhenyu Jiang, Mingyo Seo, Georgios Pavlakos, Yuke Zhu


We study the problem of teaching humanoid robots manipulation skills by imitating from single video demonstrations. We introduce OKAMI, a method that generates a manipulation plan from a single RGB-D video and derives a policy for execution. At the heart of our approach is object-aware retargeting, which enables the humanoid robot to mimic the human motions in an RGB-D video while adjusting to different object locations during deployment. OKAMI uses open-world vision models to identify task-relevant objects and retarget the body motions and hand poses separately. Our experiments show that OKAMI achieves strong generalizations across varying visual and spatial conditions, outperforming the state-of-the-art baseline on open-world imitation from observation. Furthermore, OKAMI rollout trajectories are leveraged to train closed-loop visuomotor policies, which achieve an average success rate of 79.2% without the need for labor-intensive teleoperation. More videos can be found on our website

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Learning Smooth Humanoid Locomotion through Lipschitz-Constrained Policies

  • Authors: Zixuan Chen, Xialin He, Yen-Jen Wang, Qiayuan Liao, Yanjie Ze, Zhongyu Li, S. Shankar Sastry, Jiajun Wu, Koushil Sreenath, Saurabh Gupta, Xue Bin Peng


Reinforcement learning combined with sim-to-real transfer offers a general framework for developing locomotion controllers for legged robots. To facilitate successful deployment in the real world, smoothing techniques, such as low-pass filters and smoothness rewards, are often employed to develop policies with smooth behaviors. However, because these techniques are non-differentiable and usually require tedious tuning of a large set of hyperparameters, they tend to require extensive manual tuning for each robotic platform. To address this challenge and establish a general technique for enforcing smooth behaviors, we propose a simple and effective method that imposes a Lipschitz constraint on a learned policy, which we refer to as Lipschitz-Constrained Policies (LCP). We show that the Lipschitz constraint can be implemented in the form of a gradient penalty, which provides a differentiable objective that can be easily incorporated with automatic differentiation frameworks. We demonstrate that LCP effectively replaces the need for smoothing rewards or low-pass filters and can be easily integrated into training frameworks for many distinct humanoid robots. We extensively evaluate LCP in both simulation and real-world humanoid robots, producing smooth and robust locomotion controllers. All simulation and deployment code, along with complete checkpoints, is available on our project page:

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Traversability-Aware Legged Navigation by Learning from Real-World Visual Data

  • Authors: Hongbo Zhang, Zhongyu Li, Xuanqi Zeng, Laura Smith, Kyle Stachowicz, Dhruv Shah, Linzhu Yue, Zhitao Song, Weipeng Xia, Sergey Levine, Koushil Sreenath, Yun-hui Liu


The enhanced mobility brought by legged locomotion empowers quadrupedal robots to navigate through complex and unstructured environments. However, optimizing agile locomotion while accounting for the varying energy costs of traversing different terrains remains an open challenge. Most previous work focuses on planning trajectories with traversability cost estimation based on human-labeled environmental features. However, this human-centric approach is insufficient because it does not account for the varying capabilities of the robot locomotion controllers over challenging terrains. To address this, we develop a novel traversability estimator in a robot-centric manner, based on the value function of the robot's locomotion controller. This estimator is integrated into a new learning-based RGBD navigation framework. The framework develops a planner that guides the robot in avoiding obstacles and hard-to-traverse terrains while reaching its goals. The training of the navigation planner is directly performed in the real world using a sample efficient reinforcement learning method. Through extensive benchmarking, we demonstrate that the proposed framework achieves the best performance in accurate traversability cost estimation and efficient learning from multi-modal data (the robot's color and depth vision, and proprioceptive feedback) for real-world training. Using the proposed method, a quadrupedal robot learns to perform traversability-aware navigation through trial and error in various real-world environments with challenging terrains that are difficult to classify using depth vision alone.

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Generalizable Humanoid Manipulation with Improved 3D Diffusion Policies

  • Authors: Yanjie Ze, Zixuan Chen, Wenhao Wang, Tianyi Chen, Xialin He, Ying Yuan, Xue Bin Peng, Jiajun Wu


Humanoid robots capable of autonomous operation in diverse environments have long been a goal for roboticists. However, autonomous manipulation by humanoid robots has largely been restricted to one specific scene, primarily due to the difficulty of acquiring generalizable skills. Recent advances in 3D visuomotor policies, such as the 3D Diffusion Policy (DP3), have shown promise in extending these capabilities to wilder environments. However, 3D visuomotor policies often rely on camera calibration and point-cloud segmentation, which present challenges for deployment on mobile robots like humanoids. In this work, we introduce the Improved 3D Diffusion Policy (iDP3), a novel 3D visuomotor policy that eliminates these constraints by leveraging egocentric 3D visual representations. We demonstrate that iDP3 enables a full-sized humanoid robot to autonomously perform skills in diverse real-world scenarios, using only data collected in the lab. Videos are available at:

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FusionSense: Bridging Common Sense, Vision, and Touch for Robust Sparse-View Reconstruction

  • Authors: Irving Fang, Kairui Shi, Xujin He, Siqi Tan, Yifan Wang, Hanwen Zhao, Hung-Jui Huang, Wenzhen Yuan, Chen Feng, Jing Zhang


Humans effortlessly integrate common-sense knowledge with sensory input from vision and touch to understand their surroundings. Emulating this capability, we introduce FusionSense, a novel 3D reconstruction framework that enables robots to fuse priors from foundation models with highly sparse observations from vision and tactile sensors. FusionSense addresses three key challenges: (i) How can robots efficiently acquire robust global shape information about the surrounding scene and objects? (ii) How can robots strategically select touch points on the object using geometric and common-sense priors? (iii) How can partial observations such as tactile signals improve the overall representation of the object? Our framework employs 3D Gaussian Splatting as a core representation and incorporates a hierarchical optimization strategy involving global structure construction, object visual hull pruning and local geometric constraints. This advancement results in fast and robust perception in environments with traditionally challenging objects that are transparent, reflective, or dark, enabling more downstream manipulation or navigation tasks. Experiments on real-world data suggest that our framework outperforms previously state-of-the-art sparse-view methods. All code and data are open-sourced on the project website.

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Guiding Collision-Free Humanoid Multi-Contact Locomotion using Convex Kinematic Relaxations and Dynamic Optimization

  • Authors: Carlos Gonzalez, Luis Sentis


Humanoid robots rely on multi-contact planners to navigate a diverse set of environments, including those that are unstructured and highly constrained. To synthesize stable multi-contact plans within a reasonable time frame, most planners assume statically stable motions or rely on reduced order models. However, these approaches can also render the problem infeasible in the presence of large obstacles or when operating near kinematic and dynamic limits. To that end, we propose a new multi-contact framework that leverages recent advancements in relaxing collision-free path planning into a convex optimization problem, extending it to be applicable to humanoid multi-contact navigation. Our approach generates near-feasible trajectories used as guides in a dynamic trajectory optimizer, altogether addressing the aforementioned limitations. We evaluate our computational approach showcasing three different-sized humanoid robots traversing a high-raised naval knee-knocker door using our proposed framework in simulation. Our approach can generate motion plans within a few seconds consisting of several multi-contact states, including dynamic feasibility in joint space.

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Aerial Vision-and-Language Navigation via Semantic-Topo-Metric Representation Guided LLM Reasoning

  • Authors: Yunpeng Gao, Zhigang Wang, Linglin Jing, Dong Wang, Xuelong Li, Bin Zhao


Aerial Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) is a novel task enabling Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to navigate in outdoor environments through natural language instructions and visual cues. It remains challenging due to the complex spatial relationships in outdoor aerial scenes. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end zero-shot framework for aerial VLN tasks, where the large language model (LLM) is introduced as our agent for action prediction. Specifically, we develop a novel Semantic-Topo-Metric Representation (STMR) to enhance the spatial reasoning ability of LLMs. This is achieved by extracting and projecting instruction-related semantic masks of landmarks into a top-down map that contains the location information of surrounding landmarks. Further, this map is transformed into a matrix representation with distance metrics as the text prompt to the LLM, for action prediction according to the instruction. Experiments conducted in real and simulation environments have successfully proved the effectiveness and robustness of our method, achieving 15.9% and 12.5% improvements (absolute) in Oracle Success Rate (OSR) on AerialVLN-S dataset.

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SegGrasp: Zero-Shot Task-Oriented Grasping via Semantic and Geometric Guided Segmentation

  • Authors: Haosheng Li, Weixin Mao, Weipeng Deng, Chenyu Meng, Rui Zhang, Fan Jia, Tiancai Wang, Haoqiang Fan, Hongan Wang, Xiaoming Deng


Task-oriented grasping, which involves grasping specific parts of objects based on their functions, is crucial for developing advanced robotic systems capable of performing complex tasks in dynamic environments. In this paper, we propose a training-free framework that incorporates both semantic and geometric priors for zero-shot task-oriented grasp generation. The proposed framework, SegGrasp, first leverages the vision-language models like GLIP for coarse segmentation. It then uses detailed geometric information from convex decomposition to improve segmentation quality through a fusion policy named GeoFusion. An effective grasp pose can be generated by a grasping network with improved segmentation. We conducted the experiments on both segmentation benchmark and real-world robot grasping. The experimental results show that SegGrasp surpasses the baseline by more than 15\% in grasp and segmentation performance.

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SPA: 3D Spatial-Awareness Enables Effective Embodied Representation

  • Authors: Haoyi Zhu, Honghui Yang, Yating Wang, Jiange Yang, Limin Wang, Tong He


In this paper, we introduce SPA, a novel representation learning framework that emphasizes the importance of 3D spatial awareness in embodied AI. Our approach leverages differentiable neural rendering on multi-view images to endow a vanilla Vision Transformer (ViT) with intrinsic spatial understanding. We present the most comprehensive evaluation of embodied representation learning to date, covering 268 tasks across 8 simulators with diverse policies in both single-task and language-conditioned multi-task scenarios. The results are compelling: SPA consistently outperforms more than 10 state-of-the-art representation methods, including those specifically designed for embodied AI, vision-centric tasks, and multi-modal applications, while using less training data. Furthermore, we conduct a series of real-world experiments to confirm its effectiveness in practical scenarios. These results highlight the critical role of 3D spatial awareness for embodied representation learning. Our strongest model takes more than 6000 GPU hours to train and we are committed to open-sourcing all code and model weights to foster future research in embodied representation learning. Project Page:

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RDT-1B: a Diffusion Foundation Model for Bimanual Manipulation

  • Authors: Songming Liu, Lingxuan Wu, Bangguo Li, Hengkai Tan, Huayu Chen, Zhengyi Wang, Ke Xu, Hang Su, Jun Zhu


Bimanual manipulation is essential in robotics, yet developing foundation models is extremely challenging due to the inherent complexity of coordinating two robot arms (leading to multi-modal action distributions) and the scarcity of training data. In this paper, we present the Robotics Diffusion Transformer (RDT), a pioneering diffusion foundation model for bimanual manipulation. RDT builds on diffusion models to effectively represent multi-modality, with innovative designs of a scalable Transformer to deal with the heterogeneity of multi-modal inputs and to capture the nonlinearity and high frequency of robotic data. To address data scarcity, we further introduce a Physically Interpretable Unified Action Space, which can unify the action representations of various robots while preserving the physical meanings of original actions, facilitating learning transferrable physical knowledge. With these designs, we managed to pre-train RDT on the largest collection of multi-robot datasets to date and scaled it up to 1.2B parameters, which is the largest diffusion-based foundation model for robotic manipulation. We finally fine-tuned RDT on a self-created multi-task bimanual dataset with over 6K+ episodes to refine its manipulation capabilities. Experiments on real robots demonstrate that RDT significantly outperforms existing methods. It exhibits zero-shot generalization to unseen objects and scenes, understands and follows language instructions, learns new skills with just 1~5 demonstrations, and effectively handles complex, dexterous tasks. We refer to for the code and videos.

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Dynamic Object Catching with Quadruped Robot Front Legs

  • Authors: André Schakkal, Guillaume Bellegarda, Auke Ijspeert


This paper presents a framework for dynamic object catching using a quadruped robot's front legs while it stands on its rear legs. The system integrates computer vision, trajectory prediction, and leg control to enable the quadruped to visually detect, track, and successfully catch a thrown object using an onboard camera. Leveraging a fine-tuned YOLOv8 model for object detection and a regression-based trajectory prediction module, the quadruped adapts its front leg positions iteratively to anticipate and intercept the object. The catching maneuver involves identifying the optimal catching position, controlling the front legs with Cartesian PD control, and closing the legs together at the right moment. We propose and validate three different methods for selecting the optimal catching position: 1) intersecting the predicted trajectory with a vertical plane, 2) selecting the point on the predicted trajectory with the minimal distance to the center of the robot's legs in their nominal position, and 3) selecting the point on the predicted trajectory with the highest likelihood on a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) modelling the robot's reachable space. Experimental results demonstrate robust catching capabilities across various scenarios, with the GMM method achieving the best performance, leading to an 80% catching success rate. A video demonstration of the system in action can be found at .

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Embodied Agent Interface: Benchmarking LLMs for Embodied Decision Making

  • Authors: Manling Li, Shiyu Zhao, Qineng Wang, Kangrui Wang, Yu Zhou, Sanjana Srivastava, Cem Gokmen, Tony Lee, Li Erran Li, Ruohan Zhang, Weiyu Liu, Percy Liang, Li Fei-Fei, Jiayuan Mao, Jiajun Wu


We aim to evaluate Large Language Models (LLMs) for embodied decision making. While a significant body of work has been leveraging LLMs for decision making in embodied environments, we still lack a systematic understanding of their performance because they are usually applied in different domains, for different purposes, and built based on different inputs and outputs. Furthermore, existing evaluations tend to rely solely on a final success rate, making it difficult to pinpoint what ability is missing in LLMs and where the problem lies, which in turn blocks embodied agents from leveraging LLMs effectively and selectively. To address these limitations, we propose a generalized interface (Embodied Agent Interface) that supports the formalization of various types of tasks and input-output specifications of LLM-based modules. Specifically, it allows us to unify 1) a broad set of embodied decision-making tasks involving both state and temporally extended goals, 2) four commonly-used LLM-based modules for decision making: goal interpretation, subgoal decomposition, action sequencing, and transition modeling, and 3) a collection of fine-grained metrics which break down evaluation into various types of errors, such as hallucination errors, affordance errors, various types of planning errors, etc. Overall, our benchmark offers a comprehensive assessment of LLMs' performance for different subtasks, pinpointing the strengths and weaknesses in LLM-powered embodied AI systems, and providing insights for effective and selective use of LLMs in embodied decision making.

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Whole-Body Dynamic Throwing with Legged Manipulators

  • Authors: Humphrey Munn, Brendan Tidd, David Howard, Marcus Gallagher


Most robotic behaviours focus on either manipulation or locomotion, where tasks that require the integration of both, such as full-body throwing, remain under-explored. Throwing with a robot involves complex coordination between object manipulation and legged locomotion, which is crucial for advanced real-world interactions. This work investigates the challenge of full-body throwing in robotic systems and highlights the advantages of utilising the robot's entire body. We propose a deep reinforcement learning (RL) approach that leverages the robot's body to enhance throwing performance through a strategically designed curriculum to avoid local optima and sparse but informative reward functions to improve policy flexibility. The robot's body learns to generate additional momentum and fine-tune the projectile release velocity. Our full-body method achieves on average 47% greater throwing distance and 34% greater throwing accuracy than the arm alone, across two robot morphologies - an armed quadruped and a humanoid. We also extend our method to optimise robot stability during throws. The learned policy effectively generalises throwing to targets at any 3D point in space within a specified range, which has not previously been achieved and does so with human-level throwing accuracy. We successfully transferred this approach from simulation to a real robot using sim2real techniques, demonstrating its practical viability.

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OrionNav: Online Planning for Robot Autonomy with Context-Aware LLM and Open-Vocabulary Semantic Scene Graphs

  • Authors: Venkata Naren Devarakonda, Raktim Gautam Goswami, Ali Umut Kaypak, Naman Patel, Rooholla Khorrambakht, Prashanth Krishnamurthy, Farshad Khorrami


Enabling robots to autonomously navigate unknown, complex, dynamic environments and perform diverse tasks remains a fundamental challenge in developing robust autonomous physical agents. They must effectively perceive their surroundings while leveraging world knowledge for decision-making. While recent approaches utilize vision-language and large language models for scene understanding and planning, they often rely on offline processing, external computing, or restrictive environmental assumptions. We present a novel framework for efficient and scalable real-time, onboard autonomous navigation that integrates multi-level abstraction in both perception and planning in unknown large-scale environments that change over time. Our system fuses data from multiple onboard sensors for localization and mapping and integrates it with open-vocabulary semantics to generate hierarchical scene graphs. An LLM-based planner leverages these graphs to generate high-level task execution strategies, which guide low-level controllers in safely accomplishing goals. Our framework's real-time operation enables continuous updates to scene graphs and plans, allowing swift responses to environmental changes and on-the-fly error correction. This is a key advantage over static or rule-based planning systems. We demonstrate our system's efficacy on a quadruped robot navigating large-scale, dynamic environments, showcasing its adaptability and robustness in diverse scenarios.

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LocoVR: Multiuser Indoor Locomotion Dataset in Virtual Reality

  • Authors: Kojiro Takeyama, Yimeng Liu, Misha Sra


Understanding human locomotion is crucial for AI agents such as robots, particularly in complex indoor home environments. Modeling human trajectories in these spaces requires insight into how individuals maneuver around physical obstacles and manage social navigation dynamics. These dynamics include subtle behaviors influenced by proxemics - the social use of space, such as stepping aside to allow others to pass or choosing longer routes to avoid collisions. Previous research has developed datasets of human motion in indoor scenes, but these are often limited in scale and lack the nuanced social navigation dynamics common in home environments. To address this, we present LocoVR, a dataset of 7000+ two-person trajectories captured in virtual reality from over 130 different indoor home environments. LocoVR provides full body pose data and precise spatial information, along with rich examples of socially-motivated movement behaviors. For example, the dataset captures instances of individuals navigating around each other in narrow spaces, adjusting paths to respect personal boundaries in living areas, and coordinating movements in high-traffic zones like entryways and kitchens. Our evaluation shows that LocoVR significantly enhances model performance in three practical indoor tasks utilizing human trajectories, and demonstrates predicting socially-aware navigation patterns in home environments.

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Real-to-Sim Grasp: Rethinking the Gap between Simulation and Real World in Grasp Detection

  • Authors: Jia-Feng Cai, Zibo Chen, Xiao-Ming Wu, Jian-Jian Jiang, Yi-Lin Wei, Wei-Shi Zheng


For 6-DoF grasp detection, simulated data is expandable to train more powerful model, but it faces the challenge of the large gap between simulation and real world. Previous works bridge this gap with a sim-to-real way. However, this way explicitly or implicitly forces the simulated data to adapt to the noisy real data when training grasp detectors, where the positional drift and structural distortion within the camera noise will harm the grasp learning. In this work, we propose a Real-to-Sim framework for 6-DoF Grasp detection, named R2SGrasp, with the key insight of bridging this gap in a real-to-sim way, which directly bypasses the camera noise in grasp detector training through an inference-time real-to-sim adaption. To achieve this real-to-sim adaptation, our R2SGrasp designs the Real-to-Sim Data Repairer (R2SRepairer) to mitigate the camera noise of real depth maps in data-level, and the Real-to-Sim Feature Enhancer (R2SEnhancer) to enhance real features with precise simulated geometric primitives in feature-level. To endow our framework with the generalization ability, we construct a large-scale simulated dataset cost-efficiently to train our grasp detector, which includes 64,000 RGB-D images with 14.4 million grasp annotations. Sufficient experiments show that R2SGrasp is powerful and our real-to-sim perspective is effective. The real-world experiments further show great generalization ability of R2SGrasp. Project page is available on

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M3Bench: Benchmarking Whole-body Motion Generation for Mobile Manipulation in 3D Scenes

  • Authors: Zeyu Zhang, Sixu Yan, Muzhi Han, Zaijin Wang, Xinggang Wang, Song-Chun Zhu, Hangxin Liu


We propose M^3Bench, a new benchmark of whole-body motion generation for mobile manipulation tasks. Given a 3D scene context, M^3Bench requires an embodied agent to understand its configuration, environmental constraints and task objectives, then generate coordinated whole-body motion trajectories for object rearrangement tasks. M^3Bench features 30k object rearrangement tasks across 119 diverse scenes, providing expert demonstrations generated by our newly developed M^3BenchMaker. This automatic data generation tool produces coordinated whole-body motion trajectories from high-level task instructions, requiring only basic scene and robot information. Our benchmark incorporates various task splits to assess generalization across different dimensions and leverages realistic physics simulation for trajectory evaluation. Through extensive experimental analyses, we reveal that state-of-the-art models still struggle with coordinated base-arm motion while adhering to environment-context and task-specific constraints, highlighting the need to develop new models that address this gap. Through M^3Bench, we aim to facilitate future robotics research towards more adaptive and capable mobile manipulation in diverse, real-world environments.

