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Filter and Smoothing

Filters are indispensable in the field of robotics, enabling robots to interpret their environment and respond appropriately.

One of the most prevalent filters in signal processing is the Low-Pass Filter (LPF). These filters are designed to permit the passage of signals with frequencies below a specified threshold and to diminish the impact of higher frequencies, which are typically regarded as undesirable noise.

Low-pass filters hold significant value in the realm of robotics for several reasons:

  • Enhancing Sensor Readings: Given that a multitude of sensors are susceptible to signal disruption, LPFs are adept at refining the data, resulting in enhanced precision.
  • Stabilizing Signal Processing: By mitigating abrupt fluctuations in control signals, LPFs contribute to the seamless operation of robotic components like motors and actuators.
  • Noise Mitigation: LPFs are effective in curbing high-frequency disruptions originating from multiple sources, including electrical disturbances.

Python Code for Discrete Low-Pass Filtering

Here is a straightforward Python code snippet that demonstrates the implementation of a discrete low-pass filter, commonly utilized in robotics to enhance the quality of sensor readings.

import numpy as np

class LowPassFilter:
def __init__(self, control_freq, cutoff_freq):
dt = 1 / control_freq
wc = 2 * np.pi * cutoff_freq
temp = 1 - np.cos(wc * dt)
self.alpha = -temp + np.sqrt(temp ** 2 + 2 * temp)
self.y = 0
self.initialized = False

def apply(self, x):
if not self.initialized:
self.y += self.alpha * (x - self.y)
return self.y

def init(self, initial_value):
self.y = initial_value
self.initialized = True

This code presents a simple yet effective approach to applying a first-order discrete low-pass filter, which operates similarly to an exponential smoothing mechanism due to its straightforward computational structure.

In addition to the custom implementation, the scipy library provides facilities to achieve similar results. The following function demonstrates how to apply a low-pass filter to a series of signals, smoothing the input data effectively.

import numpy as np
from scipy import signal

def smooth_signal_sequence(signal_sequence: np.ndarray, cutoff_freq=5, sample_rate=25):
sos = signal.butter(2, cutoff_freq, 'low', fs=sample_rate, output='sos')
dimensions = signal_sequence.shape
if len(dimensions) < 2:
raise ValueError(f"Expected a 2D or 3D array, received shape: {dimensions}")

smoothed_sequence = np.empty_like(signal_sequence)
if len(dimensions) == 3:
for joint_index in range(dimensions[1]):
for axis_index in range(dimensions[2]):
smoothed_sequence[:, joint_index, axis_index] = signal.sosfilt(sos, signal_sequence[:, joint_index, axis_index])
elif len(dimensions) == 2:
for joint_index in range(dimensions[1]):
smoothed_sequence[:, joint_index] = signal.sosfilt(sos, signal_sequence[:, joint_index])

return smoothed_sequence