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Call for Contribution

If you have expertise to share or find something wrong on the website, please don't hesitate to contribute! Currently, we are looking for contributions that enrich information and snippets concerning:

  • Gazebo, CoppeliaSim
  • Soft body and fluid simulators
  • Differentiable simulators
  • Handy toolkits
  • Related work

Contribute to This Website

To contribute to this website, we provide two ways:

  • via an Issue
  • via a Pull Request

Contribute via an Issue

If you want to add or fix something, feel free to open up an issue, and we will handle it ASAP.

If you want to edit the content in person, you can fork the latest version, submit your modification, and use a pull request to merge. When you are editing the project on your device, here are some instructions for you.

Modifications for our websites take place in the dev branch, which will be used to update the main branch periodically. Also, you can share your supplementary code and assets on thecode and link them on the website.

Hand-On Docusaurus Locally

The project is built with Docusaurus, a static website generator for documentations. You need to follow this page to install it on your device, and also follow this tutorial to know how to write the documents.

Check Your Contribution

After modifying the code, remember to use npm run build to check the compilation, and use npm run start to check the compiled website. Once you think your modification is ready, you can commit your code.

Merge Your Code

After committing your code to your forked repo, you can start a pull request for merging it into our repo. Note that all the changes on the website should be merged into the dev branch first. For supplementary codes and assets, you can merge the commit into the code branch.