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VIRT: Vision Instructed Transformer for Robotic Manipulation

  • Authors: Zhuoling Li, Liangliang Ren, Jinrong Yang, Yong Zhao, Xiaoyang Wu, Zhenhua Xu, Xiang Bai, Hengshuang Zhao


Robotic manipulation, owing to its multi-modal nature, often faces significant training ambiguity, necessitating explicit instructions to clearly delineate the manipulation details in tasks. In this work, we highlight that vision instruction is naturally more comprehensible to recent robotic policies than the commonly adopted text instruction, as these policies are born with some vision understanding ability like human infants. Building on this premise and drawing inspiration from cognitive science, we introduce the robotic imagery paradigm, which realizes large-scale robotic data pre-training without text annotations. Additionally, we propose the robotic gaze strategy that emulates the human eye gaze mechanism, thereby guiding subsequent actions and focusing the attention of the policy on the manipulated object. Leveraging these innovations, we develop VIRT, a fully Transformer-based policy. We design comprehensive tasks using both a physical robot and simulated environments to assess the efficacy of VIRT. The results indicate that VIRT can complete very competitive tasks like ``opening the lid of a tightly sealed bottle'', and the proposed techniques boost the success rates of the baseline policy on diverse challenging tasks from nearly 0% to more than 65%.

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ETHcavation: A Dataset and Pipeline for Panoptic Scene Understanding and Object Tracking in Dynamic Construction Environments

  • Authors: Lorenzo Terenzi, Julian Nubert, Pol Eyschen, Pascal Roth, Simin Fei, Edo Jelavic, Marco Hutter


Construction sites are challenging environments for autonomous systems due to their unstructured nature and the presence of dynamic actors, such as workers and machinery. This work presents a comprehensive panoptic scene understanding solution designed to handle the complexities of such environments by integrating 2D panoptic segmentation with 3D LiDAR mapping. Our system generates detailed environmental representations in real-time by combining semantic and geometric data, supported by Kalman Filter-based tracking for dynamic object detection. We introduce a fine-tuning method that adapts large pre-trained panoptic segmentation models for construction site applications using a limited number of domain-specific samples. For this use case, we release a first-of-its-kind dataset of 502 hand-labeled sample images with panoptic annotations from construction sites. In addition, we propose a dynamic panoptic mapping technique that enhances scene understanding in unstructured environments. As a case study, we demonstrate the system's application for autonomous navigation, utilizing real-time RRT* for reactive path planning in dynamic scenarios. The dataset ( and code ( for training and deployment are publicly available to support future research.

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GARField: Addressing the visual Sim-to-Real gap in garment manipulation with mesh-attached radiance fields

  • Authors: Donatien Delehelle, Darwin G. Caldwell, Fei Chen


While humans intuitively manipulate garments and other textiles items swiftly and accurately, it is a significant challenge for robots. A factor crucial to the human performance is the ability to imagine, a priori, the intended result of the manipulation intents and hence develop predictions on the garment pose. This allows us to plan from highly obstructed states, adapt our plans as we collect more information and react swiftly to unforeseen circumstances. Robots, on the other hand, struggle to establish such intuitions and form tight links between plans and observations. This can be attributed in part to the high cost of obtaining densely labelled data for textile manipulation, both in quality and quantity. The problem of data collection is a long standing issue in data-based approaches to garment manipulation. Currently, the generation of high quality and labelled garment manipulation data is mainly attempted through advanced data capture procedures that create simplified state estimations from real-world observations. In this work, however, we propose to generate real-world observations from given object states. To achieve this, we present GARField (Garment Attached Radiance Field) a differentiable rendering architecture allowing data generation from simulated states stored as triangle meshes. Code will be available on

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PhotoReg: Photometrically Registering 3D Gaussian Splatting Models

  • Authors: Ziwen Yuan, Tianyi Zhang, Matthew Johnson-Roberson, Weiming Zhi


Building accurate representations of the environment is critical for intelligent robots to make decisions during deployment. Advances in photorealistic environment models have enabled robots to develop hyper-realistic reconstructions, which can be used to generate images that are intuitive for human inspection. In particular, the recently introduced \ac{3DGS}, which describes the scene with up to millions of primitive ellipsoids, can be rendered in real time. \ac{3DGS} has rapidly gained prominence. However, a critical unsolved problem persists: how can we fuse multiple \ac{3DGS} into a single coherent model? Solving this problem will enable robot teams to jointly build \ac{3DGS} models of their surroundings. A key insight of this work is to leverage the {duality} between photorealistic reconstructions, which render realistic 2D images from 3D structure, and \emph{3D foundation models}, which predict 3D structure from image pairs. To this end, we develop PhotoReg, a framework to register multiple photorealistic \ac{3DGS} models with 3D foundation models. As \ac{3DGS} models are generally built from monocular camera images, they have \emph{arbitrary scale}. To resolve this, PhotoReg actively enforces scale consistency among the different \ac{3DGS} models by considering depth estimates within these models. Then, the alignment is iteratively refined with fine-grained photometric losses to produce high-quality fused \ac{3DGS} models. We rigorously evaluate PhotoReg on both standard benchmark datasets and our custom-collected datasets, including with two quadruped robots. The code is released at \url{}.

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HE-Nav: A High-Performance and Efficient Navigation System for Aerial-Ground Robots in Cluttered Environments

  • Authors: Junming Wang, Zekai Sun, Xiuxian Guan, Tianxiang Shen, Dong Huang, Zongyuan Zhang, Tianyang Duan, Fangming Liu, Heming Cui


Existing AGR navigation systems have advanced in lightly occluded scenarios (e.g., buildings) by employing 3D semantic scene completion networks for voxel occupancy prediction and constructing Euclidean Signed Distance Field (ESDF) maps for collision-free path planning. However, these systems exhibit suboptimal performance and efficiency in cluttered environments with severe occlusions (e.g., dense forests or tall walls), due to limitations arising from perception networks' low prediction accuracy and path planners' high computational overhead. In this paper, we present HE-Nav, the first high-performance and efficient navigation system tailored for AGRs operating in cluttered environments. The perception module utilizes a lightweight semantic scene completion network (LBSCNet), guided by a bird's eye view (BEV) feature fusion and enhanced by an exquisitely designed SCB-Fusion module and attention mechanism. This enables real-time and efficient obstacle prediction in cluttered areas, generating a complete local map. Building upon this completed map, our novel AG-Planner employs the energy-efficient kinodynamic A* search algorithm to guarantee planning is energy-saving. Subsequent trajectory optimization processes yield safe, smooth, dynamically feasible and ESDF-free aerial-ground hybrid paths. Extensive experiments demonstrate that HE-Nav achieved 7x energy savings in real-world situations while maintaining planning success rates of 98% in simulation scenarios. Code and video are available on our project page:

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Towards a Modern and Lightweight Rendering Engine for Dynamic Robotic Simulations

  • Authors: Christopher John Allison, Haoying Zhou, Adnan Munawar, Peter Kazanzides, Juan Antonio Barragan


Interactive dynamic simulators are an accelerator for developing novel robotic control algorithms and complex systems involving humans and robots. In user training and synthetic data generation applications, a high-fidelity visualization of the simulation is essential. Visual fidelity is dependent on the quality of the computer graphics algorithms used to render the simulated scene. Furthermore, the rendering algorithms must be implemented on the graphics processing unit (GPU) to achieve real-time performance, requiring the use of a graphics application programming interface (API). This paper presents a performance-focused and lightweight rendering engine supporting the Vulkan graphics API. The engine is designed to modernize the legacy rendering pipeline of Asynchronous Multi-Body Framework (AMBF), a dynamic simulation framework used extensively for interactive robotics simulation development. This new rendering engine implements graphical features such as physically based rendering (PBR), anti-aliasing, and ray-traced shadows, significantly improving the image quality of AMBF. Computational experiments show that the engine can render a simulated scene with over seven million triangles while maintaining GPU computation times within two milliseconds.

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Proprioceptive State Estimation for Quadruped Robots using Invariant Kalman Filtering and Scale-Variant Robust Cost Functions

  • Authors: Hilton Marques Souza Santana, João Carlos Virgolino Soares, Ylenia Nisticò, Marco Antonio Meggiolaro, Claudio Semini


Accurate state estimation is crucial for legged robot locomotion, as it provides the necessary information to allow control and navigation. However, it is also challenging, especially in scenarios with uneven and slippery terrain. This paper presents a new Invariant Extended Kalman filter for legged robot state estimation using only proprioceptive sensors. We formulate the methodology by combining recent advances in state estimation theory with the use of robust cost functions in the measurement update. We tested our methodology on quadruped robots through experiments and public datasets, showing that we can obtain a pose drift up to 40% lower in trajectories covering a distance of over 450m, in comparison with a state-of-the-art Invariant Extended Kalman filter.

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MO-DDN: A Coarse-to-Fine Attribute-based Exploration Agent for Multi-object Demand-driven Navigation

  • Authors: Hongcheng Wang, Peiqi Liu, Wenzhe Cai, Mingdong Wu, Zhengyu Qian, Hao Dong


The process of satisfying daily demands is a fundamental aspect of humans' daily lives. With the advancement of embodied AI, robots are increasingly capable of satisfying human demands. Demand-driven navigation (DDN) is a task in which an agent must locate an object to satisfy a specified demand instruction, such as I am thirsty.'' The previous study typically assumes that each demand instruction requires only one object to be fulfilled and does not consider individual preferences. However, the realistic human demand may involve multiple objects. In this paper, we introduce the Multi-object Demand-driven Navigation (MO-DDN) benchmark, which addresses these nuanced aspects, including multi-object search and personal preferences, thus making the MO-DDN task more reflective of real-life scenarios compared to DDN. Building upon previous work, we employ the concept of attribute'' to tackle this new task. However, instead of solely relying on attribute features in an end-to-end manner like DDN, we propose a modular method that involves constructing a coarse-to-fine attribute-based exploration agent (C2FAgent). Our experimental results illustrate that this coarse-to-fine exploration strategy capitalizes on the advantages of attributes at various decision-making levels, resulting in superior performance compared to baseline methods. Code and video can be found at

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GenSim2: Scaling Robot Data Generation with Multi-modal and Reasoning LLMs

  • Authors: Pu Hua, Minghuan Liu, Annabella Macaluso, Yunfeng Lin, Weinan Zhang, Huazhe Xu, Lirui Wang


Robotic simulation today remains challenging to scale up due to the human efforts required to create diverse simulation tasks and scenes. Simulation-trained policies also face scalability issues as many sim-to-real methods focus on a single task. To address these challenges, this work proposes GenSim2, a scalable framework that leverages coding LLMs with multi-modal and reasoning capabilities for complex and realistic simulation task creation, including long-horizon tasks with articulated objects. To automatically generate demonstration data for these tasks at scale, we propose planning and RL solvers that generalize within object categories. The pipeline can generate data for up to 100 articulated tasks with 200 objects and reduce the required human efforts. To utilize such data, we propose an effective multi-task language-conditioned policy architecture, dubbed proprioceptive point-cloud transformer (PPT), that learns from the generated demonstrations and exhibits strong sim-to-real zero-shot transfer. Combining the proposed pipeline and the policy architecture, we show a promising usage of GenSim2 that the generated data can be used for zero-shot transfer or co-train with real-world collected data, which enhances the policy performance by 20% compared with training exclusively on limited real data.

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Learning Humanoid Locomotion over Challenging Terrain

  • Authors: Ilija Radosavovic, Sarthak Kamat, Trevor Darrell, Jitendra Malik


Humanoid robots can, in principle, use their legs to go almost anywhere. Developing controllers capable of traversing diverse terrains, however, remains a considerable challenge. Classical controllers are hard to generalize broadly while the learning-based methods have primarily focused on gentle terrains. Here, we present a learning-based approach for blind humanoid locomotion capable of traversing challenging natural and man-made terrain. Our method uses a transformer model to predict the next action based on the history of proprioceptive observations and actions. The model is first pre-trained on a dataset of flat-ground trajectories with sequence modeling, and then fine-tuned on uneven terrain using reinforcement learning. We evaluate our model on a real humanoid robot across a variety of terrains, including rough, deformable, and sloped surfaces. The model demonstrates robust performance, in-context adaptation, and emergent terrain representations. In real-world case studies, our humanoid robot successfully traversed over 4 miles of hiking trails in Berkeley and climbed some of the steepest streets in San Francisco.

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DivScene: Benchmarking LVLMs for Object Navigation with Diverse Scenes and Objects

  • Authors: Zhaowei Wang, Hongming Zhang, Tianqing Fang, Ye Tian, Yue Yang, Kaixin Ma, Xiaoman Pan, Yangqiu Song, Dong Yu


Object navigation in unknown environments is crucial for deploying embodied agents in real-world applications. While we have witnessed huge progress due to large-scale scene datasets, faster simulators, and stronger models, previous studies mainly focus on limited scene types and target objects. In this paper, we study a new task of navigating to diverse target objects in a large number of scene types. To benchmark the problem, we present a large-scale scene dataset, DivScene, which contains 4,614 scenes across 81 different types. With the dataset, we build an end-to-end embodied agent, NatVLM, by fine-tuning a Large Vision Language Model (LVLM) through imitation learning. The LVLM is trained to take previous observations from the environment and generate the next actions. We also introduce CoT explanation traces of the action prediction for better performance when tuning LVLMs. Our extensive experiments find that we can build a performant LVLM-based agent through imitation learning on the shortest paths constructed by a BFS planner without any human supervision. Our agent achieves a success rate that surpasses GPT-4o by over 20%. Meanwhile, we carry out various analyses showing the generalization ability of our agent. Our code and data are available at

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Learning Diverse Bimanual Dexterous Manipulation Skills from Human Demonstrations

  • Authors: Bohan Zhou, Haoqi Yuan, Yuhui Fu, Zongqing Lu


Bimanual dexterous manipulation is a critical yet underexplored area in robotics. Its high-dimensional action space and inherent task complexity present significant challenges for policy learning, and the limited task diversity in existing benchmarks hinders general-purpose skill development. Existing approaches largely depend on reinforcement learning, often constrained by intricately designed reward functions tailored to a narrow set of tasks. In this work, we present a novel approach for efficiently learning diverse bimanual dexterous skills from abundant human demonstrations. Specifically, we introduce BiDexHD, a framework that unifies task construction from existing bimanual datasets and employs teacher-student policy learning to address all tasks. The teacher learns state-based policies using a general two-stage reward function across tasks with shared behaviors, while the student distills the learned multi-task policies into a vision-based policy. With BiDexHD, scalable learning of numerous bimanual dexterous skills from auto-constructed tasks becomes feasible, offering promising advances toward universal bimanual dexterous manipulation. Our empirical evaluation on the TACO dataset, spanning 141 tasks across six categories, demonstrates a task fulfillment rate of 74.59% on trained tasks and 51.07% on unseen tasks, showcasing the effectiveness and competitive zero-shot generalization capabilities of BiDexHD. For videos and more information, visit our project page

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Cross-Embodiment Dexterous Grasping with Reinforcement Learning

  • Authors: Haoqi Yuan, Bohan Zhou, Yuhui Fu, Zongqing Lu


Dexterous hands exhibit significant potential for complex real-world grasping tasks. While recent studies have primarily focused on learning policies for specific robotic hands, the development of a universal policy that controls diverse dexterous hands remains largely unexplored. In this work, we study the learning of cross-embodiment dexterous grasping policies using reinforcement learning (RL). Inspired by the capability of human hands to control various dexterous hands through teleoperation, we propose a universal action space based on the human hand's eigengrasps. The policy outputs eigengrasp actions that are then converted into specific joint actions for each robot hand through a retargeting mapping. We simplify the robot hand's proprioception to include only the positions of fingertips and the palm, offering a unified observation space across different robot hands. Our approach demonstrates an 80% success rate in grasping objects from the YCB dataset across four distinct embodiments using a single vision-based policy. Additionally, our policy exhibits zero-shot generalization to two previously unseen embodiments and significant improvement in efficient finetuning. For further details and videos, visit our project page

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Divide et Impera: Learning impedance families for peg-in-hole assembly

  • Authors: Johannes Lachner, Federico Tessari, A. Michael West Jr., Moses C. Nah, Neville Hogan


This paper addresses robotic peg-in-hole assembly using the framework of Elementary Dynamic Actions (EDA). Inspired by motor primitives in neuromotor control research, the method leverages three primitives: submovements, oscillations, and mechanical impedances (e.g., stiffness and damping), combined via a Norton equivalent network model. By focusing on impedance parameterization, we explore the adaptability of EDA in contact-rich tasks. Experimental results, conducted on a real robot setup with four different peg types, demonstrated a range of successful impedance parameters, challenging conventional methods that seek optimal parameters. We analyze our data in a lower-dimensional solution space. Clustering analysis shows the possibility to identify different individual strategies for each single peg, as well as common strategies across all pegs. A neural network model, trained on the experimental data, accurately predicted successful impedance parameters across all pegs. The practical utility of this work is enhanced by a success-predictor model and the public availability of all code and CAD files. These findings highlight the flexibility and robustness of EDA; show multiple equally-successful strategies for contact-rich manipulation; and offer valuable insights and tools for robotic assembly programming.

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RoTip: A Finger-Shaped Tactile Sensor with Active Rotation

  • Authors: Xuyang Zhang, Jiaqi Jiang, Shan Luo


In recent years, advancements in optical tactile sensor technology have primarily centred on enhancing sensing precision and expanding the range of sensing modalities. To meet the requirements for more skilful manipulation, there should be a movement towards making tactile sensors more dynamic. In this paper, we introduce RoTip, a novel vision-based tactile sensor that is uniquely designed with an independently controlled joint and the capability to sense contact over its entire surface. The rotational capability of the sensor is particularly crucial for manipulating everyday objects, especially thin and flexible ones, as it enables the sensor to mobilize while in contact with the object's surface. The manipulation experiments demonstrate the ability of our proposed RoTip to manipulate rigid and flexible objects, and the full-finger tactile feedback and active rotation capabilities have the potential to explore more complex and precise manipulation tasks.

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D(R, O) Grasp: A Unified Representation of Robot and Object Interaction for Cross-Embodiment Dexterous Grasping

  • Authors: Zhenyu Wei, Zhixuan Xu, Jingxiang Guo, Yiwen Hou, Chongkai Gao, Zhehao Cai, Jiayu Luo, Lin Shao


Dexterous grasping is a fundamental yet challenging skill in robotic manipulation, requiring precise interaction between robotic hands and objects. In this paper, we present D(R,O) Grasp, a novel framework that models the interaction between the robotic hand in its grasping pose and the object, enabling broad generalization across various robot hands and object geometries. Our model takes the robot hand's description and object point cloud as inputs and efficiently predicts kinematically valid and stable grasps, demonstrating strong adaptability to diverse robot embodiments and object geometries. Extensive experiments conducted in both simulated and real-world environments validate the effectiveness of our approach, with significant improvements in success rate, grasp diversity, and inference speed across multiple robotic hands. Our method achieves an average success rate of 87.53% in simulation in less than one second, tested across three different dexterous robotic hands. In real-world experiments using the LeapHand, the method also demonstrates an average success rate of 89%. D(R,O) Grasp provides a robust solution for dexterous grasping in complex and varied environments. The code, appendix, and videos are available on our project website at

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Helpful DoggyBot: Open-World Object Fetching using Legged Robots and Vision-Language Models

  • Authors: Qi Wu, Zipeng Fu, Xuxin Cheng, Xiaolong Wang, Chelsea Finn


Learning-based methods have achieved strong performance for quadrupedal locomotion. However, several challenges prevent quadrupeds from learning helpful indoor skills that require interaction with environments and humans: lack of end-effectors for manipulation, limited semantic understanding using only simulation data, and low traversability and reachability in indoor environments. We present a system for quadrupedal mobile manipulation in indoor environments. It uses a front-mounted gripper for object manipulation, a low-level controller trained in simulation using egocentric depth for agile skills like climbing and whole-body tilting, and pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs) with a third-person fisheye and an egocentric RGB camera for semantic understanding and command generation. We evaluate our system in two unseen environments without any real-world data collection or training. Our system can zero-shot generalize to these environments and complete tasks, like following user's commands to fetch a randomly placed stuff toy after climbing over a queen-sized bed, with a 60% success rate. Project website:

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ManiSkill3: GPU Parallelized Robotics Simulation and Rendering for Generalizable Embodied AI

  • Authors: Stone Tao, Fanbo Xiang, Arth Shukla, Yuzhe Qin, Xander Hinrichsen, Xiaodi Yuan, Chen Bao, Xinsong Lin, Yulin Liu, Tse-kai Chan, Yuan Gao, Xuanlin Li, Tongzhou Mu, Nan Xiao, Arnav Gurha, Zhiao Huang, Roberto Calandra, Rui Chen, Shan Luo, Hao Su


Simulation has enabled unprecedented compute-scalable approaches to robot learning. However, many existing simulation frameworks typically support a narrow range of scenes/tasks and lack features critical for scaling generalizable robotics and sim2real. We introduce and open source ManiSkill3, the fastest state-visual GPU parallelized robotics simulator with contact-rich physics targeting generalizable manipulation. ManiSkill3 supports GPU parallelization of many aspects including simulation+rendering, heterogeneous simulation, pointclouds/voxels visual input, and more. Simulation with rendering on ManiSkill3 can run 10-1000x faster with 2-3x less GPU memory usage than other platforms, achieving up to 30,000+ FPS in benchmarked environments due to minimal python/pytorch overhead in the system, simulation on the GPU, and the use of the SAPIEN parallel rendering system. Tasks that used to take hours to train can now take minutes. We further provide the most comprehensive range of GPU parallelized environments/tasks spanning 12 distinct domains including but not limited to mobile manipulation for tasks such as drawing, humanoids, and dextrous manipulation in realistic scenes designed by artists or real-world digital twins. In addition, millions of demonstration frames are provided from motion planning, RL, and teleoperation. ManiSkill3 also provides a comprehensive set of baselines that span popular RL and learning-from-demonstrations algorithms.

