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Toolkits for mesh processing

Basic Processing Code with trimesh

import trimesh

# Load a mesh from OBJ file
mesh = trimesh.load('path_to_mesh.obj')

# Translate mesh to its centroid

# Scale the mesh (1 unit here)
scale_factor = 1.0 / mesh.bounding_box.extents.max()

# save the new mesh to OBJ file

Point Cloud to Mesh and Mesh to Point Cloud

import trimesh

# Convert a point cloud array to mesh trimesh object
point_cloud = trimesh.PointCloud(point_cloud_array)

# Save point cloud to a PLY file or OBJ file

Merge Multiple Meshes to a Single Mesh

Merge multiple meshes into a single mesh, and save the merged mesh to an OBJ file.

def combine_meshes(input_files, output_file):
Combine multiple .obj mesh files into a single file.

- input_files (list of str): List of input file paths.
- output_file (str): Output file path.
vertices_list = []
faces_list = []
last_vertex_index = 0

for file_name in input_files:
with open(file_name, "r") as f:
vertices = []
faces = []
for line in f:
parts = line.strip().split()
if len(parts) == 0:
if parts[0] == "v":
vertices.append(list(map(float, parts[1:])))
elif parts[0] == "f":
# Update the vertex indices in face definitions
updated_face = [str(int(p.split('/')[0]) + last_vertex_index) for p in parts[1:]]

last_vertex_index += len(vertices)

# Save combined mesh to output file
with open(output_file, "w") as f:
# Write vertices
for vertex in vertices_list:
f.write("v " + " ".join(map(str, vertex)) + "\n")

# Write faces
for face in faces_list:
f.write("f " + " ".join(map(str, face)) + "\n")

Extracting Features from Mesh

import trimesh

# Load a mesh from OBJ file
mesh = trimesh.load('path_to_mesh.obj')

# Compute vertex normals
vertex_normals = mesh.vertex_normals

# Compute face normals
face_normals = mesh.face_normals

# Compute curvature
curvature = trimesh.curvature.discrete_mean_curvature_measure(mesh, mesh.vertices)

Compute Mesh Normal from Vertices

import numpy as np

def compute_smooth_shading_normal_np(vertices, indices):
Compute the vertex normal from vertices and triangles with numpy
vertices: (n, 3) to represent vertices position
indices: (m, 3) to represent the triangles, should be in counter-clockwise order to compute normal outwards
(n, 3) vertex normal

v1 = vertices[indices[:, 0]]
v2 = vertices[indices[:, 1]]
v3 = vertices[indices[:, 2]]
face_normal = np.cross(v2 - v1, v3 - v1) # (n, 3) normal without normalization to 1

vertex_normal = np.zeros_like(vertices)
vertex_normal[indices[:, 0]] += face_normal
vertex_normal[indices[:, 1]] += face_normal
vertex_normal[indices[:, 2]] += face_normal
vertex_normal /= np.linalg.norm(vertex_normal, axis=1, keepdims=True)
return vertex_normal

SDF to Mesh and Mesh to SDF

import numpy as np
import skimage
import torch
import trimesh

## Mesh-SDF bi-converter based on trimesh and nvidia kaolin
class MeshSDF:
## bound_scale / voxel_resolution = spacing
def __init__(self, spacing=0.01875, level=0.001, resolution=64):
self._spacing = spacing
self._resolution = resolution
self._upper = spacing * resolution
self._level = level

def sdf_to_mesh(self, sdf):
assert sdf.shape == (self._resolution, self._resolution, self._resolution)
spacing = (self._spacing, self._spacing, self._spacing)
vertices, faces, normals, _ = skimage.measure.marching_cubes(sdf, level=self._level, spacing=spacing)
mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices, faces)
return mesh

def mesh_to_sdf(self, mesh):
def to_tensor(data, device='cuda'):
if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor):
return data
elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
return torch.from_numpy(data, device=device)
raise NotImplementedError()

class KaolinMeshModel():
def __init__(self, store_meshes=None, device="cuda"):
`store_meshes` Optional, `list` of `Mesh`.
self.device = device
if store_meshes is not None:

def update_meshes(self, meshes):
if meshes is not None:
self.object_mesh_list = []
self.object_verts_list = []
self.object_faces_list = []
self.object_face_verts_list = []
for mesh in meshes:
self.object_face_verts_list.append(index_vertices_by_faces(self.object_verts_list[-1].unsqueeze(0), self.object_faces_list[-1]))
self.num_meshes = len(meshes)

def mesh_points_sd(self, mesh_idx, points):
Compute the signed distance of a specified point cloud (`points`) to a mesh (specified by `mesh_idx`).

`mesh_idx`: Target mesh index in stored.
`points`: Either `list`(B) of `ndarrays`(N x 3) or `Tensor` (B x N x 3).

`signed_distance`: `Tensor`(B x N)
points = to_tensor(points)
verts = self.object_verts_list[mesh_idx].clone().unsqueeze(0).tile((points.shape[0], 1, 1))
faces = self.object_faces_list[mesh_idx].clone()
face_verts = self.object_face_verts_list[mesh_idx]

signs = check_sign(verts, faces, points)
dis, _, _ = point_to_mesh_distance(points, face_verts) # Note: The calculated distance is the squared euclidean distance.
dis = torch.sqrt(dis)
return torch.where(signs, -dis, dis)

voxel_resolution = 64
device = 'cuda'

xs = np.linspace(0., self._spacing * (self._resolution - 1), self._resolution)
ys = np.linspace(0., self._spacing * (self._resolution - 1), self._resolution)
zs = np.linspace(0., self._spacing * (self._resolution - 1), self._resolution)
xx, yy, zz = np.meshgrid(xs, ys, zs, indexing='ij')

points = torch.tensor(np.vstack([xx.ravel(), yy.ravel(), zz.ravel()]).T, dtype=torch.float32).cuda()

obj_meshes = []
kl = KaolinMeshModel(store_meshes=obj_meshes, device=device)
sdf = kl.mesh_points_sd(0, points.unsqueeze(0).contiguous())
sdf = sdf.reshape((voxel_resolution, voxel_resolution, voxel_resolution)).detach().cpu().numpy()

return sdf