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RobotGraffiti: An AR tool for semi-automated construction of workcell models to optimize robot deployment

  • Authors: Krzysztof Zieliński, Ryan Penning, Bruce Blumberg, Christian Schlette, Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard


Improving robot deployment is a central step towards speeding up robot-based automation in manufacturing. A main challenge in robot deployment is how to best place the robot within the workcell. To tackle this challenge, we combine two knowledge sources: robotic knowledge of the system and workcell context awareness of the user, and intersect them with an Augmented Reality interface. RobotGraffiti is a unique tool that empowers the user in robot deployment tasks. One simply takes a 3D scan of the workcell with their mobile device, adds contextual data points that otherwise would be difficult to infer from the system, and receives a robot base position that satisfies the automation task. The proposed approach is an alternative to expensive and time-consuming digital twins, with a fast and easy-to-use tool that focuses on selected workcell features needed to run the placement optimization algorithm. The main contributions of this paper are the novel user interface for robot base placement data collection and a study comparing the traditional offline simulation with our proposed method. We showcase the method with a robot base placement solution and obtain up to 16 times reduction in time.

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Obstacle-Avoidant Leader Following with a Quadruped Robot

  • Authors: Carmen Scheidemann, Lennart Werner, Victor Reijgwart, Andrei Cramariuc, Joris Chomarat, Jia-Ruei Chiu, Roland Siegwart, Marco Hutter


Personal mobile robotic assistants are expected to find wide applications in industry and healthcare. For example, people with limited mobility can benefit from robots helping with daily tasks, or construction workers can have robots perform precision monitoring tasks on-site. However, manually steering a robot while in motion requires significant concentration from the operator, especially in tight or crowded spaces. This reduces walking speed, and the constant need for vigilance increases fatigue and, thus, the risk of accidents. This work presents a virtual leash with which a robot can naturally follow an operator. We use a sensor fusion based on a custom-built RF transponder, RGB cameras, and a LiDAR. In addition, we customize a local avoidance planner for legged platforms, which enables us to navigate dynamic and narrow environments. We successfully validate on the ANYmal platform the robustness and performance of our entire pipeline in real-world experiments.

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KineDepth: Utilizing Robot Kinematics for Online Metric Depth Estimation

  • Authors: Soofiyan Atar, Yuheng Zhi, Florian Richter, Michael Yip


Depth perception is essential for a robot's spatial and geometric understanding of its environment, with many tasks traditionally relying on hardware-based depth sensors like RGB-D or stereo cameras. However, these sensors face practical limitations, including issues with transparent and reflective objects, high costs, calibration complexity, spatial and energy constraints, and increased failure rates in compound systems. While monocular depth estimation methods offer a cost-effective and simpler alternative, their adoption in robotics is limited due to their output of relative rather than metric depth, which is crucial for robotics applications. In this paper, we propose a method that utilizes a single calibrated camera, enabling the robot to act as a ``measuring stick" to convert relative depth estimates into metric depth in real-time as tasks are performed. Our approach employs an LSTM-based metric depth regressor, trained online and refined through probabilistic filtering, to accurately restore the metric depth across the monocular depth map, particularly in areas proximal to the robot's motion. Experiments with real robots demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms current state-of-the-art monocular metric depth estimation techniques, achieving a 22.1% reduction in depth error and a 52% increase in success rate for a downstream task.

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OptiGrasp: Optimized Grasp Pose Detection Using RGB Images for Warehouse Picking Robots

  • Authors: Soofiyan Atar, Yi Li, Markus Grotz, Michael Wolf, Dieter Fox, Joshua Smith


In warehouse environments, robots require robust picking capabilities to manage a wide variety of objects. Effective deployment demands minimal hardware, strong generalization to new products, and resilience in diverse settings. Current methods often rely on depth sensors for structural information, which suffer from high costs, complex setups, and technical limitations. Inspired by recent advancements in computer vision, we propose an innovative approach that leverages foundation models to enhance suction grasping using only RGB images. Trained solely on a synthetic dataset, our method generalizes its grasp prediction capabilities to real-world robots and a diverse range of novel objects not included in the training set. Our network achieves an 82.3\% success rate in real-world applications. The project website with code and data will be available at

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Fast-UMI: A Scalable and Hardware-Independent Universal Manipulation Interface

  • Authors: Ziniu Wu, Tianyu Wang, Zhaxizhuoma, Chuyue Guan, Zhongjie Jia, Shuai Liang, Haoming Song, Delin Qu, Dong Wang, Zhigang Wang, Nieqing Cao, Yan Ding, Bin Zhao, Xuelong Li


Collecting real-world manipulation trajectory data involving robotic arms is essential for developing general-purpose action policies in robotic manipulation, yet such data remains scarce. Existing methods face limitations such as high costs, labor intensity, hardware dependencies, and complex setup requirements involving SLAM algorithms. In this work, we introduce Fast-UMI, an interface-mediated manipulation system comprising two key components: a handheld device operated by humans for data collection and a robot-mounted device used during policy inference. Our approach employs a decoupled design compatible with a wide range of grippers while maintaining consistent observation perspectives, allowing models trained on handheld-collected data to be directly applied to real robots. By directly obtaining the end-effector pose using existing commercial hardware products, we eliminate the need for complex SLAM deployment and calibration, streamlining data processing. Fast-UMI provides supporting software tools for efficient robot learning data collection and conversion, facilitating rapid, plug-and-play functionality. This system offers an efficient and user-friendly tool for robotic learning data acquisition.

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RoboNurse-VLA: Robotic Scrub Nurse System based on Vision-Language-Action Model

  • Authors: Shunlei Li, Jin Wang, Rui Dai, Wanyu Ma, Wing Yin Ng, Yingbai Hu, Zheng Li


In modern healthcare, the demand for autonomous robotic assistants has grown significantly, particularly in the operating room, where surgical tasks require precision and reliability. Robotic scrub nurses have emerged as a promising solution to improve efficiency and reduce human error during surgery. However, challenges remain in terms of accurately grasping and handing over surgical instruments, especially when dealing with complex or difficult objects in dynamic environments. In this work, we introduce a novel robotic scrub nurse system, RoboNurse-VLA, built on a Vision-Language-Action (VLA) model by integrating the Segment Anything Model 2 (SAM 2) and the Llama 2 language model. The proposed RoboNurse-VLA system enables highly precise grasping and handover of surgical instruments in real-time based on voice commands from the surgeon. Leveraging state-of-the-art vision and language models, the system can address key challenges for object detection, pose optimization, and the handling of complex and difficult-to-grasp instruments. Through extensive evaluations, RoboNurse-VLA demonstrates superior performance compared to existing models, achieving high success rates in surgical instrument handovers, even with unseen tools and challenging items. This work presents a significant step forward in autonomous surgical assistance, showcasing the potential of integrating VLA models for real-world medical applications. More details can be found at

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Obstacle-Aware Quadrupedal Locomotion With Resilient Multi-Modal Reinforcement Learning

  • Authors: I Made Aswin Nahrendra, Byeongho Yu, Minho Oh, Dongkyu Lee, Seunghyun Lee, Hyeonwoo Lee, Hyungtae Lim, Hyun Myung


Quadrupedal robots hold promising potential for applications in navigating cluttered environments with resilience akin to their animal counterparts. However, their floating base configuration makes them vulnerable to real-world uncertainties, yielding substantial challenges in their locomotion control. Deep reinforcement learning has become one of the plausible alternatives for realizing a robust locomotion controller. However, the approaches that rely solely on proprioception sacrifice collision-free locomotion because they require front-feet contact to detect the presence of stairs to adapt the locomotion gait. Meanwhile, incorporating exteroception necessitates a precisely modeled map observed by exteroceptive sensors over a period of time. Therefore, this work proposes a novel method to fuse proprioception and exteroception featuring a resilient multi-modal reinforcement learning. The proposed method yields a controller that showcases agile locomotion performance on a quadrupedal robot over a myriad of real-world courses, including rough terrains, steep slopes, and high-rise stairs, while retaining its robustness against out-of-distribution situations.

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The Duke Humanoid: Design and Control For Energy Efficient Bipedal Locomotion Using Passive Dynamics

  • Authors: Boxi Xia, Bokuan Li, Jacob Lee, Michael Scutari, Boyuan Chen


We present the Duke Humanoid, an open-source 10-degrees-of-freedom humanoid, as an extensible platform for locomotion research. The design mimics human physiology, with minimized leg distances and symmetrical body alignment in the frontal plane to maintain static balance with straight knees. We develop a reinforcement learning policy that can be deployed zero-shot on the hardware for velocity-tracking walking tasks. Additionally, to enhance energy efficiency in locomotion, we propose an end-to-end reinforcement learning algorithm that encourages the robot to leverage passive dynamics. Our experiment results show that our passive policy reduces the cost of transport by up to $50\%$ in simulation and $31\%$ in real-world testing. Our website is .

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Playful DoggyBot: Learning Agile and Precise Quadrupedal Locomotion

  • Authors: Xin Duan, Ziwen Zhuang, Hang Zhao, Soeren Schwertfeger


Quadrupedal animals have the ability to perform agile while accurate tasks: a trained dog can chase and catch a flying frisbee before it touches the ground; a cat alone at home can jump and grab the door handle accurately. However, agility and precision are usually a trade-off in robotics problems. Recent works in quadruped robots either focus on agile but not-so-accurate tasks, such as locomotion in challenging terrain, or accurate but not-so-fast tasks, such as using an additional manipulator to interact with objects. In this work, we aim at an accurate and agile task, catching a small object hanging above the robot. We mount a passive gripper in front of the robot chassis, so that the robot has to jump and catch the object with extreme precision. Our experiment shows that our system is able to jump and successfully catch the ball at 1.05m high in simulation and 0.8m high in the real world, while the robot is 0.3m high when standing.

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GravMAD: Grounded Spatial Value Maps Guided Action Diffusion for Generalized 3D Manipulation

  • Authors: Yangtao Chen, Zixuan Chen, Junhui Yin, Jing Huo, Pinzhuo Tian, Jieqi Shi, Yang Gao


Robots' ability to follow language instructions and execute diverse 3D tasks is vital in robot learning. Traditional imitation learning-based methods perform well on seen tasks but struggle with novel, unseen ones due to variability. Recent approaches leverage large foundation models to assist in understanding novel tasks, thereby mitigating this issue. However, these methods lack a task-specific learning process, which is essential for an accurate understanding of 3D environments, often leading to execution failures. In this paper, we introduce GravMAD, a sub-goal-driven, language-conditioned action diffusion framework that combines the strengths of imitation learning and foundation models. Our approach breaks tasks into sub-goals based on language instructions, allowing auxiliary guidance during both training and inference. During training, we introduce Sub-goal Keypose Discovery to identify key sub-goals from demonstrations. Inference differs from training, as there are no demonstrations available, so we use pre-trained foundation models to bridge the gap and identify sub-goals for the current task. In both phases, GravMaps are generated from sub-goals, providing flexible 3D spatial guidance compared to fixed 3D positions. Empirical evaluations on RLBench show that GravMAD significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods, with a 28.63% improvement on novel tasks and a 13.36% gain on tasks encountered during training. These results demonstrate GravMAD's strong multi-task learning and generalization in 3D manipulation. Video demonstrations are available at:

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Opt2Skill: Imitating Dynamically-feasible Whole-Body Trajectories for Versatile Humanoid Loco-Manipulation

  • Authors: Fukang Liu, Zhaoyuan Gu, Yilin Cai, Ziyi Zhou, Shijie Zhao, Hyunyoung Jung, Sehoon Ha, Yue Chen, Danfei Xu, Ye Zhao


Humanoid robots are designed to perform diverse loco-manipulation tasks. However, they face challenges due to their high-dimensional and unstable dynamics, as well as the complex contact-rich nature of the tasks. Model-based optimal control methods offer precise and systematic control but are limited by high computational complexity and accurate contact sensing. On the other hand, reinforcement learning (RL) provides robustness and handles high-dimensional spaces but suffers from inefficient learning, unnatural motion, and sim-to-real gaps. To address these challenges, we introduce Opt2Skill, an end-to-end pipeline that combines model-based trajectory optimization with RL to achieve robust whole-body loco-manipulation. We generate reference motions for the Digit humanoid robot using differential dynamic programming (DDP) and train RL policies to track these trajectories. Our results demonstrate that Opt2Skill outperforms pure RL methods in both training efficiency and task performance, with optimal trajectories that account for torque limits enhancing trajectory tracking. We successfully transfer our approach to real-world applications.

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UniAff: A Unified Representation of Affordances for Tool Usage and Articulation with Vision-Language Models

  • Authors: Qiaojun Yu, Siyuan Huang, Xibin Yuan, Zhengkai Jiang, Ce Hao, Xin Li, Haonan Chang, Junbo Wang, Liu Liu, Hongsheng Li, Peng Gao, Cewu Lu


Previous studies on robotic manipulation are based on a limited understanding of the underlying 3D motion constraints and affordances. To address these challenges, we propose a comprehensive paradigm, termed UniAff, that integrates 3D object-centric manipulation and task understanding in a unified formulation. Specifically, we constructed a dataset labeled with manipulation-related key attributes, comprising 900 articulated objects from 19 categories and 600 tools from 12 categories. Furthermore, we leverage MLLMs to infer object-centric representations for manipulation tasks, including affordance recognition and reasoning about 3D motion constraints. Comprehensive experiments in both simulation and real-world settings indicate that UniAff significantly improves the generalization of robotic manipulation for tools and articulated objects. We hope that UniAff will serve as a general baseline for unified robotic manipulation tasks in the future. Images, videos, dataset, and code are published on the project website at:

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Continuously Improving Mobile Manipulation with Autonomous Real-World RL

  • Authors: Russell Mendonca, Emmanuel Panov, Bernadette Bucher, Jiuguang Wang, Deepak Pathak


We present a fully autonomous real-world RL framework for mobile manipulation that can learn policies without extensive instrumentation or human supervision. This is enabled by 1) task-relevant autonomy, which guides exploration towards object interactions and prevents stagnation near goal states, 2) efficient policy learning by leveraging basic task knowledge in behavior priors, and 3) formulating generic rewards that combine human-interpretable semantic information with low-level, fine-grained observations. We demonstrate that our approach allows Spot robots to continually improve their performance on a set of four challenging mobile manipulation tasks, obtaining an average success rate of 80% across tasks, a 3-4 improvement over existing approaches. Videos can be found at

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VLEIBot: A New 45-mg Swimming Microrobot Driven by a Bioinspired Anguilliform Propulsor

  • Authors: Elijah K. Blankenship, Conor K. Trygstad, Francisco M. F. R. Gonçalves, Néstor O. Pérez-Arancibia


This paper presents the VLEIBot^ (Very Little Eel-Inspired roBot), a 45-mg/23-mm^3 microrobotic swimmer that is propelled by a bioinspired anguilliform propulsor. The propulsor is excited by a single 6-mg high-work-density (HWD) microactuator and undulates periodically due to wave propagation phenomena generated by fluid-structure interaction (FSI) during swimming. The microactuator is composed of a carbon-fiber beam, which functions as a leaf spring, and shape-memory alloy (SMA) wires, which deform cyclically when excited periodically using Joule heating. The VLEIBot can swim at speeds as high as 15.1mm s^{-1} (0.33 Bl s^{-1}}) when driven with a heuristically-optimized propulsor. To improve maneuverability, we evolved the VLEIBot design into the 90-mg/47-mm^3 VLEIBot^+, which is driven by two propulsors and fully controllable in the two-dimensional (2D) space. The VLEIBot^+ can swim at speeds as high as 16.1mm s^{-1} (0.35 Bl s^{-1}), when driven with heuristically-optimized propulsors, and achieves turning rates as high as 0.28 rad s^{-1}, when tracking path references. The measured root-mean-square (RMS) values of the tracking errors are as low as 4 mm.

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Active Vision Might Be All You Need: Exploring Active Vision in Bimanual Robotic Manipulation

  • Authors: Ian Chuang, Andrew Lee, Dechen Gao, Iman Soltani


Imitation learning has demonstrated significant potential in performing high-precision manipulation tasks using visual feedback from cameras. However, it is common practice in imitation learning for cameras to be fixed in place, resulting in issues like occlusion and limited field of view. Furthermore, cameras are often placed in broad, general locations, without an effective viewpoint specific to the robot's task. In this work, we investigate the utility of active vision (AV) for imitation learning and manipulation, in which, in addition to the manipulation policy, the robot learns an AV policy from human demonstrations to dynamically change the robot's camera viewpoint to obtain better information about its environment and the given task. We introduce AV-ALOHA, a new bimanual teleoperation robot system with AV, an extension of the ALOHA 2 robot system, incorporating an additional 7-DoF robot arm that only carries a stereo camera and is solely tasked with finding the best viewpoint. This camera streams stereo video to an operator wearing a virtual reality (VR) headset, allowing the operator to control the camera pose using head and body movements. The system provides an immersive teleoperation experience, with bimanual first-person control, enabling the operator to dynamically explore and search the scene and simultaneously interact with the environment. We conduct imitation learning experiments of our system both in real-world and in simulation, across a variety of tasks that emphasize viewpoint planning. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of human-guided AV for imitation learning, showing significant improvements over fixed cameras in tasks with limited visibility. Project website:

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Robust Ladder Climbing with a Quadrupedal Robot

  • Authors: Dylan Vogel, Robert Baines, Joseph Church, Julian Lotzer, Karl Werner, Marco Hutter


Quadruped robots are proliferating in industrial environments where they carry sensor suites and serve as autonomous inspection platforms. Despite the advantages of legged robots over their wheeled counterparts on rough and uneven terrain, they are still yet to be able to reliably negotiate ubiquitous features of industrial infrastructure: ladders. Inability to traverse ladders prevents quadrupeds from inspecting dangerous locations, puts humans in harm's way, and reduces industrial site productivity. In this paper, we learn quadrupedal ladder climbing via a reinforcement learning-based control policy and a complementary hooked end-effector. We evaluate the robustness in simulation across different ladder inclinations, rung geometries, and inter-rung spacings. On hardware, we demonstrate zero-shot transfer with an overall 90% success rate at ladder angles ranging from 70{\deg} to 90{\deg}, consistent climbing performance during unmodeled perturbations, and climbing speeds 232x faster than the state of the art. This work expands the scope of industrial quadruped robot applications beyond inspection on nominal terrains to challenging infrastructural features in the environment, highlighting synergies between robot morphology and control policy when performing complex skills. More information can be found at the project website:

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LoopSR: Looping Sim-and-Real for Lifelong Policy Adaptation of Legged Robots

  • Authors: Peilin Wu, Weiji Xie, Jiahang Cao, Hang Lai, Weinan Zhang


Reinforcement Learning (RL) has shown its remarkable and generalizable capability in legged locomotion through sim-to-real transfer. However, while adaptive methods like domain randomization are expected to make policy more robust to diverse environments, such comprehensiveness potentially detracts from the policy's performance in any specific environment according to the No Free Lunch theorem, leading to a suboptimal solution once deployed in the real world. To address this issue, we propose a lifelong policy adaptation framework named LoopSR, which utilizes a transformer-based encoder to project real-world trajectories into a latent space, and accordingly reconstruct the real-world environments back in simulation for further improvement. Autoencoder architecture and contrastive learning methods are adopted to better extract the characteristics of real-world dynamics. The simulation parameters for continual training are derived by combining predicted parameters from the decoder with retrieved parameters from the simulation trajectory dataset. By leveraging the continual training, LoopSR achieves superior data efficiency compared with strong baselines, with only a limited amount of data to yield eminent performance in both sim-to-sim and sim-to-real experiments.

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Tag Map: A Text-Based Map for Spatial Reasoning and Navigation with Large Language Models

  • Authors: Mike Zhang, Kaixian Qu, Vaishakh Patil, Cesar Cadena, Marco Hutter


Large Language Models (LLM) have emerged as a tool for robots to generate task plans using common sense reasoning. For the LLM to generate actionable plans, scene context must be provided, often through a map. Recent works have shifted from explicit maps with fixed semantic classes to implicit open vocabulary maps based on queryable embeddings capable of representing any semantic class. However, embeddings cannot directly report the scene context as they are implicit, requiring further processing for LLM integration. To address this, we propose an explicit text-based map that can represent thousands of semantic classes while easily integrating with LLMs due to their text-based nature by building upon large-scale image recognition models. We study how entities in our map can be localized and show through evaluations that our text-based map localizations perform comparably to those from open vocabulary maps while using two to four orders of magnitude less memory. Real-robot experiments demonstrate the grounding of an LLM with the text-based map to solve user tasks.

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Autotuning Bipedal Locomotion MPC with GRFM-Net for Efficient Sim-to-Real Transfer

  • Authors: Qianzhong Chen, Junheng Li, Sheng Cheng, Naira Hovakimyan, Quan Nguyen


Bipedal locomotion control is essential for humanoid robots to navigate complex, human-centric environments. While optimization-based control designs are popular for integrating sophisticated models of humanoid robots, they often require labor-intensive manual tuning. In this work, we address the challenges of parameter selection in bipedal locomotion control using DiffTune, a model-based autotuning method that leverages differential programming for efficient parameter learning. A major difficulty lies in balancing model fidelity with differentiability. We address this difficulty using a low-fidelity model for differentiability, enhanced by a Ground Reaction Force-and-Moment Network (GRFM-Net) to capture discrepancies between MPC commands and actual control effects. We validate the parameters learned by DiffTune with GRFM-Net in hardware experiments, which demonstrates the parameters' optimality in a multi-objective setting compared with baseline parameters, reducing the total loss by up to 40.5$\%$ compared with the expert-tuned parameters. The results confirm the GRFM-Net's effectiveness in mitigating the sim-to-real gap, improving the transferability of simulation-learned parameters to real hardware.

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A Learning Framework for Diverse Legged Robot Locomotion Using Barrier-Based Style Rewards

  • Authors: Gijeong Kim, Yong-Hoon Lee, Hae-Won Park


This work introduces a model-free reinforcement learning framework that enables various modes of motion (quadruped, tripod, or biped) and diverse tasks for legged robot locomotion. We employ a motion-style reward based on a relaxed logarithmic barrier function as a soft constraint, to bias the learning process toward the desired motion style, such as gait, foot clearance, joint position, or body height. The predefined gait cycle is encoded in a flexible manner, facilitating gait adjustments throughout the learning process. Extensive experiments demonstrate that KAIST HOUND, a 45 kg robotic system, can achieve biped, tripod, and quadruped locomotion using the proposed framework; quadrupedal capabilities include traversing uneven terrain, galloping at 4.67 m/s, and overcoming obstacles up to 58 cm (67 cm for HOUND2); bipedal capabilities include running at 3.6 m/s, carrying a 7.5 kg object, and ascending stairs-all performed without exteroceptive input.

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AnyCar to Anywhere: Learning Universal Dynamics Model for Agile and Adaptive Mobility

  • Authors: Wenli Xiao, Haoru Xue, Tony Tao, Dvij Kalaria, John M. Dolan, Guanya Shi


Recent works in the robot learning community have successfully introduced generalist models capable of controlling various robot embodiments across a wide range of tasks, such as navigation and locomotion. However, achieving agile control, which pushes the limits of robotic performance, still relies on specialist models that require extensive parameter tuning. To leverage generalist-model adaptability and flexibility while achieving specialist-level agility, we propose AnyCar, a transformer-based generalist dynamics model designed for agile control of various wheeled robots. To collect training data, we unify multiple simulators and leverage different physics backends to simulate vehicles with diverse sizes, scales, and physical properties across various terrains. With robust training and real-world fine-tuning, our model enables precise adaptation to different vehicles, even in the wild and under large state estimation errors. In real-world experiments, AnyCar shows both few-shot and zero-shot generalization across a wide range of vehicles and environments, where our model, combined with a sampling-based MPC, outperforms specialist models by up to 54%. These results represent a key step toward building a foundation model for agile wheeled robot control. We will also open-source our framework to support further research.

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Whole-body end-effector pose tracking

  • Authors: Tifanny Portela, Andrei Cramariuc, Mayank Mittal, Marco Hutter


Combining manipulation with the mobility of legged robots is essential for a wide range of robotic applications. However, integrating an arm with a mobile base significantly increases the system's complexity, making precise end-effector control challenging. Existing model-based approaches are often constrained by their modeling assumptions, leading to limited robustness. Meanwhile, recent Reinforcement Learning (RL) implementations restrict the arm's workspace to be in front of the robot or track only the position to obtain decent tracking accuracy. In this work, we address these limitations by introducing a whole-body RL formulation for end-effector pose tracking in a large workspace on rough, unstructured terrains. Our proposed method involves a terrain-aware sampling strategy for the robot's initial configuration and end-effector pose commands, as well as a game-based curriculum to extend the robot's operating range. We validate our approach on the ANYmal quadrupedal robot with a six DoF robotic arm. Through our experiments, we show that the learned controller achieves precise command tracking over a large workspace and adapts across varying terrains such as stairs and slopes. On deployment, it achieves a pose-tracking error of 2.64 cm and 3.64 degrees, outperforming existing competitive baselines.

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Gen2Act: Human Video Generation in Novel Scenarios enables Generalizable Robot Manipulation

  • Authors: Homanga Bharadhwaj, Debidatta Dwibedi, Abhinav Gupta, Shubham Tulsiani, Carl Doersch, Ted Xiao, Dhruv Shah, Fei Xia, Dorsa Sadigh, Sean Kirmani


How can robot manipulation policies generalize to novel tasks involving unseen object types and new motions? In this paper, we provide a solution in terms of predicting motion information from web data through human video generation and conditioning a robot policy on the generated video. Instead of attempting to scale robot data collection which is expensive, we show how we can leverage video generation models trained on easily available web data, for enabling generalization. Our approach Gen2Act casts language-conditioned manipulation as zero-shot human video generation followed by execution with a single policy conditioned on the generated video. To train the policy, we use an order of magnitude less robot interaction data compared to what the video prediction model was trained on. Gen2Act doesn't require fine-tuning the video model at all and we directly use a pre-trained model for generating human videos. Our results on diverse real-world scenarios show how Gen2Act enables manipulating unseen object types and performing novel motions for tasks not present in the robot data. Videos are at

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Articulated Object Manipulation using Online Axis Estimation with SAM2-Based Tracking

  • Authors: Xi Wang, Tianxing Chen, Qiaojun Yu, Tianling Xu, Zanxin Chen, Yiting Fu, Cewu Lu, Yao Mu, Ping Luo


Articulated object manipulation requires precise object interaction, where the object's axis must be carefully considered. Previous research employed interactive perception for manipulating articulated objects, but typically, open-loop approaches often suffer from overlooking the interaction dynamics. To address this limitation, we present a closed-loop pipeline integrating interactive perception with online axis estimation from segmented 3D point clouds. Our method leverages any interactive perception technique as a foundation for interactive perception, inducing slight object movement to generate point cloud frames of the evolving dynamic scene. These point clouds are then segmented using Segment Anything Model 2 (SAM2), after which the moving part of the object is masked for accurate motion online axis estimation, guiding subsequent robotic actions. Our approach significantly enhances the precision and efficiency of manipulation tasks involving articulated objects. Experiments in simulated environments demonstrate that our method outperforms baseline approaches, especially in tasks that demand precise axis-based control. Project Page:

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MaskedMimic: Unified Physics-Based Character Control Through Masked Motion Inpainting

  • Authors: Chen Tessler, Yunrong Guo, Ofir Nabati, Gal Chechik, Xue Bin Peng


Crafting a single, versatile physics-based controller that can breathe life into interactive characters across a wide spectrum of scenarios represents an exciting frontier in character animation. An ideal controller should support diverse control modalities, such as sparse target keyframes, text instructions, and scene information. While previous works have proposed physically simulated, scene-aware control models, these systems have predominantly focused on developing controllers that each specializes in a narrow set of tasks and control modalities. This work presents MaskedMimic, a novel approach that formulates physics-based character control as a general motion inpainting problem. Our key insight is to train a single unified model to synthesize motions from partial (masked) motion descriptions, such as masked keyframes, objects, text descriptions, or any combination thereof. This is achieved by leveraging motion tracking data and designing a scalable training method that can effectively utilize diverse motion descriptions to produce coherent animations. Through this process, our approach learns a physics-based controller that provides an intuitive control interface without requiring tedious reward engineering for all behaviors of interest. The resulting controller supports a wide range of control modalities and enables seamless transitions between disparate tasks. By unifying character control through motion inpainting, MaskedMimic creates versatile virtual characters. These characters can dynamically adapt to complex scenes and compose diverse motions on demand, enabling more interactive and immersive experiences.

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ScissorBot: Learning Generalizable Scissor Skill for Paper Cutting via Simulation, Imitation, and Sim2Real

  • Authors: Jiangran Lyu, Yuxing Chen, Tao Du, Feng Zhu, Huiquan Liu, Yizhou Wang, He Wang


This paper tackles the challenging robotic task of generalizable paper cutting using scissors. In this task, scissors attached to a robot arm are driven to accurately cut curves drawn on the paper, which is hung with the top edge fixed. Due to the frequent paper-scissor contact and consequent fracture, the paper features continual deformation and changing topology, which is diffult for accurate modeling. To ensure effective execution, we customize an action primitive sequence for imitation learning to constrain its action space, thus alleviating potential compounding errors. Finally, by integrating sim-to-real techniques to bridge the gap between simulation and reality, our policy can be effectively deployed on the real robot. Experimental results demonstrate that our method surpasses all baselines in both simulation and real-world benchmarks and achieves performance comparable to human operation with a single hand under the same conditions.

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D3RoMa: Disparity Diffusion-based Depth Sensing for Material-Agnostic Robotic Manipulation

  • Authors: Songlin Wei, Haoran Geng, Jiayi Chen, Congyue Deng, Wenbo Cui, Chengyang Zhao, Xiaomeng Fang, Leonidas Guibas, He Wang


Depth sensing is an important problem for 3D vision-based robotics. Yet, a real-world active stereo or ToF depth camera often produces noisy and incomplete depth which bottlenecks robot performances. In this work, we propose D3RoMa, a learning-based depth estimation framework on stereo image pairs that predicts clean and accurate depth in diverse indoor scenes, even in the most challenging scenarios with translucent or specular surfaces where classical depth sensing completely fails. Key to our method is that we unify depth estimation and restoration into an image-to-image translation problem by predicting the disparity map with a denoising diffusion probabilistic model. At inference time, we further incorporated a left-right consistency constraint as classifier guidance to the diffusion process. Our framework combines recently advanced learning-based approaches and geometric constraints from traditional stereo vision. For model training, we create a large scene-level synthetic dataset with diverse transparent and specular objects to compensate for existing tabletop datasets. The trained model can be directly applied to real-world in-the-wild scenes and achieve state-of-the-art performance in multiple public depth estimation benchmarks. Further experiments in real environments show that accurate depth prediction significantly improves robotic manipulation in various scenarios.

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Towards Robust Automation of Surgical Systems via Digital Twin-based Scene Representations from Foundation Models

  • Authors: Hao Ding, Lalithkumar Seenivasan, Hongchao Shu, Grayson Byrd, Han Zhang, Pu Xiao, Juan Antonio Barragan, Russell H. Taylor, Peter Kazanzides, Mathias Unberath


Large language model-based (LLM) agents are emerging as a powerful enabler of robust embodied intelligence due to their capability of planning complex action sequences. Sound planning ability is necessary for robust automation in many task domains, but especially in surgical automation. These agents rely on a highly detailed natural language representation of the scene. Thus, to leverage the emergent capabilities of LLM agents for surgical task planning, developing similarly powerful and robust perception algorithms is necessary to derive a detailed scene representation of the environment from visual input. Previous research has focused primarily on enabling LLM-based task planning while adopting simple yet severely limited perception solutions to meet the needs for bench-top experiments but lack the critical flexibility to scale to less constrained settings. In this work, we propose an alternate perception approach -- a digital twin-based machine perception approach that capitalizes on the convincing performance and out-of-the-box generalization of recent vision foundation models. Integrating our digital twin-based scene representation and LLM agent for planning with the dVRK platform, we develop an embodied intelligence system and evaluate its robustness in performing peg transfer and gauze retrieval tasks. Our approach shows strong task performance and generalizability to varied environment settings. Despite convincing performance, this work is merely a first step towards the integration of digital twin-based scene representations. Future studies are necessary for the realization of a comprehensive digital twin framework to improve the interpretability and generalizability of embodied intelligence in surgery.

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SoloParkour: Constrained Reinforcement Learning for Visual Locomotion from Privileged Experience

  • Authors: Elliot Chane-Sane, Joseph Amigo, Thomas Flayols, Ludovic Righetti, Nicolas Mansard


Parkour poses a significant challenge for legged robots, requiring navigation through complex environments with agility and precision based on limited sensory inputs. In this work, we introduce a novel method for training end-to-end visual policies, from depth pixels to robot control commands, to achieve agile and safe quadruped locomotion. We formulate robot parkour as a constrained reinforcement learning (RL) problem designed to maximize the emergence of agile skills within the robot's physical limits while ensuring safety. We first train a policy without vision using privileged information about the robot's surroundings. We then generate experience from this privileged policy to warm-start a sample efficient off-policy RL algorithm from depth images. This allows the robot to adapt behaviors from this privileged experience to visual locomotion while circumventing the high computational costs of RL directly from pixels. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on a real Solo-12 robot, showcasing its capability to perform a variety of parkour skills such as walking, climbing, leaping, and crawling.

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Extended Reality System for Robotic Learning from Human Demonstration

  • Authors: Isaac Ngui, Courtney McBeth, Grace He, André Corrêa Santos, Luciano Soares, Marco Morales, Nancy M. Amato


Many real-world tasks are intuitive for a human to perform, but difficult to encode algorithmically when utilizing a robot to perform the tasks. In these scenarios, robotic systems can benefit from expert demonstrations to learn how to perform each task. In many settings, it may be difficult or unsafe to use a physical robot to provide these demonstrations, for example, considering cooking tasks such as slicing with a knife. Extended reality provides a natural setting for demonstrating robotic trajectories while bypassing safety concerns and providing a broader range of interaction modalities. We propose the Robot Action Demonstration in Extended Reality (RADER) system, a generic extended reality interface for learning from demonstration. We additionally present its application to an existing state-of-the-art learning from demonstration approach and show comparable results between demonstrations given on a physical robot and those given using our extended reality system.

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Generalized Robot Learning Framework

  • Authors: Jiahuan Yan, Zhouyang Hong, Yu Zhao, Yu Tian, Yunxin Liu, Travis Davies, Luhui Hu


Imitation based robot learning has recently gained significant attention in the robotics field due to its theoretical potential for transferability and generalizability. However, it remains notoriously costly, both in terms of hardware and data collection, and deploying it in real-world environments demands meticulous setup of robots and precise experimental conditions. In this paper, we present a low-cost robot learning framework that is both easily reproducible and transferable to various robots and environments. We demonstrate that deployable imitation learning can be successfully applied even to industrial-grade robots, not just expensive collaborative robotic arms. Furthermore, our results show that multi-task robot learning is achievable with simple network architectures and fewer demonstrations than previously thought necessary. As the current evaluating method is almost subjective when it comes to real-world manipulation tasks, we propose Voting Positive Rate (VPR) - a novel evaluation strategy that provides a more objective assessment of performance. We conduct an extensive comparison of success rates across various self-designed tasks to validate our approach. To foster collaboration and support the robot learning community, we have open-sourced all relevant datasets and model checkpoints, available at

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An Efficient Projection-Based Next-best-view Planning Framework for Reconstruction of Unknown Objects

  • Authors: Zhizhou Jia, Shaohui Zhang, Qun Hao


Efficiently and completely capturing the three-dimensional data of an object is a fundamental problem in industrial and robotic applications. The task of next-best-view (NBV) planning is to infer the pose of the next viewpoint based on the current data, and gradually realize the complete three-dimensional reconstruction. Many existing algorithms, however, suffer a large computational burden due to the use of ray-casting. To address this, this paper proposes a projection-based NBV planning framework. It can select the next best view at an extremely fast speed while ensuring the complete scanning of the object. Specifically, this framework refits different types of voxel clusters into ellipsoids based on the voxel structure.Then, the next best view is selected from the candidate views using a projection-based viewpoint quality evaluation function in conjunction with a global partitioning strategy. This process replaces the ray-casting in voxel structures, significantly improving the computational efficiency. Comparative experiments with other algorithms in a simulation environment show that the framework proposed in this paper can achieve 10 times efficiency improvement on the basis of capturing roughly the same coverage. The real-world experimental results also prove the efficiency and feasibility of the framework.

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DynaMo: In-Domain Dynamics Pretraining for Visuo-Motor Control

  • Authors: Zichen Jeff Cui, Hengkai Pan, Aadhithya Iyer, Siddhant Haldar, Lerrel Pinto


Imitation learning has proven to be a powerful tool for training complex visuomotor policies. However, current methods often require hundreds to thousands of expert demonstrations to handle high-dimensional visual observations. A key reason for this poor data efficiency is that visual representations are predominantly either pretrained on out-of-domain data or trained directly through a behavior cloning objective. In this work, we present DynaMo, a new in-domain, self-supervised method for learning visual representations. Given a set of expert demonstrations, we jointly learn a latent inverse dynamics model and a forward dynamics model over a sequence of image embeddings, predicting the next frame in latent space, without augmentations, contrastive sampling, or access to ground truth actions. Importantly, DynaMo does not require any out-of-domain data such as Internet datasets or cross-embodied datasets. On a suite of six simulated and real environments, we show that representations learned with DynaMo significantly improve downstream imitation learning performance over prior self-supervised learning objectives, and pretrained representations. Gains from using DynaMo hold across policy classes such as Behavior Transformer, Diffusion Policy, MLP, and nearest neighbors. Finally, we ablate over key components of DynaMo and measure its impact on downstream policy performance. Robot videos are best viewed at

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Agile Continuous Jumping in Discontinuous Terrains

  • Authors: Yuxiang Yang, Guanya Shi, Changyi Lin, Xiangyun Meng, Rosario Scalise, Mateo Guaman Castro, Wenhao Yu, Tingnan Zhang, Ding Zhao, Jie Tan, Byron Boots


We focus on agile, continuous, and terrain-adaptive jumping of quadrupedal robots in discontinuous terrains such as stairs and stepping stones. Unlike single-step jumping, continuous jumping requires accurately executing highly dynamic motions over long horizons, which is challenging for existing approaches. To accomplish this task, we design a hierarchical learning and control framework, which consists of a learned heightmap predictor for robust terrain perception, a reinforcement-learning-based centroidal-level motion policy for versatile and terrain-adaptive planning, and a low-level model-based leg controller for accurate motion tracking. In addition, we minimize the sim-to-real gap by accurately modeling the hardware characteristics. Our framework enables a Unitree Go1 robot to perform agile and continuous jumps on human-sized stairs and sparse stepping stones, for the first time to the best of our knowledge. In particular, the robot can cross two stair steps in each jump and completes a 3.5m long, 2.8m high, 14-step staircase in 4.5 seconds. Moreover, the same policy outperforms baselines in various other parkour tasks, such as jumping over single horizontal or vertical discontinuities. Experiment videos can be found at

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MoDex: Planning High-Dimensional Dexterous Control via Learning Neural Hand Models

  • Authors: Tong Wu, Shoujie Li, Chuqiao Lyu, Kit-Wa Sou, Wang-Sing Chan, Wenbo Ding


Controlling hands in the high-dimensional action space has been a longstanding challenge, yet humans naturally perform dexterous tasks with ease. In this paper, we draw inspiration from the human embodied cognition and reconsider dexterous hands as learnable systems. Specifically, we introduce MoDex, a framework which employs a neural hand model to capture the dynamical characteristics of hand movements. Based on the model, a bidirectional planning method is developed, which demonstrates efficiency in both training and inference. The method is further integrated with a large language model to generate various gestures such as Scissorshand" and Rock\&Roll." Moreover, we show that decomposing the system dynamics into a pretrained hand model and an external model improves data efficiency, as supported by both theoretical analysis and empirical experiments. Additional visualization results are available at

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TacDiffusion: Force-domain Diffusion Policy for Precise Tactile Manipulation

  • Authors: Yansong Wu, Zongxie Chen, Fan Wu, Lingyun Chen, Liding Zhang, Zhenshan Bing, Abdalla Swikir, Alois Knoll, Sami Haddadin


Assembly is a crucial skill for robots in both modern manufacturing and service robotics. However, mastering transferable insertion skills that can handle a variety of high-precision assembly tasks remains a significant challenge. This paper presents a novel framework that utilizes diffusion models to generate 6D wrench for high-precision tactile robotic insertion tasks. It learns from demonstrations performed on a single task and achieves a zero-shot transfer success rate of 95.7% across various novel high-precision tasks. Our method effectively inherits the self-adaptability demonstrated by our previous work. In this framework, we address the frequency misalignment between the diffusion policy and the real-time control loop with a dynamic system-based filter, significantly improving the task success rate by 9.15%. Furthermore, we provide a practical guideline regarding the trade-off between diffusion models' inference ability and speed.

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Use the Force, Bot! -- Force-Aware ProDMP with Event-Based Replanning

  • Authors: Paul Werner Lödige, Maximilian Xiling Li, Rudolf Lioutikov


Movement Primitives (MPs) are a well-established method for representing and generating modular robot trajectories. This work presents FA-ProDMP, a new approach which introduces force awareness to Probabilistic Dynamic Movement Primitives (ProDMP). FA-ProDMP adapts the trajectory during runtime to account for measured and desired forces. It offers smooth trajectories and captures position and force correlations over multiple trajectories, e.g. a set of human demonstrations. FA-ProDMP supports multiple axes of force and is thus agnostic to cartesian or joint space control. This makes FA-ProDMP a valuable tool for learning contact rich manipulation tasks such as polishing, cutting or industrial assembly from demonstration. In order to reliably evaluate FA-ProDMP, this work additionally introduces a modular, 3D printed task suite called POEMPEL, inspired by the popular Lego Technic pins. POEMPEL mimics industrial peg-in-hole assembly tasks with force requirements. It offers multiple parameters of adjustment, such as position, orientation and plug stiffness level, thus varying the direction and amount of required forces. Our experiments show that FA-ProDMP outperforms other MP formulations on the POEMPEL setup and a electrical power plug insertion task, due to its replanning capabilities based on the measured forces. These findings highlight how FA-ProDMP enhances the performance of robotic systems in contact-rich manipulation tasks.

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Learning to enhance multi-legged robot on rugged landscapes

  • Authors: Juntao He, Baxi Chong, Zhaochen Xu, Sehoon Ha, Daniel I. Goldman


Navigating rugged landscapes poses significant challenges for legged locomotion. Multi-legged robots (those with 6 and greater) offer a promising solution for such terrains, largely due to their inherent high static stability, resulting from a low center of mass and wide base of support. Such systems require minimal effort to maintain balance. Recent studies have shown that a linear controller, which modulates the vertical body undulation of a multi-legged robot in response to shifts in terrain roughness, can ensure reliable mobility on challenging terrains. However, the potential of a learning-based control framework that adjusts multiple parameters to address terrain heterogeneity remains underexplored. We posit that the development of an experimentally validated physics-based simulator for this robot can rapidly advance capabilities by allowing wide parameter space exploration. Here we develop a MuJoCo-based simulator tailored to this robotic platform and use the simulation to develop a reinforcement learning-based control framework that dynamically adjusts horizontal and vertical body undulation, and limb stepping in real-time. Our approach improves robot performance in simulation, laboratory experiments, and outdoor tests. Notably, our real-world experiments reveal that the learning-based controller achieves a 30\% to 50\% increase in speed compared to a linear controller, which only modulates vertical body waves. We hypothesize that the superior performance of the learning-based controller arises from its ability to adjust multiple parameters simultaneously, including limb stepping, horizontal body wave, and vertical body wave.

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Robots with Attitude: Singularity-Free Quaternion-Based Model-Predictive Control for Agile Legged Robots

  • Authors: Zixin Zhang, John Z. Zhang, Shuo Yang, Zachary Manchester


We present a model-predictive control (MPC) framework for legged robots that avoids the singularities associated with common three-parameter attitude representations like Euler angles during large-angle rotations. Our method parameterizes the robot's attitude with singularity-free unit quaternions and makes modifications to the iterative linear-quadratic regulator (iLQR) algorithm to deal with the resulting geometry. The derivation of our algorithm requires only elementary calculus and linear algebra, deliberately avoiding the abstraction and notation of Lie groups. We demonstrate the performance and computational efficiency of quaternion MPC in several experiments on quadruped and humanoid robots.

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SplatSim: Zero-Shot Sim2Real Transfer of RGB Manipulation Policies Using Gaussian Splatting

  • Authors: Mohammad Nomaan Qureshi, Sparsh Garg, Francisco Yandun, David Held, George Kantor, Abhisesh Silwal


Sim2Real transfer, particularly for manipulation policies relying on RGB images, remains a critical challenge in robotics due to the significant domain shift between synthetic and real-world visual data. In this paper, we propose SplatSim, a novel framework that leverages Gaussian Splatting as the primary rendering primitive to reduce the Sim2Real gap for RGB-based manipulation policies. By replacing traditional mesh representations with Gaussian Splats in simulators, SplatSim produces highly photorealistic synthetic data while maintaining the scalability and cost-efficiency of simulation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework by training manipulation policies within SplatSim and deploying them in the real world in a zero-shot manner, achieving an average success rate of 86.25%, compared to 97.5% for policies trained on real-world data. Videos can be found on our project page:

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Know your limits! Optimize the robot's behavior through self-awareness

  • Authors: Esteve Valls Mascaro, Dongheui Lee


As humanoid robots transition from labs to real-world environments, it is essential to democratize robot control for non-expert users. Recent human-robot imitation algorithms focus on following a reference human motion with high precision, but they are susceptible to the quality of the reference motion and require the human operator to simplify its movements to match the robot's capabilities. Instead, we consider that the robot should understand and adapt the reference motion to its own abilities, facilitating the operator's task. For that, we introduce a deep-learning model that anticipates the robot's performance when imitating a given reference. Then, our system can generate multiple references given a high-level task command, assign a score to each of them, and select the best reference to achieve the desired robot behavior. Our Self-AWare model (SAW) ranks potential robot behaviors based on various criteria, such as fall likelihood, adherence to the reference motion, and smoothness. We integrate advanced motion generation, robot control, and SAW in one unique system, ensuring optimal robot behavior for any task command. For instance, SAW can anticipate falls with 99.29% accuracy. For more information check our project page:

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Catch It! Learning to Catch in Flight with Mobile Dexterous Hands

  • Authors: Yuanhang Zhang, Tianhai Liang, Zhenyang Chen, Yanjie Ze, Huazhe Xu


Catching objects in flight (i.e., thrown objects) is a common daily skill for humans, yet it presents a significant challenge for robots. This task requires a robot with agile and accurate motion, a large spatial workspace, and the ability to interact with diverse objects. In this paper, we build a mobile manipulator composed of a mobile base, a 6-DoF arm, and a 12-DoF dexterous hand to tackle such a challenging task. We propose a two-stage reinforcement learning framework to efficiently train a whole-body-control catching policy for this high-DoF system in simulation. The objects' throwing configurations, shapes, and sizes are randomized during training to enhance policy adaptivity to various trajectories and object characteristics in flight. The results show that our trained policy catches diverse objects with randomly thrown trajectories, at a high success rate of about 80\% in simulation, with a significant improvement over the baselines. The policy trained in simulation can be directly deployed in the real world with onboard sensing and computation, which achieves catching sandbags in various shapes, randomly thrown by humans. Our project page is available at

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Digital Twins Meet the Koopman Operator: Data-Driven Learning for Robust Autonomy

  • Authors: Chinmay Vilas Samak, Tanmay Vilas Samak, Ajinkya Joglekar, Umesh Vaidya, Venkat Krovi


Contrary to on-road autonomous navigation, off-road autonomy is complicated by various factors ranging from sensing challenges to terrain variability. In such a milieu, data-driven approaches have been commonly employed to capture intricate vehicle-environment interactions effectively. However, the success of data-driven methods depends crucially on the quality and quantity of data, which can be compromised by large variability in off-road environments. To address these concerns, we present a novel workflow to recreate the exact vehicle and its target operating conditions digitally for domain-specific data generation. This enables us to effectively model off-road vehicle dynamics from simulation data using the Koopman operator theory, and employ the obtained models for local motion planning and optimal vehicle control. The capabilities of the proposed methodology are demonstrated through an autonomous navigation problem of a 1:5 scale vehicle, where a terrain-informed planner is employed for global mission planning. Results indicate a substantial improvement in off-road navigation performance with the proposed algorithm (5.84x) and underscore the efficacy of digital twinning in terms of improving the sample efficiency (3.2x) and reducing the sim2real gap (5.2%).

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Point2Graph: An End-to-end Point Cloud-based 3D Open-Vocabulary Scene Graph for Robot Navigation

  • Authors: Yifan Xu, Ziming Luo, Qianwei Wang, Vineet Kamat, Carol Menassa


Current open-vocabulary scene graph generation algorithms highly rely on both 3D scene point cloud data and posed RGB-D images and thus have limited applications in scenarios where RGB-D images or camera poses are not readily available. To solve this problem, we propose Point2Graph, a novel end-to-end point cloud-based 3D open-vocabulary scene graph generation framework in which the requirement of posed RGB-D image series is eliminated. This hierarchical framework contains room and object detection/segmentation and open-vocabulary classification. For the room layer, we leverage the advantage of merging the geometry-based border detection algorithm with the learning-based region detection to segment rooms and create a "Snap-Lookup" framework for open-vocabulary room classification. In addition, we create an end-to-end pipeline for the object layer to detect and classify 3D objects based solely on 3D point cloud data. Our evaluation results show that our framework can outperform the current state-of-the-art (SOTA) open-vocabulary object and room segmentation and classification algorithm on widely used real-scene datasets.

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Real-Time Whole-Body Control of Legged Robots with Model-Predictive Path Integral Control

  • Authors: Juan Alvarez-Padilla, John Z. Zhang, Sofia Kwok, John M. Dolan, Zachary Manchester


This paper presents a system for enabling real-time synthesis of whole-body locomotion and manipulation policies for real-world legged robots. Motivated by recent advancements in robot simulation, we leverage the efficient parallelization capabilities of the MuJoCo simulator to achieve fast sampling over the robot state and action trajectories. Our results show surprisingly effective real-world locomotion and manipulation capabilities with a very simple control strategy. We demonstrate our approach on several hardware and simulation experiments: robust locomotion over flat and uneven terrains, climbing over a box whose height is comparable to the robot, and pushing a box to a goal position. To our knowledge, this is the first successful deployment of whole-body sampling-based MPC on real-world legged robot hardware. Experiment videos and code can be found at:

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EHC-MM: Embodied Holistic Control for Mobile Manipulation

  • Authors: Jiawen Wang, Yixiang Jin, Jun Shi, Yong A, Dingzhe Li, Bin Fang, Fuchun Sun


Mobile manipulation typically entails the base for mobility, the arm for accurate manipulation, and the camera for perception. It is necessary to follow the principle of Distant Mobility, Close Grasping(DMCG) in holistic control. We propose Embodied Holistic Control for Mobile Manipulation(EHC-MM) with the embodied function of sig(w): By formulating the DMCG principle as a Quadratic Programming (QP) problem, sig(w) dynamically balances the robot's emphasis between movement and manipulation with the consideration of the robot's state and environment. In addition, we propose the Monitor-Position-Based Servoing (MPBS) with sig(w), enabling the tracking of the target during the operation. This approach allows coordinated control between the robot's base, arm, and camera. Through extensive simulations and real-world experiments, our approach significantly improves both the success rate and efficiency of mobile manipulation tasks, achieving a 95.6% success rate in the real-world scenarios and a 52.8% increase in time efficiency.

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DexSim2Real$^{2}$: Building Explicit World Model for Precise Articulated Object Dexterous Manipulation

  • Authors: Taoran Jiang, Liqian Ma, Yixuan Guan, Jiaojiao Meng, Weihang Chen, Zecui Zeng, Lusong Li, Dan Wu, Jing Xu, Rui Chen


Articulated object manipulation is ubiquitous in daily life. In this paper, we present DexSim2Real$^{2}$, a novel robot learning framework for goal-conditioned articulated object manipulation using both two-finger grippers and multi-finger dexterous hands. The key of our framework is constructing an explicit world model of unseen articulated objects through active one-step interactions. This explicit world model enables sampling-based model predictive control to plan trajectories achieving different manipulation goals without needing human demonstrations or reinforcement learning. It first predicts an interaction motion using an affordance estimation network trained on self-supervised interaction data or videos of human manipulation from the internet. After executing this interaction on the real robot, the framework constructs a digital twin of the articulated object in simulation based on the two point clouds before and after the interaction. For dexterous multi-finger manipulation, we propose to utilize eigengrasp to reduce the high-dimensional action space, enabling more efficient trajectory searching. Extensive experiments validate the framework's effectiveness for precise articulated object manipulation in both simulation and the real world using a two-finger gripper and a 16-DoF dexterous hand. The robust generalizability of the explicit world model also enables advanced manipulation strategies, such as manipulating with different tools.

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AnyBipe: An End-to-End Framework for Training and Deploying Bipedal Robots Guided by Large Language Models

  • Authors: Yifei Yao, Wentao He, Chenyu Gu, Jiaheng Du, Fuwei Tan, Zhen Zhu, Junguo Lu


Training and deploying reinforcement learning (RL) policies for robots, especially in accomplishing specific tasks, presents substantial challenges. Recent advancements have explored diverse reward function designs, training techniques, simulation-to-reality (sim-to-real) transfers, and performance analysis methodologies, yet these still require significant human intervention. This paper introduces an end-to-end framework for training and deploying RL policies, guided by Large Language Models (LLMs), and evaluates its effectiveness on bipedal robots. The framework consists of three interconnected modules: an LLM-guided reward function design module, an RL training module leveraging prior work, and a sim-to-real homomorphic evaluation module. This design significantly reduces the need for human input by utilizing only essential simulation and deployment platforms, with the option to incorporate human-engineered strategies and historical data. We detail the construction of these modules, their advantages over traditional approaches, and demonstrate the framework's capability to autonomously develop and refine controlling strategies for bipedal robot locomotion, showcasing its potential to operate independently of human intervention.

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ClearDepth: Enhanced Stereo Perception of Transparent Objects for Robotic Manipulation

  • Authors: Kaixin Bai, Huajian Zeng, Lei Zhang, Yiwen Liu, Hongli Xu, Zhaopeng Chen, Jianwei Zhang


Transparent object depth perception poses a challenge in everyday life and logistics, primarily due to the inability of standard 3D sensors to accurately capture depth on transparent or reflective surfaces. This limitation significantly affects depth map and point cloud-reliant applications, especially in robotic manipulation. We developed a vision transformer-based algorithm for stereo depth recovery of transparent objects. This approach is complemented by an innovative feature post-fusion module, which enhances the accuracy of depth recovery by structural features in images. To address the high costs associated with dataset collection for stereo camera-based perception of transparent objects, our method incorporates a parameter-aligned, domain-adaptive, and physically realistic Sim2Real simulation for efficient data generation, accelerated by AI algorithm. Our experimental results demonstrate the model's exceptional Sim2Real generalizability in real-world scenarios, enabling precise depth mapping of transparent objects to assist in robotic manipulation. Project details are available at .

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An Open-Source Soft Robotic Platform for Autonomous Aerial Manipulation in the Wild

  • Authors: Erik Bauer, Marc Blöchlinger, Pascal Strauch, Arman Raayatsanati, Curdin Cavelti, Robert K. Katzschmann


Aerial manipulation combines the versatility and speed of flying platforms with the functional capabilities of mobile manipulation, which presents significant challenges due to the need for precise localization and control. Traditionally, researchers have relied on offboard perception systems, which are limited to expensive and impractical specially equipped indoor environments. In this work, we introduce a novel platform for autonomous aerial manipulation that exclusively utilizes onboard perception systems. Our platform can perform aerial manipulation in various indoor and outdoor environments without depending on external perception systems. Our experimental results demonstrate the platform's ability to autonomously grasp various objects in diverse settings. This advancement significantly improves the scalability and practicality of aerial manipulation applications by eliminating the need for costly tracking solutions. To accelerate future research, we open source our ROS 2 software stack and custom hardware design, making our contributions accessible to the broader research community.

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InterACT: Inter-dependency Aware Action Chunking with Hierarchical Attention Transformers for Bimanual Manipulation

  • Authors: Andrew Lee, Ian Chuang, Ling-Yuan Chen, Iman Soltani


Bimanual manipulation presents unique challenges compared to unimanual tasks due to the complexity of coordinating two robotic arms. In this paper, we introduce InterACT: Inter-dependency aware Action Chunking with Hierarchical Attention Transformers, a novel imitation learning framework designed specifically for bimanual manipulation. InterACT leverages hierarchical attention mechanisms to effectively capture inter-dependencies between dual-arm joint states and visual inputs. The framework comprises a Hierarchical Attention Encoder, which processes multi-modal inputs through segment-wise and cross-segment attention mechanisms, and a Multi-arm Decoder that generates each arm's action predictions in parallel, while sharing information between the arms through synchronization blocks by providing the other arm's intermediate output as context. Our experiments, conducted on various simulated and real-world bimanual manipulation tasks, demonstrate that InterACT outperforms existing methods. Detailed ablation studies further validate the significance of key components, including the impact of CLS tokens, cross-segment encoders, and synchronization blocks on task performance. We provide supplementary materials and videos on our project page.

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Universal Trajectory Optimization Framework for Differential Drive Robot Class

  • Authors: Mengke Zhang, Nanhe Chen, Hu Wang, Jianxiong Qiu, Zhichao Han, Qiuyu Ren, Chao Xu, Fei Gao, Yanjun Cao


Differential drive robots are widely used in various scenarios thanks to their straightforward principle, from household service robots to disaster response field robots. There are several types of driving mechanisms for real-world applications, including two-wheeled, four-wheeled skid-steering, tracked robots, and so on. The differences in the driving mechanisms usually require specific kinematic modeling when precise control is desired. Furthermore, the nonholonomic dynamics and possible lateral slip lead to different degrees of difficulty in getting feasible and high-quality trajectories. Therefore, a comprehensive trajectory optimization framework to compute trajectories efficiently for various kinds of differential drive robots is highly desirable. In this paper, we propose a universal trajectory optimization framework that can be applied to differential drive robots, enabling the generation of high-quality trajectories within a restricted computational timeframe. We introduce a novel trajectory representation based on polynomial parameterization of motion states or their integrals, such as angular and linear velocities, which inherently matches the robots' motion to the control principle. The trajectory optimization problem is formulated to minimize complexity while prioritizing safety and operational efficiency. We then build a full-stack autonomous planning and control system to demonstrate its feasibility and robustness. We conduct extensive simulations and real-world testing in crowded environments with three kinds of differential drive robots to validate the effectiveness of our approach.

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Touch2Touch: Cross-Modal Tactile Generation for Object Manipulation

  • Authors: Samanta Rodriguez, Yiming Dou, Miquel Oller, Andrew Owens, Nima Fazeli


Today's touch sensors come in many shapes and sizes. This has made it challenging to develop general-purpose touch processing methods since models are generally tied to one specific sensor design. We address this problem by performing cross-modal prediction between touch sensors: given the tactile signal from one sensor, we use a generative model to estimate how the same physical contact would be perceived by another sensor. This allows us to apply sensor-specific methods to the generated signal. We implement this idea by training a diffusion model to translate between the popular GelSlim and Soft Bubble sensors. As a downstream task, we perform in-hand object pose estimation using GelSlim sensors while using an algorithm that operates only on Soft Bubble signals. The dataset, the code, and additional details can be found at

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Hand-Object Interaction Pretraining from Videos

  • Authors: Himanshu Gaurav Singh, Antonio Loquercio, Carmelo Sferrazza, Jane Wu, Haozhi Qi, Pieter Abbeel, Jitendra Malik


We present an approach to learn general robot manipulation priors from 3D hand-object interaction trajectories. We build a framework to use in-the-wild videos to generate sensorimotor robot trajectories. We do so by lifting both the human hand and the manipulated object in a shared 3D space and retargeting human motions to robot actions. Generative modeling on this data gives us a task-agnostic base policy. This policy captures a general yet flexible manipulation prior. We empirically demonstrate that finetuning this policy, with both reinforcement learning (RL) and behavior cloning (BC), enables sample-efficient adaptation to downstream tasks and simultaneously improves robustness and generalizability compared to prior approaches. Qualitative experiments are available at: \url{}.

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AnySkin: Plug-and-play Skin Sensing for Robotic Touch

  • Authors: Raunaq Bhirangi, Venkatesh Pattabiraman, Enes Erciyes, Yifeng Cao, Tess Hellebrekers, Lerrel Pinto


While tactile sensing is widely accepted as an important and useful sensing modality, its use pales in comparison to other sensory modalities like vision and proprioception. AnySkin addresses the critical challenges that impede the use of tactile sensing -- versatility, replaceability, and data reusability. Building on the simplistic design of ReSkin, and decoupling the sensing electronics from the sensing interface, AnySkin simplifies integration making it as straightforward as putting on a phone case and connecting a charger. Furthermore, AnySkin is the first uncalibrated tactile-sensor with cross-instance generalizability of learned manipulation policies. To summarize, this work makes three key contributions: first, we introduce a streamlined fabrication process and a design tool for creating an adhesive-free, durable and easily replaceable magnetic tactile sensor; second, we characterize slip detection and policy learning with the AnySkin sensor; and third, we demonstrate zero-shot generalization of models trained on one instance of AnySkin to new instances, and compare it with popular existing tactile solutions like DIGIT and ReSkin. Videos of experiments, fabrication details and design files can be found on

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Single-View 3D Reconstruction via SO(2)-Equivariant Gaussian Sculpting Networks

  • Authors: Ruihan Xu, Anthony Opipari, Joshua Mah, Stanley Lewis, Haoran Zhang, Hanzhe Guo, Odest Chadwicke Jenkins


This paper introduces SO(2)-Equivariant Gaussian Sculpting Networks (GSNs) as an approach for SO(2)-Equivariant 3D object reconstruction from single-view image observations. GSNs take a single observation as input to generate a Gaussian splat representation describing the observed object's geometry and texture. By using a shared feature extractor before decoding Gaussian colors, covariances, positions, and opacities, GSNs achieve extremely high throughput (>150FPS). Experiments demonstrate that GSNs can be trained efficiently using a multi-view rendering loss and are competitive, in quality, with expensive diffusion-based reconstruction algorithms. The GSN model is validated on multiple benchmark experiments. Moreover, we demonstrate the potential for GSNs to be used within a robotic manipulation pipeline for object-centric grasping.

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End-to-End and Highly-Efficient Differentiable Simulation for Robotics

  • Authors: Quentin Le Lidec, Louis Montaut, Yann de Mont-Marin, Justin Carpentier


Over the past few years, robotics simulators have largely improved in efficiency and scalability, enabling them to generate years of simulated data in a few hours. Yet, efficiently and accurately computing the simulation derivatives remains an open challenge, with potentially high gains on the convergence speed of reinforcement learning and trajectory optimization algorithms, especially for problems involving physical contact interactions. This paper contributes to this objective by introducing a unified and efficient algorithmic solution for computing the analytical derivatives of robotic simulators. The approach considers both the collision and frictional stages, accounting for their intrinsic nonsmoothness and also exploiting the sparsity induced by the underlying multibody systems. These derivatives have been implemented in C++, and the code will be open-sourced in the Simple simulator. They depict state-of-the-art timings ranging from 5 microseconds for a 7-dof manipulator up to 95 microseconds for 36-dof humanoid, outperforming alternative solutions by a factor of at least 100.

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Mamba Policy: Towards Efficient 3D Diffusion Policy with Hybrid Selective State Models

  • Authors: Jiahang Cao, Qiang Zhang, Jingkai Sun, Jiaxu Wang, Hao Cheng, Yulin Li, Jun Ma, Yecheng Shao, Wen Zhao, Gang Han, Yijie Guo, Renjing Xu


Diffusion models have been widely employed in the field of 3D manipulation due to their efficient capability to learn distributions, allowing for precise prediction of action trajectories. However, diffusion models typically rely on large parameter UNet backbones as policy networks, which can be challenging to deploy on resource-constrained devices. Recently, the Mamba model has emerged as a promising solution for efficient modeling, offering low computational complexity and strong performance in sequence modeling. In this work, we propose the Mamba Policy, a lighter but stronger policy that reduces the parameter count by over 80% compared to the original policy network while achieving superior performance. Specifically, we introduce the XMamba Block, which effectively integrates input information with conditional features and leverages a combination of Mamba and Attention mechanisms for deep feature extraction. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the Mamba Policy excels on the Adroit, Dexart, and MetaWorld datasets, requiring significantly fewer computational resources. Additionally, we highlight the Mamba Policy's enhanced robustness in long-horizon scenarios compared to baseline methods and explore the performance of various Mamba variants within the Mamba Policy framework. Our project page is in

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Robust Robot Walker: Learning Agile Locomotion over Tiny Traps

  • Authors: Shaoting Zhu, Runhan Huang, Linzhan Mou, Hang Zhao


Quadruped robots must exhibit robust walking capabilities in practical applications. In this work, we propose a novel approach that enables quadruped robots to pass various small obstacles, or "tiny traps". Existing methods often rely on exteroceptive sensors, which can be unreliable for detecting such tiny traps. To overcome this limitation, our approach focuses solely on proprioceptive inputs. We introduce a two-stage training framework incorporating a contact encoder and a classification head to learn implicit representations of different traps. Additionally, we design a set of tailored reward functions to improve both the stability of training and the ease of deployment for goal-tracking tasks. To benefit further research, we design a new benchmark for tiny trap task. Extensive experiments in both simulation and real-world settings demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our method. Project Page:

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One Policy to Run Them All: an End-to-end Learning Approach to Multi-Embodiment Locomotion

  • Authors: Nico Bohlinger, Grzegorz Czechmanowski, Maciej Krupka, Piotr Kicki, Krzysztof Walas, Jan Peters, Davide Tateo


Deep Reinforcement Learning techniques are achieving state-of-the-art results in robust legged locomotion. While there exists a wide variety of legged platforms such as quadruped, humanoids, and hexapods, the field is still missing a single learning framework that can control all these different embodiments easily and effectively and possibly transfer, zero or few-shot, to unseen robot embodiments. We introduce URMA, the Unified Robot Morphology Architecture, to close this gap. Our framework brings the end-to-end Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning approach to the realm of legged robots, enabling the learned policy to control any type of robot morphology. The key idea of our method is to allow the network to learn an abstract locomotion controller that can be seamlessly shared between embodiments thanks to our morphology-agnostic encoders and decoders. This flexible architecture can be seen as a potential first step in building a foundation model for legged robot locomotion. Our experiments show that URMA can learn a locomotion policy on multiple embodiments that can be easily transferred to unseen robot platforms in simulation and the real world.

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DemoStart: Demonstration-led auto-curriculum applied to sim-to-real with multi-fingered robots

  • Authors: Maria Bauza, Jose Enrique Chen, Valentin Dalibard, Nimrod Gileadi, Roland Hafner, Murilo F. Martins, Joss Moore, Rugile Pevceviciute, Antoine Laurens, Dushyant Rao, Martina Zambelli, Martin Riedmiller, Jon Scholz, Konstantinos Bousmalis, Francesco Nori, Nicolas Heess


We present DemoStart, a novel auto-curriculum reinforcement learning method capable of learning complex manipulation behaviors on an arm equipped with a three-fingered robotic hand, from only a sparse reward and a handful of demonstrations in simulation. Learning from simulation drastically reduces the development cycle of behavior generation, and domain randomization techniques are leveraged to achieve successful zero-shot sim-to-real transfer. Transferred policies are learned directly from raw pixels from multiple cameras and robot proprioception. Our approach outperforms policies learned from demonstrations on the real robot and requires 100 times fewer demonstrations, collected in simulation. More details and videos in

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Promptable Closed-loop Traffic Simulation

  • Authors: Shuhan Tan, Boris Ivanovic, Yuxiao Chen, Boyi Li, Xinshuo Weng, Yulong Cao, Philipp Krähenbühl, Marco Pavone


Simulation stands as a cornerstone for safe and efficient autonomous driving development. At its core a simulation system ought to produce realistic, reactive, and controllable traffic patterns. In this paper, we propose ProSim, a multimodal promptable closed-loop traffic simulation framework. ProSim allows the user to give a complex set of numerical, categorical or textual prompts to instruct each agent's behavior and intention. ProSim then rolls out a traffic scenario in a closed-loop manner, modeling each agent's interaction with other traffic participants. Our experiments show that ProSim achieves high prompt controllability given different user prompts, while reaching competitive performance on the Waymo Sim Agents Challenge when no prompt is given. To support research on promptable traffic simulation, we create ProSim-Instruct-520k, a multimodal prompt-scenario paired driving dataset with over 10M text prompts for over 520k real-world driving scenarios. We will release code of ProSim as well as data and labeling tools of ProSim-Instruct-520k at

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Learning to Open and Traverse Doors with a Legged Manipulator

  • Authors: Mike Zhang, Yuntao Ma, Takahiro Miki, Marco Hutter


Using doors is a longstanding challenge in robotics and is of significant practical interest in giving robots greater access to human-centric spaces. The task is challenging due to the need for online adaptation to varying door properties and precise control in manipulating the door panel and navigating through the confined doorway. To address this, we propose a learning-based controller for a legged manipulator to open and traverse through doors. The controller is trained using a teacher-student approach in simulation to learn robust task behaviors as well as estimate crucial door properties during the interaction. Unlike previous works, our approach is a single control policy that can handle both push and pull doors through learned behaviour which infers the opening direction during deployment without prior knowledge. The policy was deployed on the ANYmal legged robot with an arm and achieved a success rate of 95.0% in repeated trials conducted in an experimental setting. Additional experiments validate the policy's effectiveness and robustness to various doors and disturbances. A video overview of the method and experiments can be found at

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Neural MP: A Generalist Neural Motion Planner

  • Authors: Murtaza Dalal, Jiahui Yang, Russell Mendonca, Youssef Khaky, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Deepak Pathak


The current paradigm for motion planning generates solutions from scratch for every new problem, which consumes significant amounts of time and computational resources. For complex, cluttered scenes, motion planning approaches can often take minutes to produce a solution, while humans are able to accurately and safely reach any goal in seconds by leveraging their prior experience. We seek to do the same by applying data-driven learning at scale to the problem of motion planning. Our approach builds a large number of complex scenes in simulation, collects expert data from a motion planner, then distills it into a reactive generalist policy. We then combine this with lightweight optimization to obtain a safe path for real world deployment. We perform a thorough evaluation of our method on 64 motion planning tasks across four diverse environments with randomized poses, scenes and obstacles, in the real world, demonstrating an improvement of 23%, 17% and 79% motion planning success rate over state of the art sampling, optimization and learning based planning methods. Video results available at

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Robot Utility Models: General Policies for Zero-Shot Deployment in New Environments

  • Authors: Haritheja Etukuru, Norihito Naka, Zijin Hu, Seungjae Lee, Julian Mehu, Aaron Edsinger, Chris Paxton, Soumith Chintala, Lerrel Pinto, Nur Muhammad Mahi Shafiullah


Robot models, particularly those trained with large amounts of data, have recently shown a plethora of real-world manipulation and navigation capabilities. Several independent efforts have shown that given sufficient training data in an environment, robot policies can generalize to demonstrated variations in that environment. However, needing to finetune robot models to every new environment stands in stark contrast to models in language or vision that can be deployed zero-shot for open-world problems. In this work, we present Robot Utility Models (RUMs), a framework for training and deploying zero-shot robot policies that can directly generalize to new environments without any finetuning. To create RUMs efficiently, we develop new tools to quickly collect data for mobile manipulation tasks, integrate such data into a policy with multi-modal imitation learning, and deploy policies on-device on Hello Robot Stretch, a cheap commodity robot, with an external mLLM verifier for retrying. We train five such utility models for opening cabinet doors, opening drawers, picking up napkins, picking up paper bags, and reorienting fallen objects. Our system, on average, achieves 90% success rate in unseen, novel environments interacting with unseen objects. Moreover, the utility models can also succeed in different robot and camera set-ups with no further data, training, or fine-tuning. Primary among our lessons are the importance of training data over training algorithm and policy class, guidance about data scaling, necessity for diverse yet high-quality demonstrations, and a recipe for robot introspection and retrying to improve performance on individual environments. Our code, data, models, hardware designs, as well as our experiment and deployment videos are open sourced and can be found on our project website:

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Incorporating dense metric depth into neural 3D representations for view synthesis and relighting

  • Authors: Arkadeep Narayan Chaudhury, Igor Vasiljevic, Sergey Zakharov, Vitor Guizilini, Rares Ambrus, Srinivasa Narasimhan, Christopher G. Atkeson


Synthesizing accurate geometry and photo-realistic appearance of small scenes is an active area of research with compelling use cases in gaming, virtual reality, robotic-manipulation, autonomous driving, convenient product capture, and consumer-level photography. When applying scene geometry and appearance estimation techniques to robotics, we found that the narrow cone of possible viewpoints due to the limited range of robot motion and scene clutter caused current estimation techniques to produce poor quality estimates or even fail. On the other hand, in robotic applications, dense metric depth can often be measured directly using stereo and illumination can be controlled. Depth can provide a good initial estimate of the object geometry to improve reconstruction, while multi-illumination images can facilitate relighting. In this work we demonstrate a method to incorporate dense metric depth into the training of neural 3D representations and address an artifact observed while jointly refining geometry and appearance by disambiguating between texture and geometry edges. We also discuss a multi-flash stereo camera system developed to capture the necessary data for our pipeline and show results on relighting and view synthesis with a few training views.

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OccLLaMA: An Occupancy-Language-Action Generative World Model for Autonomous Driving

  • Authors: Julong Wei, Shanshuai Yuan, Pengfei Li, Qingda Hu, Zhongxue Gan, Wenchao Ding


The rise of multi-modal large language models(MLLMs) has spurred their applications in autonomous driving. Recent MLLM-based methods perform action by learning a direct mapping from perception to action, neglecting the dynamics of the world and the relations between action and world dynamics. In contrast, human beings possess world model that enables them to simulate the future states based on 3D internal visual representation and plan actions accordingly. To this end, we propose OccLLaMA, an occupancy-language-action generative world model, which uses semantic occupancy as a general visual representation and unifies vision-language-action(VLA) modalities through an autoregressive model. Specifically, we introduce a novel VQVAE-like scene tokenizer to efficiently discretize and reconstruct semantic occupancy scenes, considering its sparsity and classes imbalance. Then, we build a unified multi-modal vocabulary for vision, language and action. Furthermore, we enhance LLM, specifically LLaMA, to perform the next token/scene prediction on the unified vocabulary to complete multiple tasks in autonomous driving. Extensive experiments demonstrate that OccLLaMA achieves competitive performance across multiple tasks, including 4D occupancy forecasting, motion planning, and visual question answering, showcasing its potential as a foundation model in autonomous driving.

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Game On: Towards Language Models as RL Experimenters

  • Authors: Jingwei Zhang, Thomas Lampe, Abbas Abdolmaleki, Jost Tobias Springenberg, Martin Riedmiller


We propose an agent architecture that automates parts of the common reinforcement learning experiment workflow, to enable automated mastery of control domains for embodied agents. To do so, it leverages a VLM to perform some of the capabilities normally required of a human experimenter, including the monitoring and analysis of experiment progress, the proposition of new tasks based on past successes and failures of the agent, decomposing tasks into a sequence of subtasks (skills), and retrieval of the skill to execute - enabling our system to build automated curricula for learning. We believe this is one of the first proposals for a system that leverages a VLM throughout the full experiment cycle of reinforcement learning. We provide a first prototype of this system, and examine the feasibility of current models and techniques for the desired level of automation. For this, we use a standard Gemini model, without additional fine-tuning, to provide a curriculum of skills to a language-conditioned Actor-Critic algorithm, in order to steer data collection so as to aid learning new skills. Data collected in this way is shown to be useful for learning and iteratively improving control policies in a robotics domain. Additional examination of the ability of the system to build a growing library of skills, and to judge the progress of the training of those skills, also shows promising results, suggesting that the proposed architecture provides a potential recipe for fully automated mastery of tasks and domains for embodied agents.

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Lexicon3D: Probing Visual Foundation Models for Complex 3D Scene Understanding

  • Authors: Yunze Man, Shuhong Zheng, Zhipeng Bao, Martial Hebert, Liang-Yan Gui, Yu-Xiong Wang


Complex 3D scene understanding has gained increasing attention, with scene encoding strategies playing a crucial role in this success. However, the optimal scene encoding strategies for various scenarios remain unclear, particularly compared to their image-based counterparts. To address this issue, we present a comprehensive study that probes various visual encoding models for 3D scene understanding, identifying the strengths and limitations of each model across different scenarios. Our evaluation spans seven vision foundation encoders, including image-based, video-based, and 3D foundation models. We evaluate these models in four tasks: Vision-Language Scene Reasoning, Visual Grounding, Segmentation, and Registration, each focusing on different aspects of scene understanding. Our evaluations yield key findings: DINOv2 demonstrates superior performance, video models excel in object-level tasks, diffusion models benefit geometric tasks, and language-pretrained models show unexpected limitations in language-related tasks. These insights challenge some conventional understandings, provide novel perspectives on leveraging visual foundation models, and highlight the need for more flexible encoder selection in future vision-language and scene-understanding tasks.

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RoboKoop: Efficient Control Conditioned Representations from Visual Input in Robotics using Koopman Operator

  • Authors: Hemant Kumawat, Biswadeep Chakraborty, Saibal Mukhopadhyay


Developing agents that can perform complex control tasks from high-dimensional observations is a core ability of autonomous agents that requires underlying robust task control policies and adapting the underlying visual representations to the task. Most existing policies need a lot of training samples and treat this problem from the lens of two-stage learning with a controller learned on top of pre-trained vision models. We approach this problem from the lens of Koopman theory and learn visual representations from robotic agents conditioned on specific downstream tasks in the context of learning stabilizing control for the agent. We introduce a Contrastive Spectral Koopman Embedding network that allows us to learn efficient linearized visual representations from the agent's visual data in a high dimensional latent space and utilizes reinforcement learning to perform off-policy control on top of the extracted representations with a linear controller. Our method enhances stability and control in gradient dynamics over time, significantly outperforming existing approaches by improving efficiency and accuracy in learning task policies over extended horizons.

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Multi-modal Situated Reasoning in 3D Scenes

  • Authors: Xiongkun Linghu, Jiangyong Huang, Xuesong Niu, Xiaojian Ma, Baoxiong Jia, Siyuan Huang


Situation awareness is essential for understanding and reasoning about 3D scenes in embodied AI agents. However, existing datasets and benchmarks for situated understanding are limited in data modality, diversity, scale, and task scope. To address these limitations, we propose Multi-modal Situated Question Answering (MSQA), a large-scale multi-modal situated reasoning dataset, scalably collected leveraging 3D scene graphs and vision-language models (VLMs) across a diverse range of real-world 3D scenes. MSQA includes 251K situated question-answering pairs across 9 distinct question categories, covering complex scenarios within 3D scenes. We introduce a novel interleaved multi-modal input setting in our benchmark to provide text, image, and point cloud for situation and question description, resolving ambiguity in previous single-modality convention (e.g., text). Additionally, we devise the Multi-modal Situated Next-step Navigation (MSNN) benchmark to evaluate models' situated reasoning for navigation. Comprehensive evaluations on MSQA and MSNN highlight the limitations of existing vision-language models and underscore the importance of handling multi-modal interleaved inputs and situation modeling. Experiments on data scaling and cross-domain transfer further demonstrate the efficacy of leveraging MSQA as a pre-training dataset for developing more powerful situated reasoning models.

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Reinforcement Learning for Wheeled Mobility on Vertically Challenging Terrain

  • Authors: Tong Xu, Chenhui Pan, Xuesu Xiao


Off-road navigation on vertically challenging terrain, involving steep slopes and rugged boulders, presents significant challenges for wheeled robots both at the planning level to achieve smooth collision-free trajectories and at the control level to avoid rolling over or getting stuck. Considering the complex model of wheel-terrain interactions, we develop an end-to-end Reinforcement Learning (RL) system for an autonomous vehicle to learn wheeled mobility through simulated trial-and-error experiences. Using a custom-designed simulator built on the Chrono multi-physics engine, our approach leverages Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) and a terrain difficulty curriculum to refine a policy based on a reward function to encourage progress towards the goal and penalize excessive roll and pitch angles, which circumvents the need of complex and expensive kinodynamic modeling, planning, and control. Additionally, we present experimental results in the simulator and deploy our approach on a physical Verti-4-Wheeler (V4W) platform, demonstrating that RL can equip conventional wheeled robots with previously unrealized potential of navigating vertically challenging terrain.

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RoboTwin: Dual-Arm Robot Benchmark with Generative Digital Twins (early version)

  • Authors: Yao Mu, Tianxing Chen, Shijia Peng, Zanxin Chen, Zeyu Gao, Yude Zou, Lunkai Lin, Zhiqiang Xie, Ping Luo


Effective collaboration of dual-arm robots and their tool use capabilities are increasingly important areas in the advancement of robotics. These skills play a significant role in expanding robots' ability to operate in diverse real-world environments. However, progress is impeded by the scarcity of specialized training data. This paper introduces RoboTwin, a novel benchmark dataset combining real-world teleoperated data with synthetic data from digital twins, designed for dual-arm robotic scenarios. Using the COBOT Magic platform, we have collected diverse data on tool usage and human-robot interaction. We present a innovative approach to creating digital twins using AI-generated content, transforming 2D images into detailed 3D models. Furthermore, we utilize large language models to generate expert-level training data and task-specific pose sequences oriented toward functionality. Our key contributions are: 1) the RoboTwin benchmark dataset, 2) an efficient real-to-simulation pipeline, and 3) the use of language models for automatic expert-level data generation. These advancements are designed to address the shortage of robotic training data, potentially accelerating the development of more capable and versatile robotic systems for a wide range of real-world applications. The project page is available at

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Constraint-Aware Intent Estimation for Dynamic Human-Robot Object Co-Manipulation

  • Authors: Yifei Simon Shao, Tianyu Li, Shafagh Keyvanian, Pratik Chaudhari, Vijay Kumar, Nadia Figueroa


Constraint-aware estimation of human intent is essential for robots to physically collaborate and interact with humans. Further, to achieve fluid collaboration in dynamic tasks intent estimation should be achieved in real-time. In this paper, we present a framework that combines online estimation and control to facilitate robots in interpreting human intentions, and dynamically adjust their actions to assist in dynamic object co-manipulation tasks while considering both robot and human constraints. Central to our approach is the adoption of a Dynamic Systems (DS) model to represent human intent. Such a low-dimensional parameterized model, along with human manipulability and robot kinematic constraints, enables us to predict intent using a particle filter solely based on past motion data and tracking errors. For safe assistive control, we propose a variable impedance controller that adapts the robot's impedance to offer assistance based on the intent estimation confidence from the DS particle filter. We validate our framework on a challenging real-world human-robot co-manipulation task and present promising results over baselines. Our framework represents a significant step forward in physical human-robot collaboration (pHRC), ensuring that robot cooperative interactions with humans are both feasible and effective.

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Rapid and Robust Trajectory Optimization for Humanoids

  • Authors: Bohao Zhang, Ram Vasudevan


Performing trajectory design for humanoid robots with high degrees of freedom is computationally challenging. The trajectory design process also often involves carefully selecting various hyperparameters and requires a good initial guess which can further complicate the development process. This work introduces a generalized gait optimization framework that directly generates smooth and physically feasible trajectories. The proposed method demonstrates faster and more robust convergence than existing techniques and explicitly incorporates closed-loop kinematic constraints that appear in many modern humanoids. The method is implemented as an open-source C++ codebase which can be found at

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Diffusion Policy Policy Optimization

  • Authors: Allen Z. Ren, Justin Lidard, Lars L. Ankile, Anthony Simeonov, Pulkit Agrawal, Anirudha Majumdar, Benjamin Burchfiel, Hongkai Dai, Max Simchowitz


We introduce Diffusion Policy Policy Optimization, DPPO, an algorithmic framework including best practices for fine-tuning diffusion-based policies (e.g. Diffusion Policy) in continuous control and robot learning tasks using the policy gradient (PG) method from reinforcement learning (RL). PG methods are ubiquitous in training RL policies with other policy parameterizations; nevertheless, they had been conjectured to be less efficient for diffusion-based policies. Surprisingly, we show that DPPO achieves the strongest overall performance and efficiency for fine-tuning in common benchmarks compared to other RL methods for diffusion-based policies and also compared to PG fine-tuning of other policy parameterizations. Through experimental investigation, we find that DPPO takes advantage of unique synergies between RL fine-tuning and the diffusion parameterization, leading to structured and on-manifold exploration, stable training, and strong policy robustness. We further demonstrate the strengths of DPPO in a range of realistic settings, including simulated robotic tasks with pixel observations, and via zero-shot deployment of simulation-trained policies on robot hardware in a long-horizon, multi-stage manipulation task. Website with code:

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ReKep: Spatio-Temporal Reasoning of Relational Keypoint Constraints for Robotic Manipulation

  • Authors: Wenlong Huang, Chen Wang, Yunzhu Li, Ruohan Zhang, Li Fei-Fei


Representing robotic manipulation tasks as constraints that associate the robot and the environment is a promising way to encode desired robot behaviors. However, it remains unclear how to formulate the constraints such that they are 1) versatile to diverse tasks, 2) free of manual labeling, and 3) optimizable by off-the-shelf solvers to produce robot actions in real-time. In this work, we introduce Relational Keypoint Constraints (ReKep), a visually-grounded representation for constraints in robotic manipulation. Specifically, ReKep is expressed as Python functions mapping a set of 3D keypoints in the environment to a numerical cost. We demonstrate that by representing a manipulation task as a sequence of Relational Keypoint Constraints, we can employ a hierarchical optimization procedure to solve for robot actions (represented by a sequence of end-effector poses in SE(3)) with a perception-action loop at a real-time frequency. Furthermore, in order to circumvent the need for manual specification of ReKep for each new task, we devise an automated procedure that leverages large vision models and vision-language models to produce ReKep from free-form language instructions and RGB-D observations. We present system implementations on a wheeled single-arm platform and a stationary dual-arm platform that can perform a large variety of manipulation tasks, featuring multi-stage, in-the-wild, bimanual, and reactive behaviors, all without task-specific data or environment models. Website at

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GraspSplats: Efficient Manipulation with 3D Feature Splatting

  • Authors: Mazeyu Ji, Ri-Zhao Qiu, Xueyan Zou, Xiaolong Wang


The ability for robots to perform efficient and zero-shot grasping of object parts is crucial for practical applications and is becoming prevalent with recent advances in Vision-Language Models (VLMs). To bridge the 2D-to-3D gap for representations to support such a capability, existing methods rely on neural fields (NeRFs) via differentiable rendering or point-based projection methods. However, we demonstrate that NeRFs are inappropriate for scene changes due to their implicitness and point-based methods are inaccurate for part localization without rendering-based optimization. To amend these issues, we propose GraspSplats. Using depth supervision and a novel reference feature computation method, GraspSplats generates high-quality scene representations in under 60 seconds. We further validate the advantages of Gaussian-based representation by showing that the explicit and optimized geometry in GraspSplats is sufficient to natively support (1) real-time grasp sampling and (2) dynamic and articulated object manipulation with point trackers. With extensive experiments on a Franka robot, we demonstrate that GraspSplats significantly outperforms existing methods under diverse task settings. In particular, GraspSplats outperforms NeRF-based methods like F3RM and LERF-TOGO, and 2D detection methods.

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Robotic Object Insertion with a Soft Wrist through Sim-to-Real Privileged Training

  • Authors: Yuni Fuchioka, Cristian C. Beltran-Hernandez, Hai Nguyen, Masashi Hamaya


This study addresses contact-rich object insertion tasks under unstructured environments using a robot with a soft wrist, enabling safe contact interactions. For the unstructured environments, we assume that there are uncertainties in object grasp and hole pose and that the soft wrist pose cannot be directly measured. Recent methods employ learning approaches and force/torque sensors for contact localization; however, they require data collection in the real world. This study proposes a sim-to-real approach using a privileged training strategy. This method has two steps. 1) The teacher policy is trained to complete the task with sensor inputs and ground truth privileged information such as the peg pose, and then 2) the student encoder is trained with data produced from teacher policy rollouts to estimate the privileged information from sensor history. We performed sim-to-real experiments under grasp and hole pose uncertainties. This resulted in 100\%, 95\%, and 80\% success rates for circular peg insertion with 0, +5, and -5 degree peg misalignments, respectively, and start positions randomly shifted $\pm$ 10 mm from a default position. Also, we tested the proposed method with a square peg that was never seen during training. Additional simulation evaluations revealed that using the privileged strategy improved success rates compared to training with only simulated sensor data. Our results demonstrate the advantage of using sim-to-real privileged training for soft robots, which has the potential to alleviate human engineering efforts for robotic assembly.

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3D Whole-body Grasp Synthesis with Directional Controllability

  • Authors: Georgios Paschalidis, Romana Wilschut, Dimitrije Antić, Omid Taheri, Dimitrios Tzionas


Synthesizing 3D whole-bodies that realistically grasp objects is useful for animation, mixed reality, and robotics. This is challenging, because the hands and body need to look natural w.r.t. each other, the grasped object, as well as the local scene (i.e., a receptacle supporting the object). Only recent work tackles this, with a divide-and-conquer approach; it first generates a "guiding" right-hand grasp, and then searches for bodies that match this. However, the guiding-hand synthesis lacks controllability and receptacle awareness, so it likely has an implausible direction (i.e., a body can't match this without penetrating the receptacle) and needs corrections through major post-processing. Moreover, the body search needs exhaustive sampling and is expensive. These are strong limitations. We tackle these with a novel method called CWGrasp. Our key idea is that performing geometry-based reasoning "early on," instead of "too late," provides rich "control" signals for inference. To this end, CWGrasp first samples a plausible reaching-direction vector (used later for both the arm and hand) from a probabilistic model built via raycasting from the object and collision checking. Then, it generates a reaching body with a desired arm direction, as well as a "guiding" grasping hand with a desired palm direction that complies with the arm's one. Eventually, CWGrasp refines the body to match the "guiding" hand, while plausibly contacting the scene. Notably, generating already-compatible "parts" greatly simplifies the "whole." Moreover, CWGrasp uniquely tackles both right- and left-hand grasps. We evaluate on the GRAB and ReplicaGrasp datasets. CWGrasp outperforms baselines, at lower runtime and budget, while all components help performance. Code and models will be released.

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Hitting the Gym: Reinforcement Learning Control of Exercise-Strengthened Biohybrid Robots in Simulation

  • Authors: Saul Schaffer, Hima Hrithik Pamu, Victoria A. Webster-Wood


Animals can accomplish many incredible behavioral feats across a wide range of operational environments and scales that current robots struggle to match. One explanation for this performance gap is the extraordinary properties of the biological materials that comprise animals, such as muscle tissue. Using living muscle tissue as an actuator can endow robotic systems with highly desirable properties such as self-healing, compliance, and biocompatibility. Unlike traditional soft robotic actuators, living muscle biohybrid actuators exhibit unique adaptability, growing stronger with use. The dependency of a muscle's force output on its use history endows muscular organisms the ability to dynamically adapt to their environment, getting better at tasks over time. While muscle adaptability is a benefit to muscular organisms, it currently presents a challenge for biohybrid researchers: how does one design and control a robot whose actuators' force output changes over time? Here, we incorporate muscle adaptability into a many-muscle biohybrid robot design and modeling tool, leveraging reinforcement learning as both a co-design partner and system controller. As a controller, our learning agents coordinated the independent contraction of 42 muscles distributed on a lattice worm structure to successfully steer it towards eight distinct targets while incorporating muscle adaptability. As a co-design tool, our agents enable users to identify which muscles are important to accomplishing a given task. Our results show that adaptive agents outperform non-adaptive agents in terms of maximum rewards and training time. Together, these contributions can both enable the elucidation of muscle actuator adaptation and inform the design and modeling of adaptive, performant, many-muscle robots.

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Identifying Terrain Physical Parameters from Vision -- Towards Physical-Parameter-Aware Locomotion and Navigation

  • Authors: Jiaqi Chen, Jonas Frey, Ruyi Zhou, Takahiro Miki, Georg Martius, Marco Hutter


Identifying the physical properties of the surrounding environment is essential for robotic locomotion and navigation to deal with non-geometric hazards, such as slippery and deformable terrains. It would be of great benefit for robots to anticipate these extreme physical properties before contact; however, estimating environmental physical parameters from vision is still an open challenge. Animals can achieve this by using their prior experience and knowledge of what they have seen and how it felt. In this work, we propose a cross-modal self-supervised learning framework for vision-based environmental physical parameter estimation, which paves the way for future physical-property-aware locomotion and navigation. We bridge the gap between existing policies trained in simulation and identification of physical terrain parameters from vision. We propose to train a physical decoder in simulation to predict friction and stiffness from multi-modal input. The trained network allows the labeling of real-world images with physical parameters in a self-supervised manner to further train a visual network during deployment, which can densely predict the friction and stiffness from image data. We validate our physical decoder in simulation and the real world using a quadruped ANYmal robot, outperforming an existing baseline method. We show that our visual network can predict the physical properties in indoor and outdoor experiments while allowing fast adaptation to new environments.

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SkillMimic: Learning Reusable Basketball Skills from Demonstrations

  • Authors: Yinhuai Wang, Qihan Zhao, Runyi Yu, Ailing Zeng, Jing Lin, Zhengyi Luo, Hok Wai Tsui, Jiwen Yu, Xiu Li, Qifeng Chen, Jian Zhang, Lei Zhang, Ping Tan


Mastering basketball skills such as diverse layups and dribbling involves complex interactions with the ball and requires real-time adjustments. Traditional reinforcement learning methods for interaction skills rely on labor-intensive, manually designed rewards that do not generalize well across different skills. Inspired by how humans learn from demonstrations, we propose SkillMimic, a data-driven approach that mimics both human and ball motions to learn a wide variety of basketball skills. SkillMimic employs a unified configuration to learn diverse skills from human-ball motion datasets, with skill diversity and generalization improving as the dataset grows. This approach allows training a single policy to learn multiple skills, enabling smooth skill switching even if these switches are not present in the reference dataset. The skills acquired by SkillMimic can be easily reused by a high-level controller to accomplish complex basketball tasks. To evaluate our approach, we introduce two basketball datasets: one estimated through monocular RGB videos and the other using advanced motion capture equipment, collectively containing about 35 minutes of diverse basketball skills. Experiments show that our method can effectively learn various basketball skills included in the dataset with a unified configuration, including various styles of dribbling, layups, and shooting. Furthermore, by training a high-level controller to reuse the acquired skills, we can achieve complex basketball tasks such as layup scoring, which involves dribbling toward the basket, timing the dribble and layup to score, retrieving the rebound, and repeating the process. The project page and video demonstrations are available at

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DeMoBot: Deformable Mobile Manipulation with Vision-based Sub-goal Retrieval

  • Authors: Yuying Zhang, Wenyan Yang, Joni Pajarinen


Imitation learning (IL) algorithms typically distill experience into parametric behavior policies to mimic expert demonstrations. Despite their effectiveness, previous methods often struggle with data efficiency and accurately aligning the current state with expert demonstrations, especially in deformable mobile manipulation tasks characterized by partial observations and dynamic object deformations. In this paper, we introduce \textbf{DeMoBot}, a novel IL approach that directly retrieves observations from demonstrations to guide robots in \textbf{De}formable \textbf{Mo}bile manipulation tasks. DeMoBot utilizes vision foundation models to identify relevant expert data based on visual similarity and matches the current trajectory with demonstrated trajectories using trajectory similarity and forward reachability constraints to select suitable sub-goals. Once a goal is determined, a motion generation policy will guide the robot to the next state until the task is completed. We evaluated DeMoBot using a Spot robot in several simulated and real-world settings, demonstrating its effectiveness and generalizability. With only 20 demonstrations, DeMoBot significantly outperforms the baselines, reaching a 50\% success rate in curtain opening and 85\% in gap covering in simulation.

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Benchmarking Reinforcement Learning Methods for Dexterous Robotic Manipulation with a Three-Fingered Gripper

  • Authors: Elizabeth Cutler, Yuning Xing, Tony Cui, Brendan Zhou, Koen van Rijnsoever, Ben Hart, David Valencia, Lee Violet C. Ong, Trevor Gee, Minas Liarokapis, Henry Williams


Reinforcement Learning (RL) training is predominantly conducted in cost-effective and controlled simulation environments. However, the transfer of these trained models to real-world tasks often presents unavoidable challenges. This research explores the direct training of RL algorithms in controlled yet realistic real-world settings for the execution of dexterous manipulation. The benchmarking results of three RL algorithms trained on intricate in-hand manipulation tasks within practical real-world contexts are presented. Our study not only demonstrates the practicality of RL training in authentic real-world scenarios, facilitating direct real-world applications, but also provides insights into the associated challenges and considerations. Additionally, our experiences with the employed experimental methods are shared, with the aim of empowering and engaging fellow researchers and practitioners in this dynamic field of robotics.

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Points2Plans: From Point Clouds to Long-Horizon Plans with Composable Relational Dynamics

  • Authors: Yixuan Huang, Christopher Agia, Jimmy Wu, Tucker Hermans, Jeannette Bohg


We present Points2Plans, a framework for composable planning with a relational dynamics model that enables robots to solve long-horizon manipulation tasks from partial-view point clouds. Given a language instruction and a point cloud of the scene, our framework initiates a hierarchical planning procedure, whereby a language model generates a high-level plan and a sampling-based planner produces constraint-satisfying continuous parameters for manipulation primitives sequenced according to the high-level plan. Key to our approach is the use of a relational dynamics model as a unifying interface between the continuous and symbolic representations of states and actions, thus facilitating language-driven planning from high-dimensional perceptual input such as point clouds. Whereas previous relational dynamics models require training on datasets of multi-step manipulation scenarios that align with the intended test scenarios, Points2Plans uses only single-step simulated training data while generalizing zero-shot to a variable number of steps during real-world evaluations. We evaluate our approach on tasks involving geometric reasoning, multi-object interactions, and occluded object reasoning in both simulated and real-world settings. Results demonstrate that Points2Plans offers strong generalization to unseen long-horizon tasks in the real world, where it solves over 85% of evaluated tasks while the next best baseline solves only 50%. Qualitative demonstrations of our approach operating on a mobile manipulator platform are made available at

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Depth Restoration of Hand-Held Transparent Objects for Human-to-Robot Handover

  • Authors: Ran Yu, Haixin Yu, Shoujie Li, Huang Yan, Ziwu Song, Wenbo Ding


Transparent objects are common in daily life, while their optical properties pose challenges for RGB-D cameras to capture accurate depth information. This issue is further amplified when these objects are hand-held, as hand occlusions further complicate depth estimation. For assistant robots, however, accurately perceiving hand-held transparent objects is critical to effective human-robot interaction. This paper presents a Hand-Aware Depth Restoration (HADR) method based on creating an implicit neural representation function from a single RGB-D image. The proposed method utilizes hand posture as an important guidance to leverage semantic and geometric information of hand-object interaction. To train and evaluate the proposed method, we create a high-fidelity synthetic dataset named TransHand-14K with a real-to-sim data generation scheme. Experiments show that our method has better performance and generalization ability compared with existing methods. We further develop a real-world human-to-robot handover system based on HADR, demonstrating its potential in human-robot interaction applications.

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PIE: Parkour with Implicit-Explicit Learning Framework for Legged Robots

  • Authors: Shixin Luo, Songbo Li, Ruiqi Yu, Zhicheng Wang, Jun Wu, Qiuguo Zhu


Parkour presents a highly challenging task for legged robots, requiring them to traverse various terrains with agile and smooth locomotion. This necessitates comprehensive understanding of both the robot's own state and the surrounding terrain, despite the inherent unreliability of robot perception and actuation. Current state-of-the-art methods either rely on complex pre-trained high-level terrain reconstruction modules or limit the maximum potential of robot parkour to avoid failure due to inaccurate perception. In this paper, we propose a one-stage end-to-end learning-based parkour framework: Parkour with Implicit-Explicit learning framework for legged robots (PIE) that leverages dual-level implicit-explicit estimation. With this mechanism, even a low-cost quadruped robot equipped with an unreliable egocentric depth camera can achieve exceptional performance on challenging parkour terrains using a relatively simple training process and reward function. While the training process is conducted entirely in simulation, our real-world validation demonstrates successful zero-shot deployment of our framework, showcasing superior parkour performance on harsh terrains.

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MASQ: Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Single Quadruped Robot Locomotion

  • Authors: Qi Liu, Jingxiang Guo, Sixu Lin, Shuaikang Ma, Jinxuan Zhu, Yanjie Li


This paper proposes a novel method to improve locomotion learning for a single quadruped robot using multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (MARL). Many existing methods use single-agent reinforcement learning for an individual robot or MARL for the cooperative task in multi-robot systems. Unlike existing methods, this paper proposes using MARL for the locomotion learning of a single quadruped robot. We develop a learning structure called Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Single Quadruped Robot Locomotion (MASQ), considering each leg as an agent to explore the action space of the quadruped robot, sharing a global critic, and learning collaboratively. Experimental results indicate that MASQ not only speeds up learning convergence but also enhances robustness in real-world settings, suggesting that applying MASQ to single robots such as quadrupeds could surpass traditional single-robot reinforcement learning approaches. Our study provides insightful guidance on integrating MARL with single-robot locomotion learning.

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FAST-LIVO2: Fast, Direct LiDAR-Inertial-Visual Odometry

  • Authors: Chunran Zheng, Wei Xu, Zuhao Zou, Tong Hua, Chongjian Yuan, Dongjiao He, Bingyang Zhou, Zheng Liu, Jiarong Lin, Fangcheng Zhu, Yunfan Ren, Rong Wang, Fanle Meng, Fu Zhang


This paper proposes FAST-LIVO2: a fast, direct LiDAR-inertial-visual odometry framework to achieve accurate and robust state estimation in SLAM tasks and provide great potential in real-time, onboard robotic applications. FAST-LIVO2 fuses the IMU, LiDAR and image measurements efficiently through an ESIKF. To address the dimension mismatch between the heterogeneous LiDAR and image measurements, we use a sequential update strategy in the Kalman filter. To enhance the efficiency, we use direct methods for both the visual and LiDAR fusion, where the LiDAR module registers raw points without extracting edge or plane features and the visual module minimizes direct photometric errors without extracting ORB or FAST corner features. The fusion of both visual and LiDAR measurements is based on a single unified voxel map where the LiDAR module constructs the geometric structure for registering new LiDAR scans and the visual module attaches image patches to the LiDAR points. To enhance the accuracy of image alignment, we use plane priors from the LiDAR points in the voxel map (and even refine the plane prior) and update the reference patch dynamically after new images are aligned. Furthermore, to enhance the robustness of image alignment, FAST-LIVO2 employs an on-demanding raycast operation and estimates the image exposure time in real time. Lastly, we detail three applications of FAST-LIVO2: UAV onboard navigation demonstrating the system's computation efficiency for real-time onboard navigation, airborne mapping showcasing the system's mapping accuracy, and 3D model rendering (mesh-based and NeRF-based) underscoring the suitability of our reconstructed dense map for subsequent rendering tasks. We open source our code, dataset and application on GitHub to benefit the robotics community.

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Equivariant Reinforcement Learning under Partial Observability

  • Authors: Hai Nguyen, Andrea Baisero, David Klee, Dian Wang, Robert Platt, Christopher Amato


Incorporating inductive biases is a promising approach for tackling challenging robot learning domains with sample-efficient solutions. This paper identifies partially observable domains where symmetries can be a useful inductive bias for efficient learning. Specifically, by encoding the equivariance regarding specific group symmetries into the neural networks, our actor-critic reinforcement learning agents can reuse solutions in the past for related scenarios. Consequently, our equivariant agents outperform non-equivariant approaches significantly in terms of sample efficiency and final performance, demonstrated through experiments on a range of robotic tasks in simulation and real hardware.

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Advancing Humanoid Locomotion: Mastering Challenging Terrains with Denoising World Model Learning

  • Authors: Xinyang Gu, Yen-Jen Wang, Xiang Zhu, Chengming Shi, Yanjiang Guo, Yichen Liu, Jianyu Chen


Humanoid robots, with their human-like skeletal structure, are especially suited for tasks in human-centric environments. However, this structure is accompanied by additional challenges in locomotion controller design, especially in complex real-world environments. As a result, existing humanoid robots are limited to relatively simple terrains, either with model-based control or model-free reinforcement learning. In this work, we introduce Denoising World Model Learning (DWL), an end-to-end reinforcement learning framework for humanoid locomotion control, which demonstrates the world's first humanoid robot to master real-world challenging terrains such as snowy and inclined land in the wild, up and down stairs, and extremely uneven terrains. All scenarios run the same learned neural network with zero-shot sim-to-real transfer, indicating the superior robustness and generalization capability of the proposed method.

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Multi-finger Manipulation via Trajectory Optimization with Differentiable Rolling and Geometric Constraints

  • Authors: Fan Yang, Thomas Power, Sergio Aguilera Marinovic, Soshi Iba, Rana Soltani Zarrin, Dmitry Berenson


Parameterizing finger rolling and finger-object contacts in a differentiable manner is important for formulating dexterous manipulation as a trajectory optimization problem. In contrast to previous methods which often assume simplified geometries of the robot and object or do not explicitly model finger rolling, we propose a method to further extend the capabilities of dexterous manipulation by accounting for non-trivial geometries of both the robot and the object. By integrating the object's Signed Distance Field (SDF) with a sampling method, our method estimates contact and rolling-related variables and includes those in a trajectory optimization framework. This formulation naturally allows for the emergence of finger-rolling behaviors, enabling the robot to locally adjust the contact points. Our method is tested in a peg alignment task and a screwdriver turning task, where it outperforms the baselines in terms of achieving desired object configurations and avoiding dropping the object. We also successfully apply our method to a real-world screwdriver turning task, demonstrating its robustness to the sim2real gap.

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LLM-enhanced Scene Graph Learning for Household Rearrangement

  • Authors: Wenhao Li, Zhiyuan Yu, Qijin She, Zhinan Yu, Yuqing Lan, Chenyang Zhu, Ruizhen Hu, Kai Xu


The household rearrangement task involves spotting misplaced objects in a scene and accommodate them with proper places. It depends both on common-sense knowledge on the objective side and human user preference on the subjective side. In achieving such task, we propose to mine object functionality with user preference alignment directly from the scene itself, without relying on human intervention. To do so, we work with scene graph representation and propose LLM-enhanced scene graph learning which transforms the input scene graph into an affordance-enhanced graph (AEG) with information-enhanced nodes and newly discovered edges (relations). In AEG, the nodes corresponding to the receptacle objects are augmented with context-induced affordance which encodes what kind of carriable objects can be placed on it. New edges are discovered with newly discovered non-local relations. With AEG, we perform task planning for scene rearrangement by detecting misplaced carriables and determining a proper placement for each of them. We test our method by implementing a tiding robot in simulator and perform evaluation on a new benchmark we build. Extensive evaluations demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on misplacement detection and the following rearrangement planning.

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EmbodiedSAM: Online Segment Any 3D Thing in Real Time

  • Authors: Xiuwei Xu, Huangxing Chen, Linqing Zhao, Ziwei Wang, Jie Zhou, Jiwen Lu


Embodied tasks require the agent to fully understand 3D scenes simultaneously with its exploration, so an online, real-time, fine-grained and highly-generalized 3D perception model is desperately needed. Since high-quality 3D data is limited, directly training such a model in 3D is almost infeasible. Meanwhile, vision foundation models (VFM) has revolutionized the field of 2D computer vision with superior performance, which makes the use of VFM to assist embodied 3D perception a promising direction. However, most existing VFM-assisted 3D perception methods are either offline or too slow that cannot be applied in practical embodied tasks. In this paper, we aim to leverage Segment Anything Model (SAM) for real-time 3D instance segmentation in an online setting. This is a challenging problem since future frames are not available in the input streaming RGB-D video, and an instance may be observed in several frames so object matching between frames is required. To address these challenges, we first propose a geometric-aware query lifting module to represent the 2D masks generated by SAM by 3D-aware queries, which is then iteratively refined by a dual-level query decoder. In this way, the 2D masks are transferred to fine-grained shapes on 3D point clouds. Benefit from the query representation for 3D masks, we can compute the similarity matrix between the 3D masks from different views by efficient matrix operation, which enables real-time inference. Experiments on ScanNet, ScanNet200, SceneNN and 3RScan show our method achieves leading performance even compared with offline methods. Our method also demonstrates great generalization ability in several zero-shot dataset transferring experiments and show great potential in open-vocabulary and data-efficient setting. Code and demo are available at, with only one RTX 3090 GPU required for training and evaluation.

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Scaling Cross-Embodied Learning: One Policy for Manipulation, Navigation, Locomotion and Aviation

  • Authors: Ria Doshi, Homer Walke, Oier Mees, Sudeep Dasari, Sergey Levine


Modern machine learning systems rely on large datasets to attain broad generalization, and this often poses a challenge in robot learning, where each robotic platform and task might have only a small dataset. By training a single policy across many different kinds of robots, a robot learning method can leverage much broader and more diverse datasets, which in turn can lead to better generalization and robustness. However, training a single policy on multi-robot data is challenging because robots can have widely varying sensors, actuators, and control frequencies. We propose CrossFormer, a scalable and flexible transformer-based policy that can consume data from any embodiment. We train CrossFormer on the largest and most diverse dataset to date, 900K trajectories across 20 different robot embodiments. We demonstrate that the same network weights can control vastly different robots, including single and dual arm manipulation systems, wheeled robots, quadcopters, and quadrupeds. Unlike prior work, our model does not require manual alignment of the observation or action spaces. Extensive experiments in the real world show that our method matches the performance of specialist policies tailored for each embodiment, while also significantly outperforming the prior state of the art in cross-embodiment learning.

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ZebraPose: Zebra Detection and Pose Estimation using only Synthetic Data

  • Authors: Elia Bonetto, Aamir Ahmad


Synthetic data is increasingly being used to address the lack of labeled images in uncommon domains for deep learning tasks. A prominent example is 2D pose estimation of animals, particularly wild species like zebras, for which collecting real-world data is complex and impractical. However, many approaches still require real images, consistency and style constraints, sophisticated animal models, and/or powerful pre-trained networks to bridge the syn-to-real gap. Moreover, they often assume that the animal can be reliably detected in images or videos, a hypothesis that often does not hold, e.g. in wildlife scenarios or aerial images. To solve this, we use synthetic data generated with a 3D photorealistic simulator to obtain the first synthetic dataset that can be used for both detection and 2D pose estimation of zebras without applying any of the aforementioned bridging strategies. Unlike previous works, we extensively train and benchmark our detection and 2D pose estimation models on multiple real-world and synthetic datasets using both pre-trained and non-pre-trained backbones. These experiments show how the models trained from scratch and only with synthetic data can consistently generalize to real-world images of zebras in both tasks. Moreover, we show it is possible to easily generalize those same models to 2D pose estimation of horses with a minimal amount of real-world images to account for the domain transfer. Code, results, trained models; and the synthetic, training, and validation data, including 104K manually labeled frames, are provided as open-source at

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RUMI: Rummaging Using Mutual Information

  • Authors: Sheng Zhong, Nima Fazeli, Dmitry Berenson


This paper presents Rummaging Using Mutual Information (RUMI), a method for online generation of robot action sequences to gather information about the pose of a known movable object in visually-occluded environments. Focusing on contact-rich rummaging, our approach leverages mutual information between the object pose distribution and robot trajectory for action planning. From an observed partial point cloud, RUMI deduces the compatible object pose distribution and approximates the mutual information of it with workspace occupancy in real time. Based on this, we develop an information gain cost function and a reachability cost function to keep the object within the robot's reach. These are integrated into a model predictive control (MPC) framework with a stochastic dynamics model, updating the pose distribution in a closed loop. Key contributions include a new belief framework for object pose estimation, an efficient information gain computation strategy, and a robust MPC-based control scheme. RUMI demonstrates superior performance in both simulated and real tasks compared to baseline methods.

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All Robots in One: A New Standard and Unified Dataset for Versatile, General-Purpose Embodied Agents

  • Authors: Zhiqiang Wang, Hao Zheng, Yunshuang Nie, Wenjun Xu, Qingwei Wang, Hua Ye, Zhe Li, Kaidong Zhang, Xuewen Cheng, Wanxi Dong, Chang Cai, Liang Lin, Feng Zheng, Xiaodan Liang


Embodied AI is transforming how AI systems interact with the physical world, yet existing datasets are inadequate for developing versatile, general-purpose agents. These limitations include a lack of standardized formats, insufficient data diversity, and inadequate data volume. To address these issues, we introduce ARIO (All Robots In One), a new data standard that enhances existing datasets by offering a unified data format, comprehensive sensory modalities, and a combination of real-world and simulated data. ARIO aims to improve the training of embodied AI agents, increasing their robustness and adaptability across various tasks and environments. Building upon the proposed new standard, we present a large-scale unified ARIO dataset, comprising approximately 3 million episodes collected from 258 series and 321,064 tasks. The ARIO standard and dataset represent a significant step towards bridging the gaps of existing data resources. By providing a cohesive framework for data collection and representation, ARIO paves the way for the development of more powerful and versatile embodied AI agents, capable of navigating and interacting with the physical world in increasingly complex and diverse ways. The project is available on

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Enhancing End-to-End Autonomous Driving Systems Through Synchronized Human Behavior Data

  • Authors: Yiqun Duan, Zhuoli Zhuang, Jinzhao Zhou, Yu-Cheng Chang, Yu-Kai Wang, Chin-Teng Lin


This paper presents a pioneering exploration into the integration of fine-grained human supervision within the autonomous driving domain to enhance system performance. The current advances in End-to-End autonomous driving normally are data-driven and rely on given expert trials. However, this reliance limits the systems' generalizability and their ability to earn human trust. Addressing this gap, our research introduces a novel approach by synchronously collecting data from human and machine drivers under identical driving scenarios, focusing on eye-tracking and brainwave data to guide machine perception and decision-making processes. This paper utilizes the Carla simulation to evaluate the impact brought by human behavior guidance. Experimental results show that using human attention to guide machine attention could bring a significant improvement in driving performance. However, guidance by human intention still remains a challenge. This paper pioneers a promising direction and potential for utilizing human behavior guidance to enhance autonomous systems.

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LEGENT: Open Platform for Embodied Agents

  • Authors: Zhili Cheng, Zhitong Wang, Jinyi Hu, Shengding Hu, An Liu, Yuge Tu, Pengkai Li, Lei Shi, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun


Despite advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) and Large Multimodal Models (LMMs), their integration into language-grounded, human-like embodied agents remains incomplete, hindering complex real-life task performance in physical environments. Existing integrations often feature limited open sourcing, challenging collective progress in this field. We introduce LEGENT, an open, scalable platform for developing embodied agents using LLMs and LMMs. LEGENT offers a dual approach: a rich, interactive 3D environment with communicable and actionable agents, paired with a user-friendly interface, and a sophisticated data generation pipeline utilizing advanced algorithms to exploit supervision from simulated worlds at scale. In our experiments, an embryonic vision-language-action model trained on LEGENT-generated data surpasses GPT-4V in embodied tasks, showcasing promising generalization capabilities.

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ContactSDF: Signed Distance Functions as Multi-Contact Models for Dexterous Manipulation

  • Authors: Wen Yang, Wanxin Jin


In this paper, we propose ContactSDF, a method that uses signed distance functions (SDFs) to approximate multi-contact models, including both collision detection and time-stepping routines. ContactSDF first establishes an SDF using the supporting plane representation of an object for collision detection, and then use the generated contact dual cones to build a second SDF for time stepping prediction of the next state. Those two SDFs create a differentiable and closed-form multi-contact dynamic model for state prediction, enabling efficient model learning and optimization for contact-rich manipulation. We perform extensive simulation experiments to show the effectiveness of ContactSDF for model learning and real-time control of dexterous manipulation. We further evaluate the ContactSDF on a hardware Allegro hand for on-palm reorientation tasks. Results show with around 2 minutes of learning on hardware, the ContactSDF achieves high-quality dexterous manipulation at a frequency of 30-60Hz.

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D5RL: Diverse Datasets for Data-Driven Deep Reinforcement Learning

  • Authors: Rafael Rafailov, Kyle Hatch, Anikait Singh, Laura Smith, Aviral Kumar, Ilya Kostrikov, Philippe Hansen-Estruch, Victor Kolev, Philip Ball, Jiajun Wu, Chelsea Finn, Sergey Levine


Offline reinforcement learning algorithms hold the promise of enabling data-driven RL methods that do not require costly or dangerous real-world exploration and benefit from large pre-collected datasets. This in turn can facilitate real-world applications, as well as a more standardized approach to RL research. Furthermore, offline RL methods can provide effective initializations for online finetuning to overcome challenges with exploration. However, evaluating progress on offline RL algorithms requires effective and challenging benchmarks that capture properties of real-world tasks, provide a range of task difficulties, and cover a range of challenges both in terms of the parameters of the domain (e.g., length of the horizon, sparsity of rewards) and the parameters of the data (e.g., narrow demonstration data or broad exploratory data). While considerable progress in offline RL in recent years has been enabled by simpler benchmark tasks, the most widely used datasets are increasingly saturating in performance and may fail to reflect properties of realistic tasks. We propose a new benchmark for offline RL that focuses on realistic simulations of robotic manipulation and locomotion environments, based on models of real-world robotic systems, and comprising a variety of data sources, including scripted data, play-style data collected by human teleoperators, and other data sources. Our proposed benchmark covers state-based and image-based domains, and supports both offline RL and online fine-tuning evaluation, with some of the tasks specifically designed to require both pre-training and fine-tuning. We hope that our proposed benchmark will facilitate further progress on both offline RL and fine-tuning algorithms. Website with code, examples, tasks, and data is available at \url{}

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Autonomous Behavior Planning For Humanoid Loco-manipulation Through Grounded Language Model

  • Authors: Jin Wang, Arturo Laurenzi, Nikos Tsagarakis


Enabling humanoid robots to perform autonomously loco-manipulation in unstructured environments is crucial and highly challenging for achieving embodied intelligence. This involves robots being able to plan their actions and behaviors in long-horizon tasks while using multi-modality to perceive deviations between task execution and high-level planning. Recently, large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated powerful planning and reasoning capabilities for comprehension and processing of semantic information through robot control tasks, as well as the usability of analytical judgment and decision-making for multi-modal inputs. To leverage the power of LLMs towards humanoid loco-manipulation, we propose a novel language-model based framework that enables robots to autonomously plan behaviors and low-level execution under given textual instructions, while observing and correcting failures that may occur during task execution. To systematically evaluate this framework in grounding LLMs, we created the robot 'action' and 'sensing' behavior library for task planning, and conducted mobile manipulation tasks and experiments in both simulated and real environments using the CENTAURO robot, and verified the effectiveness and application of this approach in robotic tasks with autonomous behavioral planning.

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Learning Multi-Modal Whole-Body Control for Real-World Humanoid Robots

  • Authors: Pranay Dugar, Aayam Shrestha, Fangzhou Yu, Bart van Marum, Alan Fern


We introduce the Masked Humanoid Controller (MHC) for whole-body tracking of target trajectories over arbitrary subsets of humanoid state variables. This enables the realization of whole-body motions from diverse sources such as video, motion capture, and VR, while ensuring balance and robustness against disturbances. The MHC is trained in simulation using a carefully designed curriculum that imitates partially masked motions from a library of behaviors spanning pre-trained policy rollouts, optimized reference trajectories, re-targeted video clips, and human motion capture data. We showcase simulation experiments validating the MHC's ability to execute a wide variety of behavior from partially-specified target motions. Moreover, we also highlight sim-to-real transfer as demonstrated by real-world trials on the Digit humanoid robot. To our knowledge, this is the first instance of a learned controller that can realize whole-body control of a real-world humanoid for such diverse multi-modal targets.

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Grasping by Hanging: a Learning-Free Grasping Detection Method for Previously Unseen Objects

  • Authors: Wanze Li, Wan Su, Gregory S. Chirikjian


This paper proposes a novel learning-free three-stage method that predicts grasping poses, enabling robots to pick up and transfer previously unseen objects. Our method first identifies potential structures that can afford the action of hanging by analyzing the hanging mechanics and geometric properties. Then 6D poses are detected for a parallel gripper retrofitted with an extending bar, which when closed forms loops to hook each hangable structure. Finally, an evaluation policy qualities and rank grasp candidates for execution attempts. Compared to the traditional physical model-based and deep learning-based methods, our approach is closer to the human natural action of grasping unknown objects. And it also eliminates the need for a vast amount of training data. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we conducted experiments with a real robot. Experimental results indicate that the grasping accuracy and stability are significantly higher than the state-of-the-art learning-based method, especially for thin and flat objects.

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MuJoCo MPC for Humanoid Control: Evaluation on HumanoidBench

  • Authors: Moritz Meser, Aditya Bhatt, Boris Belousov, Jan Peters


We tackle the recently introduced benchmark for whole-body humanoid control HumanoidBench using MuJoCo MPC. We find that sparse reward functions of HumanoidBench yield undesirable and unrealistic behaviors when optimized; therefore, we propose a set of regularization terms that stabilize the robot behavior across tasks. Current evaluations on a subset of tasks demonstrate that our proposed reward function allows achieving the highest HumanoidBench scores while maintaining realistic posture and smooth control signals. Our code is publicly available and will become a part of MuJoCo MPC, enabling rapid prototyping of robot behaviors.

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Berkeley Humanoid: A Research Platform for Learning-based Control

  • Authors: Qiayuan Liao, Bike Zhang, Xuanyu Huang, Xiaoyu Huang, Zhongyu Li, Koushil Sreenath


We introduce Berkeley Humanoid, a reliable and low-cost mid-scale humanoid research platform for learning-based control. Our lightweight, in-house-built robot is designed specifically for learning algorithms with low simulation complexity, anthropomorphic motion, and high reliability against falls. The robot's narrow sim-to-real gap enables agile and robust locomotion across various terrains in outdoor environments, achieved with a simple reinforcement learning controller using light domain randomization. Furthermore, we demonstrate the robot traversing for hundreds of meters, walking on a steep unpaved trail, and hopping with single and double legs as a testimony to its high performance in dynamical walking. Capable of omnidirectional locomotion and withstanding large perturbations with a compact setup, our system aims for scalable, sim-to-real deployment of learning-based humanoid systems. Please check this http URL for more details.

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DexGANGrasp: Dexterous Generative Adversarial Grasping Synthesis for Task-Oriented Manipulation

  • Authors: Qian Feng, David S. Martinez Lema, Mohammadhossein Malmir, Hang Li, Jianxiang Feng, Zhaopeng Chen, Alois Knoll


We introduce DexGanGrasp, a dexterous grasping synthesis method that generates and evaluates grasps with single view in real time. DexGanGrasp comprises a Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGANs)-based DexGenerator to generate dexterous grasps and a discriminator-like DexEvalautor to assess the stability of these grasps. Extensive simulation and real-world expriments showcases the effectiveness of our proposed method, outperforming the baseline FFHNet with an 18.57% higher success rate in real-world evaluation. We further extend DexGanGrasp to DexAfford-Prompt, an open-vocabulary affordance grounding pipeline for dexterous grasping leveraging Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) and Vision Language Models (VLMs), to achieve task-oriented grasping with successful real-world deployments.

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Cross Anything: General Quadruped Robot Navigation through Complex Terrains

  • Authors: Shaoting Zhu, Derun Li, Yong Liu, Ningyi Xu, Hang Zhao


The application of vision-language models (VLMs) has achieved impressive success in various robotics tasks, but there are few explorations for foundation models used in quadruped robot navigation. We introduce Cross Anything System (CAS), an innovative system composed of a high-level reasoning module and a low-level control policy, enabling the robot to navigate across complex 3D terrains and reach the goal position. For high-level reasoning and motion planning, we propose a novel algorithmic system taking advantage of a VLM, with a design of task decomposition and a closed-loop sub-task execution mechanism. For low-level locomotion control, we utilize the Probability Annealing Selection (PAS) method to train a control policy by reinforcement learning. Numerous experiments show that our whole system can accurately and robustly navigate across complex 3D terrains, and its strong generalization ability ensures the applications in diverse indoor and outdoor scenarios and terrains. Project page: this https URL

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From Imitation to Refinement -- Residual RL for Precise Visual Assembly

  • Authors: Lars Ankile, Anthony Simeonov, Idan Shenfeld, Marcel Torne, Pulkit Agrawal


Behavior cloning (BC) currently stands as a dominant paradigm for learning real-world visual manipulation. However, in tasks that require locally corrective behaviors like multi-part assembly, learning robust policies purely from human demonstrations remains challenging. Reinforcement learning (RL) can mitigate these limitations by allowing policies to acquire locally corrective behaviors through task reward supervision and exploration. This paper explores the use of RL fine-tuning to improve upon BC-trained policies in precise manipulation tasks. We analyze and overcome technical challenges associated with using RL to directly train policy networks that incorporate modern architectural components like diffusion models and action chunking. We propose training residual policies on top of frozen BC-trained diffusion models using standard policy gradient methods and sparse rewards, an approach we call ResiP (Residual for Precise manipulation). Our experimental results demonstrate that this residual learning framework can significantly improve success rates beyond the base BC-trained models in high-precision assembly tasks by learning corrective actions. We also show that by combining ResiP with teacher-student distillation and visual domain randomization, our method can enable learning real-world policies for robotic assembly directly from RGB images. Find videos and code at \url{this https URL}.

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A Simulation Benchmark for Autonomous Racing with Large-Scale Human Data

  • Authors: Adrian Remonda, Nicklas Hansen, Ayoub Raji, Nicola Musiu, Marko Bertogna, Eduardo Veas, Xiaolong Wang


Despite the availability of international prize-money competitions, scaled vehicles, and simulation environments, research on autonomous racing and the control of sports cars operating close to the limit of handling has been limited by the high costs of vehicle acquisition and management, as well as the limited physics accuracy of open-source simulators. In this paper, we propose a racing simulation platform based on the simulator Assetto Corsa to test, validate, and benchmark autonomous driving algorithms, including reinforcement learning (RL) and classical Model Predictive Control (MPC), in realistic and challenging scenarios. Our contributions include the development of this simulation platform, several state-of-the-art algorithms tailored to the racing environment, and a comprehensive dataset collected from human drivers. Additionally, we evaluate algorithms in the offline RL setting. All the necessary code (including environment and benchmarks), working examples, datasets, and videos are publicly released and can be found at: this https URL

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GET-Zero: Graph Embodiment Transformer for Zero-shot Embodiment Generalization

  • Authors: Austin Patel, Shuran Song


This paper introduces GET-Zero, a model architecture and training procedure for learning an embodiment-aware control policy that can immediately adapt to new hardware changes without retraining. To do so, we present Graph Embodiment Transformer (GET), a transformer model that leverages the embodiment graph connectivity as a learned structural bias in the attention mechanism. We use behavior cloning to distill demonstration data from embodiment-specific expert policies into an embodiment-aware GET model that conditions on the hardware configuration of the robot to make cont